DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, January 21, 2008
94 Year Old Tennessee Man Killed, Has Hand Cut Off
MORRISTOWN, Tennessee A 94-year-old man was found fatally beaten early Monday in a thicket of bushes, his left hand cut off, and three people were arrested in what might have been a botched robbery, authorities said.
The Word Of The Year Is...
w00t. This hybrid of letters and numbers used by gamers as an exclamation of happiness or triumph best sums up the year that was 2007, according to Merriam-Webster, and is an ideal choice because it blends whimsy and new technology. "It shows a really interesting thing that's going on in language. It's a term that's arrived only because we're now communicating electronically with each other," John Morse, president of Merriam-Webster told The Associated Press.
In case you're wondering, you say (or type) "w00t" to express joy--either after a triumph or for no reason at all. It's quite similar to yelling out "yes!" Hardcore online gamers, who often substitute numbers and symbols for the letters they resemble, invented it and are no doubt yelling "w00t!" since this was named the word of the year. The word was also used in the 1990 movie "Pretty Woman" when hooker Julia Roberts startles her date and the upper crust crowd he hangs out with when she yells a hearty "Woot! Woot! Woot!" at a polo match.
Merriam-Webster's top 10 words of the year were chosen based on the frequency of searches in the online dictionary and the most frequently submitted items from users of its "open dictionary." In 2006, the top pick was "truthiness." Coined by Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" in October 2005, it means "truth that comes from the gut, not books." A few months later, the American Dialect Society gave it this definition: "The quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true." It's an unabashed dig at President Bush.
Top 10 Words of the Year, 2007:
1. W00t: An interjection that expresses joy, perhaps after a triumph or even for no reason at all.
2. Facebook: A social networking Web site. It can be used as a verb to mean uploading information to the site, as in "Have you facebooked those photos from the party?"
3. Conundrum: A question or problem having only a conjectural answer; an intricate and difficult problem.
4. Quixotic: Foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action.
5. Blamestorm: Gathering in a group to discuss why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who is to blame or is responsible.
6. Sardoodledom: A mechanically contrived plot structure and stereotyped or unrealistic characterization in drama; staginess or melodrama.
7. Apathetic: Having or showing little or no feeling or emotion; spiritless or having little or no interest or concern; indifferent.
8. Pecksniffian: Unctuously hypocritical; pharisaical. It comes from the name of a character, Seth Pecksniff, in the novel "Martin Chuzzlewit" by Charles Dickens.
9. Hypocrite: A person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion; a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.
10. Charlatan: Quack; one making usually showy pretenses to knowledge or ability; fraud or faker.
In case you're wondering, you say (or type) "w00t" to express joy--either after a triumph or for no reason at all. It's quite similar to yelling out "yes!" Hardcore online gamers, who often substitute numbers and symbols for the letters they resemble, invented it and are no doubt yelling "w00t!" since this was named the word of the year. The word was also used in the 1990 movie "Pretty Woman" when hooker Julia Roberts startles her date and the upper crust crowd he hangs out with when she yells a hearty "Woot! Woot! Woot!" at a polo match.
Merriam-Webster's top 10 words of the year were chosen based on the frequency of searches in the online dictionary and the most frequently submitted items from users of its "open dictionary." In 2006, the top pick was "truthiness." Coined by Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" in October 2005, it means "truth that comes from the gut, not books." A few months later, the American Dialect Society gave it this definition: "The quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true." It's an unabashed dig at President Bush.
Top 10 Words of the Year, 2007:
1. W00t: An interjection that expresses joy, perhaps after a triumph or even for no reason at all.
2. Facebook: A social networking Web site. It can be used as a verb to mean uploading information to the site, as in "Have you facebooked those photos from the party?"
3. Conundrum: A question or problem having only a conjectural answer; an intricate and difficult problem.
4. Quixotic: Foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals; marked by rash lofty romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action.
5. Blamestorm: Gathering in a group to discuss why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who is to blame or is responsible.
