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DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
The Tea Party is in revolt because the First State GOP is supporting former governor and incumbent Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE) to take the seat previously held by VP Joe Biden. They should be in revolt. They deserve a better candidate than Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell. We reluctantly support Mike Castle because he is the best alternative in a race that has degenerated into something uncommon in Delaware politics – a sticky, stinking bog.
It is true that Castle’s record is too liberal for out tastes. However, Mike Castle would serve Delaware, and our nation, far better than New Castle County Executive Chris Coons (the presumptive Democrat nominee). It is also true that Castle’s record is not as bad as O’Donnell and her minions would have you believe. The Tea Party Express wants Delawareans to support O’Donnell, in part, because of Castle’s vote for TARP. Fair enough. We opposed it as well. Are these same groups arguing for the defeat of Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) or Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) for the same reasons? NO!
O’Donnell and her backers want us to believe that she is a candidate in the same vein as Marco Rubio, Sharon Angle, or Joe Miller. O’Donnell is not. These candidates ran clear, issues based campaigns based on conservative ideas and a consistent philosophy. O’Donnell has decided that saying anything, no matter how untrue, is acceptable as long as she wins the nomination.
O’Donnell has proven herself unworthy to hold a seat in the US Senate. When her issues based campaign was unable to gain traction against the “establishment backed” Castle, O’Donnell and surrogates mounted a scurrilous campaign of rumor mongering which culminated in a former O’Donnell campaign aide claiming that Castle was carrying on a clandestine affair … with a man.
In the last couple of weeks Castle has gone negative, in a pretty vicious way. O’Donnell is whining that she is being “smeared by the GOP establishment”. She is. There is just one difference; the claims being put forward about O’Donnell are not only true – they are easily verifiable.
Republican Primary – Reggie Mason
Mason brings a wealth of experience to the job. Retiring as Chief Deputy, and being brought back due to Sheriff Martin’s battle with Lyme disease, Mason is prepared to take over the office of Sheriff on day one.
Democrat Primary – Carroll Overholt
Republican Primary – Matt Maciarello
Democrat Primary – Davis Ruark
… Incumbent Davis Ruark brings 24 years to the job. With the most infamous crime in memory coming to a jury next spring, do Wicomico voters really want to change horses?
Republican Primary – John Phoebus
… Phoebus has been the only candidate to discuss specific measures which will protect our farmers and watermen, as well as help to bring jobs to the Eastern Shore and Maryland.
Democrat Primary – Mike McCready
Republican Primary – Addie Eckardt, Jeannie Haddaway
Democrat Primary – Patrice Stanley
Republican Primary – Dustin Mills
Democrat Primary – Von Siggers
… Siggers established herself as an independent voice on the Salisbury city council (particularly in the second half of her term). Since then she has remained involved in her community and has been willing to build bridges between groups in Salisbury and Wicomico County.
Republican Primary – Richard Colburn
… Colburn has proved to be a sound, prudent, and conservative voice for Distict 37, the Eastern Shore, and the state of Maryland.
Democrat Primary – Tim Quinn
… Active in his community, Quinn is also a small businessman. Former Maryland governor Harry Hughes (the Eastern Shore’s last governor) believes Quinn worthy for the post and has endorsed Quinn in newspapers throughout the district.
Republican Primary – Andy Harris
… A true conservative, in the Reagan mold, Harris is a physician and citizen-legislator who will put principle above politics if sent to Washington. This is precisely what the citizens of Maryland’s First Congressional District deserve.
Democrat Primary – Frank Kratovil
Republican Primary – Jim Rutledge
...Rutledge has waged a serious campaign based on the conservative principles this country was founded on. He has pledged to tow the line on taxes AND spending. He has also pulled together a strong grassroots coalition throughout Maryland to promote not only his candidacy, but those same principles and ideas.
Democrat Primary – Barbara Mikulski
If you are registered to vote as either a Democrat or a Republican (and you haven’t already taken advantage of early voting), Tuesday is Primary Day. Make sure you turn out and take back the reins of power.
Throughout today we’ll be reviewing our endorsements of candidates in both parties.
President Obama has engaged in numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. The Democratic majority in Congress is in peril as Americans reject his agenda. Yet more must be done: Mr. Obama should be impeached.
He is slowly - piece by painful piece - erecting a socialist dictatorship. We are not there - yet. But he is putting America on that dangerous path. He is undermining our constitutional system of checks and balances; subverting democratic procedures and the rule of law; presiding over a corrupt, gangster regime; and assaulting the very pillars of traditional capitalism.
Like Venezuela's leftist strongman, Hugo Chavez, Mr. Obama is bent on imposing a revolution from above - one that is polarizing America along racial, political and ideological lines. Mr. Obama is the most divisive president since Richard Nixon. His policies are Balkanizing the country. It's time for him to go.
He has abused his office and violated his oath to uphold the Constitution. His health care overhaul was rammed through Congress. It was - and remains - opposed by a majority of the people. It could only be passed through bribery and political intimidation.
The Louisiana Purchase, the Cornhusker Kickback, the $5 billion Medicaid set-aside for Florida Sen. Bill Nelson - taxpayer money was used as a virtual slush fund to buy swing votes. Moreover, the law is blatantly unconstitutional; the federal government does not have the right to coerce every citizen to purchase a good or service. This is not in the Constitution, and it represents an unprecedented expansion of power. Yet Obamacare's most pernicious aspect is its federal funding of abortion.
