DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Common Sense Does Exists Somewhere In America
Burglary Suspects Caught
Beginning the week of March 10, 2008, the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office began receiving reports of residential burglaries that were occurring during daytime hours while the houses were unoccupied. The burglaries were all similar in nature involving forced entry and the thefts of hand held electronics and laptop computers. Due to the high frequency of these reports and the assumption they were related, Sheriff Lewis committed a deputy full time to these investigations.
The Sheriff’s Office was able to develop a general suspect description along with a description of a possible suspect vehicle. Armed with that information, the deputy detailed to this investigation observed a vehicle matching the vehicle description occupied by two males who fit the suspect description on 3/19/2008. That deputy was able to develop probable cause for a stop and when he made contact with the occupants, the deputy observed miscellaneous computer equipment in plain view on the back seat. A WCSO drug K9 responded to the scene and did a scan of the vehicle, alerting positively to the presence of illegal drugs in the vehicle. A search of the vehicle revealed what the deputies recognized as marijuana. After finding the marijuana, further search uncovered two laptop computers, a router, a modem and two pairs of gloves. Deputies on the scene believed Webb and Jones to be the subjects who were responsible for the series of burglaries that had occurred over the previous week All the items recovered from the vehicle were able to be traced to two burglaries that had occurred on 3/19/2008. In one of the burglaries, the homeowner had not even discovered that he had been the victim of a burglary.
James Webb attempted to flee from the scene while in handcuffs and was apprehended after a short foot chase. Both Webb and Tim Jones were transported to the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office where these cases were further investigated. They were subsequently transferred to the Central Booking Unit of the Wicomico County Detention Center where both Webb and Jones were booked and taken before a District Court Commissioner.
James Webb was held in the Wicomico County Detention Center without bond while Tim Jones was held on $100,000 bond in the Wicomico County Detention Center.
The WCSO will continue to investigate Webb and Jones’ involvement with other recently reported burglaries. If anyone has any information that might assist the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, you are asked to please call 410-548-4890.

Another As Seen On Salisbury News
March 20, 2008
Statement of Richard M. Pollitt, Jr., Wicomico County Executive
“I am very pleased to announce today the appointment of the Honorable Alfred T. Truitt, Jr., as the Chairman of the County Executive’s Citizens Study Commission on the Future of the Youth and Civic Center. Judge Truitt is one of our county’s most distinguished citizens. He has had a long, outstanding career as an attorney and judge. His presence at the top of this new commission will assure it instant credibility and guarantee its success.
“The Citizens Study Commission on the Future of the Youth & Civic Center is charged with formulating a plan to fulfill the ongoing mission of one of our county’s most valuable assets. The Commission will explore all aspects of future Civic Center possibilities as they define the best way to continue serving our citizens.
“It is no secret that our Civic Center is showing its age and is in need of extensive renovation and modernization. Before we commit the millions of dollars it will take to accomplish that, wisdom dictates we conduct a full evaluation of this revered county facility to determine its best use for the years ahead. There is no doubt that if the Civic Center is to survive as a viable, profitable site for major events and big name performances, it must be as good as or better than similar venues in the region. I am asking the Commission to thoroughly evaluate that situation and am encouraging them to consider all options including whether a change to a new location is desirable.
“At the same time, I am concerned that, in our zeal to be self-sufficient, we may have forgotten the ‘Youth’ part of the Civic Center’s name and out-priced it’s availability to many in our community. It is my hope that the Commission will discuss how to provide a true community center that will serve the needs of our young people, civic associations and other members of our county who just want to have a nice place to congregate and enjoy their respective events.
“The Commission will study all facets of the Civic Center operation and will, at the end of its work, make recommendations for the best way to serve the citizens of our county who have come to rely on the WY&CC for recreation and entertainment.
“The actual membership of my study commission will represent a broad cross-section of county interests and will reflect the diversity of the culture of our community. Final membership will be determined in the next week and a formal charge will be issued. I hope to have the work accomplished with a report on my desk by the first of July, 2008.
“I am extremely grateful for Judge Truitt’s willingness to chair this important exercise and for those citizens that will be called upon to serve.”
Things Are Rocking In The Parsonsburg Area Today
Old Ocean City Road Closed
OBX Pics Part Deux
Republican Congressional Nominee Andy Harris Searches Shore For 2nd Home
While the Daily Times had an article referencing Senator Andy Harris possibly purchasing a home here on the Eastern Shore, they never contacted Andy or his immediate Staff for the facts.
