(CNSNews) - A good time was had by all Wednesday night, as Donald Trump delivered his policy prescriptions with a dash of hilarity at his town hall meeting in New Hampshire.
On immigration, Trump talked about the wall he will build "first thing," and which he says he'll make Mexico pay for.
He said the current wall along the U.S.-Mexico border isn't a wall at all -- "It's a little fence.
"I'm talking about a wall," Trump said. "See that ceiling up there?" he asked those assembled in the large auditorium. "A little higher. You do a beautiful nice, pre-cast plank with beautiful everything -- just perfect.
"I want it to be so beautiful, because maybe some day they're going to call it the Trump wall. Maybe. So I have to make sure it's beautiful, right? I'll be very proud of that wall. If they call it the Trump wall, it has to be beautiful."

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Will Gov. Tom Wolf let Jim Perdue permanently poison Pa. air with hexane? By Ray Wallace
Chicken-seller Jim Perdue's proposed, industrial
soybean-to-oil factory in the Susquehanna Valley:
"would send nearly 246,000 pounds of hexane into the atmosphere every year, according to an application the company submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Hexane is federally classified as a hazardous air pollutant.
"The DEP will decide if the plant should be required to have equipment to reduce the amount of hexane released into the air."
-- From the front-page news article by Greg Gross in the August 21, 2015 print edition of the York, Pa. York Dispatch
$ $ $ $ $
York Daily Record/Sunday News
York, Pa.
August 20, 2015
York, Pa.
August 20, 2015
Questions for Perdue, DEP and Gov. Wolf on hexane pollution
The people of the York-Lancaster region should be aware that the Pennsylvania DEP is now reviewing Perdue’s application for an Air Quality Permit which would allow Perdue to build a soybean extraction plant in Conoy Township without installing a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) or other pollution control device on their meal dryer and cooler systems from which large amounts of toxic hexane would be released directly into the air we all must breathe.
The Clean Air Act gives the Pennsylvania DEP authority to require that Perdue install this thermal oxidizer if it can be shown to be technically feasible. Perdue is claiming that it is not technically feasible, but the DEP has been given sound reasons from many professional engineers which refute Perdue’s dubious claims. According to one of the top engineers at DEP, this thermal oxidizer is capable of reducing the toxic hexane emissions in the dryer-cooler exhaust stream by approximately 95 percent. I believe most reasonable persons would agree that this would be a highly desirable outcome of DEP’s review since it would greatly benefit those in our region, especially young children, who suffer from debilitating and fatal lung diseases such as asthma and COPD.
The DEP is now faced with a judgment call with regard to requiring Perdue to install this thermal oxidizer.
Should they rule in favor of Perdue and allow them to further pollute the air in our region by not requiring them to install this device? Or should DEP serve the public interest by requiring that Perdue install this thermal oxidizer?
In a region where it is already hard to breathe and our residents must stay indoors on pollution action days, why would Perdue or DEP want to make it even harder for us all to breathe? According to the American Lung Association, there are over 100,000 persons in the York-Lancaster region suffering from asthma and other lung diseases. Why would the DEP or Perdue choose to make these people, especially young children, suffer even more by allowing lung-damaging toxic hexane waste to be dumped into our already polluted air?
I believe that any reasonable person would agree that protecting the health of our citizens should come before protecting the profit margin of corporations like Perdue. If DEP is uncertain about making this decision, shouldn’t Gov. Tom Wolf step in and make it clear that DEP officials should first and foremost protect the health of the public and require Perdue to install this RTO?
Warren Evans, Hellam Township
-- From:
Warren Evans has a Harvard Medical School doctorate in biochemistry. He is retired from the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md.
Warren Evans has a Harvard Medical School doctorate in biochemistry. He is retired from the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md.
What If A Massive Solar Storm Hit the Earth?
We all know that major storms can wreak havoc, flooding cities and decimating infrastructure. But there’s an even bigger worry than wind and rain: space weather. If a massive solar storm hit us, our technology would be wiped out. The entire planet could go dark.
“We’re much more reliant on technology these days that is vulnerable to space weather than we were in the past,” said Thomas Berger, director of the Space Weather Prediction Center at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. He told Gizmodo, “If we were hit by an extreme event today, it’d be very difficult to respond.”
“Solar storm” is a generic term used to describe a bunch of stuff the Sun hurls our way, including x-rays, charged particles, and magnetized plasma. A massive solar storm hasn’t hit the Earth since the mid-19th century, but space weather scientists are very worried about the possibility of another.
A solar storm usually starts with a solar flare — a giant explosion on the surface of the sun that sends energy and particles streaming off into space. Small, C-class flares occur all the time and are too weak to affect the Earth, while mid-sized M-class flares can produce minor radio disruptions. X-class flares, meanwhile, are the largest explosions in the solar system, releasing up to a billion hydrogen bombs worth of energy. These eruptions occur very rarely, but when they do, they’re an epic sight.
One of the most powerful flares measured with modern instruments took place during a solar maximum in 2003. It was so large it maxed out our satellite sensors, which registered an X-28 (28 types larger than an X-1 flare, which itself is 10 times greater than an M1 flare).
More here
“We’re much more reliant on technology these days that is vulnerable to space weather than we were in the past,” said Thomas Berger, director of the Space Weather Prediction Center at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. He told Gizmodo, “If we were hit by an extreme event today, it’d be very difficult to respond.”
“Solar storm” is a generic term used to describe a bunch of stuff the Sun hurls our way, including x-rays, charged particles, and magnetized plasma. A massive solar storm hasn’t hit the Earth since the mid-19th century, but space weather scientists are very worried about the possibility of another.
A solar storm usually starts with a solar flare — a giant explosion on the surface of the sun that sends energy and particles streaming off into space. Small, C-class flares occur all the time and are too weak to affect the Earth, while mid-sized M-class flares can produce minor radio disruptions. X-class flares, meanwhile, are the largest explosions in the solar system, releasing up to a billion hydrogen bombs worth of energy. These eruptions occur very rarely, but when they do, they’re an epic sight.
One of the most powerful flares measured with modern instruments took place during a solar maximum in 2003. It was so large it maxed out our satellite sensors, which registered an X-28 (28 types larger than an X-1 flare, which itself is 10 times greater than an M1 flare).
More here
Check out How US Sugar Policies Just Helped America Lose 600 Jobs
The manufacturer of Oreo cookies recently announced plans to move production of Oreos from Chicago to Mexico, resulting in a loss of 600 U.S. jobs.
This should be a wake-up call to defenders of the U.S. sugar program and other job-destroying trade barriers.
The leading ingredient in Oreos is sugar, and U.S. trade barriers currently require Americans to pay twice the average world prices for sugar.
Sugar-using industries now have a big incentive to relocate from the United States to countries where access to their primary ingredient is not restricted.
This should be a wake-up call to defenders of the U.S. sugar program and other job-destroying trade barriers.
The leading ingredient in Oreos is sugar, and U.S. trade barriers currently require Americans to pay twice the average world prices for sugar.
Sugar-using industries now have a big incentive to relocate from the United States to countries where access to their primary ingredient is not restricted.
Black teen killed by St. Louis police shot in back: autopsy
An autopsy on the body of the black teenager shot and killed by white St. Louis police officers this week shows the 18-year-old died from a single gunshot that entered his back and struck his heart, a medical examiner said on Friday.
The finding could escalate tensions that flared immediately after the shooting Wednesday, as protesters and family members of the slain teen questioned police accounts that Mansur Ball-Bey pointed a gun at officers.
The results of the autopsy show Ball-Bey was struck in the upper right part of his back by a bullet that hit his heart and an artery next to the heart, said St. Louis Chief Medical Examiner Michael Graham.
The finding could escalate tensions that flared immediately after the shooting Wednesday, as protesters and family members of the slain teen questioned police accounts that Mansur Ball-Bey pointed a gun at officers.
The results of the autopsy show Ball-Bey was struck in the upper right part of his back by a bullet that hit his heart and an artery next to the heart, said St. Louis Chief Medical Examiner Michael Graham.
Renters’ Tax Credit Deadline Approaching
September 1 Deadline is Less Than Two Weeks Away
BALTIMORE, MD – The Maryland Renter’s Tax Credit program’s deadline to apply is less than two weeks away. Qualified renters can receive up to $750 in tax credits.
In order to qualify for the program, renters must be:
In order to qualify for the program, renters must be:
- Age 60 or over, or 100% disabled.
- Legally responsible for the rent.
- Or, a surviving spouse of one who otherwise would have been eligible.
A resident under the age 60 who has at least one dependent under the age of 18 living with them, and has not received federal or state housing subsidies, does not reside in public housing, and the combined income of all residents of the home is below the allowable guidelines during the year they apply for the credit, could also potentially be eligible.
The deadline to apply for the 2015 credit is September 1. Waiting until the last minute is not recommended.
Applications are available at local libraries, senior centers, social security offices, and online at www.dat.maryland.gov. You can also email sdat.taxcreditapp@maryland.gov, or call the Tax Credits Telephone Service at 410-767-4433 (in Baltimore) or toll-free 1-800-944-7403 for more information.
The deadline to apply for the 2015 credit is September 1. Waiting until the last minute is not recommended.
Applications are available at local libraries, senior centers, social security offices, and online at www.dat.maryland.gov. You can also email sdat.taxcreditapp@maryland.gov, or call the Tax Credits Telephone Service at 410-767-4433 (in Baltimore) or toll-free 1-800-944-7403 for more information.
