DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Recently, the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Council of Volunteer Auxiliaries, held their 57th Annual Awards Luncheon and meeting in Grasonville, Maryland.
The “Holly Center Auxiliary” won the award for the organization contributing the most outstanding service to clients/residents during Fiscal Year 2012! Through the Canteen Boutique Project, the Holly Center Auxiliary has been instrumental in helping to enhance the quality of life for Holly Center people. During the fiscal year of July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013, auxiliary members donated a total of 1,308 hours to Holly Center.
Also, Geri Brimer, (auxiliary member for over twenty years) received the “Lifetime Achievement Award” for her outstanding volunteer work at the Holly Center. As to date, Mrs. Brimer has donated over 3,500 hours!
The Holly Center Auxiliary’s mission is striving to enrich the lives of people who live at Holly Center and promote disability awareness in the community. The members of the auxiliary reside in Wicomico, Worcester and Sussex counties. Kudos to all!
CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist
Liberal Media runs with it
Liberal Media runs with it
A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”
That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:
One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.c
“Nations, like individuals, cannot become desperate gamblers with impunity. Punishment is sure to overtake them sooner or later.”
Charles MacKay – Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
Albert Einstein
“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”
Johann von Goethe
Charles MacKay – Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
Albert Einstein
“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.”
Johann von Goethe
Zimmerman Accused Of Causing Crash For Rescue
News that George Zimmerman helped rescue a family of four trapped in a rollover accident last week in Florida has sparked accusations that Zimmerman actually caused the accident in order to look like a hero.
As WND reported, the crash took place last Wednesday at the intersection of I-4 and Route 417 in Sanford, Fla., less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin.
The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office said Mark and Dana Gerstle and their two children were in a Ford Explorer SUV when it went off the road and rolled over. A responding deputy reported that when he arrived, Zimmerman and another man helped the two parents and two children out of the vehicle.
Read more
As WND reported, the crash took place last Wednesday at the intersection of I-4 and Route 417 in Sanford, Fla., less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin.
The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office said Mark and Dana Gerstle and their two children were in a Ford Explorer SUV when it went off the road and rolled over. A responding deputy reported that when he arrived, Zimmerman and another man helped the two parents and two children out of the vehicle.
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Mississippi Has Disbursed Entire $5 Million Loan To McAuliffe's GreenTech
Jeff Rent, public relations and media manager at the Mississippi Development Authority, confirmed in an email to Breitbart News on Monday that the Mississippi state agency responsible for economic development has disbursed $5 million in loan proceeds to theGreenTech Automotive electric vehicle manufacturing project in Tunica County, Mississippi.
"All of the $5 min [million] assistance has been disbursed," read Rent's brief email in reply to our earlier inquiry.
According to the terms of a 2011 Memorandum of Understanding, the State of Mississippi loaned $3 million of this $5 million directly to GreenTech Automotive, the company which Terry McAuliffe, now the Democratic nominee for governor in Virginia, served as chairman from 2010 to 2012. The state loaned the remaining $2 million directly to Tunica County, Mississippi, which used the proceeds to purchase the estimated 1,500 acre parcel of land on which the proposed GreenTech Automotive electric vehicle manufacturing plant will be located.
"All of the $5 min [million] assistance has been disbursed," read Rent's brief email in reply to our earlier inquiry.
According to the terms of a 2011 Memorandum of Understanding, the State of Mississippi loaned $3 million of this $5 million directly to GreenTech Automotive, the company which Terry McAuliffe, now the Democratic nominee for governor in Virginia, served as chairman from 2010 to 2012. The state loaned the remaining $2 million directly to Tunica County, Mississippi, which used the proceeds to purchase the estimated 1,500 acre parcel of land on which the proposed GreenTech Automotive electric vehicle manufacturing plant will be located.
Since early May, the Chicago murder rate for2013 has nearly matched that of 2012’s bloodbath; for those living among the south and west side war zones, the numbers are not getting better.
The most recent Chicago Crime Statistics Portal shows the murder rate dating back 28 days from July 14, 2013 has surpassed that of 2012 by four percent, with 51 total murders.
While overall shooting incidents are reportedly declining, the number of murders has slowly but steadily been on the rise over the past two and a half months.
The most recent Chicago Crime Statistics Portal shows the murder rate dating back 28 days from July 14, 2013 has surpassed that of 2012 by four percent, with 51 total murders.
While overall shooting incidents are reportedly declining, the number of murders has slowly but steadily been on the rise over the past two and a half months.
