DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Bernanke Briefing Elitists In Advance Of Fed Moves
Hours after an Aug. 15 meeting with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in his office, Nancy Lazar made a hasty call to investor clients: The Fed was dusting off an obscure 1960s-era strategy known as Operation Twist.
The news pointed to a boom in long-term bonds.
It was a good call. Over the next five weeks, prices on 10-year Treasury bonds soared, offering double-digit returns in an otherwise dismal year.
By the time the Fed announced its $400 billion Operation Twist on Sept. 21, the window for quick profits had all but slammed shut.
Impounded Dog Has A Facebook Page
Local animal control officers quarantined her after she came in contact with a dead bat. And learned her rabies booster shot was three months overdue. Even though the state lab couldn't determine the bat was rabid, state and local authorities took precautions and are keeping Maggie separated.
"She's losing weight, she's biting herself," said Nancy Apthorp, Maggie's owner.
Congress And Secrecy
Congress, which is charged and authorized by the Constitution to write the federal laws and to decide how to spend the people's money and to keep public records of all its deliberations, has simply declined to do so. In establishing the debt supercommittee – which consists of six representatives and six senators – Congress is violating the Constitution by keeping its work and deliberations from you. Every hour at Fox News, our intrepid Capitol Hill producers inform us of who is meeting with whom to discuss what – not among members of the House or Senate, but among members of the supercommittee. Try to find that in the Constitution, and you won't succeed.
02.When the Beatles first came to the U.S. .In early 1964, we all watched them on The _______________ Show.
03. 'Get your kicks, __________________.'
04.'The story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to ___________________.'
05.'In the jungle, the mighty jungle, ________________.'
06. After the Twist, The Mashed Potato, and the Watusi, we 'danced' under a stick that was lowered as low as we could go in a dance called the '_____________.'
07.Nestle's makes the very best . .. . . _______________.'
08. Satchmo was America 's 'Ambassador of Goodwill.' Our parents shared this great jazz trumpet player with us. His name was _________________.
09.What takes a licking and keeps on ticking? _______________.
10. Red Skeleton's hobo character was named __________________ and Red always ended his television show by saying, 'Good Night, and '________ ________.'
11. Some Americans who protested the Vietnam War did so by burning their______________.
12. The cute little car with the engine in the back and the trunk in the front was called the VW. What other names did it go by? ____________ &_______________.
13. In 1971, singer Don MacLean sang a song about, 'the day the music died.' This was a tribute to ___________________.
14. We can remember the first satellite placed into orbit. The Russians did it. It was called ___________________.
15. One of the big fads of the late 50's and 60's was a large plastic ring that we twirled around our waist. It was called the __ ______________.
01..The Lone Ranger left behind a silver bullet.
02.The Ed Sullivan Show
03..On Route 66
04..To protect the innocent.
05.The Lion Sleeps Tonight
06.The limbo
08..Louis Armstrong
09.The Timex watch
10..Freddy, The Freeloader and 'Good Night and God Bless.'
11.Draft cards (Bras were also burned. Not flags, as some have guessed)
12.Beetle or Bug
13.Buddy Holly
If so, take a look at buying some defense stocks like Raytheon (NYSE:RTN) , Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) and Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC) . They may offer a way to bet on everything bad.
If you follow the headlines, and believe them, you would probably think that defense spending is about to be slashed to the bone following the collapse of the “super committee”. Defense secretary Leon Panetta is warning of a “doomsday” scenario for national security spending. Congressman Buck McKeon, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, warns that automatic cuts will end up “crippling our military.”
There’s just one problem. It’s total nonsense.
What Washington calls a “cut” is really just a more modest increase than you were expecting.
Veronique de Rugy, a senior research fellow at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center, says that under these alleged post-committee “cuts” defense spending is actually forecast to rise from 2012 to 2021 by 16%, from $695 billion to $818 billion. Boy, that’s some cut!
The Pentagon had been expecting a 23% rise, and in Washington a slow increase is called a “cut.” But even if we get some inflation ahead, she says, the worst case scenario under the current plans is to a see “a freeze in real terms.”
“A busy Saturday shopping date was selected. Approximately 3000 blacks all dressed up in their good churchgoing suits or dresses would be bused downtown. When you put 3000 blacks on the main floor of a store, even one that covers a square block, suddenly the entire color of the store changes. Any white coming throught the revolving doors would take one pop-eyed look and assume that somehow he had stepped into Africa. He would keep right on going out of the store. Rules for Radicals pp. 146-147
Demonstrators Plan to Occupy Retailers on Black Friday
Published: Tuesday, 22 Nov 2011 12:27 PM ET
By: Cadie Thompson
Producer, CNBC.com
Some demonstrators are planning to occupy retailers on Black Friday to protest "the business that are in the pockets of Wall Street."
Organizers are encouraging consumers to either occupy or boycott retailers that are publicly traded, according to the Stop Black Friday website.
The goal of the movement is to impact the profits of major corporations this holiday season.
"The idea is simple, hit the corporations that corrupt and control American politics where it hurts, their profits, " states the Occupy Black Friday Facebook page.
A few of the retailers the protesters plan on targeting include Neiman Marcus, Amazon and Wal-Mart.
Their website states the following:
"Keep in mind that we are not occupying small businesses or hardworking people—we must make a distinction between the businesses that are in the pockets of Wall Street and the businesses that serve our local communities.