6. Sardoodledom: A mechanically contrived plot structure and stereotyped or unrealistic characterization in drama; staginess or melodrama.
7. Apathetic: Having or showing little or no feeling or emotion; spiritless or having little or no interest or concern; indifferent.
8. Pecksniffian: Unctuously hypocritical; pharisaical. It comes from the name of a character, Seth Pecksniff, in the novel "Martin Chuzzlewit" by Charles Dickens.
9. Hypocrite: A person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion; a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.
10. Charlatan: Quack; one making usually showy pretenses to knowledge or ability; fraud or faker.
Realtor President Can’t Sell His Own Home For 2-Years But They Are Asking The Public to Trust Them To Sell Yours?

If the former President of the National Association of Realtors cannot sell his own home in 2-years, what makes you think a rank and file member can sell your home?
Whats wrong with this picture is people think that their home is an investment with an ATM slot rather than a place to live.
The Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia used to be very popular because it was known as ‘The Land of Pleasant Living’ with really good deals on affordable real estate. Greed changed that between 2001 to 2006 when property values rose 400% to 500% and more in many places.
10-years ago I was accused of “price gouging” by local realtors for selling lots in Captains Cove on something called the Internet for $5,000 for a wooded lot up to a whopping $22,500.00 for a waterfront lot because the realtors were getting maybe 40% of those amounts due to their stone age marketing methods. Those properties peaked with increase over 1,200% (Twelve hunded percent) and have fallen to prices in the $30,000 to $250,000 range which is now ‘un-realistically low’ to quote some of the same “experts” who were last to get with innovation and will be the last to get off this sinking housing market ship.
The NAR (National Association of Realtors) like rust never sleeps with its propaganda machine that churns out BS as fast as Wisconsin cows produce milk. The NAR is protecting the broken system they have rammed down the collective throats of the American public that is broken and never really worked… the list, hold and defend a price method.
Here is a link to the latest from the arsenal of realtors in their relentless assault against the pocketbooks of the American public: http://www.housingmarketfacts.com/
The NAR is out to protect it’s members and their stranglehold on the $40 TRILLION dollar per year real estate market.
Talk about a broken method of marketing the former President of the NAR has been unable to sell his own home since 2006 because it is overpriced and he refuses to deal with reality of free market pricing.
Here is a link to a website that tracks property values in his area showing property values are down about 47% yet realtors are still selling a pack of lies to the American public about their broken method: http://novabubblefallout.blogspot.com/
Money is power and the NAR has a small army who lobby all 50 States and on the hill to write laws so that consumers must use their members. In doing so over the past 50-years they have created an illegal monopoly that requires one to bow down and kiss the ring of the almighty realtors association or you do not have access to the sacred database of the MLS.
The American public in recent surveys has rated realtors as the “profession” held in lowest regard and the average person thinks the plaid suited used car salesman of the 1970’s has more ethics than a modern realtor. It’s not just me who does not think very highly of the organization that people who want to sell real estate are FORCED to join.
Did you know that its illegal in most states for a real estate agent to tell you what the amount of the last bid or offer on a house was? Did you know that its illegal to tell a prospective buyer WHY someone is selling their home?
If you deal with a realtor you can look forward to ’secret negotiations’ with one-on-one haggling using 30 to 50 page contracts, subject to and contingent upon this, that or the otehr thing. The laws passed by the NAR to “help” consumers have taken an easy task of choosing something you like or can afford into a major negotiation process.
This is in a society that really does not know how to negotiate, for instance when was the last time you asked for a discount on milk or bread at the supermarket?
A free market allows the people with the money who want to buy a product or service to set the price, the stock exchanges for businesses, the commodity exchanges for fuel, metal, meat and the like yet real estate which transacts about $40 Trillion dollars per year in the US is a kluge of one off, back room private negotiations.