I was in Detroit in 1990 — not my first time — poking around to get a deeper feel for the place so I could write a chapter about it in The Geography of Nowhere. At mid-day, I was driving on one of the great avenues that radiates out of the old Beaux Arts fan of streets that emanates from the Grand Circus at the heart of downtown — Woodward or Cass or Gratiot, I forget. It was a six or eight laner, and everything along both sides was either some kind of social service installation or vacant. There was no traffic, by which I mean not merely a smooth flow of cars, but no other cars whatsoever. For at least a mile, my rent-a-car was the only vehicle on the street. Finally I saw another car up ahead, in my lane, coming straight at me. It continued bearing down on me, until the last 100 feet or so when it veered around me with an indignant blare of the horn. It was only about then that I noticed a sign indicating that I was on a one-way street. Downtown Detroit was so empty that I could drive a good mile the wrong way without knowing it.
Detroit’s decline and fall was long and gruesome. Back then, just outside the downtown of 1920s skyscrapers, there were whole neighborhoods of formerly magnificent old mansions in the most amazing states of dilapidation, with sagging porches, chimneys tilting at impossible angles, and whole exterior walls missing to reveal eerie dollhouse-like vignettes of rooms painted different colors, formerly lived in. These were built by the wealthy magnates of the Great Lakes frontier — the timber and copper kings, manufacturers of paint, coal stoves, etc — before the car industry was even a gleam in Henry Ford’s flinty eye. Over the 1990s they were all torched in the annual Halloween ritual called Devil’s Night. The next time I came back to Detroit, there were wildflower meadows where those ruined mansions had been. In a mere century, all that grandeur had arisen and been erased.
Detroit’s decline and fall was long and gruesome. Back then, just outside the downtown of 1920s skyscrapers, there were whole neighborhoods of formerly magnificent old mansions in the most amazing states of dilapidation, with sagging porches, chimneys tilting at impossible angles, and whole exterior walls missing to reveal eerie dollhouse-like vignettes of rooms painted different colors, formerly lived in. These were built by the wealthy magnates of the Great Lakes frontier — the timber and copper kings, manufacturers of paint, coal stoves, etc — before the car industry was even a gleam in Henry Ford’s flinty eye. Over the 1990s they were all torched in the annual Halloween ritual called Devil’s Night. The next time I came back to Detroit, there were wildflower meadows where those ruined mansions had been. In a mere century, all that grandeur had arisen and been erased.
New Petition Gives Obama Immunity For Crimes
Activist and author Mark Dice is at it again, this time convincing people on the street who apparently support President Obama to sign a petition that would grant immunity to Obama for crimes he has committed in office.
In his latest video, Dice tells one passerby the president is “under fire” and “we just need to get behind the president and show we will grant him immunity for any crimes he may have committed.”
“I’m sure he has a good reason,” Dice says.
Read more
George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding For Truck Crash Rescue
George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since he was acquitted of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue a family who was trapped in an overturned vehicle, police said today.
Zimmerman was one of two men who came to the aid of Dana and Mark Gerstle and their two children, who were trapped inside a blue Ford Explorer SUV that had rolled over after traveling off the highway in Sanford, Fla. at approximately 5:45 p.m. Thursday, the Seminole County Sheriff's Office said in a statement.
The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route Route 46, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Martin.
By the time police arrived, two people - including Zimmerman - had already helped the family get out of the overturned car, the sheriff's office said. No one was reported to be injured.
Zimmerman was not a witness to the crash and left after speaking with the deputy, police said.
Zimmerman was one of two men who came to the aid of Dana and Mark Gerstle and their two children, who were trapped inside a blue Ford Explorer SUV that had rolled over after traveling off the highway in Sanford, Fla. at approximately 5:45 p.m. Thursday, the Seminole County Sheriff's Office said in a statement.
The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route Route 46, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where Zimmerman shot Martin.
By the time police arrived, two people - including Zimmerman - had already helped the family get out of the overturned car, the sheriff's office said. No one was reported to be injured.
Zimmerman was not a witness to the crash and left after speaking with the deputy, police said.
Then-Sen. Obama Co-Sponsored ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law In 2004 In Illinois
President Obama may currently be calling on the states to review their respective “stand your ground” gun laws, but he wasn’t always so opposed to the right-to-carry rule.
In 2004, while a senator in Illinois, he co-sponsored legislation that allowed for the same rights.
The pertinent legislation was SB 2386, amending the criminal code of 1961. It was introduced in the 93rd General Assembly session and passed into law on July 28, 2004.
In 2004, while a senator in Illinois, he co-sponsored legislation that allowed for the same rights.
The pertinent legislation was SB 2386, amending the criminal code of 1961. It was introduced in the 93rd General Assembly session and passed into law on July 28, 2004.
Medical Pricing Is A Total Scam
Over the weekend, the Washington Post posted a great, long story about how Medicare and most private insurers are basically making up the prices they pay for services.
