We're not making this up folks!
http://www.wicomicocounty.org/purchase/SEALED%20BIDS/Wine%20Festival%20Bid.htmWICOMICO COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT
P. O. BOX 870
DATE: September 8, 2008
TIME: 2:00 P.M.
Submission of Bids: Bids should be submitted on the bid form provided in the solicitation. The bid form shall be signed and submitted in a sealed envelope clearly identified on the outside with the name of the project and date and time of the scheduled bid opening as indicated in the advertisement. Failure to respond to the solicitation with a formal bid or a “No Bid” will be cause for removal from the bidder’s list.
Delivery of Bids: Bids should be mailed or hand carried in order to be received in the office of the Purchasing Agent prior to the announced bid opening. Bids received after said time will be returned to the bidder unopened. It is fully the responsibility of the bidder to insure that the bid is received on time. The County will not speculate as to reasonableness of the postmark, nor comment on the apparent failure of a public carrier to have made prompt delivery of the bid.
Exceptions: Any exceptions to the specifications requested should be listed on a separate sheet of paper attached to the bid. An exception to the specifications may not necessarily disqualify the bid. The County will determine if the exception is an essential deviation or a minor item. In the case of a minor deviation, the County maintains the option to award to that bidder if it determines the performance is not adversely affected by the exception.
Award of Bid: The Purchasing Agent shall award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder complying with the provisions of the Invitation for Bid. The Purchasing Agent reserves the right to award a contract by individual items, in aggregate, or in combination thereof as deemed necessary to fulfill the anticipated requirements of the County. If some characteristic of the bid requires that the bid must be reviewed by the County Council, the award can be expected within 30 days.
Multi-Year Contracts: It should be noted that multi-year contracts may be continued each fiscal year only after funding appropriations and program approval have been granted by the Wicomico County Council. In the event that the Council does not grant necessary funding appropriation/program approval, then the affected multi-year contract becomes null and void effective July 1 of the fiscal year for which such approvals have been denied.
Insurance: If required by the Special Conditions of the Invitation for Bid, the bidder shall provide the County with Certificates of Insurance within ten (10) days of bid award notification evidencing the required coverage. Bidder must provide Certificates of Insurance before commencing work in connection with the contract.
Right to Reject: The Wicomico County Council reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids or to waive any technicality it deems in the best interest of the County.
Quantity of Wine Glasses: 5000
Size Needed:
6.5 oz Citation wine glass with the Autumn Wine Festival logo satin etched on one side of the glass. – no date on them
Need to know price per glass;
Need to know if there is a screening charge;
Need to know if there is a paper proof charge; and
Need to know the delivery charge and method of delivery for the glasses to the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center at 500 Glen Ave., Salisbury, MD.
Please contact Linda Rickard at 410-548-4914 with Wicomico County Tourism if you need additional information or our website wicomicocounty.org under Bids and Proposals.
Submission of Bid:
To be submitted in a sealed envelope to Wicomico County Purchasing Department, 125 N. Division Street, Room 303 Government Office Building, Salisbury, MD 21801 no later than 2:00 p.m. on September 8, 2008. Please submit your bid on the “Bid Form” which is attached. Please enter your price per trip in the space provided after each trip.
Wicomico County Purchasing Department
Room 303, Government Office Building
125 North Division Street
Salisbury, MD 21801
Total Price of Glasses: ___________________
Total Price for Screening: ___________________
Total Price for Proof: ___________________
Total Price for Pick up & Delivery: ___________________
I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of all contents of this BID. The undersigned agrees to furnish the commodity or service stipulated in this BID as stated above.
SIGNATURE: __________________________________
NAME: _________________________________
COMPANY: __________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________
DATE: __________________________________