Thousands of Dead Fish Wash Up On Tianjin’s Shores, a Week After the Blasts
But Chinese officials say they found no toxic levels of cyanide in the water
Thousands of dead fish have washed up on the shores of the northern Chinese city of Tianjin, eight days after a series of deadly explosions at a warehouse killed at least 114 people, injured hundreds more, and left 69 people, mainly firefighters, still missing.
Photos shared on social media have racked up thousands of views since Thursday and show large numbers of dead fish gathered on the banks of the Haihe River, about 4 miles from the blast site, reports the state-run newspaper China Daily.
Thousands of dead fish have washed up on the shores of the northern Chinese city of Tianjin, eight days after a series of deadly explosions at a warehouse killed at least 114 people, injured hundreds more, and left 69 people, mainly firefighters, still missing.
Photos shared on social media have racked up thousands of views since Thursday and show large numbers of dead fish gathered on the banks of the Haihe River, about 4 miles from the blast site, reports the state-run newspaper China Daily.
Why Obama is torpedoing Hillary Clinton
The president craves a successor who will preserve his legacy
There is only one person who controls Hillary Clinton’s fate, and it isn’tHillary Clinton.
Mrs. Clinton is careening toward possible criminal charges involving her alleged mishandling of classified material on her personal email server while she was secretary of State. And President Obama is driving the bus.
She and her team have, of course, reverted to form, blaming everyone but themselves: a “right-wing conspiracy,” The New York Times, overzealous investigators. What they are missing, however, is the one figure who wants her taken out politically, and who has the power to do it.
There is only one person who controls Hillary Clinton’s fate, and it isn’tHillary Clinton.
Mrs. Clinton is careening toward possible criminal charges involving her alleged mishandling of classified material on her personal email server while she was secretary of State. And President Obama is driving the bus.
She and her team have, of course, reverted to form, blaming everyone but themselves: a “right-wing conspiracy,” The New York Times, overzealous investigators. What they are missing, however, is the one figure who wants her taken out politically, and who has the power to do it.
US corporations save $3 trillion by putting retirees on Obamacare
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Corporate America stands to save trillions of dollars by pushing workers and retirees off company-sponsored health plans onto less costly insurance exchanges, and household names from General Electric(GE - Get Report) to IBM (IBM- Get Report) and Wal-Mart Stores (WMT - Get Report)are on the cutting edge of the shift.
GE alone reported saving $3.3 billion by moving retired production workers to a private exchange, where they will join salaried retirees, according to a quarterly filing last month. The Fairfield, Conn.-based company had already reported $832 million in savings on retiree health benefits in 2012 and $586 million in 2014.
"We are in a transitional period," Thomas Kochan, a professor of employment policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in an interview. "U.S. corporations would save an aggregate $3.25 trillion by moving their employees and retirees to private exchanges."
GE alone reported saving $3.3 billion by moving retired production workers to a private exchange, where they will join salaried retirees, according to a quarterly filing last month. The Fairfield, Conn.-based company had already reported $832 million in savings on retiree health benefits in 2012 and $586 million in 2014.
"We are in a transitional period," Thomas Kochan, a professor of employment policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said in an interview. "U.S. corporations would save an aggregate $3.25 trillion by moving their employees and retirees to private exchanges."
Poll: Trump Beats Jeb, Rubio AND Hillary In Florida
A new Quinnipiac poll released Thursday shows that Republican frontrunner Donald Trump continues to shake up both the primary and general election race. In the crucial swing state of Florida, quite incredibly, Trump is beating Floridians
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 80% and Jeb Bush for primary voters.
At 21%, Trump is in first place. Bush is in second at 17%; Rubio and Carson are tied at 11%.
Florida is a must-win primary state and Trump is +4 against Jeb – a former Florida governor. And even after all the talk from Fox News and others about Rubio winning the debate, he’s a full -10 points below The Donald and tied with Ben Carson. Need it even be mentioned that Rubio is currently a sitting Florida Senator?
Trump also beats Hillary Clinton in a general election match-up, 43% to 41%.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 80% and Jeb Bush for primary voters.
At 21%, Trump is in first place. Bush is in second at 17%; Rubio and Carson are tied at 11%.
Florida is a must-win primary state and Trump is +4 against Jeb – a former Florida governor. And even after all the talk from Fox News and others about Rubio winning the debate, he’s a full -10 points below The Donald and tied with Ben Carson. Need it even be mentioned that Rubio is currently a sitting Florida Senator?
Trump also beats Hillary Clinton in a general election match-up, 43% to 41%.
Giant Panda Mei Xiang Giving Birth Today to Cub At The National Zoo
Click HERE to visit the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute Facebook page
Press Conference from the zoo.
Hawaii taps hydrogen in quest to go off the grid
From the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam on Oahu, you can see palm trees, a wide open sky and a clear blue inlet of water. It’s warm, it’s pleasant — it’s friggin’ Hawaii. But set against the beachy vibe are an airfield, pockmarked buildings still bearing the scars of 1941 and … a small hydrogen fuel cell that makes, dehumidifies, compresses, stores and dispenses hydrogen to a few converted buses, Ford vans and Mack trucks, all used by the military.
The guy showing off the setup is retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Stan Osserman, the recently appointed hydrogen czar — and director of the Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies (HCATT) — on the island. He’s an evangelist for the unloved and still-slightly-obscure renewable source, lobbying for H2 to play a serious role in edging out traditional energy, from gas in transit to the grid. “We really do have grid stability problems,” he says, declaring it’s time for a real “paradigm shift.” That seems to be the sense in the salty-smelling air here in the islands, where hydrogen is increasingly discussed as a viable source of alternative energy … maybe even, if Osserman types have their way, as a route to going off-grid entirely.
The guy showing off the setup is retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Stan Osserman, the recently appointed hydrogen czar — and director of the Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies (HCATT) — on the island. He’s an evangelist for the unloved and still-slightly-obscure renewable source, lobbying for H2 to play a serious role in edging out traditional energy, from gas in transit to the grid. “We really do have grid stability problems,” he says, declaring it’s time for a real “paradigm shift.” That seems to be the sense in the salty-smelling air here in the islands, where hydrogen is increasingly discussed as a viable source of alternative energy … maybe even, if Osserman types have their way, as a route to going off-grid entirely.
Why Are So Many People Freaking Out About A Stock Market Crash In The Fall Of 2015?
Is the stock market going to crash by the end of 2015? Of course stock market crashes are already happening in 23 different nations around the planet, but most Americans don’t really care about those markets. The truth is that what matters to people in this country is the health of their own stock portfolios and retirement accounts. There are a lot of people out there that are very afraid of what could happen if the money that they have worked so hard to save gets wiped out in a sudden financial collapse. And right now there is an unprecedented amount of buzz about the potential for a giant stock market crash by the end of this calendar year. In fact, I don’t think that I have ever seen more experts come out with bold predictions that a stock market crash will happen within a very specific period of time.
The following is a sampling of some of the experts that have made very bold proclamations about the rest of this year over the past few weeks. Many of these individuals are putting their credibility on the line by proclaiming that a stock market crash is just around the corner…
-Tom McClellan says that we are heading for an “ugly decline” and that there will be “nothing good for bulls for the rest of the year”…
Tom McClellan loves doing what financial advisers tell you not to do. He tries to time the financial markets — to the exact day, if his charts align just right.
At the moment, they are telling him to be bullish on the stock market for all of his trading time frames, including those that trade every few days, weeks and months. But bulls should be ready to flee, as soon as this week.
That’s because McClellan said his timing models suggest “THE” top in stocks will be hit some time between Aug. 20 and Aug. 26. He expects “nothing good for the bulls for the rest of the year,” he said in a phone interview with MarketWatch.
McClellan doesn’t have a strong view on how far stocks could fall, just that it will probably be an “ugly decline” lasting into early 2016.
The following is a sampling of some of the experts that have made very bold proclamations about the rest of this year over the past few weeks. Many of these individuals are putting their credibility on the line by proclaiming that a stock market crash is just around the corner…
-Tom McClellan says that we are heading for an “ugly decline” and that there will be “nothing good for bulls for the rest of the year”…
Tom McClellan loves doing what financial advisers tell you not to do. He tries to time the financial markets — to the exact day, if his charts align just right.
At the moment, they are telling him to be bullish on the stock market for all of his trading time frames, including those that trade every few days, weeks and months. But bulls should be ready to flee, as soon as this week.
That’s because McClellan said his timing models suggest “THE” top in stocks will be hit some time between Aug. 20 and Aug. 26. He expects “nothing good for the bulls for the rest of the year,” he said in a phone interview with MarketWatch.
McClellan doesn’t have a strong view on how far stocks could fall, just that it will probably be an “ugly decline” lasting into early 2016.
US balance sheet is a disaster that Congress can't fix
The vast majority of Americans are likely unaware of it, but the U.S. Treasury blew past the country’s statutory debt limit quite a while ago – in mid-March – in fact. That means that since then, and for several months into the future, the Treasury has been and will be relying on what are called “extraordinary measures” to pay the government’s obligations.
It’s a term that has become plainly ridiculous in recent years because the number of debt ceiling crises lawmakers have forced the country into have made such measures, such as delaying required pension fund payments, anything but extraordinary.
When Congress comes back next month, there’s a good chance that lawmakers and the White House will face off over federal spending once again, taking the Treasury to the brink of default before finally agreeing on a deal to raise the debt limit.
It’s a term that has become plainly ridiculous in recent years because the number of debt ceiling crises lawmakers have forced the country into have made such measures, such as delaying required pension fund payments, anything but extraordinary.
