DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
WICO Interviews

Female Juvenile, 17 yrs. Old, Salisbury, Md.
Transported to PRMC for non life threatening injuries
Vehicle #1: 1997 Chrysler Sebring
Passengers of Veh #1: Tommy Beauchamp, 20 yrs. Old, Salisbury, Md.
Transported to PRMC for non life threatening injuries.
Female Juvenile, 17 yrs. Old, Salisbury, Md.
Transported to PRMC for non life threatening injuries
Angelica Wilkinson, 18 yrs. Old, Salisbury, Md.
Transported to PRMC for non life threatening injuries.
LOCATION: Stage Rd near US Rt. 13, Delmar, Md.
BRIEF RESUME: Vehicle one was traveling northbound on Stage Rd. The operator lost control of the vehicle as it entered a curve. The vehicle failed to stay right of center, exited the roadway and struck a utility pole and road sign. Vehicle one then caught fire. The driver and her three passengers were transported to PRMC for what are believed to be minor injuries. The juvenile driver was charged with Driving While Suspended and Negligent Driving.
Man Wanted In Connection With 12 Year Old Runaway Investigation

Nathaly Alonzo
Bridgeville Man Wanted in Connection with 12 Year Old Runaway Investigation
Bridgeville – The Delaware State Police have obtained arrest warrants for Jose Nedar Reyes-Castro, 19 formally of Bridgeville for his role in assisting a 12 year old runaway from returning home.
The investigation began after Nathaly Alonzo, 12 of Lilly Meadow Drive, Bridgeville did not return home from school on Friday, March 26. As police began the investigation, they learned that Ms. Alonzo did not go to school that day and she voluntarily left her home with a housemate, Jose Nedar Reyes-Castro. Reyes-Castro had been staying with the family for 6 months.
Police had spoken to family members that informed detectives that the pair was seen together on Saturday, March 27 at 11:00 am at a separate family member’s house in Bridgeville. Additionally, on Sunday Alonzo called her family to let them know she was o.k. Detectives were able to obtain the cell phone number that she called on and traced the number to a person in Candor, NC. This person was contacted and he informed investigators that Reyes-Castro and Alonzo asked to borrow his cellular phone while they were at a local gas station in Georgia just north of the Florida state line. The man also informed police that the pair seemed content and they were heading to Florida. He further advised they were driving a Ford Explorer.
Detectives also learned that Reyes-Castro had obtained the Ford Explorer from a friend in Laurel on Friday and failed to return it to her. The registration number on the vehicle is PC55921
Because of this information the state police after consultation from the Attorney Generals Office obtained arrest warrants today for Reyes-Castro for Kidnapping 2nd degree, Interference with Custody, Endangering the Welfare of a Child and Theft of a Motor Vehicle.
It should be known that during the investigation, troopers have found no evidence that Reyes-Castro wants to harm Alonzo. Alonzo has also been listed as an active missing juvenile and entered into local and national databases indicating same. Anyone having information on their whereabouts is urged to call detectives at Troop 5 at 302.337.1090 or Crime Stoppers at 1.800.TIP.3333.
Conficker Worm Set to Spring to Life
SAN FRANCISCO (March 30) - The fast-moving Conficker computer worm, a scourge of the Internet that has infected at least 3 million PCs, is set to spring to life in a new way on Wednesday — April Fools' Day.
That's when many of the poisoned machines will get more aggressive about "phoning home" to the worm's creators over the Internet. When that happens, the bad guys behind the worm will be able to trigger the program to send spam, spread more infections, clog networks with traffic, or try and bring down Web sites.
GO HERE to read more on how to Prevent Conficker Infection.
Is The FBI Involved In Unspoken Martial Law?
For what it's worth, I have a friend who has a contact within the FBI and they have been informed that the FBI is allegedly investigating and planting personnel at each and every Tea Party across the Nation and are allegedly investigating and arresting individuals with large quantities of ammunition.
Now look, this could simply be a ploy to distract many from attending these Tea Parties, I don't know. What I do know is that IF this is true and we start reading more about our governments involvement to disarm citizens, well, we've got a serious problem on our hands.
Nevertheless, wouldn't this be an Unspoken Martial Law? If so, shouldn't they announce they have enacted Martial Law Nation Wide and will be investigating anyone with large amounts of ammunition and weapons? Will those people attending Tea Parties be considered domestic terrorists?
I had heard some time ago, (within the past 2 years) that the National Guard was allegedly preparing for some kind of revolution and along comes all these Tea Parties. I have been to one of the Salisbury Tea Party meetings and no one ever came off as any kind of radical. It was simply a group of people wanting to talk about their freedoms. Taking away their rights to gather and discuss such issues is not where I believe this Country wants to head.
Nevertheless, it is what it is, as many of us say. I'd like to know how all of you feel about this matter. Since Blogs have popped up, YOU are becoming more informed about what's going on around America without the typical control of the MSM and what they're willing to share. I have no interest in rocking the boat here. I'm more interested in your thoughts about SHOULD this become the case and my information actually be accurate.
I was going to hold this story off until tomorrow but I didn't want people thinking this was being done on April Fools Day.
State Police Probe Industrial Accident