The short version is this: Medicare bases its payment for any medical procedure on an estimate of how resource-intensive that procedure is. One of the most important resources that goes into a procedure is a physican's time. So Medicare has the American Medical Association survey doctors about, for example, how long it takes to perform a colonoscopy.
The short version is this: Medicare bases its payment for any medical procedure on an estimate of how resource-intensive that procedure is. One of the most important resources that goes into a procedure is a physican's time. So Medicare has the American Medical Association survey doctors about, for example, how long it takes to perform a colonoscopy.
Obamacare’s Branch Of The NSA
Community organizers will use a Federal Data Hub to sign up people for subsidies — and even ballots.
President Obama has had a poor record of job creation, but at least one small economic sector is doing well: community organizing.
The Department of Health and Human Services is about to hire an army of “patient navigators” to inform Americans about the subsidized insurance promised by Obamacare and assist them in enrolling. These organizers will be guided by the new Federal Data Hub, which will give them access to reams of personal information compiled by federal agencies ranging from the IRS to the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration. “The federal government is planning to quietly enact what could be the largest consolidation of personal data in the history of the republic,” Paul Howard of the Manhattan Institute and Stephen T. Parente, a University of Minnesota finance professor,wrote in USA Today. No wonder that there are concerns about everything from identity theft to the ability of navigators to use the system to register Obamacare participants to vote.
President Obama has had a poor record of job creation, but at least one small economic sector is doing well: community organizing.
The Department of Health and Human Services is about to hire an army of “patient navigators” to inform Americans about the subsidized insurance promised by Obamacare and assist them in enrolling. These organizers will be guided by the new Federal Data Hub, which will give them access to reams of personal information compiled by federal agencies ranging from the IRS to the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration. “The federal government is planning to quietly enact what could be the largest consolidation of personal data in the history of the republic,” Paul Howard of the Manhattan Institute and Stephen T. Parente, a University of Minnesota finance professor,wrote in USA Today. No wonder that there are concerns about everything from identity theft to the ability of navigators to use the system to register Obamacare participants to vote.
Obama To Travel To Florida In Wake Of Trayvon Martin Verdict

While reporters no doubt will dutifully report on the speech, there is added intrigue with Obama's visit to Florida and whether the president will address the Trayvon Martin case once again in his public remarks.
The remarks haven't been written for the speech yet, White House spokesman Joshua Earnest said when asked whether Obama will again weigh in on the Martin case.
The speech, which will take place at the Jacksonville Airport, is more than 100 miles away from where the shooting took place in the town of Sanford and the trial played out at the Seminole County courthouse.
An official at the center of the Internal Revenue Service’s political targeting scandal allegedly met with President Barack Obama two days before the agency drafted new guidelines for scrutinizing groups applying for tax-exempt status, according to a recent report from a conservative news site.
IRS chief counsel William Wilkins was implicated by retiring IRS agent Carter Hull in recent House Oversight testimony as being one of the supervisors involved in the improper handling of applications from conservative groups.
IRS chief counsel William Wilkins was implicated by retiring IRS agent Carter Hull in recent House Oversight testimony as being one of the supervisors involved in the improper handling of applications from conservative groups.
"Hogs and Heroes"
"Hogs and Heroes" will hold a fundraiser on Friday Night July 26, 2013 to benefit the families of PFC Josh Adickes and Ofc. Tom Geoghegan. The event will be hosted by the Hooters of West Ocean City and will run from 7pm to 10pm.
There will be Raffle Prizes and a 50/50 drawing during the event
Questions should be directed to Event Coordinator Mike Sandoe 410-310-7660
There will be Raffle Prizes and a 50/50 drawing during the event
Questions should be directed to Event Coordinator Mike Sandoe 410-310-7660
Tampon Earrings?
MSNBC host wears tampon earrings live on air to protest security measures at Texas abortion bill
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry came up with an unusual way to protest against recent abortion legislation in Texas on Sunday morning - by wearing tampons as home-made jewellery.
MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry came up with an unusual way to protest against recent abortion legislation in Texas on Sunday morning - by wearing tampons as home-made jewellery.
Troopers Seek Public’s Help In Identifying A Subject
Location: Steele's Gun Shop, 28815 Lewes-Georgetown Highway, Lewes, DE
Date of Occurrence: Wednesday July 10, 2013 at approximately 1:15 p.m.
White male, 55-65 years old wearing a blue and white short sleeve Hawaiian style shirt, blue shorts, and a white baseball hat (No further physical or clothing description) (Surveillance Photos Attached)
Lewes, DE- The Delaware State Police is asking the public’s assistance in attempting to identify a subject who stole a firearm from a local gun shop.
The incident occurred around 1:15 p.m. Wednesday July 10th when a male subject entered Steele's Gun Shop located on Lewes-Georgetown Highway and asked for a part to a gun. While the store owner left to assist the suspect, he removed a .45 caliber handgun off the counter and placed it in the waistband of his shorts before leaving the store. The suspect possibly goes by the name of Michael and may be driving an older style van with handicapped tags or a placard.
