The Shorebirds will open their Stadium for Kids and Families at 9:00 AM tomorrow whereas they will have an Easter Egg Hunt and other activities for children. I read this information on Michael's Blog and thought it would reach a larger audience here.
Hopefully Michael chimes in and shares more information about tomorrow in the comment section? Thanks for the update Michael. I did not see anything about this in The Daily Times, did any of you?

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Friday, March 14, 2008
Citizen’s Emergency Response Training Course

The Wicomico County Department of Emergency Services is offering a basic Citizen’s Emergency Response Training Course starting on April 3rd at 7:00 P.M. in the Workforce Development Center Building Room 100 at WOR-WIC Community College. The class is free to Wicomico County Residents. For more information, call 410-548-4820 or email,
The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department was doing routine neighborhood patrols in Hebron this afternoon and knocking on some doors to see if anyone had see or heard anyone stealing Long & Foster signs.
One Deputy went to a residence, (I was there) where the owner opened the door and their Pit Bull/Mix broke loose from the owner and started attacking the Deputy. After being bit, the Deputy was able to kick the dog off of him, he spun around and came back to attack him again.
Unfortunately, in fear of his life, the Officer was forced to shoot the animal and he was killed. I have to tell you Ladies & Gentlemen, each and every Officer there was heartbroken. There simply was no choice.
Considering the circumstances, I did not take pictures. The Officer is at PRMC as we speak and this happened some time after 4:00 PM today.
One Deputy went to a residence, (I was there) where the owner opened the door and their Pit Bull/Mix broke loose from the owner and started attacking the Deputy. After being bit, the Deputy was able to kick the dog off of him, he spun around and came back to attack him again.
Unfortunately, in fear of his life, the Officer was forced to shoot the animal and he was killed. I have to tell you Ladies & Gentlemen, each and every Officer there was heartbroken. There simply was no choice.
Considering the circumstances, I did not take pictures. The Officer is at PRMC as we speak and this happened some time after 4:00 PM today.
Why I Just Can't Pass Gas! LOL
Someone mysteriously sent me these photos, (LOL) taken today on Spring Hill Road. This is a windy road not suited for such speed, yet a fuel truck just leaving their base loaded with fuel thinks he's in the Indy 500 driving a stock car!
Anyway, it's kind of tough to pass gas when he's already doing 70 MPH!
Salisbury Kennel Club Breaks Ground
The Salisbury Kennel Club broke ground this afternoon and expressed some very exciting news. They plan on swinging their doors, (believe it or not) in June 08! Quite a bit of people were on hand for the event and it was a perfect day for it.
It was announced that the Poodle Club and Salisbury Kennel Club Shows are the two biggest events held in Wicomico County, raising more than $2,500,000.00 in revenue. I didn't know that and I'm confident many of you did not as well.
It should be very interesting to watch this structure go up and I look forward to their Grand Opening Party in June. I still can't believe that but we'll see how things go. Peggy Bradford is behind the whole project, so when they say it's going to happen, I have to believe them.
If you're wondering where this is located, you'll see the back of the building from west bound Rt. 50. If you turn at the Shorebirds Stadium, make your first right heading into Winter Place Park and it's about 1/2 mile down on your right.
2nd Annual Delmarva Technology Expo April 23
Event Details
April 23, 2008
10AM - 4PM
The Fountains Wedding & Conference Center
Salisbury MD
Space is limited
Register Now!
Delmarva's Largest Technology Show Returns
Inacom Information Systems, Cisco Systems, Avaya, HP, Microsoft and Comcast are featured sponsors of the 2nd Annual Delmarva Technology Expo.
Spend a day investigating solutions to help your organization operate more efficiently, increase customer responsiveness, contain costs, and improve network security.
Featuring the Microsoft Across America Truck, Cisco Network on Wheels Van, and 20 breakout sessions and product demonstrations!
To learn more about the Delmarva Tech Expo and reserve your place today, visit
Heroes Happen Here Contest
Come with Inacom on a road trip to Baltimore! A limited number of attendees will win an exclusive trip to Microsoft's Launch Event in Baltimore MD on Friday, May 23. All expenses are on us, including road trip limo transportation. It's sure to be a great time!
Test Drive Windows Server 2008, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
Take home a promotional kit with versions of all three products.
Enjoy hand-on labs, face-to-face Q&A sessions, and other opportunities to interact with development team members.
An entire day of breakout sessions allow you to focus on the topics that interest you the most.
