Rather than many of you copying everyone else's comment completely and making me have to read it all over again before YOU get to YOUR point, can you please simply reference anonymous 10:31 instead, if you can understand my drift?
Stop reprinting every one's entire message before you reply. If I see any more of this I'm not going to post your comment for making me read the whole thing over and over again.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputy Totals Vehicle
Deputy Pecorraro of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department lost control of his vehicle this morning on his way into work on Jesterville Road, skidding through a Stop Sign and head on into a tree. The Deputy was able to work today without injury but the car is a total loss.
The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department has had more than their fair share of accidents lately and are concerned about the inventory they now have left. We may be seeing a Bike Patrol at the Sheriff's Department in the near future, started by the Maryland State Police and also added by the Fruitland Police Department.
To Sheriff Lewis, might I suggest asking Mr. Pollitt to take the same funding out of the Wicomico Liquor Dispensary System and have your Officers take courses at Dover Downs rather than the employees of the Dispensary System? At least it would be putting good money after good money.
Oh My God, Beautiful Women Don't Belong In Politics!

Just because McCain chose a beautiful woman who has easily proven to be capable of handling big government, (just as all of the above women have proven in the past) Joe Albero must be a sexist for showing photos of a beautiful woman?
I mean, HOW DARE HE! Get your heads out of your butts people! So we have Sarah Palin who is a beautiful woman running for Vice President. Get used to the pictures Folks. I think the complete Idiots out there are the ones who think that just because a picture goes up of a beautiful woman, all men are pigs for believing that pictures is proof of their beauty and has nothing to do with their smarts.
IMHO, I actually believe there are a lot of very jealous and insecure women out there who aren't as fortunate to have the looks of these women and that bothers them. Personally, I am very blessed to have a partner who is absolutely beautiful but let me assure you, (as many of you know) she's far more beautiful inside than what you see on the outside.
Don't think for a second I don't believe that Palin is just as smart and just as wonderful a person. She would not be where she is today for any other reason. She is proven and I think that too burns a lot of people, especially Democrats.
So if you couldn't see the humor in the Post I put up earlier, that's your problem. If you can't accept that beautiful women are intelligent and can carry their own, that's yet another problem you'll have to learn to live with because McCain is going to win and become the next President of the United States, mark my word.
From Princess Grace to Princess Di, to Jackie Onasis to Princess Lalla, they must have been pawns simply placed into their roles for their looks? NOT!
Salisbury News Has A Record Saturday!
I received a report this morning showing the hits we experienced yesterday and we were up 100% higher than the highest Saturday we had ever experienced before.
Obviously the Storm kept people in yesterday and our numbers simply skyrocketed. We also were honored with the return of being ranked #1 in the state of Maryland once again after a one week slip.
As always, we thank ALL of you for visiting and showing such support. I'll bet Kratovil wished he had hooked up with this Blog more than a year ago like Andy Harris did. I don't care what you say, we're getting results.
Hey, I just noticed, Michael ranked #2 this week. Congratulations Michael. I think you got what, 5 comments all week? Knock em dead Michael.
Obviously the Storm kept people in yesterday and our numbers simply skyrocketed. We also were honored with the return of being ranked #1 in the state of Maryland once again after a one week slip.
As always, we thank ALL of you for visiting and showing such support. I'll bet Kratovil wished he had hooked up with this Blog more than a year ago like Andy Harris did. I don't care what you say, we're getting results.
Hey, I just noticed, Michael ranked #2 this week. Congratulations Michael. I think you got what, 5 comments all week? Knock em dead Michael.
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac to go into Conservatorship
Here we go again! The Fed has hatched a scheme to put the mortgage giants into 'Conservatorship'.
This means that the Government is going to take control of these two mortgage companies, which equates to the most extensive governmental intervention in history.
According to reports the Execs of the firms will be dismissed and replaced with government experts that will buy time and be given money from the treasury (your tax $$) to reorganize the colossal debt and try to curb this mammoth crisis from reaching it's full effect.
Changes could come about as soon as early this week, execs from both firms showed up on 17th Street yesterday afternoon with their attorneys.
The action would represent a major escalation of the government’s role in private lending. The government would be assuming vast obligations it has historically disavowed, potentially using taxpayer money to make up for private business decisions gone wrong.
In recent months Fannie and Freddie have backed nearly 70% of all new loans and with the real estate market tanking they are in over their heads. When people can't pay their mortgage, they are losing, when the people can't sell their homes to downsize and get out from under it Fannie and Freddie are holding the bag, and the someone has to pay.
It looks like it will be you and I the taxpayer paying for this one.
You and I will be paying for the bad business decisions made by others as we struggle to cover our own bills.
This simply should not be. They need to be allowed to free fall and land where they may.
This means that the Government is going to take control of these two mortgage companies, which equates to the most extensive governmental intervention in history.
According to reports the Execs of the firms will be dismissed and replaced with government experts that will buy time and be given money from the treasury (your tax $$) to reorganize the colossal debt and try to curb this mammoth crisis from reaching it's full effect.
Changes could come about as soon as early this week, execs from both firms showed up on 17th Street yesterday afternoon with their attorneys.
The action would represent a major escalation of the government’s role in private lending. The government would be assuming vast obligations it has historically disavowed, potentially using taxpayer money to make up for private business decisions gone wrong.
In recent months Fannie and Freddie have backed nearly 70% of all new loans and with the real estate market tanking they are in over their heads. When people can't pay their mortgage, they are losing, when the people can't sell their homes to downsize and get out from under it Fannie and Freddie are holding the bag, and the someone has to pay.
It looks like it will be you and I the taxpayer paying for this one.
You and I will be paying for the bad business decisions made by others as we struggle to cover our own bills.
This simply should not be. They need to be allowed to free fall and land where they may.
Logical Decision
Okay, let's work this out logically without a lot of emotion.
If you vote for Obama....