If anyone has any information on incident, they are asked to contact Troop 7 at 302-644-5020 ext. 249 or by utilizing the Delaware State Police Mobile Crime Tip Application available to download at: http://www.delaware.gov/apps/. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet atwww.tipsubmit.com, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."
Date of Occurrence: Wednesday July 10, 2013 at approximately 1:15 p.m.
White male, 55-65 years old wearing a blue and white short sleeve Hawaiian style shirt, blue shorts, and a white baseball hat (No further physical or clothing description) (Surveillance Photos Attached)
Lewes, DE- The Delaware State Police is asking the public’s assistance in attempting to identify a subject who stole a firearm from a local gun shop.
The incident occurred around 1:15 p.m. Wednesday July 10th when a male subject entered Steele's Gun Shop located on Lewes-Georgetown Highway and asked for a part to a gun. While the store owner left to assist the suspect, he removed a .45 caliber handgun off the counter and placed it in the waistband of his shorts before leaving the store. The suspect possibly goes by the name of Michael and may be driving an older style van with handicapped tags or a placard.
If anyone has any information on incident, they are asked to contact Troop 7 at 302-644-5020 ext. 249 or by utilizing the Delaware State Police Mobile Crime Tip Application available to download at: http://www.delaware.gov/apps/. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet atwww.tipsubmit.com, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."
Don't Throw Away Those Rusty Canning Lids
Spray canning lids orange, tie together, insert some cinnamon sticks and instant pumpkin decoration that smells good, too!
Ondray Harris, the former director of the Department of Justice’s “Community Relations Service,” recently told the Daily Caller that he “regularly had to warn or take corrective action against career employees for acting as advocates instead of mediators.”
The news follows explosive claims that the CRS, which says it provides “violence prevention and conflict resolution services,” actively helped to organize and foment unrestduring the anti-George Zimmerman protests of 2012.
The news follows explosive claims that the CRS, which says it provides “violence prevention and conflict resolution services,” actively helped to organize and foment unrestduring the anti-George Zimmerman protests of 2012.
Bride's Special Dance
This bride receives a very special gift from her loving brother on her wedding. Since her father passed away shortly before her wedding from pancreatic cancer, her brother recorded himself singing “butterfly kisses” for her and had all of the men in her family take turns dancing with her. It’s a very moving video and such a touching sentiment. God bless! *Have a tissue ready*
BREAKING NEWS:Resort Bar Owners Nearly Stabbed In Separate Late-Night Incidents
A Connecticut man was charged with first-degree assault this week after pulling a knife and nearly stabbing a resort bar owner during a scuffle.
Around 1:40 a.m. on Monday, Ocean City Police was dispatched to the Sandbar Karaoke Lounge on 33rd Street for a reported fight in progress. When the officer arrived, she observed three men, including bar owner Eric Thompson and two employees, holding down a third man, later identified as Justin J. Parlow, 22, of Derby, Conn.
One of the employees pointed to some nearby bushes and told the officer “the knife is in there,” according to police reports. The officer interviewed Thompson, who told police just before their arrival, Parlow had been involved in a physical altercation with other patrons outside of the bar. Thompson told police when he went outside to break up the fight, Parlow “bear hugged” him and tackled him to the ground.
Around 1:40 a.m. on Monday, Ocean City Police was dispatched to the Sandbar Karaoke Lounge on 33rd Street for a reported fight in progress. When the officer arrived, she observed three men, including bar owner Eric Thompson and two employees, holding down a third man, later identified as Justin J. Parlow, 22, of Derby, Conn.
One of the employees pointed to some nearby bushes and told the officer “the knife is in there,” according to police reports. The officer interviewed Thompson, who told police just before their arrival, Parlow had been involved in a physical altercation with other patrons outside of the bar. Thompson told police when he went outside to break up the fight, Parlow “bear hugged” him and tackled him to the ground.
If We Don’t Break Up The Big Banks, They Will Manipulate More And More Of The Economy
Interest Rates Are Manipulated
Interest rates are rigged:
The big banks have conspired for years to rig interest rates … upon which $800 trillion in assets are pegged
This was the largest insider trading scandal ever … and the largest financial scam in world history
Local governments got ripped off bigtime by the Libor manipulation
Libor is still being manipulated
Derivatives Are Manipulated
The big banks have long manipulated derivatives… a $1,200 Trillion Dollar market.
Indeed, many trillions of dollars of derivatives are being manipulated in the exact same same way that interest rates are fixed: through gamed self-reporting.
Currency Markets Are Rigged
Currency markets are massively rigged.
