DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, June 09, 2008
Substitute Teacher Charged For Sexual Offense
This is the second sexual offense charge with a Substitute Teacher in the past two weeks. Another one was charged in Mardella just recently by the Maryland State Police. There was a 13 or 14 year old child involved in that case as well.
The standards for Substitute Teaching must be raised to a much higher level. There should be coverage on WMDT 47 News at 11:00 this evening.
The MarylandPT E List: Eugenie "Shanie" Shields
Our inaugural inductee is Salisbury City Council Eugenie "Shanie" Shields.
In shades of Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson, who said that rape is not a crime, Shields at today's City Council work session speaking about some of the latest murders in Salisbury she said, "That was unfortunate but basically those three murders, those people knew who they were after. It wasn't like they were just randomly shooting people on the street."
When my fellow contributor from Salisbury News and Red Maryland G.A. Harrison mentioned it, I thought he was kidding. Then I came across the audio which was posted on Salisbury News earlier today.
All I have to say is WELL DONE MA'AM. AT LEAST YOU DIDN'T SAY IT OVER A MAJOR BROADCAST OUTLET LIKE JOHNSON DID WHEN HE SHOWED HIS LEGAL MIND! The sad part is Johnson was Prince George's County States Attorney before getting elected. So answer me this, just because they were allegedly targeted, does that mean that the families of the victims are any less deserving of our prayers and support during their time of grief. Oh, and when did you become a detective? Are you sure they were targeted?
Salisbury Councilwoman Eugenie "Shanie" Shields, the worst of Maryland tonight!
080609 Salisbury City Council Live Blog
If for some reason you cannot access the LiveBlogging window here, click this link.
Councilwoman Terry Cohen To Make Special Announcement At 5:45 Tonight At GOB
Bumper Stickers
Honk! If you want to see my finger
Constipated people don't give a crap
Honk! If anything falls
Who lit the fuse on your tampon?
If the phone was up your a$$, maybe you could drive a little better
Thank you for pot smoking
If you're going to ride my a$$ at least pull my hair and make my scream
Practice safe sex . . . go screw yourself
Horn broken . . . watch for finger
Leading Up To Striking the Budget
Chief Webster, Gary Comegys has a question he'd like answered. Where Did Money Go.mp3
Shanie Shields take on crime in the city - Crime.mp3
Pearls of wisdom from none other than Councilwoman Shanie Shields.
You want what?.mp3
If you've ever heard Gary Comegys thoughts on the Salisbury Fire Department you'd think they couldn't operate without their toys. He is of the opinion the Volunteers would actually stop contributing if they didn't get enough toys. Personally, this sounds like Bill Gordy is going through mid-life crisis moreso than the vollies that respond to calls for service. Toys for SFD.mp3
Ahhh, the final concensus on the Salisbury Fire Department. I'll bet you can't guess how that vote went. SFD Concensus.mp3P.C. History Text Books In Montgomery County A Problem
The American Textbook Council's Gilbert Sewall was quoted "Textbook editors try to avoid any subject that could turn into a political grenade ,adjust[ing] the definition of jihad or sharia or remov[ing] these words from lessons to avoid inconvenient truths." Sewell is against these changes.
Life is packed with inconvenient truths. Countries, states, towns, religions, groups, and individuals. Germany has the Holocaust, the U.S. has the oppression of its African Americans, Catholics have the Spanish Inquisition, and so on. As terrible as these historical events and meanings have been the very nature of teaching the full face value of these truths is essential to the remembrance of history so we can recognize, interpret, and respond to future events properly.
Adjusting a definition for the goal of being politically correct is the same of lying and manipulating the truth is not a white harmless lie but a dangerous practice. Suppressing inherent meanings inhibits individuals to make a intelligent rational reasonable judgments in everyday life. Not being able to make a informed accurate decision resonates in our political realm and such acts, as not giving an accurate picture, in our present case in schools, leaves the implication of trying to force a certain agenda upon our youth. An agenda is pushed through by a lie. It is easier to convince someone of something when they don't have the full story and that results in ignorance. Ignorance has never lead anyone to somewhere good.