Pro-lifers are now compelled to have their tax dollars used to subsidize insurance plans that allow for the murder of unborn children. This is more than state-sanctioned infanticide. It violates the conscience rights of religious citizens. Traditionalists - evangelicals, Catholics, Baptists, Muslims, Orthodox Jews - have been made complicit in an abomination that goes against their deepest religious values. As the law is implemented (as in Pennsylvania) the consequences of the abortion provisions will become increasingly apparent. The result will be a cultural civil war. Pro-lifers will become deeply alienated from society; among many, a secession of the heart is taking place.
Mr. Obama is waging a frontal assault on property rights. The BP oil spill is a case in point. BP clearly is responsible for the spill and its massive economic and environmental damage to the Gulf. There is a legal process for claims to be adjudicated, but Mr. Obama has behaved more like Mr. Chavez or Russia's Vladimir Putin: He has bullied BP into setting up a $20 billion compensation fund administered by an Obama appointee.
In other words, the assets of a private company are to be raided to serve a political agenda. Billions will be dispensed arbitrarily in compensation to oil-spill victims - much of it to Democratic constituents. This is cronyism and creeping authoritarianism.
Mr. Obama's multicultural socialism seeks to eradicate traditional America. He has created a command-and-control health care system. He has essentially nationalized the big banks, the financial sector, the automakers and the student loan industry. He next wants to pass "cap-and-trade," which would bring industry and manufacturing under the heel of big government. The state is intervening in every aspect of American life - beyond its constitutionally delegated bounds. Under Mr. Obama, the Constitution has become a meaningless scrap of paper.
To provide the shock troops for his socialist takeover, Mr. Obama calls for "comprehensive immigration reform" - granting amnesty to 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens. This would forge a permanent Democratic electoral majority. It would sound the death knell for our national sovereignty. Amnesty rewards lawlessness and criminal behavior; it signifies the surrender of our porous southern border to a massive illegal invasion. It means the death of American nationhood. We will no longer be a country, but the colony of a global socialist empire.
Rather than defending our homeland, Mr. Obama's Justice Department has sued Arizona for its immigration law. He is siding with criminals against his fellow Americans. His actions desecrate his constitutional oath to protect U.S. citizens from enemies foreign and domestic. He is thus encouraging more illegal immigration as Washington refuses to protect our borders. Mr. Obama's decision on this case is treasonous.
As president, he is supposed to respect the rule of law. Instead, his administration has dropped charges of voter intimidation against members of the New Black Panther Party. This was done even though their menacing behavior was caught on tape: men in military garb brandishing clubs and threatening whites at a polling site. A Justice Department lawyer intimately involved in the case, J. Christian Adams, resigned in protest. Mr. Adams says that under Mr. Obama, there is a new policy: Cases involving black defendants and white victims - no matter how much they cry for justice - are not to be prosecuted. This is more than institutionalized racism. It is an abrogation of civil rights laws. The Justice Department's behavior is illegal. It poses a direct threat to the integrity of our democracy and the sanctity of our electoral process.
Corruption in the administration is rampant. Washington no longer has a government; rather, it has a gangster regime. The Chicago way has become the Washington way. Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is a political hit man. He is an amoral, ruthless operator. It was Mr. Emanuel who reached out to Rep. Joe Sestak, Pennsylvania Democrat, offering a high-ranking job in the hopes of persuading Mr. Sestak to pull out of the primary against Sen. Arlen Specter. It was Mr. Emanuel who offered another government position to Andrew Romanoff to do the same in the Colorado Democratic Senate primary.
And it was Mr. Emanuel - as the trial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich has revealed - who acted as the go-between to try to have Valerie Jarrett parachuted into Mr. Obama's former Senate seat. The only question was: What did Mr. Blagojevich want in exchange?
This is not simply sleazy Chicago machine politics. It is the systematic breaking of the law - bribery, attempt to interfere (and manipulate) elections using taxpayer-funded jobs, influence peddling and abuse of power.
The common misperception on the right is that Mr. Obama is another Jimmy Carter: an incompetent liberal whose presidency is being reduced to rubble under the onslaught of repeated failures. The very opposite, however, is true. He is the most consequential president in our lifetime, transforming America into something our Founding Fathers would find not only unrecognizable, but repugnant. Like all radical revolutionaries, he is consumed by the pursuit of power - attaining it, wielding it and maximizing it. Mr. Obama's fledgling thug state must be stopped.
If Republicans win back Congress in November, they should - and likely will - launch formal investigations into this criminal, scandal-ridden administration. Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican and ranking member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has promised as much. Mr. Obama has betrayed the American people.
Impeachment is the only answer.
This usurper must fall.
Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a columnist at The Washington Times and president of the Edmund Burke Institute, a Washington think tank. He is the host of "The Kuhner Show" on WTNT 570-AM (www.talk570.com) from 5 to 7 p.m.
© Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC.
From Fox News: “Despite President Obama’s moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, the U.S. Export-Import Bank intends to guarantee $1 billion in loans to PEMEX, the Mexican state oil company, to bolster the company’s oil drilling in the region… The latest request comes during a drilling moratorium that was first imposed by Obama in May to find out what was the cause behind the April 20 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion killed 11 workers and led to 206 million gallons of oil spewing from BP’s undersea well.”
This must not stand.
We have another elitist organization that is beholden to no one taking taxpayer dollars to throw away at projects that are not in the national interest.
Its spokeswoman would not even go on camera to defend this. She sent an e-mail. She said this doesn’t involve deep drilling.
Naturally. Mexico is not stupid. It drills close to the beach where if something goes wrong it is easily fixed.
Why finance Mexico?
What, allowing Mexicans to run roughshod over the border is not enough?
That’s it.
Shut the bank down.
Revoke its charter.
Let the people in it go without pensions either.
And investigate its executives.
This decision is too stupid even for liberals. It is what happens when the bureaucracy takes over the ship of state.