Commodities Are Manipulated
The big banks and government agencies have been conspiring to manipulate commodities prices for decades.
The big banks are taking over important aspects of the physical economy, including uranium mining, petroleum products, aluminum, ownership and operation of airports, toll roads, ports, and electricity.
And they are using these physical assets to massively manipulate commodities prices … scalping consumers of many billions of dollars each year.
Interest rates are rigged:
The big banks have conspired for years to rig interest rates … upon which $800 trillion in assets are pegged
This was the largest insider trading scandal ever … and the largest financial scam in world history
Local governments got ripped off bigtime by the Libor manipulation
Libor is still being manipulated
Derivatives Are Manipulated
The big banks have long manipulated derivatives… a $1,200 Trillion Dollar market.
Indeed, many trillions of dollars of derivatives are being manipulated in the exact same same way that interest rates are fixed: through gamed self-reporting.
Currency Markets Are Rigged
Currency markets are massively rigged.
Commodities Are Manipulated
The big banks and government agencies have been conspiring to manipulate commodities prices for decades.
The big banks are taking over important aspects of the physical economy, including uranium mining, petroleum products, aluminum, ownership and operation of airports, toll roads, ports, and electricity.
And they are using these physical assets to massively manipulate commodities prices … scalping consumers of many billions of dollars each year.
A Detailed List Of Curious Coincidences In President Obama’s Life
Obama just happened to know 60s far-left radical revolutionary William Ayers, whose father just happened to be Thomas Ayers, who just happened to be a close friend of Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, who just happened to work at the communist-sympathizing Chicago Defender with Vernon Jarrett, who just happened to later become the father-in-law of Iranian-born leftist Valerie Jarrett, who Obama just happened to choose as his closest White House advisor, and who just happened to have been CEO of Habitat Company, which just happened to manage public housing in Chicago, which just happened to get millions of dollars from the Illinois state legislature, and which just happened not to properly maintain the housing—which eventually just happened to require demolition.
Valerie Jarrett also just happened to work for the city of Chicago, and just happened to hire Michelle LaVaughan Robinson (later Mrs.Obama), who just happened to have worked at the Sidley Austin law firm, where former fugitive from the FBI Bernardine Dohrn also just happened to work, and where Barack Obama just happened to get a summer job.
Valerie Jarrett also just happened to work for the city of Chicago, and just happened to hire Michelle LaVaughan Robinson (later Mrs.Obama), who just happened to have worked at the Sidley Austin law firm, where former fugitive from the FBI Bernardine Dohrn also just happened to work, and where Barack Obama just happened to get a summer job.
The Joy Of Being A Curmudgeon
The Zimmerman affair warms the cockles of a curmudgeon’s heart. (I’m not sure what a cockle is, but I want mine to be at the right temperature.) Never have I seen such sprawling, cacophonous, indignant ignorance and frightful stupidity as that being exhibited by the American public. We are doomed. I am delighted. Curmudgeons love doom.
Has there ever been such focused inattention as the case has produced? Nothing of importance is noticed, and everything lacking it is. The crucial fact to come out of the whole adventure—crucial, and therefore utterly overlooked–was that Rachel Jeantel, a prosecution witness and black girl aged nineteen years, can´t read. The grim implication of this fact is confirmed by the illiteracy of tweets from blacks regarding the case. “Ima kill dat dumass cracker be racis.” Here we see as neatly displayed as if in a jewelry box why so many young blacks will go nowhere in the remaining fifty years of their lives. They can’t read, or barely can. In a fading techno-industrial civilization—I use the latter word frivolously—this consigns them to a life on charity. Is this not of more note than who started what?
No. The educational disaster that will leave Rachel and millions of her confreres in meaningless lives on welfare pales in importance compared to the question: Did Trayvon Martin and Zimmerman have the proper racial attitudes? This is what exercises the vast endocrine boobitry howling with empty-headed rage and self-righteousness.
Has there ever been such focused inattention as the case has produced? Nothing of importance is noticed, and everything lacking it is. The crucial fact to come out of the whole adventure—crucial, and therefore utterly overlooked–was that Rachel Jeantel, a prosecution witness and black girl aged nineteen years, can´t read. The grim implication of this fact is confirmed by the illiteracy of tweets from blacks regarding the case. “Ima kill dat dumass cracker be racis.” Here we see as neatly displayed as if in a jewelry box why so many young blacks will go nowhere in the remaining fifty years of their lives. They can’t read, or barely can. In a fading techno-industrial civilization—I use the latter word frivolously—this consigns them to a life on charity. Is this not of more note than who started what?
No. The educational disaster that will leave Rachel and millions of her confreres in meaningless lives on welfare pales in importance compared to the question: Did Trayvon Martin and Zimmerman have the proper racial attitudes? This is what exercises the vast endocrine boobitry howling with empty-headed rage and self-righteousness.