We are NOT anti-capitalist. Just anti-crapitalist.
Below is a shortlist for publicly traded large businesses to Occupy or to boycott on Black Friday. Luckily, most of them don't have good presents anyway. If you want to see the top 100 retail businesses for 2010 to boycott, click here.
On Black Friday, Occupy or boycott:
- Abercrombie & Fitch
- Amazon.com (yes, we have to stay away from Amazon, too!)
- AT&T Wireless [
- Burlington Coat Factory
- Dick's Sporting Goods (I was surprised, too!)
- Dollar Tree
- The Home Depot
- Neiman Marcus
- OfficeMax
- Toys R'Us
- Verizon Wireless
- Wal-Mart
This is not the first time the demonstrators have taken action against corporations by using their money as weapon for change.
On Nov. 5th many demonstrators participated in "Bank Transfer Day" and moved their money from banks to credit unions.
If Romney or Gingrich is elected president we will go to war with Iran and the price of your gasoline will reach at least $5 per gallon. Does Israel have pictures of these guys will little boys? Romney bows down before Israel like they are his master. Perry wants to go to war with Syria. A no-fly zone is war. Gingrich and the rest of these liars do a HUGE disservice by telling the American people we could just drill more in the U.S. and solve our energy crisis. DISGUSTING!!! This is a bold faced lie, but the non-thinking masses will buy it.
Ron Paul’s positions on these foreign conflicts and foreign aid are completely logical. I thought Romney’s head was going to explode when Ron stuck a pin in the storyline about the drastic Defense cuts taking place. There have been no cuts. Obama is spending $200 billion more per year than Bush. These neo-cons have no interest in reducing the size of government. They want to spend more. We have 20 million people out of work and they want to funnel hundreds of billions to Africa, Israel and Latin America. Only Ron Paul told the truth last night.
I fear for our country and my children if any of these bozos is elected President, other than Ron Paul
Top Cain Aide Banned From Securities Industry
The curious résumé of top Cain campaign aide Jamie Brazil.
Harvard Law's Lessig Says Smash Washington's Culture Of Money
What’s striking is how little it costs for a private interest to subvert the public will.
The really big money is in campaign finance. Politicians are constantly dialing for dollars with the tacit understanding that the generous will be rewarded. One of the many charms of “Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress -- and a Plan to Stop It,” a new book from Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig, is its sympathy for the people involved.
“What if Washington is not filled with evil souls trying to steal from the republic?” Lessig writes, wondering if politicians are merely “good people working in a corrupted system.”
How intriguing to think that former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich isn’t a bad person. Who knows what deal I might make with the devil if every four years I needed to raise millions to keep my job?
FBI Arrests 7 In Amish Beard Attacks
BERGHOLZ, Ohio - Authorities raided the compound of a breakaway Amish group in eastern Ohio on Wednesday morning and arrested seven men on federal hate crime charges in hair-cutting attacks against Amish men and women.
Among those arrested were the group's leader, Sam Mullet, and three of his sons, said Mike Tobin, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office in Cleveland.
Several members of the group carried out the attacks in September and October by forcefully cutting the beards and hair of Amish men and women, authorities have said. Cutting the hair is a highly offensive act to the Amish, who believe the Bible instructs women to let their hair grow long and men to grow beards and stop shaving once they marry.
Stores Hope You Say Merry Christmas To Me
Last year Hyundai entertained — or annoyed — television viewers with advertisements featuring carol-singing hipsters. This year, the automaker is taking a different tack in early radio ads, urging listeners to "give yourself a gift" of a new Hyundai this holiday season.
Retailers, struggling with sluggish consumer spending are pulling out all the stops to get shoppers, including pushing gift-buying for your best friend –- yourself.
Apparel retailer J Crew debuted a campaign with the tag line "To: You — From: You." Shoppers can barely escape the "buy it for yourself" message on the website of online footwear megastore Zappos.com: Nearly every holiday-themed landing page includes text urging browsers to pick up a pair of boots or something else for themselves. Even Starbucks ran a "One for you, one for me" holiday promotion.
"I think they're trying to hit core customers any way they can hit them," says Sam Poser, managing director at brokerage Sterne Agee.
"Dancing With The Stars" Winner: J.R. Martinez Captures The Mirrorball Trophy
(CBS) There's a certain excitement that comes with the final night of "Dancing with the Stars."
It's part nostalgia (Look! Ron Artest really was a part of this once upon a time!). It's part spectator sport (If Karina Smirnoff doesn't win this time, she'll produce a Cossack sword and chop off Len Goodman's neck!). And it's part self-justification (I KNEW that Rob Kardashian would make it into the final two! I just KNEW it! Now where's my Cossack sword?!).
Will Gingrich's Comments Haunt Him?
Climategate 2: A Weak Sequel
Armed Illegals Stalked Border Patrol
A now-sealed federal grand jury indictment in the death of Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry says the Mexican nationals were “patrolling” the rugged desert area of Peck Canyon at about 11:15 p.m. on Dec. 14 with the intent to “intentionally and forcibly assault” Border Patrol agents.
At least two of the Mexicans carried their assault rifles “at the ready position,” one of several details about the attack showing that Mexican smugglers are becoming more aggressive on the U.S. side of the border.
According to the indictment, the Mexicans were “patrolling the area in single-file formation” a dozen miles northwest of the border town of Nogales and — in the darkness of the Arizona night — opened fire on four Border Patrol agents after the agents identified themselves in Spanish as police officers.