In this case, the business owner, a 56-year-old man, was working on a company truck, a 1983 Chevrolet C30, and was positioned beneath the vehicle. The truck was running during this repair.
The owner’s clothing became entangled in the mechanical workings on the under side of the vehicle, pulling this individual into the frame of the truck, pinning him there and critically injuring him.
An employee of the business came along, observed the injured subject and summonsed an emergency response. The patient was freed from the truck by first responders and rushed to Christiana Hospital where he was last listed in critical condition.
Classified Ads
Bomb Alleged At Milford School

Houston – The Delaware State Police have arrested an 11 year old girl for sending a threatening text message to several friends indicating a bomb was going to go off in school on Tuesday, March 31. The girl attends Benjamin Banneker Elementary School in Milford.
Troopers quickly learned the text originated from the 11 year old girl and that it was sent yesterday at 2: 28 pm. The girl and her parents were contacted and investigators confirmed she was responsible for sending the message.
As a result she was arrested for one count of felony terroristic threatening and one count of misdemeanor terroristic threatening. She was released to her parents on a $1000.00 unsecured bail pending court proceedings in Sussex County Family Court. School officials were contacted yesterday and informed of the incident.
Fruitland Police Department Press Releases

On March 27, 2009, officers met with a victim who advised that she had gone to a residence to pick up a friend and that she was approached by the suspect who grabbed her cell phone from her hand and demanded that she pay him $10.00 before he would return the phone. The suspect then fled the area on his bicycle. The victim followed him and requested the cell phone be returned. Suspect told the victim to give her $10.00 in cash for the return of her property. The victim gave him the $10.00 and retrieved her phone. The victim immediately contacted the police. Further investigation led to the arrest of the suspect.
Charged: Duran Markel Doane, 19 yoa Fruitland, MD
Theft $500
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Incident: Assault
On March 30, 2009 officers responded to a Ridgefield Lane residence regarding an assault. Upon arrival, officers met with the victim who advised that her son had assaulted her; causing visible injuries to one hand.
Charged: Michael Allan Truitt, 18 yoa Fruitland, MD
Charges: Assault – 2nd degree
Disposition: Released to Central Booking
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
ARRESTED: Melissa Elena Williams, 22 years of age Marion Station, Maryland
Possession of oxycodone
Possession of percocet
Possession of drug paraphernalia (2 counts)
Attempt to obtain CDS by uttering false prescription
Passing a false prescription
Unlawful altering a prescription label
Attempted to obtain prescription by deceit, fraud
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900010065
On March 27, 2009 at approximately 7:00 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department received a call to respond to a residence on Adams Avenue for the report of a noise complaint. Upon arrival the officers made contact with the below listed suspect. A routine records check of the suspect revealed that he was wanted on a Circuit Court Bench Warrant. The suspect was taken into custody and a search of his person incident to arrest revealed a quantity of suspected “crack”/cocaine in his pocket.
ARRESTED: Maurice Leshawn Harrison, 19 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Possession of cocaine
Circuit Court Bench Warrant – Failure to appear in court
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900010120
On March 28, 2009 at approximately 2:02 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police were on routine patrol in the area of Charles St. and observed an unsecured door at a residence on the three hundred (300) block. The officers observed that the door had been forced open. The officers checked the residence, which was vacant, and found the below listed suspect sleeping in one of the rooms.
ARRESTED: Henry Alexander Cuffee, 54 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
4th degree breaking and entering
Malicious Destruction of property
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900010169
On March 28, 2009 at approximately 10:23 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect for a theft that occurred on March 23. Investigation of the theft revealed that the below listed suspect had taken a victim’s wallet from her pocketbook, then had used her credit and debit cards in Salisbury without authorization.
ARRESTED: Jamie Lynn Mills, 30 years of age Ocean City, Maryland
Theft of a credit card
Theft (under $ 100) (3 counts)
Use of another’s credit card (2 counts)
Representing as owner of credit card (2 counts)
Fraudulent signature (2 counts)
Identity fraud
Theft scheme (under $500)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900009557
On March 28, 2009 at approximately 11:28 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect for producing and passing counterfeit checks at a local business.
ARRESTED: Paulette Nicole Mcintosh, 35 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
Forgery of private documents
Possession of forged documents
Issuing false documents
Theft (over $ 500)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200800039434
On March 29, 2009 at approximately 1:20 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Giant Food Store on South Salisbury Boulevard for the report of a shoplifter. Upon arrival the officers were advised by store management that the below listed suspect had been observed by store personnel taking property from the store without making payment. The property was recovered from the suspect and returned to the store.
ARRESTED: Bobby Ronald Goodwine, 42 years of age Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Theft (under $ 100)
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking CC # 200900010352
WICO Update
Be On The Lookout!!!!!