Franchot Promotes Federal Health Insurance Tax Credits For Small Businesses
Comptroller Peter Franchot will nudge thousands of Howard County small businesses to take advantage of additional tax credits available through the Affordable Care Act.
He joined a number of health care advocates and politicians in Columbia on Monday to announce his outreach to over 5,000 small businesses in Howard County.
The small businesses will receive a letter signed by the comptroller telling them they “may be eligible for a new tax credit to help offset your group health insurance costs.” The letters were sent out Monday, directing recipients to a tax credit calculator to find out what percentage of the tax credit they will likely qualify for.
The mailing is being paid for by the Horizon Foundation, a Howard County organization focused on health care.
He joined a number of health care advocates and politicians in Columbia on Monday to announce his outreach to over 5,000 small businesses in Howard County.
The small businesses will receive a letter signed by the comptroller telling them they “may be eligible for a new tax credit to help offset your group health insurance costs.” The letters were sent out Monday, directing recipients to a tax credit calculator to find out what percentage of the tax credit they will likely qualify for.
The mailing is being paid for by the Horizon Foundation, a Howard County organization focused on health care.
DSP S.O.A.R. Searching For Wanted Laurel Sex Offender
Location: Laurel, DE
Date of Occurrence: July 22, 2013
Suspect and Charges:
Jerin T. Kellam, 31, Laurel, DE (Photo Attached)
Black male, 6'01” tall, 205 lbs., black hair, and brown eyes
Failure to Re-Register as a Sex Offender
Laurel, DE- The Delaware State Police Sex Offender Apprehension and registration Unit (S.O.A.R) is currently searching for a Laurel sex offender after he failed to re-register his current address.
Investigators have obtained warrants on Jerin T. Kellam, 31 of Laurel who is a medium risk Tier 2 sex offender, after they learned that he failed to register his home address and had not notified S.O.A.R. of his status within 3 days as he is required to do by law.
Jerin Kellam is described as a black male, 6’01” tall and 205 lbs., black hair and brown eyes.
The Delaware State Police Sex Offender Apprehension and Registration Unit is asking anyone who may know the location of Jerin Kellam to call 302-672-5306 or by utilizing the Delaware State Police Mobile Crime Tip Application available to download at: http://www.delaware.gov/apps/. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."
Date of Occurrence: July 22, 2013
Suspect and Charges:
Jerin T. Kellam, 31, Laurel, DE (Photo Attached)
Black male, 6'01” tall, 205 lbs., black hair, and brown eyes
Failure to Re-Register as a Sex Offender
Laurel, DE- The Delaware State Police Sex Offender Apprehension and registration Unit (S.O.A.R) is currently searching for a Laurel sex offender after he failed to re-register his current address.
Investigators have obtained warrants on Jerin T. Kellam, 31 of Laurel who is a medium risk Tier 2 sex offender, after they learned that he failed to register his home address and had not notified S.O.A.R. of his status within 3 days as he is required to do by law.
Jerin Kellam is described as a black male, 6’01” tall and 205 lbs., black hair and brown eyes.
The Delaware State Police Sex Offender Apprehension and Registration Unit is asking anyone who may know the location of Jerin Kellam to call 302-672-5306 or by utilizing the Delaware State Police Mobile Crime Tip Application available to download at: http://www.delaware.gov/apps/. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."
Feds Plan To Map Every Neighborhood To Help Overcome ‘Historic Patterns Of Segregation’
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published a new “fair housing” regulation to ensure “every American is able to choose to live in a community they feel proud of,” CNSNews.com reports.
The new guidelines are reportedly intended to help individual communities understand “fair housing barriers” and “establish clear goals” for “improving integrated living patterns and overcoming historic patterns of segregation.”
“This proposed rule represents a 21st century approach to fair housing, a step forward to ensuring that every American is able to choose to live in a community they feel proud of – where they have a fair shot at reaching their full potential in life,” HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said.
The new guidelines are reportedly intended to help individual communities understand “fair housing barriers” and “establish clear goals” for “improving integrated living patterns and overcoming historic patterns of segregation.”
“This proposed rule represents a 21st century approach to fair housing, a step forward to ensuring that every American is able to choose to live in a community they feel proud of – where they have a fair shot at reaching their full potential in life,” HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said.
Facing Facts About Race
Last week President Obama weighed in again on the Trayvon Martin episode. Sadly, most of what he said was wrong, both literally and ethically.
Pace the president, the Zimmerman case was not about Stand Your Ground laws. It was not a white-on-black episode. The shooting involved a Latino of mixed heritage in a violent altercation with a black youth.