Two AK-47 assault rifles found at the scene came from the failed Fast and Furious operation.
Using thermal binoculars, one of the agents determined that at least two of the Mexicans were carrying rifles, but according to an affidavit in the case by FBI agent Scott Hunter, when the Mexicans did not drop their weapons as ordered, two agents used their shotguns to fire “less than lethal” beanbags at them.
UC Davis Pepper Spray Cop Once Lauded
DAVIS, Calif. - The riot-clad police officer who pepper sprayed a row of peaceful Occupy Wall Street protesters at a California university last week is a retired U.S. Marines sergeant twice honored for his police work on campus.
Lt. John Pike started working for the University of California, Davis police force in 2001. Now, as one of four lieutenants, he supervises more than one-third of the force including the investigations unit.
Unbelievable Day So Far

Thinking most people would be on the road and traffic on Salisbury News would drop, that is not the case today. We have already surpassed our average day and with Posts going up until midnight, I'm expecting this to be something special.
That being said, it makes me wonder, did more people actually stay home for the Holidays? I'm thinking that must be the case, being our visitors today are above average.
Nevertheless, we are truly saddened by the young lady who passed away in Seaford.
Folks, please be very careful out there throughout this Holiday weekend. Keep this thought in mind. Every time you stop, look both directions at least twice.
Thanks for visiting today. There's lots more news coming and we have a treat for you tomorrow morning with Posts.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.
Dover Mortuary Investigation Continues
Why Swearing Sparingly Can Help Kill Pain

Letting loose with a satisfying string of expletives can significantly reduce physical pain, research has shown. But according to a new study, it doesn't work as well if you make a habit of cursing frequently.
USPS Seeks Outside Help For Restructuring
Medicare Premiums To Rise Big Time In 2014
The per person Medicare insurance premium will increase from the present monthly fee of $96.40, rising to: $104.20 in 2012; $120.20 in 2013; and $247.00 in 2014. These are provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to 'confuse' the 2012 re-election campaigns. Send this to all seniors that you know, so they will know who's throwing them under the bus.
Sad, but True!!!!
The Puzzle
A Boy And His Dog
Israeli Strike On Iran Will 'Jam, Blind, Deafen' Defenses
For much of the last decade, writes Lake, "Israel has been assembling a multibillion-dollar array of high-tech weapons that would allow it to jam, blind, and deafen Tehran's defenses in the case of a pre-emptive aerial strike."
U.S. intelligence officials are reported as saying that Israel has developed a weapon capable of mimicking a maintenance cellphone signal that commands a cell network to “sleep,” effectively stopping transmissions. The Israelis "also have jammers capable of creating interference within Iran’s emergency frequencies for first responders," they said.
In the 2007 attack on a suspected nuclear site in Syria, Israeli planes “spoofed” the enemy's air-defense radars, "at first making it appear that no jets were in the sky and then in an instant making the radar believe the sky was filled with hundreds of planes," Lake writes.
It is not clear why U.S. officials would want to leak any of this information – unless they were bluffing, or trying to derail [or sabotage-- Editor] Israeli plans for a strike.
Will We Ever Solve The Mystery
Seaford Crash Update
This crash remains under investigation at this time.
Black Friday Freebies To Make The Day Even More Worth Your While
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases 11-23-11
Date of Incident: 22 November 2011
Location: Westover Drive Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Tyler Alexander Butler, 17, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 22 November 2011 at 7:15 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a shooting. The ensuing investigation revealed that a four year old child and a twelve year old child had been shot with a BB gun. Both children had minor injuries and were treated and released. The suspect, Tyler Butler, was identified by witnesses and was arrested.
Butler was charged as an adult with the below offenses.
Butler was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Butler in the Detention Center in lieu of $25,000.00 bond.
Charges: First Degree Assault (2 counts)
Second Degree Assault (2 counts)
Reckless Endangerment (2 counts)
Incident: Malicious Destruction of Property
Date of Incident: 23 November 2011
Location: Indian Lane Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Paul Justin Whitney, 21, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 23 November 2011 at about 3:34 AM a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a destruction of property. The Fruitland Police had arrested the suspect, Paul Whitney, for DUI. Whitney had driven through several yards causing damage. Whitney was placed under arrest.
The deputy transported Whitney to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner released Whitney on his own recognizance.
Charges: Malicious Destruction of Property
Incident: Possession of CDS
Date of Incident: 22 November 2011
Location: Beaglin Park Drive Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Jason Matthew Boyer, 28, Delmar, MD
Narrative: On 22 November 2011 at 9:26 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped a vehicle for speeding. The vehicle was operated by Jason Matthew Boyer. Boyer was wanted on an outstanding arrest warrant, and was placed under arrest. During the ensuing investigation, the deputy located a baggie of suspected marijuana, two baggies of suspected cocaine, and several pills on
Boyer’s person, and in his vehicle.
The deputy transported Boyer to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner placed a bond of $10,000 on Boyer.
Charges: Failure to Appear for court
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Cocaine
Possession of Lorazepam
Russia May Target U.S. Missile Defense Sites
Russia will station missiles in its westernmost Kaliningrad region and other areas if Russia and NATO fail to reach a deal on the U.S.-led missile defense plans, he said in a tough statement that seemed to be aimed at rallying domestic support.