DATE: 3/31/09 CC# 2009-9258
INCIDENT DESCRIPTION: Vehicle was taken while the victim was asleep, sometime between 2300 hours on 3/30/09 and 0900 hours on 3/31/09. Victim allowed two subjects who she had just met help her move belongings into her home. Victim fell asleep while the suspects were still in her house, and woke up to find her keys and rental car were missing.
VEHICLE DECRIPTION: Silver 2009 Mazda 5 (SUV/minivan crossover) bearing MD registration 7ESS50, registered to Enterprise Rental Company. VIN: JM1CR293X90345648. Keys are with the vehicle.

SUSPECT INFO: White male, early 20’s, short brown hair, approximately 6’1”, very skinny. Last seen wearing a camouflage colored jacket. Suspect has a tattoo on his neck.
White female, early 20’s, short brown hair, 5’7”, very skinny. Last seen wearing a long sleeve white shirt. Suspect’s first names are possibly Josh and Ally.
LAST SEEN: TIME: 2000 hrs. DATE: 3/30/09 PLACE: 302 Herbal Ct. Fruitland, MD
IF LOCATED HOLD & ADVISE AUTHORITY OF: Fruitland Police Department
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Incident: Rape
Date of Incident: 29 March 2009
Location: Schumaker Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Michael Maurice Sutton, 34, Hurlock, MD
Narrative: On 29 March 2009 at 12:21 PM, a deputy from the WCSO responded and met with a victim in reference to a rape that had occurred earlier that day. The victim stated she was in a vehicle with an acquaintance, Michael Sutton, when they pulled into Schumaker Park. The victim stated that Sutton produced a knife and threatened the victim prior to raping the victim in the parking lot. The victim advised that after the incident, Sutton drove to a commercial area in Fruitland and dropped her off.
During the investigation, the deputy was able to confirm the identity of the attacker and obtained a warrant charging Sutton with First Degree Rape. Sutton was located later in the evening by authorities and was subsequently arrested.
Sutton was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Sutton was detained by the Commissioner without bond in the Detention Center.
Charges: Rape 1st Degree