To qualify to win the free trip, you need to attend. Take the first step, and reserve your place at the Delmarva Technology Expo today!
April 23, 2008
10AM - 4PM
The Fountains Wedding & Conference Center
Salisbury MD
Space is limited
Register Now!
Delmarva's Largest Technology Show Returns
Inacom Information Systems, Cisco Systems, Avaya, HP, Microsoft and Comcast are featured sponsors of the 2nd Annual Delmarva Technology Expo.
Spend a day investigating solutions to help your organization operate more efficiently, increase customer responsiveness, contain costs, and improve network security.
Featuring the Microsoft Across America Truck, Cisco Network on Wheels Van, and 20 breakout sessions and product demonstrations!
To learn more about the Delmarva Tech Expo and reserve your place today, visit
Heroes Happen Here Contest
Come with Inacom on a road trip to Baltimore! A limited number of attendees will win an exclusive trip to Microsoft's Launch Event in Baltimore MD on Friday, May 23. All expenses are on us, including road trip limo transportation. It's sure to be a great time!
Test Drive Windows Server 2008, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
Take home a promotional kit with versions of all three products.
Enjoy hand-on labs, face-to-face Q&A sessions, and other opportunities to interact with development team members.
An entire day of breakout sessions allow you to focus on the topics that interest you the most.
To qualify to win the free trip, you need to attend. Take the first step, and reserve your place at the Delmarva Technology Expo today!
What Do YOU Think About The New Daily Times?
Fair is fair. I'll share my thoughts on what I think of the new Paper and hope you'll do the same.
First of all, I'll start with, I have never received so many telephone calls and e-mails on one issue than the new Daily Times Newspaper. People quite frankly are ticked off. Their print sucks, (so I'm told by many as well as my person experience).
Change is something most people don't like. With the Newspaper Industry failing everywhere around us, I personally cannot understand why they would take such a risk and change so dramatically? It's not my Paper and or decision but I would have kept the format the same, to say the least.
The Daily Times is in a major jam period. You see, I learned yesterday there's no turning back! The size of the paper will remain the same, no matter what! Their new press only allows this size paper and they also had to eliminate one column per page, admittedly stating their stories must now be shorter, every story.
Now is that such a bad thing? I don't know yet. I will say my experience so far has been horrible and I have to add, I'm getting TWO papers per day now. Have they finally learned that we have a ton of young/small dogs that rely on their paper? It makes no sense but we're not calling them to fight off the second paper.
The print quality has improved day by day, then we fall back to bad days where you can't read a thing in some places. Your input is important because for all I know they're making sure I get a very special TOP SHELF edition to make sure I don't bash them each and every day?
I'd also like to touch on what they're reporting. Much of what you see daily can be read right here on Salisbury News, seriously. Granted, their articles are more journalistic but they don't have the UMPH! There's no real humor either. I enjoy knowing I've made people laugh when they're reading my articles, even at the risk of parting away from any journalistic qualities. See what I mean? LOL
Anyhow, what are your thoughts? Where do you think the news is going? Would you rather get the paper, or would you rather go on line? Would you rather have news with a twist like mine, or would you rather have news like the paper offers?
As we grow at Salisbury News, I'd like to know. You know me, it doesn't mean I'm going to listen but I'm sure you're enjoying it because the hits keep going through the roof! My personal goal is to continue delivering FREE information and that's what's killing The Daily Times. They rely on that $4.50 a week per person. If "I" was getting that, OMG! Instead, we'll rely on selling some advertising down the road and help these poor writers make a buck at what they do.
In the mean time, let us know your thoughts?
First of all, I'll start with, I have never received so many telephone calls and e-mails on one issue than the new Daily Times Newspaper. People quite frankly are ticked off. Their print sucks, (so I'm told by many as well as my person experience).
Change is something most people don't like. With the Newspaper Industry failing everywhere around us, I personally cannot understand why they would take such a risk and change so dramatically? It's not my Paper and or decision but I would have kept the format the same, to say the least.
The Daily Times is in a major jam period. You see, I learned yesterday there's no turning back! The size of the paper will remain the same, no matter what! Their new press only allows this size paper and they also had to eliminate one column per page, admittedly stating their stories must now be shorter, every story.
Now is that such a bad thing? I don't know yet. I will say my experience so far has been horrible and I have to add, I'm getting TWO papers per day now. Have they finally learned that we have a ton of young/small dogs that rely on their paper? It makes no sense but we're not calling them to fight off the second paper.