You get this.....

But if you vote for McCain....

You get this...

I don't know about you guys, but looking at this in a logical manner, McCain appears to be the better candidate.
Don't shoot the messenger!
If you vote for Obama....

You get this.....

But if you vote for McCain....

You get this...

I don't know about you guys, but looking at this in a logical manner, McCain appears to be the better candidate.
Don't shoot the messenger!
State Silver Lake In Nevada
The Feds moved-in again over the weekend to takeover yet another failed banking institution. This is becoming a weekly ordeal. This makes the 11th Bank failure this year.
Rumor on the street is that Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac may be taken over also.
Stay tuned!
Rumor on the street is that Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac may be taken over also.
Stay tuned!
Volunteers Lined Up
A chart was made up for a schedule where volunteers could fill in the blanks as to when they could help man the new Republican Headquarters and obviously I don't have to say a thing, people want to help and get involved!
If YOU would like to help out and give of some of your time, stop by and introduce yourself. The location is right next to Kinko's on Rt. 13.
Sarah Palin
Hey Rudy:
Sarah Barracuda Palin is a straight shooting, hard charging, get it done gal. She knows when to listen, how to analyze the facts and how to make a decision, then implement the plan. She doesn't do a poll before jumping in with both feet like too many of the Washington types. She has little legislative experience because she has always held the EXECUTIVE position; in private life, as mayor of Anchorage's largest bedroom community or more recently as Governor of our State. She is a smart, attractive home grown Alaska girl with excellent moral and family values. She can see what needs to be done and does not hesitate to get it done.
One of our State's major problems is that its Capital is in Juneau, 500 miles from the nearest road and 800 air miles from the population base which is Anchorage, Wasilla and Fairbanks. Our legislature and most of the State government is in Juneau and they ALL behave like a bunch of freshmen in a college town. It has been this way since Statehood in 1959. When Sarah moved to Juneau , so did accountability and responsibility When the oil revenue started flown and a barrel of North Slope Crude hit $23.00, these people began spending money like drunken sailors. You can only imagine what was happenings when oil hit $100.00 a barrel, about the time Sarah took command. My wife Kathy has first-hand experience with this fiasco, as her father and also her ex-husband were Alaska Legislators who served in Juneau as Senators, Senate President, or members of the State House for a combined period spanning nearly three decades.
About the time Sarah took the HELM as Governor of Alaska, about half of the State legislature was in the pocket of big oil companies or contractors doing big projects for Native Corporations around Alaska, all funded by State oil revenue. Alaska government was nothing but a good old boys club riding the perpetual wave of prosperity. This filtered down from the legislature, through the Department of Natural Resources, Department of Labor and even spilled in to the Public Safety who are supposed to "preserve and protect".
When Sarah walked into the Governor's Mansion, she promptly dismissed the State Trooper detachment assigned to Governor and had her and her husband's gun case brought in from Wasilla. Then, she got rid of the former Governor's STATE Jet and told legislators that there were no more free rides, they would have to fly Alaska Airlines, just like her and her family if they wanted to travel. Next came the nut cutting (the Barracuda part) the heads that rolled were too numerous to name, but when Sarah finished cleaning house, a number of our legislators ended up in jail for on corruption charges, or tendered their resignations along with numerous department heads and those who have been riding the gravy train for way too long, AND THEN SHE HAD LUNCH. By the end of the day, Sarah Palin had saved the people of Alaska millions and has not yet slowed down.