Jury Rules Swat Team Not Responsible For Death
Cheryl Noel, 44, was killed early Jan. 21, 2005, when a police team entered her house.
"They (the jury) believed the officers' version of events, and believing the officers' version led them to believe there had been no constitutional violation," Assistant Baltimore County Attorney Paul Mayhew said.
But Noel's family is "devastated" by the decision, according to their lawyer, Terrell Roberts III.
"There's no margin for error here. It really should be examined closely whether a SWAT team ought to be used in cases like this," the attorney said. "This was more of a military raid than it was a police execution of search warrant."
Mayhew pointed out that two of the Noels — Charles, 55, and the couple's son Matthew, 23 had violent criminal histories. The other two, Cheryl, and the other son, Jacob — had registered pistols.
Mayhew said police had gotten a warrant to search the Noel's home after they found marijuana and cocaine residue in the trash, and served the warrant with everyone's safety in mind.
"This isn't a terrorist organization we're running here," Mayhew said in his opening statement. "They're highly trained, dedicated and they put their lives on the line every day."
He said the tactical team had only fired shots three times in the past 30 years.
Roberts had argued that the SWAT team's tactics were unwarranted under the circumstances and unnecessarily resulted in the death of a woman who was trying to protect her family from what she thought were intruders.
Instead of knocking and identifying themselves, the officers used a battering ram to enter the home early and set off a flash-bang grenade to distract the house's occupants, shortly thereafter.
"Nobody could possibly understand that it was the police in that amount of time with that amount of noise," Roberts said Monday after the verdict.
The Noels' lawsuit, filed in August 2006, was against the officers involved and the county. According to the suit, Noel, fearing burglars had broken into her home, grabbed her handgun and pointed it at the floor. An officer kicked in the bedroom door and shot Noel three times, killing her, the suit alleged.
Roberts said an appeal will be considered.
"We're still laboring under the shock of it all right now," he said.
Pancake Breakfast Benefit At Salisbury Applebees

Thank you so much I do appreciate everything!
I just wanted to let you know that we have decided to open the doors at 7 am instead of 8 am for the benefit! If you could somehow get the word out that would be great! Also if any businesses are looking to donate gift cards or certificates to the silent auction please let us know by contacting Salisbury Applebee's (410)-546-0997 or me! My contact information is below.
Thank you so much.
Mandy Bouton
On April 11, 2009 we are having a fundraiser to benefit our friend and fellow co-worker Jesse Baier. On March 27, 2009, after suffering a seizure, Jesse discovered that he has a large brain tumor and needs immediate and intensive medical attention.
Tickets are currently being sold for $5.00 per person, at the Salisbury Applebee's, and also by Applebee's employee's.
2nd Annual Technology Media Festival 6 p.m.
The Wicomico County School System's 2nd annual Technology Media Festival will take place starting at 6 p.m. tonight (March 31) at Prince Street Elementary School in Salisbury.
The project showcase will take place from 6-7 p.m., with awards from 7-8 p.m. The purpose of the Media Festival is to showcase student work in the area of technology media and to foster an interest in this area as a future vocation. All WCPS students in grades PreK-12 are eligible to participate. Projects must be the work of the student and may include PowerPoint Presentations, Videos, Graphic Design, Computer Animations, Web sites, and Podcasts. Teachers are also eligible to participate. Call 410-677-4420 for information.
The 4th marking period of the 2008-09 school year began Monday, March 30. Due to a weather closing earlier this month, the school year will now end Thursday, June 11, with half-days on June 9, 10 and 11. (The original last day of school was June 10.)
Report cards for the 3rd marking period will go home Tuesday, April 7.
Read first then watch. Ouch!
This is a video taken inside the cockpit of an A-10 by the pilot and it was a night view. What you see is from 9,700 feet away (almost two miles).The four known terrorists had no clue there was someone watching them from almost 2 miles away. The A-10 was using a 30 mm cannon WITHOUT injuring the dog nearby who escaped unharmed. You can see the gun camera shake a bit as the pilot fires; then count about 4 seconds for the rounds to travel 2 miles.
Every tenth round is a tracer, so the bullets you actually see are every tenth; they are getting hit with hundreds of rounds, but the dog is unscathed. Muzzle velocity on the 30mm is 2430 feet per second.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Incident: Possession Regulated Firearm by person under 21
Date of Incident: 03-30-2009
Location: Parkside High School Salisbury MD.
Narrative: On 3/30/09 Administrative personnel at Parkside High School received information that a student may be in possession of a handgun. The student was subsequently searched and a .22 caliber handgun was located in his possession.
Deputies from Wicomico County Sheriffs’ Office, School Resource Division were contacted and conducted a criminal investigation. The handgun was found to be unloaded; however it did contain 2 spent shell casings.
The juvenile was charged as an adult with the following offenses:
1) Possession regulated firearm by person under age of 21
2) Deadly Weapon on School Property
3) Disturbing School Leaning Environment
1) Campos, Juan Jose 17 years of Age. Hispanic male of Salisbury, Md.
Disposition: Released to Wicomico County Detention Center Pending Initial Appearance before a District Court Commissioner
A Letter To The Editor
Whether the statistics about crime in Salisbury are inflated is beside the point. We all know it is dangerous here. Comegys wants to augment the "Crimestoppers." What a joke. That outmoded strategy failed years ago. The fact is Comegys has no real idea what to do.
The time has come to whisk away the old hacks and sweep in some new talent. Jim Ireton has youth, integrity and good judgment going for him. With the support of a new council comprising Cynthia Polk, Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen, there will be a chance to turn things around for good government, prudent decisions and a level-headed administration.
Scott Wilson
The Salisbury Tax Day Tea Party