Russia considers the plans for missile shields in Europe, including in Romania and Poland, to be a threat to its nuclear forces, but the Obama administration insists they are meant to fend off a potential threat from Iran.
Who Knew U.S. Airways Had Standing Room Only Tickets?
University To Pay Medical Bills Of Pepper Spray Victims
Super Committee's Loss Is Democrats' Gain
A Letter To The Editor 11-23-11
Thank you,
A reader
Mass. Fishermen Snare 881-Pound Tuna, Feds Take It
Local fishing boat owner Carlos Rafael was elated when one of his trawlers snared an 881-pound bluefin tuna earlier this month.
But the joy was short-lived. Federal fishery enforcement agents seized the fish when the crew returned to port Nov. 12.
Rafael had tuna permits but was told catching tuna with a net is illegal.
Gooey Tar Paralyzes More Than 150 Vehicles In Pa.
More than 150 cars were disabled and countless others damaged after a tanker truck spilled sticky goo along nearly 40 miles on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Tuesday night, officials said.
A leaking valve on the tanker, which was transporting liquid driveway sealant, caused black tar-like fluid to flood the highway, stopping motorists in their tracks as their wheels and undercarriages became mired in sludge.
Salvation Army Bell Ringer Fired For Handling Cash

WASHINGTON - A local Salvation Army bell ringer has been fired after mishandling a donation outside a grocery store.
A listener contacted WTOP after she was stopped from dropping a dollar into the Salvation Army kettle outside the Tenleytown Safeway.
"He stopped me, took the dollar and put it in the apron he was wearing and said the pot was full," the listener wrote in an email.
Occupy Wall Street Is Bringing Down The Big Banks, And More
Who’s screwed? American workers. A new report out of the Commerce Department shows that over the last decade – U.S.-based transnational corporations laid off 864,000 American workers – while hiring more than 1.5 million new Asian workers and hiring nearly 500,000 new workers in Latin America. Also during the last decade – these transnational giants reduced how much money they were investing in the U.S. economy - but increased their investment in foreign economies by 4%. Currently – American corporations pay the second lowest amount in taxes of all the developed nations in the world – and many like General Electric pay absolutely no taxes at all. Yet – they have no interest in keeping all their extra profits right here in America. There used to be a business ethic in our nation that a corporation not only focuses on making a profit – but also serves the community it belongs to. Unfortunately – thanks to thirty years of Reaganomics, Clintonomics, and Bushonomics – and all the tax cuts, deregulation, and so-called Free Trade deals – it’s all about getting as rich as you can – as fast as you can – and to hell with the nation you call home. Can you hear the giant sucking sound that Ross Perot warned us about?
Jobless Claims Rise; Spending, Incomes Up Too
New claims for jobless benefits rose for the first time after two months of steady declines, but the increase was slight, was within expectations and claims remained below the key 400,000 mark, government data showed Wednesday.
Meanwhile, consumer spending rose a notch in October even though incomes increased by a faster pace. And orders for long-lasting products such as washing machines, automobiles and aircraft fell for the second straight month in October.
Move To Ban Alleged Insider Trading Faces Pitfalls
Seaford Teen Seriously Injured In Crash
Date and Time of Occurrence: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 at 9:55 a.m.
Operators and Vehicles:
Operator #1: Gloria J. Bolden, 53, Seaford, DE
Vehicle #1: 2001 Nissan Maxima
Operator #2: Alexis Mulford, 16, Seaford, DE
Vehicle #2: 1998 Honda Civic
Seaford, DE- The Delaware State Police Crash Reconstruction Unit is currently investigating a serious motor vehicle crash in which a Seaford teen was injured this morning.
The initial investigation has revealed that Alexis Mulford, 16, was operating a 1998 Honda Civic and had been stopped at stop sign on eastbound Ockels Drive at the intersection of US Rt. 13. Mulford, however, failed to remain stopped at the stop sign and entered the path of a 2001 Nissan Maxima which was being operated by Gloria Bolden and which was traveling in the left hand lane of US Rt. 13 southbound approaching Ockels Drive. The front of Bolden’s vehicle struck the driver’s door of the Honda Civic. Alexis Mulford was trapped in her vehicle until she could be freed by responding emergency medical services.
Mulford was transported from the scene by EMS to the Nanticoke Memorial Hospital and then flown by helicopter to the Christiana Hospital in Newark, where she has been admitted with serious injuries. Gloria Bolden was also transported from the scene by EMS to the Nanticoke Memorial Hospital where she was treated and released for minor injuries.
US Rt. 13 at the intersection of Ockels Drive (Airport Road) was closed for approximately 2 hours as the crash was investigated and cleared.
This crash remains under investigation at this time.
Trooper Probe Shots Fired Into Home
Date of Occurrence: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 at 10:55 p.m.
Suspects: Unknown at this time.
-51 year old female resident
-33 year old female resident
-13 year old male resident
-2 year old female resident
Felton, DE- The Delaware State Police are currently investigating an incident in which several shots were fired into a residence in Felton, DE late last night.
The investigation began at approximately 10:55 p.m. on Tuesday as troopers responded to a residence located in the unit block of Barrett Court in the development of Canterbury Crossings. Upon their arrival troopers were advised by the 51 year old female homeowner that as she and her family were in the living room of their home someone fired a total of five rounds from an unknown type of gun into the house. The homeowner, along with three other occupants of the home, were not injured in the incident. Further investigation conducted by troopers at the scene revealed that three of the five shots that were fired entered the home and lodged in a bedroom wall.
