Talk about a load of crap coming from Pocomoke City Hall in the form of it's "minutes" from the March 10th 2008 City Council Meeting. They left out the part where X-Councilman Cane used the 'N' Word but its on the tape, if they did not lose that like they lost Russ Blakes self dealing employment contract. These minutes will back up my two word summary of the Pocomoke City Government: Openly Corrupt.
Comments from Audience:
Stephanie Burke stated that she and her husband are the owners of a local blog site She commended Councilman Cane for his participation in getting many political changes in Worcester
County. But she suggested that Councilman Cane was not living in his district and therefore he should step down from his seat.
Councilman Cane asked who said that he doesn’t live in his district.
Ms. Burke stated that everybody tells me (she really said everyone knows) that you don’t live in your district and you know that I take pictures of you.
Councilman Cane stated that it was not any of Ms. Burke’s concern.
Ms. Burke stated that it was her concern, as she is a tax-paying citizen, and paying his medical insurance and part of his salary.
Councilman Cane stated that she was not paying her own medical bills. (The city confirms in writing that its unqualified X-Councilman is bringing up personal unrelated medical issues to a private citizen questioning his qualification to retain his city council seat after moving outside his district and he slams back about her medical bills, what a peice of ****)
Mayor McDermott stated that Councilman Cane had addressed that issue at last month’s meeting and he satisfied the Council. Mayor McDermott asked Councilman Cane if anything had changed since last month’s meeting.
Councilman Cane stated that nothing had changed, and he was taking his laundry today to his wife.
In a response to a comment about crime rates and the City’s Police Department, Mayor McDermott stated that the City does work well with other police agencies and they call them when needed. (But the city does not have an open air drug market 2-blocks from his house.. what a line of sh*t)
Billy Burke, stated he was the publisher of a local blog, which is not a news source but one angry man. (They did get that right) At 1:44 this afternoon when he went by Mr. Cane’s house, he took pictures of the cars and tags, and that is just one issue. He received a letter last August by certified mail asking him to remove his car; hence, the reason he takes pictures of Mr. Cane’s cars. (Uhm Canes untagged car is still in his driveway so much for equal enforcement of Boss Hogg's laws)
Mr. Burke stated that the Police Department told him that a cover was not adequate.
Mr. Burke continued to say that County Commissioner Bobby Cowger put on our web site a call for help to fix a Pocomoke problem of crime in the City, and City Councilman Rob Clarke had added that the City needs to call in the FBI, State and the Marines for the crime problems.
Mr. Burke said that it shows that the City Manager and the Chief of Police are not doing their respective jobs. That reflects back on the City Council, as you are not doing your job by managing the City Manager and managing the Police Department and enforcing the laws.
Councilman Morrison stated that he had been campaigning in black and white neighborhoods in the last 30 days and the residents at every house that he knocked on thanked him for the job the Police Department was doing. The crime rate is down in Pocomoke City since the cameras have been installed.
Councilman Morrison stated that he did not feel that our City was in that bad of shape with respect to the crime rate.
Councilman Clarke stated that the last series of crimes that we had were not within the City Limits. Councilman Clarke stated that is what he was saying. (WTF ??? Who writes the minutes again???) That all police agencies needed to cooperate fully with each other to get the job done. People should not be pointing fingers at each other. (Not what he said here before Russ Blake reminded them privately about the goat girl pictures)
Mayor McDermott stated that this City does work well with other agencies. (In contrast to his many comments they are crooked, incompetent, work alone, clowns, bufoons & more, before being elected and initiated into Boss Hoggs inner circle) Many comments on the internet are ignorant of the facts. The Police Department has done more to control crime in the past three years than in many previous years. A Pocomoke officer has been assigned to the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation and has helped solve several serious crimes. We are working well with the task force and with federal, state and county agencies.
Our streets are safer than ever. (on the heels of two murders) We have purchased equipment costing over $100,000 to fight crime. (The dealers now know where the cops are) Crime is down 20%. There is a lot of disinformation being distributed which is over the top. (Like these Russ Blake sanitized minutes?) He added that he was speaking with authority, due to his position with the W.C.B.I.
We are doing the right things for the right reasons. (Save the bullsh*t for the fans not the players)
Councilman Hawkins asked when the rest of the fire hydrants would be painted. He would like to see them start on Market Street . (Bob you awake?)
All is well in P-City folks, just read the crime report there are no drug dealers in town only drug bust was an old lady with a joint... The Mayor just went in front of the County Commissioners to ask for $500,000.00 so the city can purchase more 'industrial property' to develop and give away to Russ Blakes, Boss Hogg Cronies and their bogus front companies but thats for another article. What a total crock of sh*t from our community leaders.... they prepared & printed it not me...
It's Pocomoke...