DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
One man found dead at the scene is tentatively identified as Zaidan S. “Steve” Asid, 51. Asid lived at the home where the shooting occurred, in the 1200-block of Allview Drive, Hampstead, Md.
The second man found dead at the scene is tentatively identified as Michael L. Swift, III, 45. Swift had an address in the 3600-block of Benson Ave., Halethorpe, Md.
Another person in the residence at the time of the shooting is identified as Hallie P. Swift, 44, who is apparently the former wife of Swift and currently the fiancé of Asid. Hallie Swift was living in the home where the shooting occurred.
Shortly after 11:00 a.m. today, the Carroll County Emergency Operations Center received a 911 call from a woman in the 1200-block of Allview Drive. She told the dispatcher that her ex-husband had just come into her home and shot her fiancé before shooting himself.
The Emergency Operations Center dispatcher notified Maryland State Police at the Westminster Barracks of the call and troopers immediately responded. When they arrived, they found a Saturn car in the driveway with its engine running and the two deceased males in the home. Hallie Swift was also found in the home and was taken for a medical examination. She was later determined to be uninjured. No one else was in the home at the time of the shooting.
The scene was secured and members of the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit responded to conduct the investigation. A search warrant was obtained and investigators, accompanied by State Police crime scene technicians, spent the afternoon and evening processing the scene.
The preliminary investigation indicates Michael Swift arrived at the home shortly after 11:00 a.m. in the Saturn, which is registered to his mother. He apparently gained access to the home through a sliding glass door at the back of the house which appears to have been shattered by a gunshot.
Both deceased men were found in a first floor family room at the rear of the house. A .12 gauge shotgun was still in the possession of Michael Swift. Both bodies have been transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner for autopsies.
The investigation is continuing.
This Delmar Comment Just In
I Was Right Again. Bomb Threats In Sussex County
Location: Sussex Technical School, Georgetown; Laurel High School, Laurel; Seaford High School, Seaford
Date of Occurrence: Tuesday, 3/16/10, at approximately 12:57 pm and again at 2:12 pm
Suspect(s): Unknown
Resume: At approximately 12:57 pm this afternoon, an unknown person made a 911 call to the Emergency Operations Center in Sussex County stating there was a bomb in Sussex Tech High School. State Troopers and bomb sniffing K9s from various police agencies were dispatched to the school assist with traffic control as well as search the grounds for any suspicious packages or objects. Students and faculty were immediately evacuated from the school during the search.
At approximately 2:12 pm, another call was received through 911 from the same caller who now stated there was a bomb in Laurel High School and one would be at Seaford High School. Police units, again with the aid of the K9s, converged on the two schools looking for anything suspicious.
Nothing was found at any of the schools which took approximately 2 hours each to complete.
This investigation is ongoing and any further information will be disseminated when it's complete.
**The following police agencies assisted by supplying K9s for the search:
Delaware State Police
Delaware River and Bay
Dover PD
Wicomico County PD
Capital PD
Dover Air Force Base
Anyone with information pertaining to this case may contact Troop 4 Detectives at 302-856-5850. Tips may also be forwarded to Law Enforcement through tip lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333 or online at www.tipsubmit.com.
Internet Speculation Of Hoax Surrounds Prius Driver James Sikes
SACRAMENTO - Toyota Prius owner Jim Sikes is in the spotlight after reporting the accelerator pedal of his blue 2008 Toyota Prius got stuck, pushing his car to speeds above 90 miles per hour on Interstate 8 in San Diego County on Monday afternoon.
While the California Highway Patrol doesn't question his story, bloggers and radio listeners are wondering whether this is another "balloon boy" style hoax, done for the publicity or the money.
He's been on TV before, and seems to cherish the attention. In 2006 he was on television, winning $55,000 on "The Big Spin." As a real estate agent in San Diego, he boasts of his celebrity clients, including Constance Ramos of "Extreme Home Makeover."
Questions were first raised after his 911 call became public. The 61-year-old entrepreneur told the dispatcher, "My car can't slow down."
The operator repeatedly told Sikes to put his Prius into neutral during the more than 20 minute call, but Sikes didn't act on her requests, and didn't try it. He said he was afraid it might slip into reverse.
CHP Officer Todd Neibert also gave instructions to Sikes over a loudspeaker. When his patrol car caught up with the Prius, he smelled burning brakes.
Neibert says, "The brakes were definitely down to hardly any material."
The Prius finally stopped after Sikes applied the emergency brake and turned off the ignition.
Don Esmond, senior vice president of automotive operations for Toyota Motor Sales, says all Priuses are equipped with a computer system that cuts power to the wheels if the brake and gas pedals are depressed at the same time.
"It's tough for us to say if we're skeptical. I'm mystified in how it could happen with the brake override system," he said.
