Two weeks ago today, I confronted the City Council and asked them directly, point blank, are these two horses going up for Auction?
Each and every Council Member sat there in awe, jaws dropped and not one of them could and or would answer my question.
I then turned to the Mayor and said, perhaps you can tell us what's going on Mayor? The Mayor responded with, yes, the horses will be going up for Auction as long as the Council recognizes them as surplus items. I can get you all the details as soon as we know more information.
I was cool with that. However, it's now been 2 weeks and I've received nothing. Allow me to take you back slightly and mention that I confronted Chief Webster a week earlier and he denied having any knowledge whatsoever about these horses.
Yesterday I received a call from one of the Mounted Patrol Police Mary Pines. Mary has been on the Force for 6 years now. Following protocol, Mary has gone through each step, every channel and she has made it VERY clear that she wants first right of refusal on these horses if the City considers selling them. They own a farm and can easily handle these animals. Chief Webster has denied any knowledge of these animals going up for Auction to Mary as well. Why the big denial Chief?
Mary was told she couldn't have these horses because they were going back to their original owners. But then again, why an Auction? Are there 4 horses, 2 of which are not in these photos? Are they auctioning the other 2 possible horses? You can't ask the Chief, he's clueless. If you ask the Mayor, we'll get right back to you on that one and nothing happens.
What I can tell you is that the Salisbury Police Department is dropping the Mounted Police Program and no one has said a word. How many secrets can one City have?
I'd like to add the following. As many of you know, Jennifer and I spent quite a bit of time last year rescuing foals from slaughter. We brought them back to our home and raised them back to health and then adopted them out to very loving families. We did our own background checks on these families to make sure these horses were going to excellent homes where there was a pasture, fencing, a barn and so forth and so on. Then we had a contract stating we could visit any time we'd like and if the conditions weren't proper we could take the horse back immediately.
What does an Auction do to assure you these horses are in fact going to a good home? NOTHING! The City is out for the almighty dollar once again and they couldn't care less what happens to these horses afterwards. Sounds like the Salisbury Zoo all over again to me!
Maybe the best thing that could happen is that Jennifer and I outbid everyone there at the Auction and can assure they live out the rest of their lives at a great home. Time will tell.