Truth is the truth and we cannot run away from the truth without doing something terrible. The very liberty of truth, whether inconvenient or not, is pinnacle to our way of life. Could the lessons of the Civil Rights movement be the same without teaching that lynchings took place to suppress rights for African Americans? Could we use the word lynching in any other way without hearkening back to that act? No. Then why do some feel the need to do this?
Everyone is afraid to offend someone. Well life is naturally offensive when everyone does not agree or something that has been done is remembered. The very association scares people and their response is to try and detach themselves away from the truth in some manner; either trying to change the truth or run away from truth. This is one reason.
The case at hand is a political agenda. Prolonged involvement in the Middle East is and has been a staple of American political life for years. Terrorism and states that sponsor anti-American Sentiment is a legitimate and real danger. Jihad is a term which has been reinforced over and over again as an attack through violence against infidels. Not all who practice Islam practice or believe in that path, but it still has that meaning both in the past, its' origin, and in the present. Teaching these definitions in reduced terms is not giving the proper credence to our situation and ultimately makes us blind to what is going on.
So I'll leave the question up to you to ponder and answer; where do you think this is going 5, 1o years down the line and will it be good?
Thanks to Leah Fabel from http://www.examiner.com/ for the story.
The Full Story can be found here http://www.examiner.com/a-1429570~Council__Mongtomery_schools_cave_to_pressue_with_Islam_book.html?cid=temp-popular
Let The Competition Begin!
The losses to the Eastern Shore group reflect very bad management decisions, poor customer service and an overall bad attitude towards everyone inside and outside of their corporate walls. It appears that the poor management is not limited to the Eastern Shore and poor customer service has become part of the Gannett 'corporate culture' around the world.
Gannett said that the non-cash charges reflect "challenging business conditions" related to the softening real estate market, as well as a decline in its stock price. "Newsquest, our publishing operation in the U.K., has been significantly impacted and many regions of the U.S. continue to struggle," said CEO Craig Dubow. Company CFO Gracia Martore said that the write downs "do not in any way impact our ability to operate our businesses." The news sent company shares down by a little more than 1.01% as of 2:25 PM today.

New Youth Development Program To Debut In Fruitland
Fall Football and Cheer and Dance leagues will open for registration June 14th
Are you likely to see the blue glow of the television emanating from the living room window or are your kids outside practicing drills or sprints? Would you like to redirect your child's focus to recreation and team sports?
Fruitland Falcons Football has announced the formation and implementation of an in house youth development program. The program will be located in Fruitland across the street from the Fruitland Little League Complex. It is set to begin this fall and will offer youth football, along with cheer and dance.
The program will consist of teams in various age and weight groups:
7 year olds- clinic and skill development
8-10 year olds
11-13 year olds
Football participants will learn the following:
Stretching & Calisthenics
Agility drills
Proper blocking, tackling and stances
Offense and defense sets; kicking and punting
Team building skills and discipline
Sign up and register at the Fruitland Little League Complex in Fruitland on Browns Street. Registration dates and times are:
6/14/08 Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm
6/16/08 Monday 6:00pm to 8:00pm
6/17/08 Tuesday 6:00pm to 8:00pm
For more information on the registration, schedule and costs for these programs please call Kerry Nelson at 410-546-2183.
Rubber Stamp???
Rubber Stamp.mp3
Welcome Earl's Sister!
Oh, if Barrie and others were worried about Salisbury News in the past, watch out now Momma because EarlsSister is loaded with AUDIO/VIDEO expertise and the current Administration better watch out now because things are about to take yet another turn.
This makes 10 contributors to Salisbury News. Look out Daily Times, we're creeping closer and closer by the day. One of these days you're going to wake up and go, where did ALL of our Customers go?
Bring on some Audio Sister!
Today's Wildlife Photos
OK, you have to admit, these are going to be very tough to beat! These two Fox Cubs were out in my neighbors field playing around and let me stand there and take pictures of them without any problem at all. One was a little more bothered than the other but they kept coming back and knew I wasn't going to harm them. OK, so how many women sat there, saw these pictures and said, AWE?