When Congress comes back next month, there’s a good chance that lawmakers and the White House will face off over federal spending once again, taking the Treasury to the brink of default before finally agreeing on a deal to raise the debt limit.
Ten Suspended Commercial Drivers In Less Than Two Days Highlights Important Work Of State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division
Stopping ten commercial drivers with suspended or no licenses in less than two days earlier this week highlights just one aspect of the important work conducted each day by personnel with the Maryland State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division to keep the state’s highways safe.
This week’s suspended commercial vehicle drivers began showing up at 10:00 p.m. Monday, when a Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED) trooper stopped a tractor trailer on Rt. 301 in Queen Anne’s County and found the driver’s license was suspended in Virginia. The next commercial truck driver with license problems was stopped just after 8:00 a.m. the next morning near the CVED Hyattstown weigh facility in Montgomery County. This driver was found to have no license at all. Minutes later, a CVED crew stopped a dump truck driver on Beech Rd. at St. Barnabas Rd. in Prince George’s County and found his license was suspended in Maryland.
At 9:30 a.m. on August 18th, CVED personnel stopped a dump truck driver on Rt. 5 at Allentown Rd. in Prince George’s County and found his Maryland license was suspended. Less than six hours later, a CVED team stopped a truck on Rt. 301 at Berry Rd. in Charles Co. and found the driver was suspended in Maryland.
Just after 1:30 a.m. on August 19th, CVED personnel stopped a tractor trailer in Queen Anne’s County and found the driver’s license was suspended in New York. At 10:30 a.m. that day a dump truck driver was stopped in Prince George’s County and found to have a suspended license. As he was being stopped, this driver threw a bag of suspected marijuana out the passenger window of his dump truck. In addition to his citation for driving on a suspended license, he received a civil citation for possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana.
The driver of a box truck was stopped at the Hyattsville weigh facility at 11:30 a.m. and found to be an unqualified driver. About 30 minutes later, a CVED stopped a dump truck driver in Prince Georges County and found the driver’s license was suspended in Washington, D.C. At the same time, a truck driver at the Hyattstown weigh facility was found to be driving without a commercial driver’s license.
Each of these drivers was charged with driving on a suspended license or without a license. They were also placed out of service and not permitted to proceed.
This week’s suspended commercial vehicle drivers began showing up at 10:00 p.m. Monday, when a Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED) trooper stopped a tractor trailer on Rt. 301 in Queen Anne’s County and found the driver’s license was suspended in Virginia. The next commercial truck driver with license problems was stopped just after 8:00 a.m. the next morning near the CVED Hyattstown weigh facility in Montgomery County. This driver was found to have no license at all. Minutes later, a CVED crew stopped a dump truck driver on Beech Rd. at St. Barnabas Rd. in Prince George’s County and found his license was suspended in Maryland.
At 9:30 a.m. on August 18th, CVED personnel stopped a dump truck driver on Rt. 5 at Allentown Rd. in Prince George’s County and found his Maryland license was suspended. Less than six hours later, a CVED team stopped a truck on Rt. 301 at Berry Rd. in Charles Co. and found the driver was suspended in Maryland.
Just after 1:30 a.m. on August 19th, CVED personnel stopped a tractor trailer in Queen Anne’s County and found the driver’s license was suspended in New York. At 10:30 a.m. that day a dump truck driver was stopped in Prince George’s County and found to have a suspended license. As he was being stopped, this driver threw a bag of suspected marijuana out the passenger window of his dump truck. In addition to his citation for driving on a suspended license, he received a civil citation for possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana.
The driver of a box truck was stopped at the Hyattsville weigh facility at 11:30 a.m. and found to be an unqualified driver. About 30 minutes later, a CVED stopped a dump truck driver in Prince Georges County and found the driver’s license was suspended in Washington, D.C. At the same time, a truck driver at the Hyattstown weigh facility was found to be driving without a commercial driver’s license.
Each of these drivers was charged with driving on a suspended license or without a license. They were also placed out of service and not permitted to proceed.
EPA's McCarthy Admits Clean Power Plan Hits Minorities Hardest
In June 2014, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said the Clean Power Plan, which the Obama administrationfinalized earlier this month, “is about environmental justice … because lower-income families and communities of color are hardest hit.” Why, then, is the EPA enacting standards that adversely affect minorities? Last week, McCarthy similarly remarked, “We know that low-income minority communities would be hardest hit.” But there was one important distinction: She wasn’t referring to environmental hazards but the plan itself. In other words, the EPA’s massive power grab, which ostensibly “is about environmental justice,” instead hurts those it’s supposedly intended to protect. That’s not the surprising part — independent studies have already warned about the consequences. What’s surprising is hearing the head of Barack Obama’s EPA admit it.
McCarthy counters by arguing that consumers will see substantial savings by 2030 and that the government intends to help minorities neutralize the initial impacts by giving states that invest in new and upcoming energy efficiency programs a 2-for-1 federal credit. But as The Daily Signal’s Nicolas Loris writes, existing energy efficiency programs have failed to live up to expectations.
McCarthy counters by arguing that consumers will see substantial savings by 2030 and that the government intends to help minorities neutralize the initial impacts by giving states that invest in new and upcoming energy efficiency programs a 2-for-1 federal credit. But as The Daily Signal’s Nicolas Loris writes, existing energy efficiency programs have failed to live up to expectations.
The Baby Boom Will Never Retire - Half Have No Retirement Savings At All
Some of you might remember the glossy highly produced advertisements back in the early 1980s when Wall Street decided it was time to turn American retirement plans into casinos. Theslow and agonizing death of the pension plan was supposed to be replaced by the beautiful and wonderful world of the 401(k) plan. Save for 30 years and in the end, you will be a millionaire just like your friends on Wall Street that sincerely care about your financial future. Of course since then, we have found out about junk bond scandals, mutual fund fees that make loan sharks look conservative, and of course the financial shenanigans of giving people toxic mortgages that were essentially ticking time bombs of destruction. This was the industry that was put in charge of helping you plan for your future. We are now a generation out from those slick ads and the results have been disastrous for most Americans. A recent analysis found that half of US households 55 and older have no money stashed away for retirement.
The new retirement is no retirement
Planning for retirement takes time. Saving money is a slow process. There was a time when simply stashing money into CDs and savings bonds was enough to have a nice nest egg if you were diligent enough. Yet for the last decade, most banks are paying close to zero percent on their savings accounts thanks to the Fed’s low rate policy to juice the markets. Since the true inflation rate [10] is much higher, you are essentially letting your money rot away. So the only other option is for people to invest in the stock market or try to leverage into real estate.
The stock market is largely an arena for the wealthy. Half of Americans own no stocks at all. Now after a generation, we are finding out that most people did not follow in the footsteps of those glossy over produced retirement ads:
The new retirement is no retirement
Planning for retirement takes time. Saving money is a slow process. There was a time when simply stashing money into CDs and savings bonds was enough to have a nice nest egg if you were diligent enough. Yet for the last decade, most banks are paying close to zero percent on their savings accounts thanks to the Fed’s low rate policy to juice the markets. Since the true inflation rate [10] is much higher, you are essentially letting your money rot away. So the only other option is for people to invest in the stock market or try to leverage into real estate.
The stock market is largely an arena for the wealthy. Half of Americans own no stocks at all. Now after a generation, we are finding out that most people did not follow in the footsteps of those glossy over produced retirement ads:
Little time to resolve trailer parking
For anyone planning to attend the string of motor-centric events that debut next month, your parking options may be limited, and possibly more expensive.
With the city set to pass a group of ordinances meant to reign in some of the events’ adverse impacts, including a ban on trailer parking on public streets and lots, discussion is already under way as to exactly where to put said trailers, which transport show cars and motorcycles to the resort.
This week, the City Council already broached the idea of renting parts of the city-owned lots at 100th Street, and at the West Ocean City Park-and-Ride, to the event organizers so that participants can store trailers.
“I think we should charge the promoter and let him pass that cost on [to participants] if he sees fit,” said Councilman and Police Commission Chair Doug Cymek. “The discussion has been that the lot would be segregated to allow ... the promoter to decide who would be allowed to park there. As long as we had our rental fee, deciding who could park there would be his decision.”
With the city set to pass a group of ordinances meant to reign in some of the events’ adverse impacts, including a ban on trailer parking on public streets and lots, discussion is already under way as to exactly where to put said trailers, which transport show cars and motorcycles to the resort.
This week, the City Council already broached the idea of renting parts of the city-owned lots at 100th Street, and at the West Ocean City Park-and-Ride, to the event organizers so that participants can store trailers.
“I think we should charge the promoter and let him pass that cost on [to participants] if he sees fit,” said Councilman and Police Commission Chair Doug Cymek. “The discussion has been that the lot would be segregated to allow ... the promoter to decide who would be allowed to park there. As long as we had our rental fee, deciding who could park there would be his decision.”
The Test For Justice – Indict Hillary
Hillary every bit a Saul Alinsky authoritarian radical as the rest of the crew
Once upon a time a unique Republic was a country where the rule of law maintained at least the appearance of constitutional government. The role of the US Attorney General was based upon enforcing accountability for government officials who broke statues. America like all other countries always had their share of crooks and thieves in public office. In spite of this, reasonably clear standards for prosecution were honored and appropriate indictments would follow. Politicizing the Department of Justice was not the measure of filing criminal charges.
Today, any thinking and informed person will conclude that justice is seldom achieved when the AG operates as a political tool for the government protection racket. When the Clinton machine is shielded from the punitive punishment that destroys ordinary officials, it should not astonish that an independent prosecutor or inspector general would be stonewalled in the finest tradition of the crooked political class.