For the last 20+years, Andy and his family have been vacationing on the Bay and on the Shore. Every Summer, Andy and and his family spend a week on a boat on the Bay traveling up and down the Eastern Shore. Over the years, his family has fallen in love with the beauty and the people on the Shore. They have been thinking about getting a second place on the Shore for years and the timing finally just seems right.
Andy will be representing the entire first district and having a home on the Shore will help him do just that. This will also give him much more time with his family which is something he cares very deeply about.
There was talk in the Daily Times article that he was considering Cambridge. Andy has not settled on any place in particular and his search continues.
Young Republican Meeting A Week From Today
Today's Grapevine
Congratulations on the new zoo director. That is awesome. Our city zoo is finally getting the leadership it needs. I just hope the new director Joel Hamilton does not find out about the forces of evil before he gets settled in town."
You're kidding me, right? This guy actually got hired without meeting the Mayor first?
One Year Ago Today
Dee, Dee, Deeee Lights
On each and every one of the bays in the new Fire Garage they have these lights that tell you when you can and cannot go. Since when has a Firefighter ever paid attention to a Red Light?
Chief See stated that you'd be amazed at how many doors are lost because they drove through before the door was completely open. SEE WHAT I MEAN! Now they have stop and go lights to allow you to know when it's safe to pull in or pull out. Just for the fun of it fellas, do you also have these lights in your homes? When the red light is on you stay at the Fire Station?
Another 2 Major Cracks In New FD Floors
While I delivered photos yesterday of the cracks in the floor at the new Fire Station, here's more! If you'll notice, the crack extends out of the first block and towards the shoes of the person standing there in a northerly direction. Do notice AGAIN that the expansion joints have once again FAILED and there is in fact a serious problem with this floor. We all know See & Gordy will be desperately telling everyone the concrete is perfectly sound, no problems. However, you also will not see them fix it.
Base Molding To Die For!
After we were brought into the Conference Room the very first thing I noticed was the SOLID OAK base molding. I thought to myself, this has got to be at least 6" tall and "I" don't even have solid oak base molding in my home and I can afford it!
Honest to God, Ladies & Gentlemen, you have commercial grade carpet and a drop ceiling in this room, what in the heck do they think they're doing putting in solid oak trim for? I mean, quite honestly, some Redneck chose this and I guarantee they'll have cherry furniture in the room, you mark my words.
The Trailer Trash got their first taste at a free checking account and went out and bought what they thought was the very finest. IMO, what a waste of a tree and the environment for a cheap thrill! Vinyl base molding like ALL other commercial properties would have been just fine. However, someone in a trailer with faux oak on their base molding wanted the real thing and at your expense, they got it.
Little Ricky Did Some Splainin
Your friend Ricky"
For many, school is actually out for those kids that go to year round school. That being said, who'da thunk we'd have such a young audience?
Ricky, we're very pleased you enjoy this Blog. I know and respect your Uncle very much, (Granddad) and know he'll protect you from certain articles and comments. I have created a link to your Blog in the hopes that many will come visit you today to see the Mini Me in you, LOL!
Thanks for coming by little man and we'll chat again soon.
A VIEW FROM THE WEST: Is Anyone Impressed?
It has been about a month since Baltimore Sun Columnist Dan Rodricks took over the midday slot for Dan Rodricks on WYPR. This is the station that you guys can hear on 106.9FM. Your Public Radio Corporation asked us to give them a chance to show that they can do something better than they guy they threw out of the building, Marc Steiner. So I have to ask…are you impressed with him, because I surely am not.
I happen to tune in one day. The topic of hour one was Wal-Mart. Yeah, I’m sorry that story was real hot…in 2006. The second hour was about grammar…it was National Grammar Day when I listened (I did not know there was such a thing.) The replacement show does not have any teeth and has been dealing with mostly magazine type stuff. This observation is based on what I read on their website on what aired that day.
In short, there has not been any vast improvement of Steiner’s show…as a matter of fact, Marc Steiner was way better and Rodricks cannot hold a candle to him at this point. WYPR’s management said that they wanted a show that addressed the issues of Marylanders, not just Baltimoreans. I don’t think National Grammar Day is a hard-hitting issue, involving Marylanders. I personally don’t care about what happens with a discarded cell phone. I would home that most people would donate them to organizations that fix them up and give them to people in need. And let me tell you the difference between 1908 and 2008…you are reading this post written by a black guy….need I go further?
But that’s just me, what do you think?