Tell me, what has Barrie Tilghman actually done for the City of Salisbury? More importantly, maybe everyone should now start concentrating on what Barrie Tilghman will be leaving all of you with once she's gone?
Proclamations during Council Meetings doesn't cut it!
Have things gotten better at the Zoo?
Have things gotten better at the WWTP?
Is the City in a better financial situation then it was last year?
Is the City in greater debt than last year?
Is the City a safer place to live?
Are murders up or down in the City?
Are there Gangs in Salisbury?
Is the River in better shape?
Do the Citizens believe in Barrie Tilghman and or trust her better this year than last year?
Is it just me or is the Bank of Delmarva involved in almost every transaction the City pulls off?
Has the Mayor publicly asked Mike Dunn where he in fact got his Stock in the Bank of Delmarva?
Are there less homeless people in the City?
Are the more homeowners in the City?
Do you believe what she tells you?
Is the Mayor making more money than last year?
There are tons of quality questions to ask but I think some of these shed light as to just how well things are truly going with this Mayor and Council. Let's leave it for the Barrie Supporters to come back and show us jus what good she has done representing all of you as your Mayor?
Most importantly, what will she leave all of you when she's gone and what will she have for herself when she leaves? We all know she put her name on the deed just before WalMart purchased their property.