Written six months ago, the Radical Reactionary essay, Hillary Express Hits a Wall deals with political reasons why Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be President. With the revelations of the knowingly mishandling and conscious circumvention of government communication on an unsecure server, the conditions are ripe to hold Clinton accountable for her misdeeds.
Will political pressure build to force a Watergate style investigation or will the cover-up culture keep defending their symbolic champion for totalitarian collectivism?
Once upon a time a unique Republic was a country where the rule of law maintained at least the appearance of constitutional government. The role of the US Attorney General was based upon enforcing accountability for government officials who broke statues. America like all other countries always had their share of crooks and thieves in public office. In spite of this, reasonably clear standards for prosecution were honored and appropriate indictments would follow. Politicizing the Department of Justice was not the measure of filing criminal charges.
Today, any thinking and informed person will conclude that justice is seldom achieved when the AG operates as a political tool for the government protection racket. When the Clinton machine is shielded from the punitive punishment that destroys ordinary officials, it should not astonish that an independent prosecutor or inspector general would be stonewalled in the finest tradition of the crooked political class.
Written six months ago, the Radical Reactionary essay, Hillary Express Hits a Wall deals with political reasons why Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be President. With the revelations of the knowingly mishandling and conscious circumvention of government communication on an unsecure server, the conditions are ripe to hold Clinton accountable for her misdeeds.
Will political pressure build to force a Watergate style investigation or will the cover-up culture keep defending their symbolic champion for totalitarian collectivism?
A big problem with your new credit cards
(CNN)Many people may not be aware, but come October 1, everyone in the United States will be issued new credit and debit cards by their bank or credit union, equipped with a "chip," to replace their existing cards.
The new "chip" cards are different because they generate a unique transaction code every time the card is used and helps protect consumer data from hackers.
Combined with a PIN number, this new technology has proven extremely effective in reducing fraud in Canada and Europe. Victories against card fraud seem to follow chip-and-PIN cards around the world. Since the United Kingdom made the widespread transition in 2004, retail fraud has fallen by 67%. Closer to home, Canadian debit card users saw a 55% drop in fraud last year.
But so far, the United States remains the only member of the Group of 20 that relies primarily on outdated magnetic-stripe cards, which were created in the 1960s and have been identified as a source of most U.S. data breaches.
The new "chip" cards are different because they generate a unique transaction code every time the card is used and helps protect consumer data from hackers.
Combined with a PIN number, this new technology has proven extremely effective in reducing fraud in Canada and Europe. Victories against card fraud seem to follow chip-and-PIN cards around the world. Since the United Kingdom made the widespread transition in 2004, retail fraud has fallen by 67%. Closer to home, Canadian debit card users saw a 55% drop in fraud last year.
But so far, the United States remains the only member of the Group of 20 that relies primarily on outdated magnetic-stripe cards, which were created in the 1960s and have been identified as a source of most U.S. data breaches.
JOY OVERBECK: When welfare beats work
Obama entitlements have made labor optional
With multimillionaire Democrats such as Hillary Clinton predictably accusing mean Republicans of ignoring the poor, and the upcoming election sure to hinge on “who cares more” about struggling Americans, it’s fair to ask who the poor actually are.
The number of Americans receiving assistance from about 79 means-tested federal poverty programs is up 32 percent since 2008, the yearBarack Obama was elected. Now more than 100 million — nearly one in three Americans — get benefits from at least one of these programs, not including Social Security and Medicare payments.
But how is this possible in the most prosperous nation on earth? It’s because of the crafty way the Census Bureau inflates the numbers of those who qualify as “poor” by omitting nearly all of the government welfare payments they already receive when calculating their income.
For example, if the income of a family of four is below $24,250, they qualify for government poverty programs because the additional $10,000 a year they may already receive through those programs is not counted as part of their income. A Heritage Foundation study that examined census records concluded, “This neat bureaucratic ploy ensured that welfare programs could grow infinitely while ‘poverty’ remained unchanged” — at about 14 percent for decades.
That’s why America’s “poor” live surprisingly well. Here are some details from the Census Bureau:
With multimillionaire Democrats such as Hillary Clinton predictably accusing mean Republicans of ignoring the poor, and the upcoming election sure to hinge on “who cares more” about struggling Americans, it’s fair to ask who the poor actually are.
The number of Americans receiving assistance from about 79 means-tested federal poverty programs is up 32 percent since 2008, the yearBarack Obama was elected. Now more than 100 million — nearly one in three Americans — get benefits from at least one of these programs, not including Social Security and Medicare payments.
But how is this possible in the most prosperous nation on earth? It’s because of the crafty way the Census Bureau inflates the numbers of those who qualify as “poor” by omitting nearly all of the government welfare payments they already receive when calculating their income.
For example, if the income of a family of four is below $24,250, they qualify for government poverty programs because the additional $10,000 a year they may already receive through those programs is not counted as part of their income. A Heritage Foundation study that examined census records concluded, “This neat bureaucratic ploy ensured that welfare programs could grow infinitely while ‘poverty’ remained unchanged” — at about 14 percent for decades.
That’s why America’s “poor” live surprisingly well. Here are some details from the Census Bureau:
Worcester County Board of Education
The Worcester County Board of Education discussed the following items at its Aug. 18 meeting:
Snow Hill High School
Phase II of construction for Snow Hill High School is expected to be complete by Thanksgiving or thereabouts with plans to be completely finished and open for next school year.
In the last 30 days, roofing and windows were completed in the science wing and work is progressing on the athletic stadium, which is scheduled to be ready for the first game of the season on Sept. 4.
Board members will take a tour of the facility on Thursday, Sept. 3 at approximately 9 a.m.
Snow Hill High School
Phase II of construction for Snow Hill High School is expected to be complete by Thanksgiving or thereabouts with plans to be completely finished and open for next school year.
In the last 30 days, roofing and windows were completed in the science wing and work is progressing on the athletic stadium, which is scheduled to be ready for the first game of the season on Sept. 4.
Board members will take a tour of the facility on Thursday, Sept. 3 at approximately 9 a.m.
Satirical ‘Love Gov’ Videos Aimed at Disillusioned Millennials
(CNSNews) – Within three weeks of its July 6 release, more than a million and a half viewers, three fourths of them Millennials, watched Love Gov: From First Date to Mandate – a series of satirical videos on YouTube that portray the federal government as an obnoxiously pushy boyfriend and the average American as his long-suffering girlfriend.
“We are thrilled that our Love Gov series has found a large audience so quickly,” said David Theroux, founder and president of the Independent Institute, an Oakland, California-based think tank which produced the video series in association with Emergent Order, a digital media production firm.
The short, five-minute videos feature three main characters: overbearing Scott “Gov” Govinksy (Government), his trusting girlfriend, Alexis (Alexis de Tocqueville), and Alexis’ best friend, Libby (Liberty), who vainly tries to get Alexis to ignore Gov’s bad advice.
“People relate to stories, especially personal stories about relationships, so it seemed to be an easy way to get people to learn about the effects of government intrusiveness,” Theroux told CNSNews.
More here
“We are thrilled that our Love Gov series has found a large audience so quickly,” said David Theroux, founder and president of the Independent Institute, an Oakland, California-based think tank which produced the video series in association with Emergent Order, a digital media production firm.
The short, five-minute videos feature three main characters: overbearing Scott “Gov” Govinksy (Government), his trusting girlfriend, Alexis (Alexis de Tocqueville), and Alexis’ best friend, Libby (Liberty), who vainly tries to get Alexis to ignore Gov’s bad advice.
“People relate to stories, especially personal stories about relationships, so it seemed to be an easy way to get people to learn about the effects of government intrusiveness,” Theroux told CNSNews.
More here
Jewish Publisher to Rescue 2,000 Christians Fleeing the Islamic State
Lord George Weidenfeld, a 95-year-old Jewish man who fled Nazi-occupied Austria in 1938 with the help of Christian Quakers, is now helping to save at least 2,000 Christians in Syria from the Islamic State.
He is using money he earned through his successful publishing business and the Weidenfeld Safe Havens Fund to fly the Christians to safe places in Poland and other nations.
Weidenfeld was a young man living in Austria in the 1930s. As the Nazis moved to annex Austria in 1938, British Quakers and other Christians helped Weidenfeld get to Britain. Weidenfeld started a publishing business in 1948, which grew to be very successful.
Now he wants to help Christians, the religious people who once helped him.
"I had a debt to repay," he told the The Times.
"It was the Quakers and the other Christian denominations who brought those children to England," in the 1930s, he said. "It was a very high-minded operation and Jews should be thankful and do something for the endangered Christians."
More here
He is using money he earned through his successful publishing business and the Weidenfeld Safe Havens Fund to fly the Christians to safe places in Poland and other nations.
Weidenfeld was a young man living in Austria in the 1930s. As the Nazis moved to annex Austria in 1938, British Quakers and other Christians helped Weidenfeld get to Britain. Weidenfeld started a publishing business in 1948, which grew to be very successful.
Now he wants to help Christians, the religious people who once helped him.
"I had a debt to repay," he told the The Times.
"It was the Quakers and the other Christian denominations who brought those children to England," in the 1930s, he said. "It was a very high-minded operation and Jews should be thankful and do something for the endangered Christians."
More here
Ocean City Sandfest Kicks Off 2nd Year Next Week
OCEAN CITY — The 2nd Annual Ocean City Sandfest will return next week to the Boardwalk by popular demand, Aug. 24–30.
OC Sandfest will feature giant sand sculptures along the Ocean City Boardwalk with special family attractions and activities.