The US Real estate market is controlled by the largest trade organization in the world the NAR which is sometimes called the Chicago real estate mob because of its headquarters location. The United States Dept of Justice has been prosecuting this group for years here is a link to its open cases: http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/cases/nar.htm
Dynamic pricing or auctioneering is the wave of the future!
How would you like to bid on property where everything has been disclosed in advance, home inspection reports, seller disclosures, termite reports, survey, appraisal etc and all you have to do is get prequalified and bid what you are willing to pay?
Simple - open - easy & transparent
As Posted on http://www.pocomoketattler.com/?p=222
A Good Question Worth Answering
"Joe as a avid reader of your blog I have somewhere missed why you have such an issue with certain fire departments. Now with Salisbury FD I can understand to some extent because they have two idiots running that place, but not everyone that works there are bad people and all these posts you get from firefighters are probably the same ones every time and you are smart enough to know that.
As far as Hebron goes do you dislike them because of that accident in which one person in that fire department made a mistake. Granted there are other issues within that FD but you can't hold it against everyone there, there are truly people who care about the community and want to help and have no choice but to deal with the people that have been running the company for years, it takes a long time to throw over all those people.
Then there is Delmar the town in which you yourself live in, I know that Wayne Barrall can be a little difficult, but then again why take it out on the whole department. I myself am a volunteer in one of these little towns that really gets no real mention because we don't have enough calls to be worth mentioning we get our moment of glory sometimes. But if I am totally off base with my reasons please let me know maybe for all of us that enjoy your blog most of time you can write a little something up for us explaining what the deal is with all this negativity."
I think your question is very fair. We'll start with Salisbury. I have an issue with a select few Fire Fighters there as well as a select few leaders. I have the utmost respect for the majority of professional there and they know it. The ones that don't, they're the ones that need to be removed, (IMO) and ultimately will be weeded out over time anyway. Right now the SFD is extremely desperate because they are relocating and no one really wants to go there.
The funny part about many of those people who hate the idea of relocating to the new Station are actually going there because it's against what Joe Albero believes. ROTFLMAO! So the ONLY ones that will suffer is them. Now that to me is extremely funny!
If you look closely at the photo above, why do you think there is one group standing in one area and a single individual Fire Fighter alone and away fromm that crowd? I have more from that same day where they were seperated in each and every photo. Yeah, I have some REAL issues with Salisbury.
As for Hebron, YES, I have a major issue with the accident that is still being COVERED UP. A woman lost her life over the stupidity of one, yet that driver has a track record and reputation of driving like a nut job and nothing was done about it. Then there's the wanna be Chief. You remember, the guy who claimed he was the Chief and he LIED. The rumors of the alleged drinking and showing up to fires is yet another problem I have with that Station. Once again, many are punished for a select few.
As for Delmar, the only person I have a problem with there is Wayne Barrall. However, Wayne is everywhere, including the Western Shore. Wayne's Idiotic view of the "N" Word clearly shows just how ignorant that pansy ass is. I have yet to meet a single bad person from Delmar other than Wayne. They have ALWAYS been professional and I have only questioned why there are so many Fire Departments at small fires that to me seem to be overkill.
The excuse that comes back is that, (more or less) that's the Industry Standard to over do it at each and every fire, JUST IN CASE.
Now, does that reflect on Delmar? Nope, it reflects on everyone. I disagree with things like going all the way to Cambridge and three Fire Departments for an 800 sq. ft. home with a small kitchen fire, DON'T YOU??????
All that being said, do I respect what these people do? Absolutely. I have stated what I disagree with and when you think deep enough about it, it's MY OPINION. The idea that a select group of Fire Fighters are so worried and concerned about Joe Albero's opinion, well, maybe I should be running the entire Eastern Shore and everyone should do as Joe Albero says? You know, a mini Joe God. LOL
Come on now. These people need to get a grip and realize that this is a Blog and it is opinionated by me. That being said, YOU have the right to your opinion as well and I welcome that. I have proven that when Fire Fighters speak, I publish it, even if their comments are nasty. I don't like the idea of a Fire Boat for $400,000.00 or $800,000.00. If you don't like the fact that I disagree, those people shouldn't return, right? Instead, they come on here as if what I say is the final decision. It's an opinion.