This incident remains under investigation at this time.
The Delaware State Police are asking anyone who may have any information in reference to this incident to contact Troop 3 at 302-697-4454. Citizens may also provide a tip by texting keyword “DSP” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES). Tipsters may also provide information through lines maintained by Delaware Crime Stoppers at (800) TIP-3333. Callers can also submit information via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com.
Cat Found At Library
Feds: Ex-PG County Executive Deserves Long Sentence
A memorandum filed this week ahead of Johnson's Dec. 6 sentencing hearing details Johnson's role in a pay-to-play culture of government, describing how he routinely shook down developers and business owners for between $400,000 and $1 million in bribes.
"Jack Johnson's venality adversely affected everyone who lived, worked and tried to do business in Prince George's County," prosecutors wrote in the 76-page memo. "During his eight-year tenure as the county's leader, Jack Johnson criminally and shamelessly flouted the public trust and abused his lawful authority."
Unhappy Ending For Massage Parlors
Sexual favors for a fee routinely were offered to undercover police officers during their investigation into prostitution at two area businesses.
According to court documents, officers began investigating Rainbow New Spa in the Rehoboth Service Center on Oct. 4 and Accupressure Massage in Lewes on Oct. 13.
Ehrlich Unapologetic In Book About His Politics
Judge Seen Beating His Daughter in YouTube Video Suspended
Judge William Adams of Arnasas County, Texas, has been suspended with pay pending an investigation by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. The Associated Press reported that the order was signed on Tuesday by the clerk of the state’s highest court.
Legislators Question Housing Dept. Move, But Get Few Answers
N.J. Girl Found Dead In Stream, Still In Car Seat
Friends and relatives tell The Asbury Park Press that 2-year-old Tierra Morgan lived in Lakehurst with her mother and was having her first court-approved visit with her father in a month.
They say Arthur Morgan III was to return the girl to her mother, Imani Benton, Monday night.
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases 11-23-11
Salisbury Police responded to a residence in the Harbor Pointe residential development for the report of a stolen vehicle. On November 19, the vehicle was recovered and the below listed suspects were taken into custody and charged with the theft of the vehicle. Salisbury detectives continued the investigation and have linked the suspects to a number of thefts from motor vehicles in the Harbor Pointe Development, the Heritage Development and the Peninsula Regional Medical Center parking garage. As a result of the investigation a substantial quantity of stolen property was recovered and returned to the owners however a significant quantity of unclaimed property exists. Further arrests are forthcoming.
ARRESTED # 1: Juvenile, 17 years of age Nanticoke, Maryland
ARRESTED #2: Juvenile, 17 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Theft of a motor vehicle
Felony theft
Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle
DISPOSITIONS: Both detained by Juvenile Justice
Salisbury Detectives are requesting that anyone in one of the named developments or facilities that had property stolen from their vehicle after November 10, 2011 and did not report the theft to make contact with the police department. Victims are asked to contact Det. Jeff Hughes or Det.Tom Hitty at 410-548-3113.
CC # 201100045364
On November 21, 2011 at approximately 7:15 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department responded to the Marshall’s Department Store on North Salisbury Boulevard for the report of multiple shoplifters. Upon arrival the officers met with store security who advised the offices that employees of the business had observed the below listed suspects taking clothing from the store without making any attempts at payment. The property was recovered and returned to the store.
ARRESTED #1: Shaquil Jauwan Turnage, 18 years of age Seaford, Delaware
ARRESTED #2: Tywuan Jamar Johnson, 21 years of age Blades, Delaware
ARRESTED #3: Juvenile, 16 years of age Seaford, Delaware
Theft (under $ 100)
Conspiracy to commit theft
Suspects # 1, 2 released to Central Booking
Suspect # 3 released to parent
CC # 201100046034
Md. Homeless Student Counts Rise
The state Department of Education says about 14,000 Maryland students enrolled in a federally funded homeless education program this year, compared with about 8,500 in 2007.
City Council Committee Nixes Tax Breaks For Urban Farmers
A City Council committee on Tuesday killed a bill to grant tax breaks to nonprofit urban farmers after the mayor's office said it would set a bad precedent.
The opposition by the administration of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake outraged Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke, a sponsor of the measure.
"I know we give tax breaks to well-to-do developers," Clarke said, her voice rising, after learning that the city's finance department had urged her colleagues to vote against the bill. Urban farmers, she said, "aren't wealthy. They're not well-heeled. They don't hang out and sit with their suits at tables and talk about how they'll help the city. They just do it."
Lawmakers Say O'Malley's Agency Move Will Waste Millions
Contrary to claims by the governor's office, the move will not increase state revenue, delegation members said during a meeting held in Annapolis.
At issue is whether the state should move DHCD from its current state-owned office in Crownsville, which costs about $1.5 million to operate and maintain. The new space, which will be subject to a 15-year lease, will cost about $3.2 million per year to rent. The difference is about $25.5 million in rent for the 15 years, plus more than $3 million in moving costs.
Democrats Join DOJ Suit Against Alabama Immigration Law
Behind Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), 39 lawmakers endorsed an amicus brief Monday backing the Justice Department's challenge to Alabama's strict new law, known as HB 56. The Democrats maintain the state law is unconstitutional because it preempts existing federal law.