The print quality has improved day by day, then we fall back to bad days where you can't read a thing in some places. Your input is important because for all I know they're making sure I get a very special TOP SHELF edition to make sure I don't bash them each and every day?
I'd also like to touch on what they're reporting. Much of what you see daily can be read right here on Salisbury News, seriously. Granted, their articles are more journalistic but they don't have the UMPH! There's no real humor either. I enjoy knowing I've made people laugh when they're reading my articles, even at the risk of parting away from any journalistic qualities. See what I mean? LOL
Anyhow, what are your thoughts? Where do you think the news is going? Would you rather get the paper, or would you rather go on line? Would you rather have news with a twist like mine, or would you rather have news like the paper offers?
As we grow at Salisbury News, I'd like to know. You know me, it doesn't mean I'm going to listen but I'm sure you're enjoying it because the hits keep going through the roof! My personal goal is to continue delivering FREE information and that's what's killing The Daily Times. They rely on that $4.50 a week per person. If "I" was getting that, OMG! Instead, we'll rely on selling some advertising down the road and help these poor writers make a buck at what they do.
In the mean time, let us know your thoughts?
Major Boxing Tournament This Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Name of Event Eastern Regional Collegiate Boxing Championships
Date Friday Sat, Sun March 14,15,16
Place Stephen Decatur High School
Time Fri & Sat Doors open at 6:00 pm and bouts start at 7:00pm
Sun doors open 11:00 am bouts start at 12:00 noon
Advances to USA National Collegiate Championships in Reno NV
Major Sponsor Atlantic Physical Therapy
Universities in Attendance: West Point(USMA) VMI(Virginia Military Institute) University of Maryland, Collage Park, Salibury University, Penn State, Shippensburg,
Loch Haven University, United States Coast Guard, Mansfield University, Gettysburg,
Price $10.00 with student ID for school or collage
$15.00 Gen admission
Where to purchase At the door
This is the first time ever that a collegiate boxing event has taken place on the Eastern Shore . At the morning pre bout meeting all coaches we very excited about being here and made comment about coming back next year if this event is successful. This will be an unforgettable time for all ages while at the same time supporting the Main St Gym.
The Main St Gym is a non-profit that has worked with at- risk kids in the the area for over 18 years. We are now expanding by building a new facility so we can do more work with more kids. Our success has now gained the attention of the school system which refers many of their problem students to us and we welcome the challenge. All of the proceeds form this event will divide evenly between the Main St Gym, for our building fund and the University of Maryland Boxing Club so they can continue to operate. If you are not familiar with our program, and wish to learn more, I welcome you to come visit the gym and let me give you broader picture of what we do.
Date Friday Sat, Sun March 14,15,16
Place Stephen Decatur High School
Time Fri & Sat Doors open at 6:00 pm and bouts start at 7:00pm
Sun doors open 11:00 am bouts start at 12:00 noon
Advances to USA National Collegiate Championships in Reno NV
Major Sponsor Atlantic Physical Therapy
Universities in Attendance: West Point(USMA) VMI(Virginia Military Institute) University of Maryland, Collage Park, Salibury University, Penn State, Shippensburg,
Loch Haven University, United States Coast Guard, Mansfield University, Gettysburg,
Price $10.00 with student ID for school or collage
$15.00 Gen admission
Where to purchase At the door
This is the first time ever that a collegiate boxing event has taken place on the Eastern Shore . At the morning pre bout meeting all coaches we very excited about being here and made comment about coming back next year if this event is successful. This will be an unforgettable time for all ages while at the same time supporting the Main St Gym.
The Main St Gym is a non-profit that has worked with at- risk kids in the the area for over 18 years. We are now expanding by building a new facility so we can do more work with more kids. Our success has now gained the attention of the school system which refers many of their problem students to us and we welcome the challenge. All of the proceeds form this event will divide evenly between the Main St Gym, for our building fund and the University of Maryland Boxing Club so they can continue to operate. If you are not familiar with our program, and wish to learn more, I welcome you to come visit the gym and let me give you broader picture of what we do.
Your Tax Dollars Hard At Work!
Bear Stearns is the nation's fifth-largest Investment Bank who received a bailout today by the Federal Government and JPMorgan Chase & Co. in a last-ditch effort to save the 86-year old institution.
Bear Stearns made its fortune dealing in opaque mortgage backed securities and lost 1/2 of their value within 30 minutes of the market open, before climbing back a bit to be down 41 percent by mid day.
Can you say, Depression?
