As I visited yesterdays fundraising event for a new Skate Board Park, I simply needed to see the demand before I actually dug my heels in deep with serious consideration to build one locally.
So here's what I need from ALL of you. IF you're truly interested in a Skate Park, I need you to contact ALL of your Skate Board Friends and get them on here commenting and letting me know just how serious ALL of you are about this Park.
The reason being is, I am considering opening up a 13,000 square foot INDOOR SKATE BOARD/BMX PARK in the Salisbury area. However, it will depend on ALL of you. If I get the response I'm looking for, I'll move forward. If it dies out and no one is really serious, well, I'll let the City/County build you a half a$$ed Park.
I have provided a link below to a smaller Park to give you an idea of what I'm looking to possibly do. Take the TOUR and see what the inside looks like. It's bitchin!
GO HERE to see a sample of what I'm talking about. Take the tour of the Skate/BMX Park.
The Park I would be proposing would also have a Pro Shop with Bikes, Boards & Sneakers. Let's see where you go with it from here on out? I have a location already secured so spread the word and let's see if you guys/gals are for real?
Oh, for those who might get on here trying to rag on this Post, I will not ask the City/County for any financial support. This will be built at no cost to the Taxpayers. An Indoor Park will allow 24/7 access, rain or shine.