Other Democrats backing the suit include Reps. Steny Hoyer (Md.), the House Democratic whip, Xavier Becerra (Calif.), vice chairman of the Democratic Caucus, and Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.) and Keith Ellison (Minn.), the co-chairmen of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
Enacted last summer, the Alabama law makes it an explicit crime to be an illegal immigrant in the state, while empowering police to hold those they have "reasonable suspicion" of being undocumented. It also penalizes businesses that knowingly hire undocumented workers and requires schools to determine students' legal status before enrolling them.
Carney: Newt Was A Lobbyist, Plain And Simple
When he was a paid consultant for the drug-industry's lobby group, Gingrich worked hard to persuade Republican congressmen to vote for the Medicare drug subsidy that the industry favored. To deny Gingrich was a lobbyist requires an Obama-like word parsing over who is and who isn't a lobbyist.
Gingrich stated last week on Fox News, "I do no lobbying of any kind. I never have. A very important point to make. I have never done lobbying of any kind."
But the facts contradict that claim.
First of all, we know that Gingrich has been paid by drug companies and by the drug lobby, notably during the Medicare drug debate. A former employee of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, (the main industry lobby) told me Gingrich was being paid by someone in the industry at the time. A spokeswoman for Gingrich's health care consulting firm, Center for Health Transformation, told me that drug companies have been CHT clients. PhRMA confirmed in a statement that they had paid Gingrich. Bloomberg News cited sources from leading drug companies Astra-Zeneca and Pfizer saying that those companies had also hired Gingrich.
So we know he was paid consultant for drug makers. That's the first criterion for being a drug lobbyist.
Here's the second criterion: While some consultants simply provide strategy or advice, Gingrich directly contacted lawmakers in an effort to win their votes.
The Federal Reserve Bank - The Enemy Within
Thomas Jefferson said, "If the America people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
This has probably never been more apparent as it is right now. At the risk of being even more repetitive than I have already been on the matter, I present the following for your further enlightenment. I hope it leaves you more "awake" than when it found you. A general increase in public knowledge on the matter is necessary if we ever hope to repair the damage that's been caused and get this country back on track. Please read it in it's entirety as it will, without question, define the legacy you leave for your children and theirs.
On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.
What is ghastly surprising, however, is the absurd argument offered by the editors to support their position in the matter.
The editorial assumes that most if not all of the signatures on the petition forms were made by qualified voters because “without the validation process, there’s no reason to assume that is [not] the case.” It is impossible to make such an assumption – that’s why validation is mandatory in order to hold a referendum -- but that plain fact of logic has escaped the editorial board.
On the assumption that the signatures are valid, the rationale of the Daily Times’ editors is that because more persons support the referendum than voted in a recent election, the people have spoken and must be obeyed. That reasoning is equally ridiculous – the applicable legal requirement for referendum is 20% of all the registered voters, regardless of the number who bothered to vote in an election. They want to waive that requirement because the desire of something less than 20% of the voters (according to the editors) is the will of the people – another asinine assumption, putting it mildly.
Does anyone recall the Daily Times dispensing such drivel in 2007, when Bob Caldwell’s petition for a referendum – on a charter change that was required for Barrie Tilghman’s proposed double-digit tax increase – failed by a very narrow margin after the signatures were verified and we knew how many of them were valid?
The plain truth is that more than 80% of the voters opted not to support the referendum petition regarding the City Attorney despite the effort of the coalition of business types, landlords and born losers (Dunn, Cathcart, Barrie Tilghman and Louise Smith among others) who foisted the petition upon the public with the benefit of vocal support and much publicity in the Daily Times. Those “silent majority” voters, not the minority who signed the petition, manifest the real will of the people. Again, the editors, along with Ireton and Mitchell, cannot accept that reality
And, by the way, does anyone still take seriously the editorial pontification of the Daily Times?
WMDT/Salisbury Safety
Good afternoon. In the event that you are not a WMDT news watcher, I would like to share the following video link with you.
As you well know, the incident took place right outside our station. Businesses like ours require our folks to come and go at all hours of the day and night and I am quite concerned about danger to our employees. As manager of one of the largest privately owned downtown businesses, it is a mystery to me how a known-to-be-problematic business can get and retain a license to do business while, it seems to me, the City doesn’t appear to be making every effort to work with a dedicated, high quality developers like the Gillis’s.
As I go through a periodic assessment of what is best for our station and employees, I like to know as much as I can about my options. Please advise how I can expect the City to react to this specific incident as well as any anticipated policy changes regarding growth and safety going forward.
In advance, thanks much for your time.
Kathleen McLain
General Manager
Publisher's Notes: Kathleen sent this message to the Mayor and City Council. She's 100% correct, (in my honest opinion). As you see from the statistic post below, there's a serious problem with crime in Salisbury. I do firmly believe our new police Chief is the right person for the job and I do support Barbara Duncan 100%. However, the Mayor and Council truly need to take not only crime far more seriously, they need to take DOWNTOWN Salisbury far more seriously and close down that under age club, period.
This is an extremely disturbing video and we cannot sweep this under the rug any longer. It's time to unite and demand our representatives stop cleaning up the streets the day before and the day of 3rd Friday and do something to make Salisbury a safer place to live and work on an EVERY day basis.