With questions about his story, FOX40 News looked into Sikes background. Our report found no evidence of any criminal record, but Sikes definitely had money problems, including a police report for grand theft, a filing for bankruptcy, and a side business that would raise some eyebrows.
In 2001, Sikes filed a police report with the Merced County Sheriff's Department for $58,000 in stolen property, including jewelry, a prosumer mini-DV camera and gear, and $24,000 in cash.
A neighbor near Sikes' former home in Atwater mentioned the money problems to FOX40 News, adding, "I'm not surprised [if] he'd try to get money."
Two years ago, Sikes filed for bankruptcy in San Diego. Documents show he was more than $700,000 in debt and owed Toyota $19000 for his Prius.
He has since told the media that he was never behind in payments.
Sikes still struggles with a reputation in Northern California. Jim Pernetti with AAA California Document Services says he's also aware of Sikes' past.
"I've been warned that he used to do business here," Pernetti told FOX40, "and that I should be wary of anything with him."
The Atwater neighbor says Sikes and his wife Patty had a reputation for other reasons.
GO HERE to read more.

At today’s work session of the County Council, the library board disclosed that it now wants to build a new headquarters facility at a 5 acre site on Beaglin Park Drive, between Route 50 and Old Ocean City Road, which is available at about $135,000 per acre. This decision was made despite Jim Ireton’s plea to the board to keep the main library facility in downtown Salisbury.
The board has also discussed an alternate site at the old Salisbury Mall, at the same price as the County has agreed to pay for a 5 acre parking lot – $300,000 per acre.
Apparently, the final call is up to County Exec. Rick Pollitt and, if he makes a recommendation, the County Council.
Is Steny Hoyer “Playing It Straight”?
If you think you’ve heard them all, try again. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) claims that the Democrats are “playing it straight” regarding their possible attempt to sleaze ObamaCare into law without making House Dems actually vote on the matter.
I’m pretty jaded, but this one takes the cake:
"We are playing it straight," Hoyer insisted. He said American voters would not care what process Congress uses to enact a sweeping health care overhaul and would focus instead on the merits of the new law.
At the same time, he defended the use of the procedural sidestep, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday that she was considering employing. He cited statistics that, he said, showed that Republicans had used "deeming" process about twice as often as Democrats over the years.
Hoyer did not specify what period of time or what types of legislation were approved using the procedure.
When, exactly, did the House Republicans ever use this tactic? Honestly, I’d like to know. IF – and that’s a BIG IF – Hoyer is not lying, I want to know if any of these GOP pirates are still in office. If they are we should find primary opponents for those guys. Proposing to pass legislation without actually voting on it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It doesn’t matter if the GOP did it in the past, it’s WRONG. But even IF Hoyer is telling the truth, I guess his Mom never taught him that two wrongs don’t make a right.
I’m a conservative, not a radical. However, if House Dems actually use this tactic of “deeming” a bill to have passed to force ObamaCare on an unwilling electorate it’s time to take to the streets.
from Delmarva Dealings
Two 6 Year Old Children Disappear From Delmar Elementary
Some time later someone finally noticed the children were nowhere to be found in their classroom and a search started.
The two girls were found a couple blocks away from the school.
Salisbury News has received different stories referencing this matter but when we checked with one WBOE Member, they had no idea this event ever took place.
Folks, I have contacted local politicians, Delegates, Senators and even Congressmen in reference to proposing new legislation in reference to sex offenders not being able to live within a one mile radius of any school.
This is a prime example of why this law should go into effect immediately. Sex offenders are allowed to live 1,000 feet away from any school and this just isn't right. If a child is subjected to walking to school and lives less than a mile away and can't be bussed to school, there is no reason a sex offender shouldn't be required to live more than a mile from a school.
These children were LUCKY! You'll not read anything about this in the Daily Times and you'll not see it on WBOC or WMDT. The Board of Education does a fantastic job keeping this kind of thing away from the Press.
While researching this story I came to learn of another one somewhat similar. A child was at recess and simply walked off the school grounds and walked to their Grandparents home, close to the school. One Elementary school in Salisbury isn't even fenced in.
With the way things are going today, not only should the public be aware of these possibilities, they should use such cases to share with their children just how dangerous it is for them to stray from school grounds.
To secure our children's safety, I urge each and every one of you to contact your local Delegates and at least get them to enforce the 1 mile rule on sex offenders by creating new legislation. If the rest of the state wants to pick up on this legislation, good for them.
I'd certainly enjoy your opinion on this matter. It should also be noted, the parent of one of these children mentioned was away on a business trip. The Guardian contacted the school to find out what was going on and the school, (Delmar Elementary) refused to give her any information. I believe if it is documented that the guardian is responsible for the child, the school should keep them up to speed. What do you think about that as well?