Visitors and residents will be able to watch as master champion sand sculptors transform the smooth beach sand into massive works of art. Sculptures will remain on display through Aug. 30. Stroll along the Ocean City Boardwalk from North Division Street to 4th Street to see these breathtaking sculptures.
On Thursday, Aug. 27, there will be a Sand Sculpting Class at 9 a.m. followed by a Family Sand Sculpting Competition at 10 a.m. Prizes will be awarded at noon. Gather your friends and family and join the fun.
OC Sandfest will feature giant sand sculptures along the Ocean City Boardwalk with special family attractions and activities.
Visitors and residents will be able to watch as master champion sand sculptors transform the smooth beach sand into massive works of art. Sculptures will remain on display through Aug. 30. Stroll along the Ocean City Boardwalk from North Division Street to 4th Street to see these breathtaking sculptures.
On Thursday, Aug. 27, there will be a Sand Sculpting Class at 9 a.m. followed by a Family Sand Sculpting Competition at 10 a.m. Prizes will be awarded at noon. Gather your friends and family and join the fun.
How to Show That Black Lives Really Matter
It seems like the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest is simply a problem for the Left. When a group of protesters jump up to interrupt the likes of Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders because their stances are not progressive enough, it appears they have placed themselves on the fringes of public debate.
Yet the movement that began as a response to the controversial deaths of Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Michael Brown has tried to keep the issue of criminal justice reform, the fight against racism and the plight of many black communities in the forum of public debate. In that lies an opportunity: What if conservatives could provide answers to these policy questions?
As they did with the Sanders campaign, BLM protesters tried to interrupt an Aug. 11 New Hampshire event hosted by Hillary Clinton. The group never got past the Clinton machine’s security, though five protesters did secure a private meeting with Clinton after the event.
The conversation with the presumed Democrat nominee fell faster than an email hard drive into the trash.
In one video, Clinton interacts with BLM advocate Julius Jones, who wants some answers from Hillary. It was her husband, after all, who signed criminal justice reform in the 1990s — and apologized for it recentlybecause it was unfair to blacks.
“Now that you know the consequences, what in your heart has changed that will change the direction of this country?” Jones asked.
Yet the movement that began as a response to the controversial deaths of Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Michael Brown has tried to keep the issue of criminal justice reform, the fight against racism and the plight of many black communities in the forum of public debate. In that lies an opportunity: What if conservatives could provide answers to these policy questions?
As they did with the Sanders campaign, BLM protesters tried to interrupt an Aug. 11 New Hampshire event hosted by Hillary Clinton. The group never got past the Clinton machine’s security, though five protesters did secure a private meeting with Clinton after the event.
The conversation with the presumed Democrat nominee fell faster than an email hard drive into the trash.
In one video, Clinton interacts with BLM advocate Julius Jones, who wants some answers from Hillary. It was her husband, after all, who signed criminal justice reform in the 1990s — and apologized for it recentlybecause it was unfair to blacks.
“Now that you know the consequences, what in your heart has changed that will change the direction of this country?” Jones asked.
Mainstream: Polls Show Americans with Donald Trump on Immigration
While many mainstream media outlets and establishment politicians have been quick to criticize Donald Trump’s policy paper on immigration reform, polls show that the American electorate overwhelmingly support Trump’s proposal of immigration moderation.
The number of immigrants in the U.S. is at an all-time record high– 42.1 million. Since 2007, all job gains among women were captured by foreign employees while American women lost jobs.
Decreasing immigration is overwhelmingly popular with the American electorate—especially women, minorities, liberal and independent voters with whom the Republican Party desperately needs to make inroads. Polls from Fox News and Gallup show that Americans — by a 2-to-1 ratio — want to see visa issuances reduced.
The number of immigrants in the U.S. is at an all-time record high– 42.1 million. Since 2007, all job gains among women were captured by foreign employees while American women lost jobs.
Decreasing immigration is overwhelmingly popular with the American electorate—especially women, minorities, liberal and independent voters with whom the Republican Party desperately needs to make inroads. Polls from Fox News and Gallup show that Americans — by a 2-to-1 ratio — want to see visa issuances reduced.
To Those Of You Who Wanted To Help This Child...
Jaden's #thesmileexperiment - Timeline | Facebook
Jaden Hayes's #thesmileexperiment official page. Submit your smiles for him here!!!!
Church ‘Knockout Game’ Suspect Arrested, Locals Fear Crime Wave
Police in Omaha have arrested one of the individuals seen brutally punching a 76-year-old woman in a video that went viral earlier this week.
The incident occurred last Sunday morning at St. Cecilia’s Cathedral. The elderly lady is seen on a security camera picking up a pamphlet before she is blindsided by two thugs, one of whom steals her purse. The other individual then punches the woman full force in the head. She collapses to the ground and subsequently had to be taken to hospital.
After tips poured in from the public, police arrested 22-year-old Wayman Clark, the individual seen throwing the punch in the video. The man who stole the woman’s bag remains at large.
Clark was recognized by the police gang unit because they had encountered him just days before. Court records show that the suspect has a lengthy list of minor arrests. Clark’s mother was also arrested for harboring a fugitive.
The incident occurred last Sunday morning at St. Cecilia’s Cathedral. The elderly lady is seen on a security camera picking up a pamphlet before she is blindsided by two thugs, one of whom steals her purse. The other individual then punches the woman full force in the head. She collapses to the ground and subsequently had to be taken to hospital.
After tips poured in from the public, police arrested 22-year-old Wayman Clark, the individual seen throwing the punch in the video. The man who stole the woman’s bag remains at large.
Clark was recognized by the police gang unit because they had encountered him just days before. Court records show that the suspect has a lengthy list of minor arrests. Clark’s mother was also arrested for harboring a fugitive.
Eating Contest Repulsive
So this was brought to my attention. Where do I even begin with this one?!?! How about getting the facts straight. The...
Posted by Pip's Dock Street Dogs on Thursday, August 20, 2015
Muslims Livid After Texas Mayor Shows Up at Sharia Court and Does THIS
The no-nonsense mayor of Irving, Texas put her foot down when radical Muslims in the area started the nation’s first “Sharia Court.”
Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that local mosque leaders had been creating their own laws just for Muslims. According to the Political Insider, the City of Irving voted 5-4 to ban foreign law from operating inside of the state.
The heart of the ruling was that Sharia law violates the U.S. Constitution. The decision was a huge blow for extreme Muslims looking to push their agenda on U.S. soil.
Mad World News reported:
All four of the “voluntary” court’s lawyers were unlicensed in the state of Texas, a third degree felony. Mayor Beth Van Duyne received several phone calls on the matter. It seems that the Islamic Tribunal not only was unlicensed, but they failed to notify the city of their illegal court being operated in city limits. She promised to get to the bottom of it, and she did.
By their own website’s admission, if U.S. law conflicts with Sharia law, “we follow Sharia law.” It also openly admitted separate rules for men and women in their proceedings, discriminating and humiliating women which is against the U.S. Constitution. The Islamic Tribunal also openly declared that they hope [this] will “set a precedence that will be emulated and duplicated throughout the country.”
Here is the a Facebook posting from Irving’s mayor:
Mayor Beth Van Duyne said that local mosque leaders had been creating their own laws just for Muslims. According to the Political Insider, the City of Irving voted 5-4 to ban foreign law from operating inside of the state.
The heart of the ruling was that Sharia law violates the U.S. Constitution. The decision was a huge blow for extreme Muslims looking to push their agenda on U.S. soil.
Mad World News reported:
All four of the “voluntary” court’s lawyers were unlicensed in the state of Texas, a third degree felony. Mayor Beth Van Duyne received several phone calls on the matter. It seems that the Islamic Tribunal not only was unlicensed, but they failed to notify the city of their illegal court being operated in city limits. She promised to get to the bottom of it, and she did.
By their own website’s admission, if U.S. law conflicts with Sharia law, “we follow Sharia law.” It also openly admitted separate rules for men and women in their proceedings, discriminating and humiliating women which is against the U.S. Constitution. The Islamic Tribunal also openly declared that they hope [this] will “set a precedence that will be emulated and duplicated throughout the country.”
Here is the a Facebook posting from Irving’s mayor:
Rare Video Of OC Hurricane August 23rd 1933
A RARE VIDEO (SHORT) As we approach yet another anniversary of The Great August Storm of 1933 (Hurricane Isabelle in...
Posted by Dorchester County Historical Society on Friday, August 21, 2015
Political Correctness And The American Military
One of the major worries that confronts those who study the American military at present is the question as to whether the accommodation of its units to the social and political agendas of a portion of America’s elite might not in the long run damage what has been for the past thirty years the most competent combat organization in the world. Given the darkening strategic picture that confronts the United States at present with the rising threat of China, the collapse of any sort of stability in the Middle East, and the increasingly threatening behavior of Putin’s Russia, the international environment represents one of the most important issues confronting the American people as they approach the election of 2016. It is not one to which there are simple or unambiguous answers.
At the heart of the tension between the America’s civil world and the effectiveness of its military is the role of women and gays in the services. The change in the fundamental relationship between the American military and the position of women in its ranks began in the 1970s. Richard Nixon’s decision to turn the military from one based on conscription into an all volunteer military resulted from the extraordinary unpopularity of the Vietnam war and the perception among the American people that the cost in terms of American lives was being born unfairly by the poorer segments of the American population. Exacerbating the transition from the draftee to volunteer force was the fact that the unpopularity of the Vietnam conflict was going to make it difficult to attract suitably competent individuals to the increasingly complex weapons systems that the American military were beginning to deploy. Moreover, by the end of the Vietnam War, the military services were in shambles. There were race riots in all the services; Marine and Army officers found themselves forced to carry loaded pistols into the barracks of their enlisted personnel. Drug usage was widespread. The Soviet threat added to the demand to improve the caliber of personnel.