Skate Board Park Fundraiser
Talk about HOT! Local Skateboard Riders crammed the parking lot in Downtown Salisbury for yet another Fundraiser to help fund their very own Skate Park.
No, this isn't like the Dog Park where no one will end up going after the first month and the taxpayers are funding it all. This is a motivated group of people offering to do this all on their own and raise what is necessary to create something to do in the City of Salisbury, since there isn't much of it provided by the City.
Granted, there's the Zoo and the Library and things of that nature but we're talking about a place a boat load of kids can get out and enjoy Salisbury without having to use the steps of the GOB and then have the Mayor complain about it.
If you'd like to put some good money after good money, hook up with this group and help support their goal of having their very own Skate Park. Once the concrete is in place, there's really not much maintainance to keep the Park up and running.
GO HERE for more info.
Salisbury City Park Fishing Derby
Four generations of fishermen came to this tournament in Salisbury this past weekend, (1st photo above) to enjoy a beautiful day in the City Park. I didn't see any local politicians there at all, which made it even nicer. Nevertheless, it truly was a great event and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.
Daily Times on Wicomico Department of Law
The City Council in Salisbury, in its typical fashion of neglecting to take up issues that really matter in a decaying city, has been passionately debating the billable hours of its city solicitor.No work of a city council is more important than making sure that taxpayers' money is properly spent. The "issues that really matter" to a municipal government invariably involve spending money. In order to make sure that this money is available, a council SHOULD make sure that they are not flushing tax dollars down one of the black holes so well known to exist in Salisbury.
Parker also states (referring to the creation of a full-time County Attorney's office):
They will have to be sure, however, that they prove to the public that they haven't created yet another money-consuming bureaucracy. Implementation of the county executive system has already added substantial costs to the county government; the public is entitled to see some benefit from that spending.Susan is absolutely correct. And while she does mention the pension liability. which I have discussed so much recently, earlier in her piece, not enough emphasis is placed on the great unknown. The TOTAL cost of the department, including the estimated cost of subsidizing County Attorney Ed Baker's pension needs to be publicly discussed and debated.
While I would have preferred that Parker had chimed in on this matter PRIOR to the adoption of Wicomico County's FY 2009 budget, at least the public can benefit from such a well written argument, if only for future reference.
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
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Tim Chaney Hosts Their Annual Block Party
Sheriff Lewis & Tim Chaney pose for a shot during Tim's Neighborhood Block Party.
A local Clown came to entertain the crowd.
Babe Wilson & Mike Elliott entertain the kids inside the mobile command unit.
County Executive Rick Pollitt joins in on the fun.
It must be an election year?
Everyone seems to want to pose with Sheriff Lewis. It was a great time at this Block Party where they offered free sodas, free Hot Dogs and $1.00 each for chicken strips that were to die for, just ask Mike & Rick.
I wonder where Barrie Tilghman was that day? Great Job Tim!
We're Going LIVE Tonight at 6:00 PM
Tonight may prove to be the most important meeting the Citizens of Salisbury could participate in and I know several people who don't normally attend plan on attending tonight.
Nevertheless, don't miss our LIVE Broadcast and hopefully everything goes as scheduled.
Refreshing Is Refreshing!

I know I'm starting to show my age when I bring up a story mentioning 20 years ago but the truth is the truth. Around 20 years ago I had the above pool custom built at my home in Gambrills/Davidsonville Maryland. It was the largest residential pool ever built at the time in the State of Maryland. It was so large the kids could tool around in a paddle boat without any problems whatsoever.
With the temperatures up as high as they have been in the past few days we wanted to offer some relief to our Grandson, so we went to Sam's Club and bought this $284.00 pool, 16' wide and 4' deep. It came with a filter and pump as well as a vacuum to clean the pool. Quite frankly, it's an unbelievable purchase for the money.