The Greater Salisbury Committee and other special interest groups are trying to pressure the City and County to keep the library headquarters in downtown Salisbury in the forlorn hope that it will result in revitalization of that area. Apparently, the library board wants the public officials to act now in order to get a $375,000 grant from the State of Maryland that will be “lost” otherwise.
As usual, public officials hear much from the power elite like the “GSC” to the exclusion of the general public who use the library. This blog is a forum for folks who don’t have the time or inclination to attend Council meetings or contact members to discuss the matter of future growth of the library.
What do you think the growth plan for the library should be? Assume for this question that they somehow manage to get the funding needed, which is far from a sure thing.
Please offer you comments, but stay on that point (and don’t make comments about persons). Here are some factors that you may want to consider:
1. Where is the best location for the library’s main facility – downtown Salisbury or elsewhere (if desired, specify one or more other locations that you favor)?
2. Would you or members of your family use the library more often if the headquarters or a branch facility were located closer to your home?
3. Should SBYnews be available to watch at all times on at least one monitor at each library location? [hey, that’s a joke, folks].
4. Should a location for the library headquarters be selected right now, without further public discussion and input simply to get a $375,000 grant from the State?
Please indicate in your comment if you are not a resident of Wicomico County or if you are not a member of the library at present.
Lesbian Air Force Sergeant Discharged After Police Find Marriage Certificate, Out Her To Military
Jene Newsome's honorable discharge under "don't ask, don't tell" came only after police officers saw a marriage certificate in her home and told the nearby Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Jene Newsome played by the rules as an Air Force sergeant: She never told anyone in the military she was a lesbian.
The 28-year-old's honorable discharge under the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy came only after police officers in Rapid City, South Dakota, saw a marriage certificate from Iowa -- one of the handful of U.S. states that recoganize same-sex marriage -- in Newsome's home and told the nearby Ellsworth Air Force Base.
Newsome and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a complaint against the western South Dakota police department, claiming the officers violated her privacy when they informed the military about her sexual orientation. The case also highlights concerns over the ability of third parties to "out" service members, especially as the Pentagon has started reviewing the 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" law.
The law does not explicitly prohibit gays or lesbians from serving in the military but requires them to serve in silence. If they acknowledge their sexual orientation or engage in a homosexual act, they can be expelled.
"I played by 'don't ask, don't tell,"' Newsome told The Associated Press by telephone.
GO HERE to read more.
Commit A Crime, Collect Your Pension from the WCBOE
Harken back to the days of the great landfill scandal. After Sheriff Mike Lewis caught the criminals and States Attorney Davis Ruark sent them to jail it was discovered that the miscreants would be collecting full county pensions. Shame on us.
By law, nothing could be done about the problem at hand. However, Wicomico’s county council did take steps to make sure that such an event wouldn’t occur in the future. If a county employee was found guilty of defrauding or otherwise stealing from the taxpayers they would forfeit the county’s contribution to their pension.
Last year it was discovered that a Wicomico County Board of Education (WCBOE) employee was defrauding the taxpayers (or if you are a lefty - “stealing form the children”). I’m sure it wasn’t the first time; nor the last. Assuming that this woman is convicted and sentence to jail, she will be eligible to receive her full pension. Shame on us again?
Maybe. The WCBOE bureaucrats read the paper. Hell, thanks to their “special relationship” they practically run it. But, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt as to why they didn’t pass a resolution similar to the county’s soon after the county passed their new pension rules. However, in early December of last year the Wicomico County Council sent a letter to superintendent John Fredericksen asking that they adopt a similar resolution. Almost four months have passed. NOTHING.
If the WCBOE doesn’t act, then the next time an employee is discovered stealing from the taxpayer, the fault will lie squarely on Fredericksen and the board. Perhaps Fredericksen, et al, will argue that their collective bargaining agreements wouldn’t allow them to pass such legislation. But wait, I thought that it was all “FOR THE CHILDREN”.
Tomorrow – Part I of WCBOE – Who Bought the Doughnuts?, our expose of waste, fraud, and abuse in the WCBOE Travel Budget
from Delmarva Dealings
Pelosi Plan To Pass Health Care Without Traditional Vote Riles Critics
A newly emerging Democratic plan to vote on health care reform without really voting on health care reform has critics riled up, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her allies are accused of resorting to legislative trickery to send a bill to President Obama's desk.
Senate Democratic leaders had already drawn jeers from Republicans for a plan to try to pass a follow-up health bill with only 51 votes, as opposed to 60. Now Pelosi and Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., chairwoman of the House Rules Committee, are cooking up a plan to pass the original health bill from the Senate side without forcing rank-and-file Democrats to technically go on record in support of it.
GO HERE to read more.