Thus, it did not take a great leap of intuition to realize that women volunteers offered a considerable possibility to fill the gap in competent enlistees. The fact that West Point, Annapolis, and Colorado Springs all opened their doors to women cadets and midshipmen in 1976 indicated the extent of the need to improve the manpower pool by reaching out to the 50 percent of the population that to a considerable extent the military had never tapped. Given the fact that military organizations throughout the ages have relied almost exclusively on young men, the American decision represented a move that was counter-intuitive—that young women could add substantially to the pool of well-trained members of the military and perform their assigned tasks in as competent a fashion as their male counterparts.
At the heart of the tension between the America’s civil world and the effectiveness of its military is the role of women and gays in the services. The change in the fundamental relationship between the American military and the position of women in its ranks began in the 1970s. Richard Nixon’s decision to turn the military from one based on conscription into an all volunteer military resulted from the extraordinary unpopularity of the Vietnam war and the perception among the American people that the cost in terms of American lives was being born unfairly by the poorer segments of the American population. Exacerbating the transition from the draftee to volunteer force was the fact that the unpopularity of the Vietnam conflict was going to make it difficult to attract suitably competent individuals to the increasingly complex weapons systems that the American military were beginning to deploy. Moreover, by the end of the Vietnam War, the military services were in shambles. There were race riots in all the services; Marine and Army officers found themselves forced to carry loaded pistols into the barracks of their enlisted personnel. Drug usage was widespread. The Soviet threat added to the demand to improve the caliber of personnel.
Thus, it did not take a great leap of intuition to realize that women volunteers offered a considerable possibility to fill the gap in competent enlistees. The fact that West Point, Annapolis, and Colorado Springs all opened their doors to women cadets and midshipmen in 1976 indicated the extent of the need to improve the manpower pool by reaching out to the 50 percent of the population that to a considerable extent the military had never tapped. Given the fact that military organizations throughout the ages have relied almost exclusively on young men, the American decision represented a move that was counter-intuitive—that young women could add substantially to the pool of well-trained members of the military and perform their assigned tasks in as competent a fashion as their male counterparts.
Sowell: Immigration Excuses
One of the most lame excuses for doing nothing is that we can’t do everything. Such excuses have been repeated endlessly, even by some conservatives, when it comes to illegal immigration.
We can’t deport millions of illegal immigrants already living in the country, some say, so the wise thing is to just learn to live with them, according to the supposedly sophisticated crowd.
This completely sidesteps the plain, obvious and galling fact that we are not deporting those illegal immigrants who are arrested by the police for violating other laws — and are then turned loose back into American society. In so-called “sanctuary cities” across the country, local police are under orders not to report illegal immigrants to the federal authorities.
Nobody has a right to obstruct justice when it comes to federal laws — not even the President of the United States, as Richard Nixon discovered when he had to resign after Democrats threatened him with impeachment and Republican Senators told him that they would not defend him.
Today, any mayor of any city of any size across the country can publicly announce that he is going to obstruct federal laws against illegal immigrants — and then bask in a glow of self-satisfaction and the prospect of winning votes.
More here
We can’t deport millions of illegal immigrants already living in the country, some say, so the wise thing is to just learn to live with them, according to the supposedly sophisticated crowd.
This completely sidesteps the plain, obvious and galling fact that we are not deporting those illegal immigrants who are arrested by the police for violating other laws — and are then turned loose back into American society. In so-called “sanctuary cities” across the country, local police are under orders not to report illegal immigrants to the federal authorities.
Nobody has a right to obstruct justice when it comes to federal laws — not even the President of the United States, as Richard Nixon discovered when he had to resign after Democrats threatened him with impeachment and Republican Senators told him that they would not defend him.
Today, any mayor of any city of any size across the country can publicly announce that he is going to obstruct federal laws against illegal immigrants — and then bask in a glow of self-satisfaction and the prospect of winning votes.
More here
How Long Will Trump’s Cathartic Candidacy for Fed-Up Conservatives Last?
The coarser and cruder Donald Trump becomes, and the more ill-informed on the issues he sounds, the more he coasts in the polls. Apparently, a few of his targets must be regarded as unsympathetically as their defamer.
Trump is rightly mocked for cynically spreading quid pro quo money around. But he quickly counters that his critics — from Hillary Clinton to his Republican rivals — have all asked him for such cash or for favors.
Trump preps little. He has no real agenda. And he makes stuff up as he goes along. For such a New York brawler, he has thin skin, smearing his critics, often in creepy fashion. How can a former Democrat, once a pro-choice, pro-amnesty liberal and a supporter of single-payer health care, remain the godhead of the conservative base for weeks on end?
The answer is that Trump is a catharsis for 15 percent to 20 percent of the Republican electorate. They apparently like the broken china shop and appreciate the raging bull who runs amok in it. Politicians and the media are seen as corrupt and hypocritical, and the nihilistic Trump is a surrogate way of letting them take some heat for a change.
Trump is rightly mocked for cynically spreading quid pro quo money around. But he quickly counters that his critics — from Hillary Clinton to his Republican rivals — have all asked him for such cash or for favors.
Trump preps little. He has no real agenda. And he makes stuff up as he goes along. For such a New York brawler, he has thin skin, smearing his critics, often in creepy fashion. How can a former Democrat, once a pro-choice, pro-amnesty liberal and a supporter of single-payer health care, remain the godhead of the conservative base for weeks on end?
The answer is that Trump is a catharsis for 15 percent to 20 percent of the Republican electorate. They apparently like the broken china shop and appreciate the raging bull who runs amok in it. Politicians and the media are seen as corrupt and hypocritical, and the nihilistic Trump is a surrogate way of letting them take some heat for a change.
Oregon Cake Baker Sends Cakes to LGBT Activists
Could you imagine, during the struggle for civil rights, a proprietor of a segregated diner that was subject to a sit-in later handing out boxed lunches to the protesters? What about the KKK mowing the lawn where a cross was burned the night before? This illustrates the difference between the fight against segregation in the ‘60s versus what the same-sex marriage activists are championing. In response to being ordered by the State of Oregon to pay $135,000 because they refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony, Aaron and Melissa Klein, who owned the bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa, baked cakes and sent them to the 10 biggest LGBTQ advocacy organizations on the West Coast.
What About Birthright Citizenship?
Who thought five little words — “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” — could spark a national debate of presidential, not to mention constitutional, proportions? As 16 Republican contenders try to one-up each other on immigration platforms while striving to be as popular as the 17th, Donald Trump, this lexical quintet from the 14th Amendment is taking center stage.
At issue is so-called “birthright citizenship” for babies born on U.S. soil to illegal aliens. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
In the land of constitutional make believe, this amendment has been misinterpreted through practice and even court precedent to mean if a pregnant woman manages to sneak across the border just in time to deliver stateside, her child lucks out and wins U.S. citizenship, all rights and privileges thereof accompanying.
While such birthright citizenship has stirred debate before, Trump’s recent declaration, coming as part of his immigration plan, that he would end birthright citizenship, has brought this melting pot to a boil.
His position should not cause shock, however, as birthright citizenship for illegal aliens is nowhere conferred in the Constitution. If anything, the 14th Amendment and surrounding context provide compelling evidence that the Constitution actually denies such citizenship.
As we’ve noted before, the 14th Amendment emerged from the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which was designed to guarantee equal rights to former slaves. To ensure this Act wouldn’t be upended by a future Congress, legislators proposed adding its provisions to the Constitution. Central to the Amendment is the provision that citizenship is limited to those not simply born or naturalized in the U.S. but also “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”
What does this clause mean?
At issue is so-called “birthright citizenship” for babies born on U.S. soil to illegal aliens. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
In the land of constitutional make believe, this amendment has been misinterpreted through practice and even court precedent to mean if a pregnant woman manages to sneak across the border just in time to deliver stateside, her child lucks out and wins U.S. citizenship, all rights and privileges thereof accompanying.
While such birthright citizenship has stirred debate before, Trump’s recent declaration, coming as part of his immigration plan, that he would end birthright citizenship, has brought this melting pot to a boil.
His position should not cause shock, however, as birthright citizenship for illegal aliens is nowhere conferred in the Constitution. If anything, the 14th Amendment and surrounding context provide compelling evidence that the Constitution actually denies such citizenship.
As we’ve noted before, the 14th Amendment emerged from the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which was designed to guarantee equal rights to former slaves. To ensure this Act wouldn’t be upended by a future Congress, legislators proposed adding its provisions to the Constitution. Central to the Amendment is the provision that citizenship is limited to those not simply born or naturalized in the U.S. but also “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”
What does this clause mean?
The Tragic and Complete Collapse of Racial Relations
Polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama. Why has that happened?
Why do polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama, who won the White House with over 95% of the black — and 45% of the white — vote?
A recent New York Times/CBS News poll [1] just revealed that about 60% of Americans feel race relations are not good. Some 40% think that they will become even worse. Yet when Obama was elected, 66% of those polled felt race relations were generally OK. All racial groups, according to recent polling, believe that Obama’s handling of racial relations has made things worse since 2009. Another recent Pew poll confirms these tensions, and suggests whites are now about as pessimistic as blacks.
What has happened to racial relations?
