DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, August 25, 2011
DelDOT Prepares For Hurricane Irene
DelDOT Secretary Shailen Bhatt has issued reminders to all divisions within the department to review emergency procedures, ensure readiness of staff and equipment and to be ready to take action, if needed.
Crews at some construction sites have been told to begin securing loose objects and to make sure signs have been weighted with sand bags to protect them against winds. Crews began working Thursday morning at seven locations to remove a total of twelve overhead signs. The signs, located on SR 1, are wire-mounted fire signs that span the roadway and have the potential to be damaged or cause damage in sustained winds. The span wires and flashing lights at the locations will remain. Sign removal began on Thursday so that crews would be out of the way in the event of a decision to evacuate resort areas later in the week.
At the Indian River Inlet Bridge, crews have engaged hurricane tie-downs on each side of the inlet which help anchor the structure to a piling in the ground. Construction cranes and other supplies and equipment are being re-positioned as necessary. The south side form traveler will remain in its current position, tied to the structure.
DelDOT is working in close conjunction with the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) and officials continue to monitor the changing weather conditions. In the meantime, the department urges Delaware residents and visitors to familiarize themselves with potential evacuation routes for their area and to begin planning for their own well-being in the event of a major storm over the weekend. Those people living in or visiting low-lying areas or along beaches should be prepared to move early should an evacuation notification be issued. If the state experiences tropical force winds it may become necessary to close some bridges to traffic due to safety considerations. Designated evacuation routes are indicated by signs along the roadways and can be viewed - by county - on DelDOT's web site.
Those interested in viewing actual maps of the designated evacuation routes can click on www.deldot.gov, go to "Traffic Information", then click on "Evacuation Routes" (http://www.deldot.gov/information/projects/tmt/evac_map.shtml). Detailed information on evacuation routes and plans are posted at that site.
Visitors and residents are urged to continue to monitor local radio and television stations and the internet for the latest weather information. DelDOT will post important information on the department's web site, distribute information via Facebook and Twitter, and make announcements on WTMC-AM (1380).
Yankees Set Major League Single-Game Grand Slam Record
Poll Finds Disapproval Of Congress At All-Time High
Many voters are untrusting of the government since the debt-crisis
BREAKING NEWS: Delaware Schools Open Tomorrow
Irene By The Numbers
Salisbury MD Kennel Club Agility Trial Canceled
I wanted to inform the readers that in the interest of the safety to everyone that would be traveling to Salisbury for our 3 day Agility trial at Crown Sports Center, we feel it is necessary to cancel all 3 days. Thanks for getting the word out to everyone as I am certain some of the readers were planning on coming this weekend to watch great dogs in action. Unfortunately, the action is going to be with Mother Nature.
"A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing"
I am currently rereading Henry David Thoreau’s Walden. Thoreau has been described as “an American author, poet, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, philosopher, and leading transcendentalist.” In other words, in my mind a true American hero. I was struck by this line as I was reading it the other day:
If I knew for a certainty that a man was coming to my house with the conscious design of doing me good, I should run for my life, as from that dry and parching wind of African deserts called the simoom, which fills the mouth and nose and ears and eyes with dust till you are suffocated, for fear that I should get some of his good done to me – some of its virus mingled with my blood. No – in this case I would rather suffer evil the natural way. A man is not a good man to me because he will feed me if I should be starving, or warm me if I should be freezing, or pull me out of a ditch if I should ever fall into one. I can find you a Newfoundland dog that will do as much.
Thank you sir.
Buffett Hosting a 38K Per Plate Fund Raiser For Obama
Following reports that President Obama phoned Warren Buffett from vacation in Martha’s Vineyard to discuss the economy, The “Oracle of Omaha” is hosting a fund-raiser for Obama’s re-election, billed as an “economic forum,” Page Six has learned. Tickets for the event at New York’s Four Seasons restaurant on Sept. 30 start at $10,000 a head, with VIP tickets a budget-boosting $35,800. Guests get an hour of “Q&A moderated by one of President Obama’s closest economic advisors, Austan Goolsbee.” VIP ticket-holders get a “private reception for about 20 minutes prior to the dinner.” A blurb with the invite adds, “As all guests are seated for dinner, Buffett will go around to all tables and shake hands, then he and Austan will sit for the program and discussion.”