Genesis, ABBA Inducted Into Rock Hall
NEW YORK - English progressive rockers turned 1980s pop stars Genesis and the harmony-driven Hollies were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on Monday, joined by ABBA, another act that thrived in a second life.
Genesis was inducted by Trey Anastasio of Phish, whose band paid tribute to both incarnations of Genesis by performing "Watcher of the Skies" and "No Reply at All." The new inductees were missing Peter Gabriel, the theatrical lead singer whose departure was the dividing line between the band's two styles.
Former bandmate Mike Rutherford said Gabriel wanted to send his apologies for missing the event.
GO HERE to read more.
Animal Shelter Turned Into A ‘House Of Horrors’
For years, the Toronto Humane Society bragged of its low euthanasia rate — only 6 percent, compared with other big-city shelters that put down 50 percent or more of the animals they accept.
But that impressive statistic was hiding a dark secret, according to criminal charges laid against its top officials. The "model" animal shelter was actually what one investigator called a "house of horrors" — a place where infections ran rampant, animals lived in filthy conditions, food was scarce and a no-euthanasia policy led to sick animals suffering and dying without adequate medical care.
"It's a pretty good donor grab if you say we only euthanize 6 percent of our animals. The sad part is the amount of animals that died in their cages — long, painful, horrible deaths — to obtain those numbers," said Marcie Laking, who worked for the humane society for five years as a volunteer and a paid employee. "The Toronto Humane Society took euthanasia statistics to very inhumane levels."
GO HERE to read more.
Tea Party Prepares Anti-Obama 'Surge' In D.C.
Like two heavyweight fighters slugging it out in a battle royal, President Obama and tea party activists are squaring off once again today, as grassroots activists host a "We the People Surge" in the nation's capital in protest of the massive planned overhaul of U.S. healthcare.
Some tea party leaders expect 10,000 to 15,000 protesters. Others believe the crowd will be even larger.
The rally comes at a critical time. The debate over healthcare reform has become the focus of national attention, with Democratic leaders proclaiming again and again that they're closing in on the votes they need to cram the legislation through Congress without subjecting it to a Republican filibuster in the Senate. They would do so via the controversial parliamentary maneuver known as reconciliation.
Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., tells Newsmax that despite the administration's statements to the contrary, healthcare reform is far from a done deal. The legislation's unpopularity with voters appears to be growing, according to recent polls. A Rasmussen Reports poll released Monday indicates that 53 percent of voters oppose the Democratic plan, compared to 43 who think it's a good idea.
One of the major obstacles still standing in the president's way: The same relentless tea-party activists who knocked President Obama's legislative agenda off course last summer during the disputatious town hall meetings.
Planning for the tea party "surge" began a week ago, when various tea party organizations blasted their e-mail lists with news of a "code red rally" to be held in Washington D.C.
Speakers at the event are expected to include Rep. Mike Pence, Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Rep. Joe Wilson, and Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity.
Americans for Prosperity is also calling for a "Honk Against the Healthcare Takeover Rally." Its leaders are encouraging voters to drive to their local congressional offices on noon Tuesday, and honk their automobile horns to express their opposition to the president's proposals.
[Editor's note: Here's contact info for 'Frank'-- let him and his staff know what you think:]
Washington, DC Office314 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515Phone: 202-225-5311 Fax: 202-225-0254
Bel Air Office202 South Main StreetBel Air, MD 21014Phone: (410) 420-8822
Centreville Office102 Turpins LaneCentreville, MD 21617Phone: (443) 262 -9136 l Fax: (443) 262-9713
Salisbury OfficeOne Plaza EastSuite 103, East Main StreetSalisbury, MD 21801Phone: (410) 334-3072 Fax: (410) 334-3075
How God Created Maryland
Archangel Michael looked puzzled, and said, "What is it?" "It's a planet" replied God, and I've put life on it. I'm going to call it Earth and it's going to be a place to test Balance." "Balance?" inquired Michael, "I'm confused." God explained, pointing to different parts of Earth. "For example, he said, northern Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, while southern Europe is going to be poor. Over here I've placed a continent of white people, and over there is a continent of black people. Balance in all things."
God continued pointing to different countries. "This one will be extremely hot, while this one will be very cold and covered in ice."
The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a land area and asked, "What's that one?" "That's Maryland, the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful mountains, ocean, rivers and streams, lakes, forests, hills, and plains. The people from Maryland are going to be handsome, modest, intelligent, and humorous, and they are going to travel the world. They will be extremely sociable, hardworking, high achieving, carriers of peace, and producers of good things."
Michael gasped in wonder and admiration, but then asked, "But what about balance, God?
You said there would be balance..."
God smiled, "Right next to Maryland is Washington, DC. Wait till you see the idiots I put there."