Man Competent For Trial In Grandmother's Slaying
Twenty-six-year-old Rodney Miles of Salisbury is charged with first-degree murder in the killing of his grandmother, 87-year-old Catherine Slemons, in January. Slemons was found strangled in her home.
Troopers On Scene Of Serious Motor Vehicle Crash
Date and Time of Occurrence: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 at approximately 9:55 a.m.
Seaford, DE- The Delaware State Police are currently at the scene of a serious motor vehicle crash in Seaford.
Initial indication is that there are several vehicles involved in the crash that occurred at US Rt. 13 and Airport Road, with at least one person seriously injured.
The roadway at the crash scene is closed at this time and commuters are asked to find alternate means of travel.
The investigation into this crash is in its preliminary stages. More information will be released at a later time.
Egypt’s Secret Police Now Called “Homeland Security”

As part of the re-branding of dictatorship in Egypt, the same security force implicated in the imprisonment and torture of anti-Mubarak activists is busy reorganizing itself while maintaining intimidation and spying campaigns targeted against parliamentary candidates by bugging phone calls and harassing prominent critics of the ruling military regime’s bloody crackdown on protesters.
“After some initial moves to purge the security forces, attempts at systemic reform were halted, say analysts and political observers. Under the auspices of the Ministry of Interior, the 100,000-strong state security service has been renamed homeland security and personnel moved around,” the Financial Times reports today
Today's Survey Question 11-23-11
Salisbury, Maryland Ranked 4th Most Dangerous City In America, (per capita) AGAIN
Top 100 Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. Help
(Population 25,000 or more)
Click on any city name below to get a report
rank city
100 Reading, PA
99 Richmond, CA
98 Lawton, OK
97 Knoxville, TN
96 Ocala, FL
95 Chattanooga, TN
94 East Palo Alto, CA
93 Rock Hill, SC
92 Sarasota, FL
91 Houston, TX
90 Charleston, WV
89 Lowell, MA
88 San Bernardino, CA
87 Jackson, TN
86 Albany, NY
85 Miami Beach, FL
84 Holyoke, MA
83 Toledo, OH
82 Tallahassee, FL
81 Cleveland, TN
80 Prichard, AL
79 Trenton, NJ
78 Panama City, FL
77 Chicago, IL
76 Fall River, MA
75 Pompano Beach, FL
74 Albany, GA
73 North Miami, FL
72 Hallandale, FL
71 Baton Rouge, LA
70 Columbia, TN
69 Anchorage, AK
68 Brockton, MA
67 Milwaukee, WI
66 Springfield, MA
65 Lima, OH
64 Fort Myers, FL
63 Melbourne, FL
62 Minneapolis, MN
61 Tulsa, OK
60 Little Rock, AR
59 Cincinnati, OH
58 Norristown, PA
57 Buffalo, NY
55 New Bedford, MA
54 Cleveland, OH
53 Hot Springs, AR
52 Kansas City, MO
51 Poughkeepsie, NY
50 Miami, FL
49 Farmington, NM
48 Birmingham, AL
47 Battle Creek, MI
46 North Little Rock, AR
45 Philadelphia, PA
44 St. Petersburg, FL
43 Atlanta, GA
42 Springfield, IL
41 Rockford, IL
40 Homestead, FL
39 Washington, DC
38 North Charleston, SC
37 Lafayette, LA
36 Sumter, SC
35 Lake Worth, FL
34 Alexandria, LA
33 Pine Bluff, AR
32 Inkster, MI
31 Stockton, CA
30 Daytona Beach, FL
29 Baltimore, MD
28 Harrisburg, PA
27 Atlantic City, NJ
26 Orlando, FL
25 Harvey, IL
24 Florence, SC
23 Louisville, KY
22 Newburgh, NY
21 Myrtle Beach, SC
20 Riviera Beach, FL
19 Chelsea, MA
18 Bossier City, LA
17 Flint, MI
16 Fort Pierce, FL
15 Petersburg, VA
14 Detroit, MI
13 Memphis, TN
12 Bessemer, AL
11 Pontiac, MI
10 Oakland, CA
9 Wilmington, DE
8 Spartanburg, SC
7 St. Louis, MO
6 Camden, NJ
5 West Memphis, AR
4 Salisbury, MD
3 Las Vegas, NV
2 Chester, PA
1 Saginaw, MI
Its A Very Big Day For News Today
Troopers Urge Vigilance And Safety During The Holiday Season
With the goal of preventing criminal activity and protecting holiday shoppers, Troopers will increase visibility statewide with stepped up patrols in shopping centers and malls.
The first line of defense is to reduce your own vulnerability and do what you can to minimize the possibility that you could be a victim of crime. Troopers offer the following safety tips to help contribute to the safety and security of our communities during the holiday season.
Staying Safe While Shopping:
Park in high visibility and well lit areas. Lock your car and take your keys.
Stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you.
Shop with a friend, there is safety in numbers.
Use credit/debit cards and avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
Keep purse close to your body at all times and keep wallet in your front pocket.
Be extremely careful using ATM machines. Use them in populated places and pay attention to your surroundings.
Do not leave purchased items visible in the car-leave them in the trunk.
Report suspicious people or activity immediately.
Keeping Your Home Safe:
Keep the outside of your home well lit with doors and windows locked.
Keep gifts hidden from view through outside windows of your residence.
After opening gifts, break down the boxes of expensive electronics or other gifts and dispose of in a non clear garbage bag to hide the fact that you have valuable items in the home.