Obama's Latest Stimulus: Handing Out Jobless Benefits To Striking Workers
This $5 billion investment is chicken feed compared to how bad Bank of America’s balance sheet looks. Here is a link to Bank of America’s balance sheet:
I tried to access Bank of America’s latest 10Q. I was shocked to find they haven’t filed their 10K for 2010 or their 10Qs for the first two quarters of 2011. How can a public company be 8 months into the next year and not submit their 10K for last year? That tells me everything I need to know about their books.
Here is the poop:
- BAC has $222 billion of equity.
- BAC has $1.5 TRILLION of current liabilities
- BAC has $1.7 TRILLION of supposed assets (mortgages, credit card receivables, home equity loans, etc.)
- If BAC had to mark those assets to market and had a proper allowance for losses, the $222 billion of equity would disappear in an instant. That is a fact. Their balance sheet is filled with toxic debt that will not be repaid.
Bank of America Is Back Under $8, And Why BAC Shareholders Should Be Selling Into This Strength
Invitation To Meet Our Next United States Senator for Maryland, Saturday, September 17th, St. Michaels, MD
Republican Crab Feast Postponed
Ca. husband: I Don't Blame Wife For killing Son
ORANGE, Calif. - The husband of a woman accused of tossing her disabled 7-month-old son off the fourth story of a hospital parking structure said Wednesday that his wife suffered from postpartum depression and he doesn't blame her for her actions.
The baby, Noe Medina Jr., died of his injuries earlier in the day at the University of California, Irvine, Medical Center, the same day that his mother was charged with murder and felony child abuse.
The Lawrence King Case: In Court, Has The Bullied Become The Bully?
NAACP Wants Md. Redistricting Plans Released Early
ANNAPOLIS, Md. - The NAACP and other groups are asking Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley to release redistricting plans early so that the public can review them.
The NAACP held a news conference in Annapolis on Wednesday with the Maryland Legislative Black Caucus and representatives from Latino and Asian political groups.
They are urging O'Malley to release his plan for new congressional districts 30 days before a special session convenes in October. They also want the state legislative redistricting plan made public 60 days before the regular 90-day session in January.
Italy To Unfreeze $505M In Libyan Assets
MILAN – Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Thursday that Italy plans to release $505 million in frozen Libyan assets, as Britain pressed South Africa to drop its opposition to U.N. Security Council moves to unfreeze $1.5 billion.
Berlusconi made the announcement following a meeting Thursday in Milan with the leader of Libya's rebel Cabinet, the second stop of a European diplomatic tour to push for the urgent release of billions of dollars in frozen Libyan assets.
Paving The Way For Condoning Child Rape
There were those who scoffed at my contention that Abercrombie and Fitch, the edgy retailer, was paving the way for mainstream pedophilia when it began marketing breast enhancing bikinis to girls as young as eight.
There were those who railed against my contention that the French edition of Vogue was kindling pedophilia and embracing it with its racy depictions of 10-year-old Thylane Lena-Rose Loubry-Blondeau in heavy makeup, a plunging neckline and stiletto heels.
Ocean City Initiates Phase Three Of Emergency Plan
A Monument To Jobs And Freedom
“The March on Washington”—that is how the event is remembered in our children’s history books, but the name is shortened from the event’s original title, “The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.”
As we come together to dedicate this monument, let us also rededicate ourselves to Dr. King’s life and legacy. Let us also build a living monument to jobs and freedom. A job is the root of our freedoms as Americans. Dr. King understood this, asking, “What good is the right to sit at a lunch counter if one can’t afford the price of a meal?”
It is true still today: a job is freedom and freedom is a job. And in all the many difficult decisions that we have to make as a people, job creation has to be our number one priority, always.
To create jobs, a modern economy requires modern investments. Indeed, no government program is as empowering for a family as a job. There is no amount of tax cuts that any government can pass that can substitute for a job. There is no better way to expand opportunity, to grow our economy, and to strengthen and grow the ranks of an increasingly diverse and upwardly mobile middle class than by creating jobs. And the most important one we create is the next one.
We live in a time of rapid economic change, and we need to find the will to balance and move forward at the same time. In our State last month, Maryland businesses created 10,400 new private sector jobs—the sixth best job growth of any of the fifty states. But during that same period, our public sector eliminated, 2,300 jobs. That’s 2,300 moms and dads in Maryland, jobs that we could not afford to lose, because every job’s important. Public sector job losses can hurt this fragile jobs recovery just as surely as private sector job losses can hurt this jobs recovery.