Salisbury Police Department Press Release

Daniel Michael Bona, 21yoa of Sykesville, MD was charged with 2nd Degree Attempted Murder, 1st Degree Assault, 2nd Degree Assault, Reckless Endangerment, and Openly Wear and Carry a Dangerous Weapon. On March 12, 2010 at approximately 2:38am, officers responded to the 1400 block of Varsity Lane for a reported stabbing. Upon the officers arrival, the victim was found lying at the front door of his residence with several lacerations to his back and lower left side. The victim was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center-Emergency Room. During the course of the investigation by members of the Criminal Investigation Division it was learned that the victim received the injuries as a result of an altercation with Bona.
Bona was released to Central Booking.
Obama's Health Care Plan: What Do You Think?
Hotsheet has followed every step of the process, from early speculation about the process of reconciliation to the raucous protests from the plan's opponents.
Democrats are expected to use reconciliation within weeks, allowing them to bypass a Republican filibuster and pass a final bill with a simple majority of 51 votes in the Senate. Republicans, meanwhile, insist they cannot support the measure and that the American public does not want it to pass. Recent polling from CBS News shows people are growing impatient with the debate, even as strong support still exists for some elements of the Democrats' bills.
Now it's time to hear from our loyal Hotsheet readers. What do you think of the way Washington has handled the debate? What do you think of the policy options on the table? Let us know your opinions in our user poll here and in the comments section below:
Congressional Phone Lines Maxing Out On Capitol Hill --Keep Calling!
The below email is circulating around the Hill:
Due to the high volume of external calls, House telephone circuits are near capacity resulting in outside callers occasionally getting busy signals.
A HUMAN EVENTS reporter trying since 1 p.m. Tuesday to reach the office of Rep. John Boccieri, a potential swing vote on health care, was unable to get through.
Other news organizations are also reporting on the volume of calls being received.
"I've never seen the phone lines this jammed on Capitol Hill," Fox News’ Chad Pergram said on the Neil Cavuto show.
Some offices are also experiencing problems with the fax lines. Another member had to warn the staff that even those offices not being targeted because of their health care stance may not be able to receive faxes because the system is so overloaded.
Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) said his office isn’t experiencing fax issues, but they have received hundreds of calls today on the health care bill -- nine for the bill and 450 against.
Burgess, a no vote on health care, said when he calls his office’s D.C. number, it’s busy, but when he walks around the office, only one or two people are on the phone.
“I’ve asked the question, why is that, and they say it’s the House switchboard. It is just simply overwhelmed with the volume of calls that are coming in,” said Burgess.
Burgess said he would encourage people to keep trying to get through, whether by email or calling a member’s Capitol Hill or district offices. He said the Senate had a similar situation when they tried to pass the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill.
“This is an important issue and the member of Congress needs to hear from the constituency,” Burgess said.
[Editor's note: Here's contact info for 'Frank'-- let him and his staff know what you think]
Washington, DC Office314 Cannon HOB Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-5311 Fax: 202-225-0254
Bel Air Office202 South Main StreetBel Air, MD 21014 Phone: (410) 420-8822
Centreville Office102 Turpins LaneCentreville, MD 21617
Phone: (443) 262 -9136 l Fax: (443) 262 - 9713
Salisbury OfficeOne Plaza EastSuite 103, East Main StreetSalisbury, MD 21801
Phone: (410) 334-3072 l Fax: (410) 334-3075
Obama's Sick Obsession
Nationalized health care is the progressives' Golden Fleece. It is their obsession, the ultimate prize that was denied to previous administrations but is closer than it ever has been. As the ability of government to take over the health care system draws tantalizingly near, the president and leaders of the majority party have become infected with a kind of mania. President Obama and Democratic congressional leaders seem determined to ram through a severely flawed piece of legislation by any means necessary, heedless of the desires of the American people or the negative impact on the system they mistakenly say needs to be saved.
A large majority of Americans are satisfied with their current health care plans, though most also think the system could be improved. Yet proponents of the Democrats' radical health care overhaul brazenly claim the system is irretrievably broken and only radical surgery will save it.
According to the latest Gallup poll numbers, less than a fifth of even those who favor health reform agree with that position. The majority of Americans are divided between those who want a scaled-back health care measure and those who want the current project dropped entirely. If any system is broken, it is the legislative process.
Long-time Democratic pollsters Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen warned last week that "the battle for public opinion has been lost" on heath care. Democrats have backed themselves into a corner. If the bill fails, they suffer a defeat. But if they win, they also lose because Democrats "will face a far greater calamitous reaction" in November. "Wishing, praying or pretending will not change these outcomes," they caution.
