While the majority of you stated there's no darned way you'd dump $5,000.00 into a 1994 Ford Crown Victoria with 150,000+ miles on it. Yet, YOU ARE. YOU are in fact dumping some $5,000.00 into this engine, it's YOUR car and while I agree, the decisions is flat out stupid, the leaders of the City of Salisbury couldn't care less what YOU think.
The vehicle is sitting in the Shop right now and you just blew five grand. Now, for me personally, I would have searched the Internet for a vehicle similar to this one, (since they're a dime a dozen) with very low miles on it and I would have made the exchange.
The way the Fire Department thinks, why not dump five grand into it and then surplus it at the end of the year. This is the same group that spent $14,000,000.00 on a new Fire Station and no one ever questioned who was pocketing what! There's not even been an investigation to prove the deal was shady.
However, things seem to come in $5,000.00 cycles. They sold a $50,000.00 Ladder Truck for $5,000.00, (or so). Since that was FREE money, why not dump it into a piece of crap Crown Vic that's been torn apart inside and out. The paint is peeling off this vehicle. The tires are worn out. I hear this vehicle is just a piece of junk, yet YOU just spent $5,000.00 to put a new motor into it.
Enjoy your ride Taxpayers!