Over the past couple of years, we've made the tough, but fiscally responsible decisions needed to protect our priorities while maintaining our state's AAA bond rating. We need Congress to do the same. As a nation, we need to stop cutting our children's future. We need to start rebuilding America and we need to return to the urgent work of building up our children's future.
Someone once said, “The struggle of men against power is the struggle of memory over forgetting.” There is a sense in our country, that as a nation, we’ve lost our direction forward, that we’ve lost our balance, and that we’ve become disconnected from one another, from nature herself, and from the future we aspire to give to our children. We must find that direction. We must rebalance. We must, as Dr. King said, “be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.” We must become reconnected.
When Dr. King shared his dream on the National Mall forty-eight years ago, he spoke of standing in the symbolic shadow of President Lincoln. Today, with this monument, it is we who stand in his shadow, and today, it is we who must make his dream for equality and opportunity, jobs and freedom, a reality.
Thank you,
Governor Martin O'Malley
US Government Asset Seizures On The Rise
You can already imagine the crux of the article.
In the United States, there are hundreds of regulations which authorize dozens federal agencies to confiscate private property– homes, cars, bank accounts, gold, company shares, and even personal effects.
Ironically, most Americans still think that they live in a country where you’re innocent until proven guilty.
Nothing could be further from the truth, and it’s just another clear example of how the US Constitution has become a worthless piece of toilet paper for the federal government.
The Fifth Amendment states that “No person shall be… deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Tell that James Lieto, a New York businessman who was relieved of $392,000 when the armored car company used by his check-cashing firm was taken down by the FBI.
Lieto was innocent and not implicated in any wrongdoing, but the FBI took his money regardless as it just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
BREAKING NEWS: Looming Hurricane, Economic Fears Strike; Dow Tumbles 171
From Fox News
Washington Monument Damages
Virginia: For Lovers, And Divorcees
When comparing marriage and divorce rates per 1,000 people in the region, men in Virginia get married more frequently than Virginia women. Those marriage rates also beat what's going on in D.C. and Maryland.
Virginia has the highest number of men in the region who have married three or more times. The commonwealth also has the highest divorce rate.
U.S. Leads World Car Population; China, India Close Behind
That mark was actually it last year, according to Ward's Auto, but recent number crunching led to the discovery.
The biggest jump in vehicle registrations last year was in China, with India close behind. But no where in the world are there more cars than right here in the U.S.
List Ror Rental Assistance Opens Up
First time since '06 for Newark to take Section 8 applications
Indian River School Board Plans To Appeal Ban On Prayer
Members begin latest meeting with a moment of silence
Then they made a unanimous decision to seek U.S. Supreme Court review of the recent Third District Court of Appeals ruling that the district's policy of opening board meetings with a prayer -- often a Christian one -- was unconstitutional.
New Castle County Again Ends Fiscal Year With Surplus -- $1.3M For '11
Factors include budget cuts, revenue from sheriff's sales
Census: South, West Lead US In Marriages, Divorces
Md. Democrats, Va. Republicans Exchange Barbs
"Bob McDonnell and Virginia Republicans tout their accomplishments but – as often with the GOP - the facts tell another story," said Maryland Democratic Party Executive Director David Sloan in a statement. "Rather than investing in Virginia’s future, McDonnell has slashed hundreds of millions of dollars from schools, colleges and universities, and cut funding by a third for EMTs, police officers and firefighters. "
The cross-border bickering bubbles up about a week after Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell became the head of the Republican Governors Association, an arrangement that sets up a natural rivalry with O'Malley, who heads the Democratic Governors Association.
The Proposed UN Small Arms Treaty; Pushed By Hillary Clinton
• If ratified by the Senate the treaty would void the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.
• The Treaty would violate the Tenth Amendment transferring and federalizing gun ownership, regulation and licensing nationally.
• Require the establishment of a national data bank (federal) of all gun owners.
• Ban the sale, transportation and trade of all semi-automatic guns that have been in use since the 1890s.
• Confiscate all "UNAUTHORIZED" (a word not defined in the document) civilian firearms.
• Require a federal license for the purchase and ownership of any gun.
The fact is that were this treaty to be ratified it would fundamentally change America, giving it the appearance of Australia and England where gun ownership is restricted and crime statistically has risen drastically since their gun bans. England has clearly demonstrated the failure of this during the recent riots in which merchants were unable to defend their property, which the police were unable to do.
There They Go Again
The media's revulsion reached a fever pitch in the wake of the August 12 Iowa Straw Poll, the first test of the strength of Republican Presidential candidates. Objectively the results were a dead heat between Michelle Bachman and Ron Paul, who captured 28% and 27% of the votes respectively. But you would never have known that based on the subsequent media coverage.