But the glittering prize is too near for such sage counsel. The liberal leadership is infused with a sense of mission. They are the midwives to history, shepherding landmark legislation that will revise the American social contract and usher in a new era, or some such foolishness. All they need to do is pass the bill, and the poor, frightened, deluded American people will see the wisdom of their decisions. Hence House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's memorable (and revealing) comment, "We have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what is in it." In her imagination, once the bill is signed, voters won't remember the struggle, just the glow of the accomplishment.
Rip off the bandage; you'll feel better after the sting.
The Democrats' headlong drive is leading to bouts of political insanity, such as the aptly named Slaughter rule, which potentially could allow the House of Representatives to "deem" the health bill passed without a final vote. That the Democratic leadership would consider resorting to such a stunt betrays a high degree of contempt for the electorate, whom they presumably think will not remember or care that their representatives would not go on the record on such a major piece of legislation.
Disaffected voters, however, will recognize cowardice for what it is. Add to this the Louisiana Purchase, the Cornhusker Kickback, the backroom dealing, special-interest loopholes and fundamental unsoundness of placing government at the center of the health care system, and November will be a slaughter indeed.
Tell Kratovil NO Tuesday Rally
HONK Your Horn to say NO
Tell Kratovil to Vote NO on Senate Health Care Bill
Kratovil Wishy-Washy on Opposition to Senate Bill
****Vote Is Near****
12 NOON Tuesday Meet Near Kratovil's Office
Let's remind Kratovil we oppose the Senate bill.
Vote NO on the Senate Bill.
Visit any of Kratovil's offices or here at 1 East Main Street at 12:00 Noon, share your opposition to Senate bill, bring a sign, and HONK your horn to say NO to the Senate bill. Drive around block for 15 minutes.
The Senate bill includes Senator Mikulski's Amendmennt # 2791, passed in December, that allows abortion to be defined as preventive care thereby forcing insurance plans to pay for abortion.
HONK, HONK your horn to say NO!
Unable to be there, call Washington (202)225-5311
email: http://kratovil.house.gov
Salisbury (410) 334-3072
Centerville (443)262-9136
Graham: Pelosi Has House Dems 'Liquored Up On Sake', Ready For 'Suicide Run'
"Nancy Pelosi, I think, has got them all liquored up on sake and you know, they're making a suicide run here," Graham said on the Keven Cohen Show on WVOC radio in Columbia, S.C.
The South Carolina senator also used strong language against White House senior adviser David Axelrod this weekend for criticizing Republican arguments about healthcare reform.
"Senator [Scott] Brown [R-Mass.] comes from a state that has a healthcare plan that's similar to the one we're trying to enact here," Axelrod said on ABC's "This Week". "We're just trying to give the rest of America the same opportunities that the people of Massachusetts have."
Graham responded "The American people are getting tired of this crap...No way in the world is what they did in Massachusetts like what we're about to do in Washington."
Maryland's Political Speech Ban Bills
Political speech bans introduced in the Maryland House of Delegates this session include: HB 616, HB 690, HB 917, HB 986, HB 1087, and HB 1251. These legislative proposals run the range from bans on independent expenditures for public contractors, to forced-speech disclaimer requirements, to taxpayer-financed political campaign programs with “rescue funds” for less successful candidates, to bans on corporate political campaign contributions, and to requirements that shareholders explicitly authorize political spending. In particular, both HB 917 and HB 1251 ban corporate political contributions, and appear to allow unions to make such contributions.
Many of these bills are clearly contrary to principles laid down by U.S. Supreme Court precedents, and others are likely unconstitutional by a reasonable application of those precedents. Buckley v. Valeo (1976), for instance, bars government restrictions on independent political expenditures. Davis v. Federal Election Commission (2008) prohibits "rescue funds" designed to give public funding to electoral candidates whose opponents whose private spending exceeds a certain amount.
And the recent Citizens United v. FEC (2010) struck down speech restrictions based on speaker identity. In that case, the Court reiterated that the worth of speech doesn’t depend on the speaker’s identity, regardless of whether it’s a corporation, union, or an individual. Rather, the Court concluded that the First Amendment prohibits "restrictions distinguishing among different speakers, allowing speech by some but not others," because "restrictions based on the identity of the speaker are all too often simply a means to control content." (I discussed the case at some length in my FSF Perspectives piece "What Citizens United Means for Free Speech in the Digital Age").
GO HERE to read more.
Kratovil Fights 1st District's Conservative Tide
Frank Kratovil Jr. made history as the first Democrat elected to Congress from Maryland's easternmost district since the 1980s. Now, he's struggling against a reverse tide, one that sweeps out congressmen from the president's party in the middle of a new administration.
The freshman lawmaker is probably best known for being hanged in effigy by a disgruntled Eastern Shore constituent. The incident underscored the tough challenge Kratovil faces every day.
He is caught between his conservative district and Democratic leaders who'd like to have his support for their ambitious national agenda. Heading into the final showdown over health care legislation, local voters say they'll be watching closely.