Is it ethical for the president to weigh in on a civil-rights case apparently being examined by his own Justice Department? The president knows that if it is true that African-American males are viewed suspiciously, it is probably because statistically they commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime. If that were not true, they might well be given no more attention as supposed suspects than is accorded to white, Asian, or Latino youths. Had George Zimmerman been black, he would have been, statistically at least, more likely to have shot Trayvon Martin — and statistically likewise less likely to have been tried.
Pace the president, the Zimmerman case was not about Stand Your Ground laws. It was not a white-on-black episode. The shooting involved a Latino of mixed heritage in a violent altercation with a black youth.
Is it ethical for the president to weigh in on a civil-rights case apparently being examined by his own Justice Department? The president knows that if it is true that African-American males are viewed suspiciously, it is probably because statistically they commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime. If that were not true, they might well be given no more attention as supposed suspects than is accorded to white, Asian, or Latino youths. Had George Zimmerman been black, he would have been, statistically at least, more likely to have shot Trayvon Martin — and statistically likewise less likely to have been tried.
'We're Racist And Proud'
'We're racist and proud': Fury as group stages counter-demonstration against 'Justice for Trayvon' marches
Opposing protesters met in Houston on Sunday in reaction to last weekend's not-guilty verdict for George Zimmerman in the death of teen Trayvon Martin.
Opposing protesters met in Houston on Sunday in reaction to last weekend's not-guilty verdict for George Zimmerman in the death of teen Trayvon Martin.
Methane Disaster In Louisiana Worsens!
A major catastrophe of unprecendented proportions is underway in Louisiana. Officials are baffled at the strange events now taking place at the Assumption Parish Sinkhole. The sinkhole has expanded to over 24 acres and has been belching crude oil and methane gas. Pressure at the brine cavern wellhead has reached a staggering 600 PSI!
Methane is also bubbling up through the ground in a New Orleans Suburb more than 70 miles from the sinkhole.
Methane is also bubbling up through the ground in a New Orleans Suburb more than 70 miles from the sinkhole.
Odd Couple
An odd coalition of Democratic liberals and Republican conservatives wants to put the lid onNational Security Agency surveillance. Their strategy? Amendments to the House 2014 Defense Appropriations Bill. The bill comes up for debate today. The lawmakers hope to curtail NSA's gathering of telecommunications data on Americans. That program became public thanks to leaks by former NSA contractor employee Edward Snowden. Republican leadership has been trying to limit amendments to the spending bill. Another add-on would stop aid to Syrian rebels without congressional approval.
Teachers Union Chief: If Teachers Can’t Do Their Job, Find A New Profession
Teachers who aren’t up to snuff shouldn’t be in classrooms and should find new professions, the head of the 1.5 million-member American Federation of Teachers said Monday.
Randi Weingarten told a gathering of her union’s rank-and-file members that they should be more vigilant about their colleagues’ abilities and said weak educators who don’t make improvements only hurt the profession. The tough warning comes as state education chiefs have been trying to implement tougher standards for those in the classrooms and weed out teachers whose students aren’t making progress.
“If someone can’t teach, after they’ve been prepared and supported, they shouldn’t be in our profession,” Weingarten said to applause from more than 2,000 union members meeting here.
Randi Weingarten told a gathering of her union’s rank-and-file members that they should be more vigilant about their colleagues’ abilities and said weak educators who don’t make improvements only hurt the profession. The tough warning comes as state education chiefs have been trying to implement tougher standards for those in the classrooms and weed out teachers whose students aren’t making progress.
“If someone can’t teach, after they’ve been prepared and supported, they shouldn’t be in our profession,” Weingarten said to applause from more than 2,000 union members meeting here.
Grievous Violation Of The Public's Trust
Republican lawmakers introduced bills to end paying federal employees to work on union activities. The practice is known as official time. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) calls it a grievous violation of the public's trust. His Federal Employee Accountability Act is a one-page bill with 13 sponsors. Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) sponsored a similar House bill in January. The Senate version is stricter, eliminating official time altogether. The House version permits it under some circumstances.The Office of Personnel Management calculates that in 2011, federal employees spent an average of just under three hours per year on union work.
A Letter To The Editor: Racism
When I worked patrol, I had responded to a B&E in progress downtown. When I got to business, we found an African American Male inside. Back then we called them "Black Males" but the arrest sheets change depending on how much we offend someone. So anyway, this gentleman proceeds to tell me, "The only reason you are arresting me is because I am black." I am so sick of racism. Not by white people, but by blacks. I feel if you are qualified for a job you should get it. Don't use your background, race to get anything. We have been beaten into submission by liberal America on so many issues, its ridiculous. I don't care that Gays get married, I think they should have to suffer like rest of us. I think if they had used some other word other than "Marriage" NO one would have complained. The ONLY reason they used Marriage was to throw it in the face of Christians and their belief. We are not allowed to profile people to do investigations, how screwed up is this. So I am looking for a terrorist at an air port, so I stop a 3 year old baby and search them like and let an obvious Muslim go by?