Crime. A small cohort of urban African-American males under fifty — no more than 3-4% of the general population — is responsible for about 50% of many of the violent crimes committed. Blacks are 5-8 times more likely to commit rather suffer an interracial crime, which makes up less than 10% of most violent crime. Both the analysis and solution have become taboo subjects. Writing the above is a near thought crime.
Why do polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama, who won the White House with over 95% of the black — and 45% of the white — vote?
A recent New York Times/CBS News poll [1] just revealed that about 60% of Americans feel race relations are not good. Some 40% think that they will become even worse. Yet when Obama was elected, 66% of those polled felt race relations were generally OK. All racial groups, according to recent polling, believe that Obama’s handling of racial relations has made things worse since 2009. Another recent Pew poll confirms these tensions, and suggests whites are now about as pessimistic as blacks.
What has happened to racial relations?
Crime. A small cohort of urban African-American males under fifty — no more than 3-4% of the general population — is responsible for about 50% of many of the violent crimes committed. Blacks are 5-8 times more likely to commit rather suffer an interracial crime, which makes up less than 10% of most violent crime. Both the analysis and solution have become taboo subjects. Writing the above is a near thought crime.
Judge Orders State Dept to Cooperate with Hillary Investigators
A federal judge has ordered the State Department to cooperate with the investigation into the Hillary Clinton private email scandal, Breitbart News has learned.
Judge Emmett Sullivan, who presides over the nonprofit group Judicial Watch’s lawsuit against the State Department for Clinton’s emails, ordered the State Department Thursday to “begin a dialogue” with Department of Justice and FBI investigators.
“This is one government,” Sullivan said, apparently miffed at the State Department’s unwillingness to help investigators.
Sullivan ordered State Department lawyers to come back to him with a full written report by September 20 detailing the ways in which it has engaged with DOJ and FBI, and he set a new hearing for October 1, shortly before Clinton will be forced to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Judge Emmett Sullivan, who presides over the nonprofit group Judicial Watch’s lawsuit against the State Department for Clinton’s emails, ordered the State Department Thursday to “begin a dialogue” with Department of Justice and FBI investigators.
“This is one government,” Sullivan said, apparently miffed at the State Department’s unwillingness to help investigators.
Sullivan ordered State Department lawyers to come back to him with a full written report by September 20 detailing the ways in which it has engaged with DOJ and FBI, and he set a new hearing for October 1, shortly before Clinton will be forced to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The Yellow Brick Road
There is still a small patch of yellow brick which has been exposed through wear in the 400 block of East Church Street. This is a remnant of the first hard surfaced road in Salisbury. As you turn east off Route 13 onto Church Street, if you miss seeing it, your car will remind you where it is by giving you a jolt as you descend into the pothole. I took the above picture onFebruary 24, 2011 and this is probably the last we will see of “the yellow brick road”.
The vitrified yellow bricks were put down on a concrete base in the spring of 1904. The road covered was from the West Main Street Bridge upMain Street to Division Street where it turned left. From there it took a right turn on Church Street to the N. Y. P. & N. Railway track. Since there were few, if any, automobiles around at the time, the clang of the iron wheels on wagons and the clop-clop of horses’ iron horse shoes on the brick caused quite a racket. After this, all Salisbury streets were covered with macadam.
The original cost of the yellow brick road was $27,000, or $8.00 per running foot. The City of Salisbury paid half of this and the abutting property owners on each side were charged one quarter of the cost.
This little bit of Salisbury history is going to be visible until the City decides to fill in that pothole. When they do decide to fill it in, I would love to cut out one of those bricks and save it for posterity. There is not much history to see aroundSalisbury, so if you want to see it, you had better get out there before it is covered up.
There has always been a concerted effort by the local “powers that be” to erase Salisbury’s past. The fiasco of covering the facades of most of the buildings on Main Street with aluminum to make Salisbury look more modern has been reversed in recent years with some of the property owners realizing that brick makes for a more attractive look than aluminum. In this throw-away mentality of today, there is something to be said for taking care of what we already have. Maybe some of the structures are not as practical as what can be built now, but preserving our history and our heritage is important, too. Improvements can be made and the past can be preserved at the same time. Paving over the yellow brick with macadam certainly improved the situation for the person traveling on it and the people living near it.
Also, the N. Y. P. and N. station, which was the final destination of the yellow brick road was replaced in 1914 when the new Union Station was built.
(UPDATE) The City has temporarily filled the pothole with tar and chip. As seen above, there are a few yellow bricks still visible. Howard Landon at Public Works said he wanted to fill it months ago, but they said it was historic and should be preserved so they did a temporary repair. When it is repaired again, I have been promised any bricks they extract. Whoopee!!! That will be some great Salisbury history.
Man Wanted On Warrant Fatally Wounded During Struggle With State Trooper Attempting To Arrest Him In Cecil Co.
(NORTH EAST, MD) – An investigation is underway into a state trooper-involved fatal shooting last night in Cecil County that occurred during a struggle with a wanted man the trooper was attempting to arrest.
The deceased is identified as Charles S. Hall, 30, of North East, Md.
The trooper involved is identified as Trooper Daryl K. Brackett. He is a three year veteran of the Maryland State Police, assigned to road patrol duties at the North East Barrack.
The preliminary investigation indicates that shortly before 9:00 p.m. yesterday, Trooper Brackett was on-duty, in uniform, driving a marked patrol car through the parking lot in the North East Plaza Shopping Center, on Rt. 272 at Rt. 40, North East, Md., after answering a call at an auto parts store in the center. The trooper saw Charles Hall in the parking lot and knew he was wanted by the Cecil County Sheriff’s Office on a warrant for theft.
The initial investigation indicates the trooper approached Hall on foot at the back of Hall’s vehicle. Trooper Brackett attempted to arrest Hall in the parking lot, but he resisted and a physical altercation ensued. While still struggling with the trooper, Hall got into his vehicle and began to accelerate out of the parking space. During the struggle, the trooper fired his assigned duty pistol, striking Hall in the upper torso. EMS personnel were summoned. Hall was pronounced dead at the scene.
State Police investigators are continuing to conduct interviews with witnesses. State Police crime scene technicians responded to process the scene.
The investigation is being conducted by the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit, which investigates all trooper-involved shootings. An investigation is also underway by the Maryland State Police Internal Affairs Unit, which is procedure.
Trooper Brackett has been placed on administrative leave, which is procedure. Upon completion, the investigation by the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit will be forwarded to the Cecil County State’s Attorney’s Office for review.
The deceased is identified as Charles S. Hall, 30, of North East, Md.
The trooper involved is identified as Trooper Daryl K. Brackett. He is a three year veteran of the Maryland State Police, assigned to road patrol duties at the North East Barrack.
The preliminary investigation indicates that shortly before 9:00 p.m. yesterday, Trooper Brackett was on-duty, in uniform, driving a marked patrol car through the parking lot in the North East Plaza Shopping Center, on Rt. 272 at Rt. 40, North East, Md., after answering a call at an auto parts store in the center. The trooper saw Charles Hall in the parking lot and knew he was wanted by the Cecil County Sheriff’s Office on a warrant for theft.
The initial investigation indicates the trooper approached Hall on foot at the back of Hall’s vehicle. Trooper Brackett attempted to arrest Hall in the parking lot, but he resisted and a physical altercation ensued. While still struggling with the trooper, Hall got into his vehicle and began to accelerate out of the parking space. During the struggle, the trooper fired his assigned duty pistol, striking Hall in the upper torso. EMS personnel were summoned. Hall was pronounced dead at the scene.
State Police investigators are continuing to conduct interviews with witnesses. State Police crime scene technicians responded to process the scene.
The investigation is being conducted by the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit, which investigates all trooper-involved shootings. An investigation is also underway by the Maryland State Police Internal Affairs Unit, which is procedure.
Trooper Brackett has been placed on administrative leave, which is procedure. Upon completion, the investigation by the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit will be forwarded to the Cecil County State’s Attorney’s Office for review.
Worcester County poised to slash retirement benefits
The possibility of increasing the health insurance co-pay for dependents of future retirees or eliminating altogether Worcester County government’s provision of that benefit to new hires remains on the table, as the county commissioners on Tuesday continued to discuss what kind of coverage it might offer new employees.
Back in May, the commissioners voted 5-2 to change the cost-share ratio for employees hired after July 1 from the 90-10 split available to current employees to an 80-20 share.
Voting against that measure were Commissioners Joe Mitrecic and Jim Bunting, with Mitrecic contending that the county should cover the retiree only and not his or her dependents.
“I don’t think the county should be in the business of providing health care to spouses and dependents of retirees, but I am willing to negotiate and compromise,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said this week.
Back in May, the commissioners voted 5-2 to change the cost-share ratio for employees hired after July 1 from the 90-10 split available to current employees to an 80-20 share.
Voting against that measure were Commissioners Joe Mitrecic and Jim Bunting, with Mitrecic contending that the county should cover the retiree only and not his or her dependents.
“I don’t think the county should be in the business of providing health care to spouses and dependents of retirees, but I am willing to negotiate and compromise,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said this week.
EPA River Spill & IRS Scanal -- Government Isn't Being Held Accountable
Social observers from Aristotle and Juvenal to James Madison and George Orwell have all warned of the dangers of out-of-control government. Lately, we have seen plenty of proof that they were frighteningly correct.
The Environmental Protection Agency spilled 3 million gallons of toxic sludge into a tributary of the Animas River in Colorado. The stinky yellow flume of old mine waste — rife with cancer-causing mercury and arsenic — threatens to pollute the drinking and recreational water of three states.