The Salisbury Tax Day Tea Party is the Maryland segment of a nationwide protest that is promoting a current liberty movement against big government and over spending. The National movement was created by organizer Michelle Malkin who has a record of contributing to liberty, based on her best selling books and extremely popular blog. Also, the Tax Day event is nationally sponsored by Top Conservatives on Twitter, Don’t Go Movement, and Smart Girl Politics. Our goal in Maryland is to let our representatives know that tax increases, increased excise taxes, bailouts, and big government are not the solution to our economic disparity. Marylanders who support this movement want American solutions to these problems though tax cuts, less government and sensible regulation. This is the time to show the world that America, and Maryland will lead the way out of this crisis though liberty and capitalism. The Salisbury Tax Day Tea Party is designed as a protest event to allow Marylanders that disapprove of current legislation to express their concerns to our state and national representatives.
For additional information, Contact: Chris Lewis at salisburymdteaparty@earthlink.net
The Salisbury Tax Day Tea Party is a part of a political liberty movement against government overspending, and expansive government. It is part of a nationwide event that will be occurring simultaneously around the country on April 15, 2009. This event allows Marylanders to express their concerns and protest recent legislation concerning our economic crisis locally and nationally.
Heron Ponds Being Autioned By Marshall Auctions Tomorrow
More signs of the times. This development in Delmar, Maryland has hit rock bottom and tomorrow Doug Marshall will be selling off whatever they can to move this project forward, if at all possible. With the economy in the dumps, this would seem to be a difficult task but we'll see what happens.
Thank you for investigating Heron Ponds.. We will be selling, via foreclosure, all 301 lots and homes as one package. This is actually not a bad thing because the bank has asked us to help re-evaluate this subdivision and subsequently the sale thereof. The good thing is that this gets rid of another “out of town” investment company that was not familiar with the Eastern Shore and out TRUE demographics. There are too many $300k - $499k homes in the area and as one of your viewers wrote in not that long ago… “The economy is fighting back.” In my opinion, that was a great quote and it is so very true.
Too many out of town investment corps have left their mark and the local realtors, auctioneers and developers are paying the price.
Hope you are well!!
Doug Marshall
Salisbury’s Waste Water Treatment Plant Still Being Trumpeted By O&G!
More Fun At Wally World
County Park Meeting 24 Say Yes, 6 Say No
It should be interesting to see what comments pop up here now as many people like to complain just to complain but like I said, the County opened the floor for citizens to speak out for or against it and residents overwhelmingly said they were for it.
When the citizens were adamantly against it the last time, the County listened and reached out to other property owners and saved a small fortune on this future purchase over the last one.
A Couple In Love
Community Leaders Workshop