The story that almost all news outlets ran with was that the poll produced a "top-tier" of candidates that included Bachman, Mitt Romney, and Rick Perry (both Romney and Perry received less than 5% of the Iowa vote). There was almost no mention of Congressman Paul's strong performance. The media also ignored how Perry's entrance into the race will draw votes away from Bachman, thereby benefiting Paul. The media silence even prompted comedian Jon Stewart to issue a hilarious and scathing indictment.
And so during the course of these discussions with congressional leaders, what I’ve tried to emphasize is we have a unique opportunity to do something big. We have a chance to stabilize America’s finances for a decade, for 15 years or 20 years, if we’re willing to seize the moment.While Americans are chipping in by sacrificing their jobs, homes, kid’s college tuition, and their retirement plans, Ms. Obama apparently missed her husband’s speech:
Now, what that would require would be some shared sacrifice and a balanced approach that says, “We’re going to make significant cuts in domestic spending.”
-Barack Obama July 15, 2011 (video)
Pre-Release Unit Administrator Asks For Jury Trial
CENTREVILLE A former facility administrator for the Eastern Pre-Release Unit in Church Hill, charged with three counts of second-degree assault and three counts of fourth-degree sex offense in Queen Anne's County District Court, requested a jury trial Wednesday afternoon.
William "Buster" Theodore Blackiston Jr., 63, of 729 Round Top Road, Chestertown, is charged with assaulting two women in three separate incidents in May and September 2010. The case is expected to be tried in Queen Anne's County Circuit Court at a date not yet determined. Blackiston was represented in court Wednesday by Centreville attorney Sandra Reno. Judge Douglas H. Everngam, with Queen Anne's County State's Attorney Lance Richardson present, closed the district court case with a jury trial prayed disposition.
Austrian Probed For Sexually Abusing Mentally Disabled Daughters For 41 Years
VIENNA, Austria --Austrian officials said Thursday they are investigating allegations that a man locked up his two mentally disabled daughters in a small room in their home, sexually abused them for 41 years and kept them subservient with repeated beatings and threats to their lives.
Police said that the women have accused the 80-year-old of repeatedly raping them between 1970 and May 2011. The alleged victims are now 53 and 45 years old.
Payless Lets Other Shoe Drop, Closing 475 Stores Over Next 3 Years
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Too Cute To Fail: Grandparents Bailing Out Their Grandchildren
When times get tough, big banks and auto companies have the government to bail them out. Kids have their grandparents.
No kidding. One in four grandparents stepped up their financial support of grandchildren during the recession, a MetLife survey found. And not all of them could afford it. According to the survey:
This process is often most effective when the existing hot-mix surface is five-seven years old and showing minimal signs of distress. Residents may wonder why a road is being rehabilitated when it appears to be in good condition, but this is the ideal time to do a preservation technique that will further extend the life of the underlying pavement and decrease the maintenance cost over the lifetime of the roadway. If the roadway does exhibit signs of distress, patching and crack-sealing will be done prior to the microsurfacing layer. Microsurfacing is being used on roads throughout Delaware and provides a smoother road surface and less loose material than traditional surface treatment (a.k.a tar and chip). When a road is first microsurfaced, it may present an initial rougher driver surface. This somewhat abrasive surface creates a more skid-resistant surface, thus increasing the safety of the road itself. However, as cars travel over the road, the stones and materials become compressed and smoother, ultimately resulting in a road surface that is nearly as smooth as traditional asphalt hot-mix overlay, but still course enough to improve skid resistance.
The microsurfacing material is also being used to patch rutted roadways in Delaware. The material creates a smoother surface on the road without having to do a large scale and costly asphalt overlay project. In addition, this material is typically applied during daytime hours but can be applied during nighttime hours and on roads with high traffic volumes.
BREAKING NEWS: No Buffett Bounce; Dow Tumbles 170 Points
From Fox News
Today we re-posted Haus and wouldn't you know it, my phone started ringing off the hook. He's here, he's there! We were running Salisbury Animal Control all over the place. Finally, Haus got so overheated he finally laid down in some one's back yard in the shade and a dear friend called me to tell me she knew where he was.
I immediately got in the truck and headed over to Riverside Road and wouldn't you know it, Haus was exhausted and thirsty. This animal is just huge and only 14 months old. We just kept filling the water bowl and he'd drink everything in it and look up with those eyes saying, can I have a little more please.