This goes for See, Gordy, Barrie Tilghman & Chief Webster. IT'S MY OPINION! At the end of the day, don't you think Webster, Tilghman, Gordy & See goes home and says, boy, that Albero is a real a$$hole! Should I sue them for that, like some of them are attempting to do to me? NO! They have the right to their opinion and that's just something I'll have to live with.
So my advice is, roll it off your back. If you don't like what I have to say, don't return. If it offends you, don't return. Heck, if it bothers you that bad, start your own Blog and see if people are willing to listen.
My guess is that there are a hand full of people in each Station that have a problem with me. There are a hand full of bad apples in any business their size. It comes with the territory, as they say. In the mean time, I respect every Fire Fighter out there, just as I do the Police. I do NOT respect, (nor do I have to) the leaders locally, especially in Salisbury and Hebron.
So Sue Me!
GoodFella's Opens In Pittsville
With all the talk about this new business opening up I thought I'd go there and check it out. I must say, compared to the other Mexican Food business that was there before these guys, the place is much cleaner and bright.
However, what stands out the most about this business is, IT'S COLD! They have a fireplace in the middle of the restaurant but it's nowhere near good enough to keep the place warm. If I were in there today I'd have to ask for my meal to go and eat it in the car where it would be much warmer.
The pricing seemed to be normal and so did the portions. I had a Steak & Cheese Sub. Rather than ordering the regular size, I watched two of my friends order theirs regular, so I ordered the large to see how much extra meat I'd get. NOT! Didn't happen. What I got for the extra money was a lot of bread at the ends of my roll. So bigger is NOT better in GoodFella's. The Fries were bitchin!
At one point when I looked into the cup I had ordered with soda in it I could clearly see a hair in my soda, YUK! These things happen and they immediately brought me a new soda and by the way, they have free refills.
The Sub was OK. I was hoping this would be a place where I'd be saying, man, these subs are LOADED. Just wasn't the case. I think it's a fine place to eat and a fantastic option over Dave White's Pittsville Grease Pit Diner.
I will go back to GoodFella's again and try something more Italian the next go around and let you know what I think. They also need to do something with their parking lot. They need to mark the parking spots because once more people realize they've finally opened they're going to get busy and the parking is going to be a problem.
W A N T E D!
While the Forum was starting to come to a close, I happened to see a friend and we walked outside the building to chat for a few minutes. Out of nowhere came a guy who very aggressively was going from one Andy Harris Campaign Sign to the other ripping them out of the ground and hurrying to the next as he want towards the Parking Lot.
I started following the guy because he just wasn't acting right and his Wife was 10 steps ahead of him while he played this game. He rushed to his mini van and threw the signs in the back and took off.
Perhaps the Congressman's Office should call the Harris Office before Andy Harris is able to track back the tag number on this vehicle and see just who's Campaign this guy is working for.
Do note that I most definitely asked the Harris Campaign if this was one of their people, (just in case). They have an idea of who it is but that person does NOT work for the Harris Camp.
My Impression Of The Daily Times
Robert Joseph Banks
Wayne Gilchrest
Steve Harper
Frank Kratovil
Andy Harris
Christopher Robinson
Joe Werner
Although this is meant to be humorous against The Daily Times, the Candidates in order can be seen with their name tag in front of them. There were two seats empty and what I'd like to make very clear to everyone is, the Narrator kept asking if ANYONE knew where these two were. That being said, their Camps did NOT inform the League of Women Voters that they would NOT be attending. To me, that's rude, unprofessional and clearly shows what YOU can expect from these Candidates.
Now if they had contacted them ahead of time and given the excuses they delivered AFTER the Forum was over, I'd respect that. IMO, screw those two for not calling in advance.