Look, going from a 84,000 gallon pool with a 48" long waterfall and all sorts of goodies, I don't care what you say, this little thing is fantastic! If you were to try to build the pool I used to have it would run you around $65,000.00! I'll consider building another concrete pool next year but for now, this thing is absolutely perfect!
Question of the Day, Mon 6/9
Although some might call them FedEx, I call them FedUp. This particular driver came into the Downtown area the other day "on the rag." I had been speaking to a very old friend of mine when we waved this driver to go around us. Even if he wanted to park in front of the vehicle my friend was in, there was plenty of room for him to do so.
The next thing we knew he was spinning his tires in anger and flying around his vehicle and slammed his delivery vehicle up onto the curb. He got out and just started going off, as if this was his road, his curb and we were completely in his way, NOT!
I immediately walked up to his FACE and stood there and asked him if he was threatening me? I then asked if he'd like to leave in handcuffs? There's no way I'm going to stand for some jackass in a bad mood screaming and yelling at me, simply because he's in a bad mood.
I believe this pansy was in absolute SHOCK when I walked right up to him toe to toe and gave back the same dose of medicine he was trying to deliver to me.
By the way FedUp, YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!
You're also lucky I didn't call the Police and have this guy arrested because I had plenty of witnesses to do so. By the way, the UPS Drivers are much nicer, wouldn't you agree?
While Old Man Duvall goes on the attack once again against Debbie Campbell & Terry Cohen, he fails to be forthcoming and clearly state his COEIU Agent has been none other than Paul Wilber himself.
I don't know why the old Fella doesn't just say, in a casual conversation with my dear friend Paul Wilber the other night, the Boy simply stated he wasn't working for free next month. Instead, he has to code his language and mention this so called COEIU Agent.
Everyone knows old Billy and Paul go way back and Billy gets VERY defensive any time anyone picks on Paul. Paul, however, has very thick skin, (thicker than Billy's anyway) and can handle himself just fine.
Barrie Tilghman Achieves Goal
Not a shot will be fired. Not a stone will be thrown. The only protest will come from a few concerned citizens and perhaps Councilwomen Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.
As the members of the Salisbury Council become TOTALLY irrelevant to the governance of a once proud city, people may question how Salisbury moved from a democratic government with checks and balances to a truly authoritarian regime. Was it Mike Dunn's fault? Gary Comegys'?
No. History will prove that Mike Dunn was a transitional figure in Salisbury's decade long decent to authoritarianism. While history will remember Comegys as Salisbury's home grown version of Vidkum Quisling, he only bears a small portion of the responsibility.
Of course, we should blame Barrie Tilghman. Right?
Ambition is not necessarily a bad thing. Lust for power can be checked by others. It is when the checks and balances provided for in a nation's constitution, or a city's charter, are ignored and then ceded do we find ourselves in the situation which Salisbury currently faces.
Therefore the responsibility rests squarely on the shoulders of Councilwoman Louise Smith. Her lust for the center chair caused her to turn her back on the very people who put her in office. Her bizarre willingness to lick the boots of those who would destroy her in a heartbeat has allowed Tilghman to seize complete control of Salisbury.
Smith and her cohorts have already refused to provide ANY oversight to the Tilghman administration. There is seldom ANY hesitation to RUBBER STAMP any piece of legislation put before them by their Queen.
Now, their plan is to hand over COMPLETE fiscal authority to Tilghman. They FY 2009 budget allocates money to a couple dozen large pots of money. When Smith, et al claim to cut specific items in the budget (a disgustingly anemic $40,000 out of a $47 million budget or less than 1 tenth of 1 percent!) they attempt to mislead the taxpaying citizenry.
Smith and company have ceded all but the most basic budgetary authority to Tilghman. They can claim that program X is being cut, but Tilghman is not bound to cut money from program X. She need only cut the money from within whatever pot of money that program X lies in.
In other words. Lore Chambers can still get her raise. Tilghman can continue to waste money on T-shirts and specially labeled bottles of water. She is only limited to reduce her spending in the "Mayor's Office / Community Promotions" pot of money.