Mike O'Connor, a federal employee from Grasonville, wants Kratovil to go "for the people, not for the Democratic Party" on health care overhaul. "If he were to vote against it, he would probably get my vote for re-election," says the 38-year-old Republican.
Dan Burnside, 35, also of Grasonville, crossed party lines to vote for Kratovil and hopes the congressman doesn't "lose himself" just because "some lady," referring to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, "tries to force your hand."
GO HERE to read more.
Md. Senate Approves Son Of Its President For Judgeship
Two of the 44 members present at the time did not cast votes, and Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert) left the chamber before the issue was considered.
The younger Miller, who was a member of the Maryland Parole Commission for 13 years, was praised by several senators, including some Republicans, during his recent confirmation hearing.
Controversy erupted in 2008, however, when Miller was nominated for another trial bench vacancy. Miller was initially passed over by the county's judicial commission, but he was later nominated after Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) asked for more candidates. That prompted three commission members to resign in protest.
O'Malley nominated Miller for the current post in late January.
GO HERE to read more.
Md. University Staff May Lose Free Tuition Benefit
Right now, the roughly 21,000 University System of Maryland employees — from top brass to groundskeepers — and their dependents are entitled to free tuition. The proposal to cut those benefits in half is part of a plan from House GOP Leader Anthony J. O’Donnell to close an estimated $2 billion budget deficit. O’Donnell’s office says changing the tuition benefit would save the state $6.85 million a year.
“We have deficits as far as the eye can see,” said O’Donnell, who represents Calvert and St. Mary’s counties. “We can’t afford a lot of this stuff. It’s just something we can’t afford to pay for anymore.”
Sue Esty, assistant director of the Maryland chapter of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, said the tuition remission program is a popular benefit that helps recruit and retain university staff. The federation represents 6,100 higher education employees in Maryland, Esty said, including clerical, security and maintenance workers.
“For many of them, their children will be the first generation to attend college,” Esty said. “They have so much hope and expectation built into this benefit. Some of them take advantage of the program to better themselves and their careers, too.”
The university system’s chief lobbyist, P.J. Hogan, said reducing the perk would put schools at a disadvantage with other area colleges that offer free tuition to staff. Many schools around the country offer free tuition to staffers and their dependents.
“It does not make us unique by having the benefit,” Hogan said. “By cutting it in half or eliminating it, that actually would make us unique and it would put us at a competitive disadvantage for recruiting and retaining staff, faculty and researchers.”
GO HERE to read more.
Obamanos! Hispanics,Blacks Bail On President
"Having raised expectations with a charismatic presidential campaign, the Obama White House is now under pressure to deliver results to the blacks and Hispanics who voted for him in record numbers," Corsi wrote.
President Obama is losing his core constituencies as black and Hispanic minorities have begun charging that candidate Obama lied to them with his message of "hope and change," Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.
"Having raised expectations with a charismatic presidential campaign, the Obama White House is now under pressure to deliver results to the blacks and Hispanics who voted for him in record numbers," Corsi wrote.
Members of the Congressional Black Coalition scheduled a meeting with President Obama to demand progress on jobs, especially given that African-American unemployment rates at around 15.6 percent at the end of 2009 were much higher than the 9.3 percent unemployment for whites.
"The 43-member (Congressional Black Caucus) is fighting through one of the most difficult periods in its 39 year history, and some members and aides say they are getting far too little support from the nation's first black president – a man they once believed would be their strongest champion," Politico noted.
Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., said, "There's not enough attention to poor people."
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., warned, "While I respect President Obama, delivering victories for his political future should be the least of our worries on Capitol Hill."
Likewise, Hispanic Democrats in the House of Representatives threatened not to vote for Obamacare if the Senate's strict restrictions barring illegal immigrants from receiving federal subsidies to buy health insurance remained in the final bill.
A group of activists demanding comprehensive immigration reform legislation held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to deliver the message to the White House that illegal immigrants and their supporters are losing patience with Obama.