One Year Ago Today
It was one year ago today the SPD apprehended this gentleman for spitting in a parking lot. Because the Officers Radio kept breaking up, the SPD thought the Officer was in trouble so they came in from everywhere to back one of their own up.
The Judge dropped the case just a few short weeks ago during a Jury Trial.
SPD "Keepin It Real"
On January 16, 2008 at approximately 11:43 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department responded to the Thrift Travel Inn Motel in an attempt to locate a subject wanted on an outstanding warrant. As the officers checked for the wanted subject, the officers encountered the three (3) below listed subjects, who were found to be in possession of suspected crack/cocaine and smoking devices. In addition, suspect # 1 was found to be involved in an act of prostitution.
Nicole Marie Miller, 30 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
Maintaining a common nuisance
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
Julie Roseanna Bare, 26 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
ARRESTED: Gloria Louring Hankerson, 36 years of age Eden, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800001804
On January 16, 2008 at approximately 8:34 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to the one thousand block of Arthur Court for the report of an attempted armed robbery. Upon arrival, the officers met with the victim who advised that she had exited her vehicle in the parking lot of the apartment complex, and was walking toward her residence when she was approached by a single suspect. The suspect produced a handgun and demanded her pocketbook. When the victim resisted, the suspect struck the victim one time and fled from the area on foot. The victim received a minor injury however did not request medical attention. The victim described the suspect as:
African American male, 15 to 20 years of age, approximately 5’-08”, 130 pounds, wearing a black ski mask, black hooded sweat shirt, black pants and black tennis shoes.
If anyone has any information regarding this incident, they are asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at 410-548-3165 or to contact Crime Solvers.
CC # 200800001862
Nicole Marie Miller, 30 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
Maintaining a common nuisance
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
Julie Roseanna Bare, 26 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
ARRESTED: Gloria Louring Hankerson, 36 years of age Eden, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Possession of CDS/paraphernalia
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800001804
On January 16, 2008 at approximately 8:34 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to the one thousand block of Arthur Court for the report of an attempted armed robbery. Upon arrival, the officers met with the victim who advised that she had exited her vehicle in the parking lot of the apartment complex, and was walking toward her residence when she was approached by a single suspect. The suspect produced a handgun and demanded her pocketbook. When the victim resisted, the suspect struck the victim one time and fled from the area on foot. The victim received a minor injury however did not request medical attention. The victim described the suspect as:
African American male, 15 to 20 years of age, approximately 5’-08”, 130 pounds, wearing a black ski mask, black hooded sweat shirt, black pants and black tennis shoes.
If anyone has any information regarding this incident, they are asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at 410-548-3165 or to contact Crime Solvers.
CC # 200800001862
Congresional Candidate Andy Harris Reaches Out
Only 22 days until the election. Tuesday is the last day you can register to vote in the Primary so make sure to go by the Board of Elections to register.
As I have been talking to families throughout the district recently, they tell me how worried they are about making ends meet. Families are wondering how they will pay bills and if they will still have their jobs months from now. They are wondering if they will be able to provide the economic blessings for their children, that they have experienced all these years. The truth is our nation's economy is feeling major strains and could take a major downturn in our elected officials do not take action. The Eastern Shore knows better than most around our nation and our state, the issues facing our economy. Jobs have slowly but steadily left the Eastern Shore and the result has been rising unemployment.
We need elected officials who understand how the economy works and how we can improve the economic livelihood of every American. Right now, our elected officials are discussing giving each person a $400, $800, or even $1200 rebate. If our elected officials want to truly help the economy, they will cut taxes for future years instead of only giving people part of their money back one time which would be the case with these rebates.
As your congressman, I will take a few specific steps to improve our economy.
First, I believe our nation must immediately cut taxes to stimulate the economy. Throughout our history, tax cuts have stimulated the economy and I believe they will work right now as well.
Second, I will help eliminate wasteful government spending, so we are able to give more money back to the taxpayers. The government wastes billions of dollars a year and it is time to reduce the size of government.
