You've seen what the WCBOE put out there for their Press Release. It wasn't easy for me to stand up in front of a bunch of old folks with drool rags pinned to their shirts waiting for the Boards final decision. I expressed how this decision would affect me, as well as every taxpayer in the County. My taxes have gone up, not down.
I explained how GM & Chrysler wouldn't dare think of raising their RETIREE Benefits from 55% to 70%, all in the hope it would help them receive better employees. BITE ME! It didn't matter to this Board that you and I would be footing the bill once again for more taxes to fund RETIREE'S health benefits. Oh, maybe not this year but next year it's a guarantee, don't let them fool you.
Quite frankly, it was a slap in the face to ALL Wicomico County Taxpayers. The Board tried to express they had done everything properly to expose their intent to the public but my guess is without Salisbury News, you wouldn't have even known there was a public meeting last night, let alone the topic of their meeting. It certainly wasn't published on their website, even though they claimed it was.
We were chomping at the bit waiting to see if they'd put it up so we could finally tell what we already knew. I had spoken to several County Council Members who already knew what the outcome was going to be, yet the public wasn't even aware there was a vote to take place last night.
Now I want you to think long and hard about this Folks. Tell me the last time your health insurance rates went down? I already know the answer to that, it never has. Insurance rates will only go up. There are 550 current retirees plus 2,200 active employees/families on the plan as of now. Many of those active employees will retire in 5 years. The numbers the Board is providing TODAY are today's numbers, not the numbers you as taxpayers will feel over the next 5 years.
What the County also refuses to educate you on is the fact that you only have to work for the County for 10 years before you can RETIRE! That means you'll be fully vested and can take advantage of this stupid package for the rest of your life. So much for working 20 years before you retire and EARN these kind of benefits, as well as respect from those of us providing such benefits.
The Board wants you to believe this will help them get more teachers to move to this area and come to work for the County, even though the County only hires mid level quality of Teachers and have admitted to such. This is the biggest crock of sh!t I have seen in the longest time. These SOB's are so selfish, they want to run with O'Malley and take advantage of funding they could have GIVEN BACK TO THE STATE! That's right, they found a way to SAVE the taxpayers $350,000.00 and rather than giving any relief to the taxpayers by offering that money back to the State, they found a way to BLOW IT and ultimately cost taxpayers even more money in the years to come.
You tell me how you're going to be able to in good faith go back to the retiree's 5 years from now and say, I'm sorry, we just can't afford these increases and we're going to have to lower our contribution from 70% down to 55%? It ain't gonna happen, you know it and I know it. Besides, once it's grandfathered in, I doubt it will ever drop.
I asked many of you to be there last night and we stuck around until it was almost 11:00 PM. The ending was a different story in itself but let me assure you of one thing, the WCBOE reads Salisbury News like a Master's Degree Text Book each and every day. Robin Holloway was the ONLY Board Member who refused to support this increase and my hat is tipped to her for backing the taxpayer in such hardship times. The WCBOE is the absolute BIGGEST expense to the county taxpayer and I personally believe it's well past due time we bring in an elected Board before this Governor takes anything and everything we have left.
I can't wait to hear the comments come back telling me I'm wrong. You people better prove to me and the rest of our readers just why this was so important and why you didn't think of these savings many years ago and or go to your insurance provider and ask them where you could save $350,000.00 a year sooner! If a government agency sees extra money anywhere, they'll find a way to blow it and that's exactly what they did last night.
I should add, Ron Willey and Sue Hitch recused themselves from last night's vote.