She has truly brought CHANGE to Juneau . I personally know several persons in the private sector in Alaska , that hold her in high esteem. She surrounds herself with smart people, many from my hometown of Anchorage , she listens to them but makes her own decisions. Sarah Palin is a no B.S. politician. It is refreshing that there is such a thing anymore. You want to talk about CHANGE? You should see a before and after picture of the State government in Alaska . That's CHANGE! Sarah will bring a number of things to the election. I am sure she will appeal many voters who my otherwise could have gone the other direction on election day. The conservative block will not be for Barack. We have their vote. We need what Sarah will bring, first to the election and second, what she will bring to Washington D.C. McCain has been advised well, Let's just hope the American people can get the straight scoop on her in the weeks ahead. This is just the opinion of one Alaska Bush Pilot and Guide, who pays attention to national politics, watches the news and is deathly afraid of the direction our nation is headed. I guarantee that if Sarah gets a chance to dig her spurs into the flanks of the liberal Washington types, they will know that she is in the saddle.
Butch King
Sarah Barracuda Palin is a straight shooting, hard charging, get it done gal. She knows when to listen, how to analyze the facts and how to make a decision, then implement the plan. She doesn't do a poll before jumping in with both feet like too many of the Washington types. She has little legislative experience because she has always held the EXECUTIVE position; in private life, as mayor of Anchorage's largest bedroom community or more recently as Governor of our State. She is a smart, attractive home grown Alaska girl with excellent moral and family values. She can see what needs to be done and does not hesitate to get it done.
One of our State's major problems is that its Capital is in Juneau, 500 miles from the nearest road and 800 air miles from the population base which is Anchorage, Wasilla and Fairbanks. Our legislature and most of the State government is in Juneau and they ALL behave like a bunch of freshmen in a college town. It has been this way since Statehood in 1959. When Sarah moved to Juneau , so did accountability and responsibility When the oil revenue started flown and a barrel of North Slope Crude hit $23.00, these people began spending money like drunken sailors. You can only imagine what was happenings when oil hit $100.00 a barrel, about the time Sarah took command. My wife Kathy has first-hand experience with this fiasco, as her father and also her ex-husband were Alaska Legislators who served in Juneau as Senators, Senate President, or members of the State House for a combined period spanning nearly three decades.
About the time Sarah took the HELM as Governor of Alaska, about half of the State legislature was in the pocket of big oil companies or contractors doing big projects for Native Corporations around Alaska, all funded by State oil revenue. Alaska government was nothing but a good old boys club riding the perpetual wave of prosperity. This filtered down from the legislature, through the Department of Natural Resources, Department of Labor and even spilled in to the Public Safety who are supposed to "preserve and protect".
When Sarah walked into the Governor's Mansion, she promptly dismissed the State Trooper detachment assigned to Governor and had her and her husband's gun case brought in from Wasilla. Then, she got rid of the former Governor's STATE Jet and told legislators that there were no more free rides, they would have to fly Alaska Airlines, just like her and her family if they wanted to travel. Next came the nut cutting (the Barracuda part) the heads that rolled were too numerous to name, but when Sarah finished cleaning house, a number of our legislators ended up in jail for on corruption charges, or tendered their resignations along with numerous department heads and those who have been riding the gravy train for way too long, AND THEN SHE HAD LUNCH. By the end of the day, Sarah Palin had saved the people of Alaska millions and has not yet slowed down.
She has truly brought CHANGE to Juneau . I personally know several persons in the private sector in Alaska , that hold her in high esteem. She surrounds herself with smart people, many from my hometown of Anchorage , she listens to them but makes her own decisions. Sarah Palin is a no B.S. politician. It is refreshing that there is such a thing anymore. You want to talk about CHANGE? You should see a before and after picture of the State government in Alaska . That's CHANGE! Sarah will bring a number of things to the election. I am sure she will appeal many voters who my otherwise could have gone the other direction on election day. The conservative block will not be for Barack. We have their vote. We need what Sarah will bring, first to the election and second, what she will bring to Washington D.C. McCain has been advised well, Let's just hope the American people can get the straight scoop on her in the weeks ahead. This is just the opinion of one Alaska Bush Pilot and Guide, who pays attention to national politics, watches the news and is deathly afraid of the direction our nation is headed. I guarantee that if Sarah gets a chance to dig her spurs into the flanks of the liberal Washington types, they will know that she is in the saddle.