The Thanksgiving holiday is traditionally one of the busiest travel periods of the year. The Delaware State Police will have an increased number of Troopers patrolling to ensure that everyone is driving with care, and will be offering assistance to motorists in need. Troopers will be targeting aggressive and impaired drivers.
Travel Safety Tips:
Do not drink and drive! Have a Designated Driver
Buckle up and make sure all occupants are properly restrained
Be aware of weather and road conditions
Keep all doors locked while riding in your car
Minimize distractions and slow down
Report aggressive or impaired drivers
Happy Holidays from the Troopers of the Delaware State Police!
Labor Department Allows Ex-Solyndra Workers To Apply For Federal Aid
The potential benefits for laid-off Solyndra workers would fall under a program known as "trade adjustment assistance." The taxpayer-backed benefits are supposed to help workers who lost their jobs presumably because production was shifted overseas.
Dumbing Down The Eastern Shore MSM

Call it a bad hair day or whatever, working for the Main Stream Media, (MSM) here on the Eastern Shore clearly proves tee shirts and baseball caps are what the gang bangers really want to see.
I thought WBOC's main audience was poultry farm workers but my guess is that WBOC spent additional funding and found out the next biggest audience is gang members.
In no time we'll see bandanna's and multiple gang colors. Man, I really need to rethink things here on Salisbury News, NOT. After all, they do call themselves Delmarva's News leader.
Law Firm, That Held Halloween Party Mocking People Who Lost Their Homes, To Close
After those photos surfaced, the mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae cut off the Baum firm, forbidding servicers of their mortgages from using Mr. Baum and his colleagues. That effectively served as the firm’s death knell.
Laurel Woman Arrested for Liquor Store Burglary

Location: Gumboro Liquors, 38398 Millsboro Highway, Millsboro, DE
Date and Time of Occurrence: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 2:00 a.m.
Treena Kunkel, 33, Laurel, DE
Charges and Arraignment Information:
Burglary 3rd Degree
Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony
Arraigned at JP Court 2 and released on $5000.00 unsecured bail.
Millsboro, DE- The Delaware State Police have arrested a Laurel woman in connection with the August 2011 burglary of a Millsboro liquor store.
The investigation into this incident began on August 16th after troopers were called to respond to the Gumboro Liquors located in the 38000 block of Millsboro Highway in Millsboro for the report of a burglary. Responding troopers were advised by the business owner who discovered the burglary that an unknown suspect had entered an unlocked door of the business earlier in the morning. Once inside the suspect responded to the video surveillance system and disabled it. The suspect then proceeded to remove an undisclosed amount of cash from the store register before fleeing. The business owner advised troopers that the suspect was captured on video prior to disabling it and that the person resembled an employee of the store, Treena Kunkel.
Through further investigation detectives were able to positively identify Kunkel as the subject who committed the burglary and obtained a warrant for her arrest.
On Monday, November 21, Treena Kunkel was arrested at her residence without incident by members of the Sussex County Governor’s Task Force. She was then arraigned at JP Court 2 and released on $5000.00 unsecured bail.
New Dairy Queen To Be Built On Nanticoke Rd

A DQ Grill & Chill is coming to a pocket off Nanticoke Road, part of a pattern of growth on the west side of Salisbury that includes a reconfiguration of traffic patterns to relieve the bustling commercial stretch off Route 50.The owner of the Dairy Queen Grill & Chill franchise in the 2600 block of North Salisbury Boulevard plans to open a second location by next summer on a 1-acre pad in the Pecan Square Shopping Center anchored by the Food Lion supermarket. Construction is scheduled to start in the winter of 2012, said Bradley Gillis, a senior adviser at Sperry Van Ness-Miller Commercial Real Estate, who represented the buyer of the property.
Consumer Group Releases Annual 'Trouble In Toyland' Report
For those who wish to contribute monetary donations, an account for food baskets has been set up at the Bank of Ocean City (the account name is: Town of Ocean City, Ocean City Police Department DBA-Holiday Food and Toy Drive). While you may contribute donations to any Bank of Ocean City branch, we ask you not to bring food to the Department or the bank. You may also send your donations to “OCPD Christmas Toy Drive” at 6501 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, Maryland, 21842.
Florida A&M Bands Suspended After Suspected Hazing Death
The Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office Reminds Everyone To Drive With Caution As The Holiday Season Begins
The Holiday Season also can bring on Aggressive Driving as people shop and prepare for activities. The Sheriff’s Office will be watching for Speeding, Tailgating, Running Red Lights, and aggressive lane changing in heavily traveled shopping areas.
The Holidays are also the time for parties and drinking. The Sheriff’s Office will be patrolling all of Wicomico County looking for Impaired Drivers. There will be Sobriety Checkpoints and Saturation Patrols throughout the Holiday Season.
So please, Buckle Up, Slow Down and Be Alert.
Don’t Become a Holiday Memory, Drive Safely.
Child Abuse Reports Spike After Sandusky Arrest
PITTSBURGH - Calls to the state's child abuse hotline soared right after the Penn State child sex abuse scandal broke and then started to drop back. But experts worry that the existing system may not be up to handling even normal demands.
In Pennsylvania, there are usually about 460 calls to a child abuse hotline per day, or 2,300 per five-day week, state Department Public Welfare spokeswoman Carey Miller said.