Crime, education, growth topics for citizen workshop on May 22nd
More than 150 citizens from the area will wrestle with three key issues during the First Annual Community Leaders Workshop, “Making Mid-Delmarva a Better Place to Live and Work,” to be held on Friday, May 22, at The Fountains in Salisbury.
The session of neighborhood, business, civic, and government representatives will consider the issues of “Insuring Our Personal Safety,” “Meeting the Growth Challenge,” and “Challenging Our Students to More Science and Math Education” for a better job future.
The workshop runs from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., includes lunch, and is open to anyone interested from throughout the area, including Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester, Sussex, and Accomack counties, and other areas. The cost of the session is $25 and the public may register through a website at http://www.greatersalisbury.org and follow the payment instructions.
For each issue, there will be two speakers who will present key information for a few minutes prior to roundtable discussions by the participants, followed by one or more electronic votes to provide instant feedback on conclusions of the discussion. The sessions will be moderated by Eliot Pfanstiehl, who is the moderator for Leadership Maryland and several other organizations and companies from New York to Florida. He is from Rockville, MD.
James Garrity from Salisbury University’s BEACON and Maryland’s Dept. of Business and Economic Development will open the workshop with a short presentation on “Who We Are,” a demographic summary of Mid-Delmarva.
Closing the day’s workshop will be a summary session which will include, among others, Wicomico County Exec. Rick Pollitt and John Allen, vice president of Delmarva Power. The workshop will open with a welcome from James R. Thomas, Jr., chair of the Greater Salisbury Committee and president of George Miles and Buhr in Salisbury.
In addition to the issue sessions, attendees will participate in active networking which will allow them to form relationships with others in the area who have the same issue interests as they do.
The workshop is presented by the Greater Salisbury Committee, a 42-year-old civic improvement organization which covers the Mid-Delmarva area from Sussex County in Delaware to Accomack County in Virginia and includes Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset counties in Maryland.
Diamond sponsors of the Community Leaders Workshop include George Miles and Buhr, Peninsula Regional Medical Center, Perdue Farms, Delmarva Power, the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore, WBOC-TV, M&T Bank, and The Fountains.
For more information, go to www.greatersalisbury.org.
From The Greater Salisbury Committee
For more information, contact: T. Jan Wiseman, Executive Director
P.O. Box 156, Salisbury, MD 21803, phone: (410) 742-5161, e-mail: gsc@comcast.net
March 30, 2009
(Note: GSC Chair Jim Thomas is available for an interview on the event after 2 p.m. on Monday, March 30th. Call him at (410) 742-3115 or (410) 742-5161 to schedule.)
Redneck Lent
But, all of Bubba's neighbors were Catholic, and since it was Lent, they were forbidden from eating meat on Friday.
The delicious aroma from the grilled venison steaks was causing such a problem for the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their priest.
The Priest came to visit Bubba, and suggested that he become a Catholic.
After several classes and much study, Bubba attended Mass...and as the priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, "You were born a Baptist, and raised a Baptist, but now you are a Catholic."
Bubba's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived, and the wonderful aroma of grilled venison filled the neighborhood.
The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors, and, as he rushed into Bubba's yard, clutching a rosary and prepared to scold him, he stopped and watched in amazement.
There stood Bubba, clutching a small bottle of holy water which he carefully sprinkled over the grilling meat and chanted: "You wuz born a deer, you wuz raised a deer, but now you is a catfish."

7:00 P.M. and concludes at 10:00 P.M. The course will be offered weekly ending on May 7th. The course’s theme is “Disasters can happen anywhere, anytime. A failure to plan is a plan to fail.”
The course is offered at no charge. For more information, contact Edward S. Werkheiser, Wicomico County Department of Emergency Services, 410-548-4820.
Youth Summer Activities Available At Billy Gene Jackson Sr. Park
Tee ball play runs each Saturday from 8 to 9 AM, June 20th to August 1st at Billy Gene Jackson Sr. Park. The tennis season runs each Saturday from June 20 to August 1st from 8 to 9 AM. Golf runs from June 17th to July 22nd each Wednesday from 10 to 11 AM. Trophies will be given out for participants of each sport at the end of the season. So get your kids ready for summer by registering them for these activities that will allow them to stay in shape and have a great time!
Billy Gene Jackson Sr. Park is located at 420 North Lake Park Drive in Salisbury, MD. For more information on Youth Summer Activities, please call the Salisbury Advisory Council on Youth Activities at 410-430-4793 or 410-603-5422.
WICO - Has the Tilghman Times Been Handed a Monopoly on Local News?
If you look at their new schedule, you'll see something pretty shocking - all local programming has been stripped from the schedule. No Reddish. With the exception of 1 hour, twice a month on WSDL, there will no longer be any local news (except what gets read from the Tilghhman Times), no local interviews, nothing.
If this schedule holds, the Tilghman Times has just been handed a virtual monopoly on local news coverage. You'll get some local coverage from WBOC and WMDT at the dinner hour. Don Rush will continue (hopefully) to give us those two hours a month on his Delmarva Today program. That's it!
With one week to go until Salisbury's elections, we should all be demanding MORE, not less, local programming. With the new, larger, footprint of WICO we should be hearing citizens and officials from Somerset and Worcester counties, as well as Wicomico.
Do you want to only receive local news sanctioned (and seemingly written) by Barrie Tilghman and her pals? If not, call Joe Edwards at Delmarva Broadcasting and DEMAND the local content we not only need, but deserve. You can reach Joe at (410) 219-3500 or email him at jedwards@dbc1.com.