Bear Stearns made its fortune dealing in opaque mortgage backed securities and lost 1/2 of their value within 30 minutes of the market open, before climbing back a bit to be down 41 percent by mid day.
Can you say, Depression?
Congratulations Totmom!

Did you see today's Daily Times? I know many have cancelled their subscription, so I'll try to keep you up to speed.
Totmom put up an Entertainment Article talking about a woman who was on the toilet seat for 2 years. Well guess what? The Daily Times decided this article couldn't be resisted, so they put it in today's paper!
Another "As Seen On Salisbury News" article. Great work Totmom!
Know Where The Adult Entertainment Could Be In Salisbury

The City of Salisbury finally got their language together following the lead of other municipalities and found territories in which Adult Book Stores etc. could be located in the City. The pickins are slim but you should be aware of just where they might go.
So before you make an investment into property anywhere around the City, don't say you weren't warned ahead of time.
It's A Carbonated Soda Party!
While this driver has figured out a way to run his vehicle on Soda, the rest of us are still paying out the tail for gas nearly $3.25 per gallon.
They're claiming gas will exceed $4.00 a gallon this summer. Will Americans stand for it, truly? I want this guys secret! I mean, how much more of this crap can we take, seriously?
The Drive In Theater In West OC Isn't Exactly Closed
You Do Not Get What You Pay For
If You're Not Going To Play Fair, Well, Well, I'm Gonna Leave!
After Councilwoman Debbie Campbell flat out tore the Mayor a new one last Monday night, the Mayor tried to interrupt Campbell and she just wouldn't stand for it. Debbie immediately instructed Louise Smith to basically shut that woman, (the Mayor) up as Mrs. Campbell had the floor.
Debbie was discussing just how this Mayor could SPEND all that money in change orders FIRST, without bringing it to the Council beforehand? Rather than the Mayor sitting back and waiting her turn, she pulled a power play and was told to be quiet.
The Mayor soon got up in anger, stormed out of the room and went to play in another sand box where the children can be more controlled.
Salisbury Kennel Club Ground Breaking Ceremony Today

The Salisbury Kennel Club wants to invite everyone out today at 3:00 PM to celebrate with them on their ground breaking ceremony where they are ready to start building their new facility in Winter Place Park.
If you just happen to be off today and are available to bring your pet at 3:00, join their celebration and even perhaps their Club.
Drive In Theaters, A Thing Of The Past
It's strange to think that many of the people reading this Post have never experienced a Drive In Theater. These photos are of the Theater in West Ocean City on Rt. 50.
I'll show some additional photos in another Post as to what's going on with this property now and I'll show you what has grown there.
Today I'll head out to the old Drive In Theater in Delmar, DE. Do you know of any other places that may still be sitting there doing nothing? If so, let us know.
OK, now don't lie. How many of you stuffed people in your trunks going in? How many of you lied about the age of your children? DON'T LIE!
Will The SFD Ever Understand It's About A Ladder Truck?
As I produced a Post last night about a fire on the West Side, a Ladder Truck was one of the first responders and because they didn't get my point the first go around, I'll try it one last time.
The Ladder Truck was NOT needed, they now admit that. It was there, just in case. Well, when you're spending $1,200,000.00 of my money for a TOY, I want that TOY to stay where it is UNTIL it's NECESSARY to go out.
IMO, it would be simple to set up an address perimeter for areas in which might REQUIRE a Ladder Truck? Oh, that's right, that would take WORK and some SMARTS. Oh, and guess what, if you're wrong you can always CALL back for the Ladder Truck!
You see Folks, accountability questions like this is what really ticks these guys/gals off. It doesn't have to have a high level of "what if's" to it if they just started managing things better. Nothing is perfect but when you run a system to send if ALL of the troops at once, what happens when another fire starts at the same time elsewhere?
So let's say yesterday a fire broke out at SU on the 3rd floor of an apartment building? The Ladder Truck is now EXTENDED, but NOT needed. They would have to retract it, then figure out how to clear the cluster of 500 Fire Trucks now in the way because every Fire Department from the local Eastern Shore is there toasting marshmallow's.
I know this is a bit much but come on, it's a reality though. I believe they could easily manage these Fire Departments better and all I'm saying is, why not try? By the way BOYS, did you SAVE that garage? Or is it a total loss? As for the home owner, WAY TO GO! As for the Insurance Company, YOU SUCK! I'm sure we'll be looking at a new Fire Station out in that area now to, because we must save everything.
The Ladder Truck, (especially the new one on order) needs to stay behind until necessary. That's my opinion.