Third, I will work to help to recruit businesses to the wonderful Eastern Shore. Workers on the Shore possess some of the best skills and are some of the hardest workers in our nation. Companies will flock to the Eastern Shore when a congressman is able to help point out the great benefits companies will receive by coming to the Shore.
Don't forget to keep checking the website for updates. www.andyharris.com
God Bless,
The League Of Women Voters Forum
Sunday afternoon, a forum was held by the League of Women Voters at Chesapeake College between all of the first congressional district candidates. One key player was not present - EJ Pipkin. A place was left for him in front of the room and the moderator continuously asked if Pipkin had arrived, but he never came. Apparently Pipkin had better things to do then show up at the forum to discuss with voters the issues important to the district.
The forum drew a standing room only crowd. Four Democrats and three Republicans participated in the debate. All of the candidates were very friendly and cordial. The only fireworks came from a woman who attacked Senator Harris during the Q&A time. She asked him if he was proud to accept money from Eagle Forum and the Club for Growth. Andy Harris emphatically said he was proud of the endorsement of those two conservative groups. The woman in the crowd had to be hushed by the moderator 4 times so that Senator Harris could finish his response. He said he was proud that conservative groups have recognized his commitment to conservative principles such as smaller government, less wasteful government spending, lower taxes, and traditional family values.
The only attack of the afternoon came from Robert Banks, a lesser known Republican candidate who does not even live in the first district, who attacked Gilchrest as a liberal in his closing statement.
In his closing statement, Andy Harris emphasized the need for economic stimulus, lower taxes, less wasteful government spending, ending illegal immigration, winning the War on Terror, a return to traditional family values like marriage as between a man and a woman and pro-life policies, and his commitment to defending the 2nd Amendment. During his closing, Andy also mentioned all of the endorsements he has received from Governor Ehrlich, Senators Rich Colburn and Stotzfus, and num erous other elected officials and conservative organizations like Gun Owners of America.
In his closing statements, Gilchrest emphasized different issues than those normally addressed in a Republican primary. He spoke on public education, the environment and the threat of global warming, and need for using diplomacy with Iran and Syria.
The Democratic candidates did very little to distinguish themselves from each other. Each tried to prove they were more liberal whether wanting immediate withdraw of our troops from Iraq, universal government run healthcare, or even radical environmentalism. Each candidate emphasized the need for change and that it was time for the district to elect a Democrat. The only problem those candidates have is that this is a safe Republican district that would require an act of God for a Democrat to win.
Overall, the afternoon was most interesting for the congenial interaction between the candidates.
HB-125: Revenue Cap Eradication Act of 2008
If you live in Wicomico County and want to keep the revenue cap in place, you need to so some work! HB-125, sponsored by Del. Sheila Hixson (D-20) of Montgomery County and Del. Maggie McIntosh (D-43) of Baltimore, will permit a charter county (like Wicomico) to:
I am someone who has opposed the revenue cap, on principle, from the start. However, this is not the way to go! Until the voters of Wicomico County see fit to amend the charter and rescind the cap, we're stuck with it. Until the office of the County Executive sees fit to stop embracing state tax increases and advocating the purchase of land for parks which the county can't afford, even an opponent of the cap (such as myself) could not see fit to support the removal of the revenue cap.
There are few things that you can do:
1. Contact your legislators and demand that they vote against HB-125 (or any similar bill) both on the floor and in committee (if applicable):
Sen. Richard F. Colburn (R-37)
Sen. J. Lowell Stoltzfus (R-38)
Del. Page Elmore (R-38A)
Del. Norman Conway (D-38B)
Del. Jim Mathias (D-38B)
Del. Rudy Cane (D-37A)
Del. Addy Eckardt (R-37B)
Del. Jeannie Haddaway (R-37B)
The link for each members name will take you to a page with their contact information.
2. Contact each member of the Wicomico County Council and request that a resolution be passed to send a letter to each member of the County's delegation in the Legislature as well as to House Speaker Michael Busch and Senate President Mike Miller stating that Wicomico County Government does not support the passage HB-125 (or any similar bill).