As the year rolls on we will see that the city still can't balance its checkbook. The audit can't be done on time. Developers will still be subsidized, while some don't even pay city taxes.
Thanks Louise!
cross posted at Delmarva Dealings
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Help Wanted
They are inside the Perdue Innovation Center, by the DAILY TIMES, LOL. One a dish washer and one is the Sanitation of Cooking Machinery. By no means is this center like the processing plants. Hours are 11:30 PM to 8am. They will be working with high pressure houses at all times, hard hats are required, and Perfect attendance is a must. Must comply with USDA regulations.
If you're looking for work, 40 hours a week, here's an opportunity. Spread the word to someone looking for a job.
Ron Paul, On High Gas Prices
Well over 1000000 votes and we can't hear his message because the Mainstream Media Blocks him out.
Yes, he is still on the ballot!
by Ron Paul, Dr. May 4, 2008
In the past few months, American workers, consumers, and businesses have experienced a sudden and dramatic rise in gasoline prices. In some parts of the country, gasoline costs as much as $4 per gallon. Some politicians claim that the way to reduce gas prices is by expanding the government’s power to regulate prices and control the supply of gasoline. For example, the House of Representatives has even passed legislation subjecting gas station owners to criminal penalties if they charge more than a federal bureaucrat deems appropriate. Proponents of these measures must have forgotten the 1970s, when government controls on the oil industry resulted in gas lines and shortages. It was only after President Reagan lifted federal price controls that the gas lines disappeared.
Instead of imposing further restraints on the market, Congress should consider reforming the federal policies that raise gas prices. For example, federal and state taxes can account for as much as a third of what consumers’ pay at the pump. The Federal Government’s boom-and-bust monetary policy also makes consumers vulnerable to inflation and to constant fluctuations in the prices of essential goods such as oil. It is no coincidence that oil prices first became an issue shortly after President Nixon unilaterally severed the dollar’s last link to gold.
Basic economics says that when government restricts the supply of a good, the price will increase. Yet Congress continues to reject simple measures that could increase the supply of oil. For example, Congress refuses to allow reasonable, environmentally sensitive, offshore drilling. Congress also refuses to remove the numerous regulatory hurdles that add to the prohibitively expensive task of constructing new refineries. Building a new refinery requires billions of dollars in capital investment. It can take several years just to obtain the necessary federal permits. Even after the permits are obtained, construction of a refinery may still be delayed or even halted by frivolous lawsuits. It is no wonder that there has not been a new refinery constructed in the United States since 1976.
Last year, in order to provide the American people with relief from high oil prices, I introduced the Affordable Gas Price Act (H.R. 2415). This legislation protects the American people from gas price spikes by suspending the federal gas tax whenever the national average gas price exceeds $3.00 per gallon. The Affordable Gas Price Act also expands the supply of gasoline by repealing the federal moratorium on offshore drilling, including in the ANWR reserve in Alaska . HR 2415 also provides tax incentives and protection from nuisance lawsuits for those seeking to build new refineries. Finally, HR 2415 authorizes a federal study on the link between our nation’s monetary policy and the price of oil.
The free market can meet the American people’s demand for a reliable supply of gasoline as long as government does not distort the market through excessive taxation and regulation. Therefore, Congress should lower gas prices by pursuing an agenda of low taxes, regulatory relief, and sound money by passing legislation such as my Affordable Gas Act.
from www.RonPaul2008.com
“Peak Alert”
Help us “Beat the Peak” on
Monday, June 9

While loss of service is unlikely, please conserve energy during this time to help keep your rates low.
Monday, June 9 between the hours of 3 pm and 7 pm we are asking our members to turn off all lights that may not be needed. We would additionally ask that you delay major appliance or hot water usage during this 3 pm to 7 pm period and that you reset the thermostat three degrees higher.
Our “Beat the Peak” program began in late May when we asked for your help. Because we do not know when our monthly system “Peak” will occur, the weather may cause us to anticipate the potential for a “Peak Alert” on several different days during the month.
Together we can “Beat the Peak” by using our electricity resources wisely, but we must have your help. Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated. Thank you.