The Ladder Truck was NOT needed, they now admit that. It was there, just in case. Well, when you're spending $1,200,000.00 of my money for a TOY, I want that TOY to stay where it is UNTIL it's NECESSARY to go out.
IMO, it would be simple to set up an address perimeter for areas in which might REQUIRE a Ladder Truck? Oh, that's right, that would take WORK and some SMARTS. Oh, and guess what, if you're wrong you can always CALL back for the Ladder Truck!
You see Folks, accountability questions like this is what really ticks these guys/gals off. It doesn't have to have a high level of "what if's" to it if they just started managing things better. Nothing is perfect but when you run a system to send if ALL of the troops at once, what happens when another fire starts at the same time elsewhere?
So let's say yesterday a fire broke out at SU on the 3rd floor of an apartment building? The Ladder Truck is now EXTENDED, but NOT needed. They would have to retract it, then figure out how to clear the cluster of 500 Fire Trucks now in the way because every Fire Department from the local Eastern Shore is there toasting marshmallow's.
I know this is a bit much but come on, it's a reality though. I believe they could easily manage these Fire Departments better and all I'm saying is, why not try? By the way BOYS, did you SAVE that garage? Or is it a total loss? As for the home owner, WAY TO GO! As for the Insurance Company, YOU SUCK! I'm sure we'll be looking at a new Fire Station out in that area now to, because we must save everything.
The Ladder Truck, (especially the new one on order) needs to stay behind until necessary. That's my opinion.
I'll Do One Better, I'll Publish This Idiotic Comment
"Joe needs to stop worrying about being the first with so called news, and be the most accurate. there has already been some misleading about this ray lewis deal - and it seems that some people are more concerned with ray-ray-ray than the others who may have been involved. Joe, you gotta stiff one for ray or what? why aren't you saying a lot about the rest of the people who may have been involved? ray didn't take that stuff by himself. huh? print this, joe - let the people read it. and there are PLENTY of folks around who know damned well how far this stealing went through the county ranks. if you don't know, no problem. and this doesn't make make ray less innocent. but joe talks like ray went in there with guns loaded and took the stuff by force. My a$$! let's tell it all like it is. AND THIS IS NO DAMAGE CONTROL FROM RAY LEWIS, JOE!!! PRINT IT IF YOU'RE SO MUCH MAN!!"
Blast Away Everyone!
Blast Away Everyone!
Another Record Day Yesterday
Again, I'll not get into numbers but it has been confirmed this morning we experienced yet another record day with visitors. Thanks for coming by everyone, we hope you enjoy your visit.
My guess would be more and more people are cancelling their subscription to The Daily Times and they're finding their way here.
My guess would be more and more people are cancelling their subscription to The Daily Times and they're finding their way here.
Dear Lord, Please Don't Allow The Mayor To Yell At Me
If you haven't experienced going to a City Council Meeting, especially if you're trying to ASK for something, it's an experience, to say the least.
Seniors and College Students have the greatest fears as Seniors can't properly hear what's being said because no one talks into their mic and SU Students fear that if they raise their voice too much, Chiefy will be there to arrest them.
So mainly the Council Room stays quiet with few visitors. I wonder Barrie, how does it feel to know you've scared the sh!t out of so many, even taking down names and staring at the during the Council Meeting making them uncomfortable, how does it feel to be in that kind of control?
I think the woman should be ashamed of herself for making seniors feel this way whenever they want to be heard.
The West Side Fire On Thursday

ATTN. MR. COMEGYS!!!!!! If you'll recall on Monday night during the City Council Meeting I got up there and asked about a Ladder Truck only having a 15 year life span for $1,200,000.00. I went on to ask, does the Ladder Truck need to go out on almost every call?
Granted, I was not on this scene for this p[articular fire, so I don't know who's Ladder Truck this is but my point should be well made and absorbed right here.
Come On Now, a Ladder Truck at a shed/garage fire? This is exactly why Salisbury and other surrounding Fire Departments need to have more experienced professionals running these Fire Departments.
Oh, I'm sure they'll have every excuse in the world like, it was so windy, you never know if it would have hit a taller 2 story building next door and we needed a Ladder Truck just in case. I don't care what their BS excuse is, these are Boys with bigger Toys!
Man up and face it, this is a waste of serious taxpayers money and I just wonder who was in charge. Was See & Gordy there? Did THEY call in for a Ladder Truck? Come on, let's get the real story up here and see who's accountable for this kind of stupidity.
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