3. When you contact the members of the Council, request that a resolution be passed to send a letter to MACO (the Maryland Association of Counties) stating that Wicomico County is opposed to the passage of HB-125 and that the Wicomico County Council requests that MACO oppose adoption of such a bill.
4. Contact County Executive Rick Pollitt and express you dissatisfaction with HB-125. Ask Pollitt to also send letters the county's delegation, Speaker Busch, Senate President Miller and MACO expressing vehement opposition to this attempt to circumvent the will of Wicomico County voters in a local matter.
It's up to you! If you want the revenue cap to be broken, do nothing. If you want a tax increase, remain apathetic. If this bill passes, expect to hear the term "EMERGENCY" when the next budget is introduced after such a bill becomes law.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, Wicomico, politics, marylandpolitics, wicomicopolitics, taxation
set a property tax rate that is higher than the rate authorized under the county's charter or collect more property tax revenues than the revenues authorized underSimple translation: the county council may raise property taxes, despite the revenue cap, simple by adopting the measure by a 2/3 vote. Now in the case of the Wicomico County Council that would require a vote by five council members.
the county's charter, notwithstanding any provision of a county charter that places a limit on that county's property tax rate or revenues
I am someone who has opposed the revenue cap, on principle, from the start. However, this is not the way to go! Until the voters of Wicomico County see fit to amend the charter and rescind the cap, we're stuck with it. Until the office of the County Executive sees fit to stop embracing state tax increases and advocating the purchase of land for parks which the county can't afford, even an opponent of the cap (such as myself) could not see fit to support the removal of the revenue cap.
There are few things that you can do:
1. Contact your legislators and demand that they vote against HB-125 (or any similar bill) both on the floor and in committee (if applicable):
Sen. Richard F. Colburn (R-37)
Sen. J. Lowell Stoltzfus (R-38)
Del. Page Elmore (R-38A)
Del. Norman Conway (D-38B)
Del. Jim Mathias (D-38B)
Del. Rudy Cane (D-37A)
Del. Addy Eckardt (R-37B)
Del. Jeannie Haddaway (R-37B)
The link for each members name will take you to a page with their contact information.
2. Contact each member of the Wicomico County Council and request that a resolution be passed to send a letter to each member of the County's delegation in the Legislature as well as to House Speaker Michael Busch and Senate President Mike Miller stating that Wicomico County Government does not support the passage HB-125 (or any similar bill).
3. When you contact the members of the Council, request that a resolution be passed to send a letter to MACO (the Maryland Association of Counties) stating that Wicomico County is opposed to the passage of HB-125 and that the Wicomico County Council requests that MACO oppose adoption of such a bill.
4. Contact County Executive Rick Pollitt and express you dissatisfaction with HB-125. Ask Pollitt to also send letters the county's delegation, Speaker Busch, Senate President Miller and MACO expressing vehement opposition to this attempt to circumvent the will of Wicomico County voters in a local matter.
It's up to you! If you want the revenue cap to be broken, do nothing. If you want a tax increase, remain apathetic. If this bill passes, expect to hear the term "EMERGENCY" when the next budget is introduced after such a bill becomes law.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
Technorati Tags: Maryland, Wicomico, politics, marylandpolitics, wicomicopolitics, taxation
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Councilwoman Hosts Quarterly Meeting
Wicomico County Councilwoman Sheree Sample-Hughes (D-1) will host her quarterly meeting with constituents at the Richard Hazel Youth Center - Salvation Army this Thursday, January 24th at 7:00 PM.
Take the opportunity to meet with one of your council members, discuss some of the issues facing Wicomico County and to voice your concerns.
Technorati Tags: Wicomico, politics, wicomicopoltics
Take the opportunity to meet with one of your council members, discuss some of the issues facing Wicomico County and to voice your concerns.
Technorati Tags: Wicomico, politics, wicomicopoltics
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