Nevertheless, I called Animal Control and the owners to let them know we had him secure. A very special thanks goes out to Mrs. Marshall who went more than the extra mile to rescue this wonderful dog. Let me assure you, the owners couldn't be more excited and grateful to all of you for helping find him.
I have always stated, this is the greatest feature Salisbury News provides. Again, thank you all for helping out. It takes a community to make such positive results and as always you came through again.
Sussex County Releases Proposed Redistricting Maps, Invites Public Comment
Residents and property will have a chance to further weigh in on the proposal as the county's decennial redistricting process moves forward, including a public hearing that will be scheduled later this fall.
World Trade Center Memorial Info Now Available Via iPhone App
Stocking Up On Light Ahead Of Bulb Phase-Out
Consumers hoarding before traditional incandescents start disappearing from shelves
FEMA Gears Up For Irene
NASA Satellite Shows Hurricane Irene Lashing Bahamas

Want to see what a major hurricane looks like chewing through a nation of 29 islands, 661 cays, and 2,387 islets? NASA's TRMM satellite has the goods, displaying Hurricane Irene—white tendrils of tropical fury stretching hundreds of miles north and south of the island chain—as it whips over Crooked Island in the Bahamas.
TRMM, which stands for Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission, also has its eye on Irene's moisture output. According to NASA, the satellite's been able to track rainfall rates, cloud heights and "hot towering clouds that act as hurricane heat engines."
Cheney Says He Urged Bush To Bomb Suspected Syria Nuke Site
Ex-VP seems to relish criticism by liberals and defends Bush administration's 'tough interrogations' in pugnacious memoir
Botox Now Approved To Keep Your Overactive Bladder Wrinkle-Free
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Gas Prices Drop Before Labor Day Weekend
Survey: Most Parents Require Kids Maintain B Grades Or Better If They Want To Keep Getting Support
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Are You Ready?

AccuWeather.com Hurricane Center meteorologists continue to forecast Hurricane Irene will strike the Outer Banks of North Carolina after bringing life-threatening conditions to much of the Bahamas.
Next, Irene will past close to or over the Delmarva Peninsula and New Jersey, then move on to the New York City area, the Hudson Valley and interior New England. The northern portion of this track is farther west and a bit slower than forecast earlier this week, and will result in more serious problems with heavy rain and damaging wind gusts farther west in New England and the northern mid-Atlantic.
Lack Of Court Opinion Leaves Legal Limbo On Immigrant Tuition
Continue Reading...
Ky. Jury Rules Against Penis Amputation Patient
A six-man, six-woman jury deliberated briefly before saying it didn't agree with 64-year-old Phillip Seaton and his wife, Deborah, that Dr. John Patterson had failed to exercise proper care. Seaton also sued because he said he hadn't consented to the amputation.
Ocean City Emergency Services Release
Missing Dog
PUBLISHERS NOES: Considering this dog has not been located there's a good chance someone has taken the dog. If you know of someone who has recently taken in an animal that looks like this one please make contact with the owner above or send me an e-mail at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com.
UPDATE: The dog was just seen 5 minutes ago on Somerset and Riverside in Salisbury. Folks, if you can catch this animal this would be fantastic. The owners are really doing their best to get Haus back.
Dog Stay Loyal To Dead Owner
Holder: Phone Hacking Report 'Disturbing'
(WASHINGTON) — Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday called a report of possible phone hacking targeting 9/11 victims and their families very disturbing and he assured them in a lengthy meeting that the department will pursue a preliminary criminal investigation of the matter.
At a news conference outside the Justice Department after the 75-minute session, the family members and their lawyer said they were pleased that the attorney general made the commitment for a preliminary probe into whether Sept. 11 victims or their families were the focus of phone hacking by journalists at Rupert Murdoch's now-shuttered News of the World.
Two Men Fall From Baltimore Avenue Balcony
Rehoboth Beach police are investigating an accident early Aug. 21 when two Rehoboth Beach men fell from a second-story balcony at 46 Baltimore Ave.
The men said they were leaning on a railing when it gave way, and they fell, said Rehoboth Beach Police Department Chief Keith W. Banks.
Cheney Kept Secret Signed Resignation Letter While Vice President
Cheney, who will be promoting his forthcoming book "My Time," told NBC's Jamie Gangel that he kept a secret, signed letter of resignation locked in a safe at all times in the event that something happened to his health.