Here's more from WND
Room 301, Government Office Building, Salisbury, Maryland
March 16, 2010 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. Gail M. Bartkovich, President -- Call meeting to order
10:03 a.m. Approval of Minutes of March 2, 2010
10:05 a.m. Matthew E. Creamer: Council Administrator:
1. Resolution 52-2010-Appropriation of $500,000 from Board of Education Designated Reserve Fund Balance-Medicaid Audit to the Board of Education Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2010
2. Resolution 53-2010-Extending the date for the submission of the Expense Budget from April 15th to April 20th
3. Resolution 54-2010-Authorizing the County Executive to execute an agreement with the Town of Mardela Springs assigning subdivision regulations obligations
4. Resolution 55-2010-Expenditure of $150,000 from the fund balance at Solid Waste for the purchase of a landfill gas flow meter, gas analyzer, with recording devices and a condensate pump station
5. Resolution 56-2010-Bond Refunding
6. Impact Fee Update-Theodore E. Shea, Director of Administration
10:45 a.m. Edgar A. Baker, Jr., County Attorney:
Update: Legislative Bill 2010-02-Stormwater Management
10:50 a.m. Public Comments
10:55 a.m. Council Comments
11:00 a.m. Council President’s Comments
11:05 a.m. Open Work Session:
PAC14 -- Memorandum of Understanding
12:00 p.m. LUNCH
12:20 p.m. Open Work Session:
Legislative Bill 2010-04-Graffiti
Update on health of Wicomico River
2:00 p.m. Closed Work Session:
Internal Auditor Interview
Library Site Recommendation-Tom Hehman, Director of Library
New Political Party
It's called the "PISSED OFF PARTY" (or POP).
This party is dedicated to vote every incumbent out of office in the next elections. If you're Democrat, vote Democrat. Just don't vote for the incumbent. If you're Republican, vote Republican. Just don't vote for the incumbent.
We need to send a message to all politicians, that we're tired of their B.S. If the country votes out all the incumbents, the new incoming politicians will get the message. It's pretty simple. Nobody needs to change parties and lets face it, there's plenty of blame to spread around.
A few good politicians will lose their job but they probably have better retirement and insurance then 95% of the American public.
We've had to struggle for the last 5 years. Some of us have lost our job and may be working in some other sector just to feed our family.
I guarantee you, none of us will suffer like this country has.
This should be read and understood by all Americans, EVERYONE!!
To All 535 voting members of the Legislature; it is now official you are ALL corrupt morons:
a. The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775.
You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke
b. Social Security was established in 1935. You have had
74 years to get it right and it is broke.
c. Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had
71 years to get it right and it is broke
d. War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years
to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each
year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more. And
the percentage of "poor" in this country is now higher than ever!
e. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965.
You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.
f. Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39
years to get it right and it is broke.
g. The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen
our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000
employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import
more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right
and it is an abysmal failure.
Community Sponsorship
Hi Joe,
I am very much in need of your help! I am a new director for Eastern Shore Junior Miss, which funds scholarships for high school juniors to continue their education. Our program is completely non-profit and all funds generated come strictly from community sponsorships. This year we have had sponsors fall through and we have not been able to meet our scholarship needs for the 6 girls competing April 10. I would hate to cancel this event because of a lack of funds. It is my hope I can generate enough sponsorships to find the scholarships needed for these college-bound girls. The 6 girls competing are all from the Eastern Shore. Below is the letter I have sent out to sponsors:
My name is Jessica Haden and I am the local director for the Eastern Shore Junior Miss Program. The ESJM program is a non-profit 501(C) program that funds scholarships for high school juniors in our local area. The ESJM is a preliminary to Maryland’s Junior Miss. Since 1933, Americas Junior Miss has contributed $33 Billion in scholarships for college-bound girls. This is the first year we have brought this program to the Eastern Shore and we are so excited to give girls in the area the opportunity to compete and win scholarship money to continue their education.
The ESJM program is completely free for the contestants to enter and is funded solely by community donations through scholarships. All officials, including myself, are strictly volunteers. Donations we receive from the community go directly to cover production costs and fund scholarships.
I am writing to you today to see if you would be interested in making a contribution to our scholarship fund. Without support from local businesses, our program would not be possible. I have attached two sponsorship forms that you can look over and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can also learn more about our program by visiting http://www.easternshorejuniormiss.org%20or/ the national site at http://www.ajm.org/. My email and phone are listed below.
I thank you for your time in reviewing this information and sincerely hope you will consider sponsoring these young ladies who wish to further their education.
Thanks for all you do!
Warmest Regards,
Jessica L. HadenChairman,
Eastern Shore's Junior Miss
(410) 726-6248
MSP Press Release
On 3/15/10 at 1240 hrs, Maryland State Police Barrack “E” conducted a traffic stop for a stop sign violation on Naylor Street at Brown Street, Wicomico County, Maryland. While speaking with the operator, Deandre Shivers, the Trooper detected the odor of marijuana. Search of the vehicle located marijuana and Deandre Shivers was subsequently arrested and taken to Wicomico County Detention Center.
1. Deandre L. Shivers, 28, of Salisbury MD.
Charge: CDS Marijuana possession, Paraphernalia Possession
Montgomery Co. Exec Proposes First Spending Reduction In Modern History
The county is facing a staggering deficit of $779 million that is forcing cuts at all county agencies with significant cuts proposed in services and staffing.
Hard choices resulted from the economic recession, rising unemployment, and sharp declines in tax revenues and state aid, Leggett said.
GO HERE to read more.