Butch King
"Hanna" On Tangier Island
Here are some pictures of the storm from my back deck on Tangier Island. Just discovered your blog about two weeks ago and have enjoyed lurking. Hope Shores
PS: On boat docking and watermen don't forget to give a shout out to Tangiermen. Last Sunday Mark Crockett in the Joyce Marie won 2nd place in Medium boat and "The Shootout" , Allen Parks in the Elizabeth Joy won 1st place in Wooden boat and Lonnie Moore won 2nd place with his boat in the same category. Thanks!
I've Heard Of Die Hard Campers, But A Cemetery?
Clear Channel Radio Salisbury Allegedly Has Major Shake Up?
Word is that Clear Channel Radio Corporate came into Salisbury and allegedly fired all the "big wigs" at Clear Channel Radio. General Manager Frank Hamilton, National Sales Manager Bill Vernon, Sales Manager Ed Fennessy, & Sales Ex. Terry Ayers. This sounds fishy.
Perhaps we'll hear more from comments?
Perhaps we'll hear more from comments?
I Refuse To Buy Gas From A Gordy Tiger Mart
The gentleman to the left is the man I met weeks ago who told me he went several times into the Gordy Tiger Mart and asked if he could place a Andy Harris Sign outside along with the Kratovil Sign. He has spoken to management there several times and every time he goes to buy gas for his vehicles, he walks inside and asks again and again and then tells them that if they won't allow him to do so he'll go somewhere else to purchase his gas. Obviously he has walked out every time and he has in fact purchased his gas elsewhere.
Many of you continue to ask why I keep posting the Gordy Tiger Mart on this Blog and I'll repeat, until he plays fair I'll continue to post whatever I so choose. Gordy chose to post a political sign outside his business taking the risk of losing business for doing so. Well, lose what you may. This gentleman continues to ask, they refuse to accept his offer, Salisbury News is exposing Gordy for such, end of story.
Where Is God?
Two little boys, ages 8 and 10, were excessively mischievous. They were always getting into trouble and their parents knew all about it.
If any mischief occurred in their town, the two boys were probably involved.
The boys' mother heard that a preacher in town had been successful in disciplining children, so she asked if he would speak with her boys.
The preacher agreed, but he asked to see them individually. So the mother sent the 8 year old first, in the morning, with the older boy to see the preacher in the afternoon. The preacher, a huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him sternly, "Do you know where God is, son?"
The boy's mouth dropped open, but he made no response, sitting there wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open. So the preacher repeated the question in an even sterner tone, "Where is God?" Again, the boy made no attempt to answer. The preacher raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and bellowed, "Where is God?" The boy screamed and bolted from the room, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him. When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, "What happened?" The younger brother, gasping for breath, replied, "We are in BIG trouble this time,"
"GOD is missing, and they think we did it!"
If any mischief occurred in their town, the two boys were probably involved.
The boys' mother heard that a preacher in town had been successful in disciplining children, so she asked if he would speak with her boys.
The preacher agreed, but he asked to see them individually. So the mother sent the 8 year old first, in the morning, with the older boy to see the preacher in the afternoon. The preacher, a huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy down and asked him sternly, "Do you know where God is, son?"
The boy's mouth dropped open, but he made no response, sitting there wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open. So the preacher repeated the question in an even sterner tone, "Where is God?" Again, the boy made no attempt to answer. The preacher raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and bellowed, "Where is God?" The boy screamed and bolted from the room, ran directly home and dove into his closet, slamming the door behind him. When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, "What happened?" The younger brother, gasping for breath, replied, "We are in BIG trouble this time,"
"GOD is missing, and they think we did it!"
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