Mr. Albero,
It has come to my attention, that many children from hard working families in the Pittsville, Willards, Powellville, and Parsonsburg area will not or have not been accepted into Pre-K this year at Willards Elementary School. The reason these children will not be accepted into Pre-K this year is because we have a law on the books that states that children (also called automatic's) that are from low income families must and will be accepted into Pre-k first. Now, I understand and accept that children from economically challenged homes are at a disadvantage; however, why have we accepted in our society that it is more important for children to be accepted into Pre-k because they are from a poor family than for a child with other more important problems like disabilities or health problems or IEP'S etc.
People, or at least the people with whom I associate, are tired of being discriminated against for being successful, married, paying taxes and having good morals and values. I have also been informed that the Board Of Education has not been provided with enough funding for an additional teacher/classroom for the Pre-k grade at Willards School even though they have the space. It has been explained that since there is no funding to accommodate the children who did not get accepted and the fact that Pre-K is not required, those children are at a loss or disadvantage.
I am asking for our representatives (County Council, County Executive, Board Of Ed,) to stand for what's right! Don't allow children to be discriminated against because they aren't poor. Find the ''MONEY" and accommodate these children so they can have the same start as any other child in our community.
I am aware that many in this area are questioning where their impact fee money ($5000.00 plus) went for building new homes in the area. My understanding was that this money went straight to the Board of Ed. Many are questioning where their taxes are going. I have never been one to complain; however, when it affects our children, someone has to fight the good fight. I hope that this just doesn't fall to the side. I hope and pray that many pull together as one and force this issue to be fixed so no parent in the future has to worry about their child being at a disadvantage when he or she starts kindergarten.
It's still early. Some children may get in and some may not. Those parents whose children do get accepted, please do not forget the frustration and anger you felt before you found out your child was accepted. Let's pull together and stay together as we have done in years past and support each other until the end. The Eastside has always been a strong community. Let's fight the good fight together. There is a great saying, "United we stand, but divided we fall."