The Environmental Protection Agency spilled 3 million gallons of toxic sludge into a tributary of the Animas River in Colorado. The stinky yellow flume of old mine waste — rife with cancer-causing mercury and arsenic — threatens to pollute the drinking and recreational water of three states.
Had a private oil company acted so incompetently and negligently, it would have been fined billions of dollars by the same EPA. The company’s top executives might have been subject to criminal prosecutions. The business’s reputation would have been tarnished for years. Just ask BP officials what the Obama administration did to the corporation after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico.
But who will police the green police at the EPA?
When EPA administrator Gina McCarthy promises that the agency will take “full responsibility,” what does that tired banality mean? Will she resign? Will bureaucrats responsible for the toxic spill face fines and jail sentences? Will residents be able to sue McCarthy and her subordinates for diminishing their quality of life? Will the Sierra Club and the Environmental Defense Fund rush to federal court to file briefs?
Baltimore Boxing to host Olympic Qualifiers September 8-11
Baltimore, MD (August 20, 2015) – Jake Smith's Baltimore Boxing Promotions in association with USA Boxing and Under Armor will host the Eastern Regional Olympic Trials Women's Qualifiers September 8-11 at the beautiful Baltimore Harbor Hotel in Baltimore, MD.
Dubbed as “Pathway to Glory”, the event will feature hundreds of women from various states vying to get one step closer to their dream of representing the United States during the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil. Local notables include Baltimore's very own Franchon Crews and Red Lion PA's Brittany Inkrote.
The opening rounds of “Pathway to Glory” take place on 8th and 9th, with the semi finals and finals slated for the Thursday the 10th and Friday the 11threspectively. Doors open at 6:30 and the first fight begins at 8:15 pm sharp all four days. Complementary tickets for the opening rounds are available on Baltimoreboxing.com. Individual tickets for the semi finals starting at $15 and finals from $25 can also be purchased at Baltimoreboxing.com or by calling 410-375-9175. VIP tables, including complementary hors dourves and the best seats in the house, are available for the finals from $350. The Baltimore Harbor Hotel is located at 101 W Fayette St.
As part of this special multi-day event, Baltimore Boxing is proudly teaming up to help multiple organizations raise funds and awareness for their cause.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, The House of Ruth will be recognized by Baltimore Boxing in association with the Olympic Qualifiers. One of the nation's leading intimate partner violence centers, The House of Ruth helps thousands of battered women and children find safety and security. Thursday's organization of honor is the American Breast Cancer Foundation. Established in 1997, the American Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF) provides financial assistance for breast cancer screening and diagnostic tests for uninsured or underprivileged individuals. In October 2011, Baltimore Boxing donated a percentage of their proceeds from a fight card to the ABCF. Friday evening's group will be the South Atlantic Amateur Boxing Association, which oversees all amateur boxing in the state of Maryland.
“ This is the most excited I've ever been for a boxing event and I've been around the sport most of my life,” said Smith, a former prizefighter who has promoted hundreds of shows in addition to training boxers at the Baltimore Boxing Club. “These four days will be memorable for the State of Maryland and City of Baltimore. Fans will not only have the opportunity to see four straight days of action but they may very well be watching the next Olympic gold medalist. If you're in or near Baltimore, make sure to come out and see history!”
For more information, go to Baltimoreboxing.com or USABoxing.com.
Contact: Matt Yanofsky (Publicist) 551-206-0578 or @Kopublicity
Troopers Offer School Bus Safety Tips
The Delaware State Police would like to offer safety guidelines for the start of this new and exciting school year. With the start of school in the next few weeks almost 110,000 of Delaware's precious children will ride a school bus every day. Delaware's 1,670 school buses travel approximately 12,000 miles each day on our roads. The American School Bus Council reports that even though the school buses travel great distances throughout the school year, buses are the safest means of transportation to and from school.
Knowing this, everyone should consistently make safety a high priority for the children walking to and from the school bus stops. The motorists who must share the road with buses while school is in session must take into account any possible delays and be patient throughout the school year. There are some easy steps children, parents and motorists can do to make this a safe school year for Delaware students.
- If your child's bus stop is not near your home, walk the route to the bus stop with your child until they are familiar with it.
- Never let a young child walk to the bus stop without adult supervision.
- Make sure your child knows the bus number and what time the bus is scheduled to arrive.
- Always make sure your child gets to the bus stop early. Children in a rush are less likely to follow safety practices.
- Familiarize yourself with the bus driver.
- Make sure you have the Transportation Director’s contact information just in case you have any questions or encounter a problem.
- Start your day with plenty of time to get to the bus stop.
- Stay alert as you walk to the bus stop. Always be aware of your surroundings.
- Know your bus driver and bus number.
- Wait for the bus in a safe place. Avoid horseplay that may cause you to fall into the street.
- Never run to or from the bus.
- When the bus arrives make sure it comes to a complete stop before approaching it.
- Remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion.
- Don't push or shove when getting on or off the bus.
- Always keep your arms and head inside the bus.
- Learn about the "danger zone". There is a 10-foot wide area on all sides of the bus, where the driver cannot see you. When you get off the bus, step outside of the danger zone until you can see the driver's face.
- Only cross in front of the bus where the driver can see you.
- Never run behind the bus, or bend down to pick up an object. The bus driver may think you've crossed safely and start to move.
- Do not distract the bus driver so that he/she may get you safely to and from school.
- Listen to the bus driver and bus aid to ensure your safety.
- Make sure to be courteous and respectful to the school bus driver.
- Drivers traveling in either direction on a two-lane road must stop when a school bus activates its flashing red lights and stop sign or arm.
- Drivers traveling in the same direction as a school bus on a four-lane, divided road must stop for a stopped school bus. Drivers travelling in the opposite direction are not required to stop.
- Delaware law requires vehicles to stop even when the bus is stopped to load/unload students on private property.
- Anyone convicted of passing a stopped school bus can be fined as much as $230 dollars for the first offense, and as much as $575 for the second offense. The individual will also have their license suspended for between 1 and 12 months.
- Please watch for the little ones crossing the roads and parking lots to and from the bus or private vehicles.
- Please watch your speed at all times especially in school zones. The School Resource Officers and other law enforcement officers will monitor the safety of all who are going to and from the schools.
- Thank you so much for doing your part to help keep our precious cargo safe and secure! We thank you for your continued professionalism and courtesy while you drive each day with our children…with much gratitude, The Delaware State Police.
The Delaware State Police wants you to Be Smart, Be Alert, and Be Safe this School Year!
Troopers Investigate Home Invasion-Rehoboth
Rehoboth Beach, DE – Troopers are investigating a home invasion that occurred at a residence in Rehoboth Beach early Tuesday morning.
The preliminary investigation revealed the incident occurred at approximately 12:23 a.m., Tuesday, August 18, 2015, at a residence located in the 37,000 block of Washington Street, Rehoboth Beach, De., as a 27 year old male victim and his female acquaintance, Cory A. Bynaker, 23 of Smyrna, were inside of the home watching a movie. It was at this point that two male suspects entered the residence and demanded money. The suspects, whose faces were covered, then threatened the victim with a hammer. The victim cooperated and provided the suspects with undisclosed items. The suspects then fled the residence on foot. There were no injuries.
Through further investigation, it was learned that Cory Bynaker, had provided the investigating troopers with a false name and was currently wanted by the Smyrna Police Department. Bynaker was taken into custody and transported to Troop 7. After further interviews and other investigative measures, detectives were able to determine that Bynaker was an acquaintance of the two male suspects, identified as Christopher M. Bacon, 36 of Smyrna, DE, and Mark T. Jenkins Jr., 24, of Clayton, and was actively involved in the home invasion.
Cory Bynaker was charged with Robbery 1st degree, Possession of a Deadly Weapon during the Commission of a Felony, Home Invasion, Burglary 1st degree, Aggravated Menacing, Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Terroristic Threatening, two counts of theft and Criminal Impersonation. She was arraigned at JP2 was committed to the Delores J. Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution in lieu of $100,000.00 cash bond. (mug shot attached)
On August 19, 2015, Christopher Bacon was apprehended by the Clayton Police Department at his residence located in the unit black of Cardington Court, Clayton. Christopher was taken into custody and transported to Troop 4. He was charged with Robbery 1st degree, Possession of a Deadly Weapon during the Commission of a Felony, Home Invasion, Burglary 1st degree, Aggravated Menacing, Wearing a Disguise During the Commission of a Felony, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Terroristic Threatening, and two counts of theft. Bacon was arraigned at JP3 and committed to the Sussex Correctional Institution in lieu of $175,000.00 secured bond.
(mug shot attached-white t-shirt)
Delaware State Police detectives have obtained a warrant charging Mark Jenkins withRobbery 1st degree, Possession of a Deadly Weapon during the Commission of a Felony, Home Invasion, Burglary 1st degree, Aggravated Menacing, Wearing a Disguise During the Commission of a Felony, Conspiracy 2nd Degree, Terroristic Threatening, and two counts of theft. In addition to the current warrant, Jenkins is also wanted on several outstanding capiases out of the Kent County Superior Court and the Kent County Court of Common Pleas.
Mark Jenkins is described as a white male, 24 years of age. He is approximately 5’08” tall, 150 lbs, and has blue eyes and black hair. No clothing description is available. (mug shot attached taken in 2014 in black shirt). Jenkins is believed to be in the Smyrna or Clayton area.
If anyone has any information in reference to this incident or knows the location of Mark Jenkins they are asked to contact Troop 4 Detective J. Jones Major Crimes Unit at 302-752-3795. Information can also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppersat 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet at www.delaware.crimestoppersweb.com, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."
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