I think, eventually we will have our war in this country. It will not turn out like everyone thinks. While we are fighting among ourselves, some other country will take the opportunity to invade and it will end bad. Meanwhile the rich, famous will flee to other countries be offered open arms, because they are rich and famous.
For those of you who are more concerned about the grammar of this content than the message, well you ARE part of the problem. Education can teach many things. It cant teach morality, and common sense which you have NONE of.
I think, eventually we will have our war in this country. It will not turn out like everyone thinks. While we are fighting among ourselves, some other country will take the opportunity to invade and it will end bad. Meanwhile the rich, famous will flee to other countries be offered open arms, because they are rich and famous.
For those of you who are more concerned about the grammar of this content than the message, well you ARE part of the problem. Education can teach many things. It cant teach morality, and common sense which you have NONE of.
This just in from the Worcester County Sheriff's Office, which is reporting, "The Maryland State Police & Worcester County Sheriff's Office are currently looking for a suspect in an early morning Bank Robbery today which occured in West Ocean City. The Suspect is a White Male, approximately 5'11", 160-175lbs, mid 20's to mid/late 30's, short dark brown hair, dark rimmed glassses, upper right arm tattoos, lower left arm tattoos, wearing light green sleeveless top with a front left chest pocket and light colored pants. Anyone with information or whereabouts should contact MSP Berlin at 410.641.3101 or the Worcester County Sheriff's Office at 410.632.1111"
Volunteer works are available at the Holly Center in area departments such as Recreation, Maintenance, Adult Day Program, Dietary Services and the Holly Center Auxiliary. The benefits of volunteering are of enormous!
In addition, volunteers are needed to assist with special events that directly benefit Holly Center people. If you would like you to consider becoming a volunteer of Holly Center, please contact the Office of Volunteer Services at 410.572.6204. The next adult volunteer orientation will be held on:
Pre-registration is required to attend the Volunteer Orientation. For more information, please call Marlina Belote, Director of Volunteer Services & Community Relations at 410.572.6204.
In addition, volunteers are needed to assist with special events that directly benefit Holly Center people. If you would like you to consider becoming a volunteer of Holly Center, please contact the Office of Volunteer Services at 410.572.6204. The next adult volunteer orientation will be held on:
1:00 PM
Pre-registration is required to attend the Volunteer Orientation. For more information, please call Marlina Belote, Director of Volunteer Services & Community Relations at 410.572.6204.
Please join us at the next opening of the Holly Center Auxiliary Canteen Boutique ! We are located on Snow Hill Road in Salisbury. The next opening will be held on:
For more information on the Canteen Boutique, call Marlina Belote, Director of Volunteer Services & Community Relations, @ 410.572.6204.
11:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Women’s, men’s and children’s apparel, and jewelry items will be available! Also, the shop offers home décor items, purses, pocketbooks, scarves and lots more! All proceeds are utilized by the Holly Center Auxiliary to improve the lives of Holly Center people. We welcome support from individuals, community groups and organizations. For more information on the Canteen Boutique, call Marlina Belote, Director of Volunteer Services & Community Relations, @ 410.572.6204.
Why should Americans fear the Muslim Brotherhood?
First and foremost, Americans need to understand that the Muslim Brotherhood is the granddaddy of them all when it comes to modern-day Islamic terrorist groups. Al Qaeda and Hamas are direct offshoots of the Brotherhood—and if the MB was never created in 1928 in Egypt, 9/11 would have never happened. I know that may be a stunning statement to some, but think about it. The architects of 9/11 — including Osama Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — all belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood before they formed Al Qaeda.
As I show in the book, all of these Al Qaeda kingpins were heavily inspired and influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology of martyrdom and jihad. The Brotherhood is where they got their start. The MB is, in essence, the gateway drug to Islamic terrorism. Every Islamic jihadist worth his suicide belt today owes a depraved debt to the Muslim Brotherhood and its leading icons like Hassan Al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb. To understand Islamic terrorism and the mess we’re in right now globally, you must first understand the Muslim Brotherhood.
First and foremost, Americans need to understand that the Muslim Brotherhood is the granddaddy of them all when it comes to modern-day Islamic terrorist groups. Al Qaeda and Hamas are direct offshoots of the Brotherhood—and if the MB was never created in 1928 in Egypt, 9/11 would have never happened. I know that may be a stunning statement to some, but think about it. The architects of 9/11 — including Osama Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — all belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood before they formed Al Qaeda.
As I show in the book, all of these Al Qaeda kingpins were heavily inspired and influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology of martyrdom and jihad. The Brotherhood is where they got their start. The MB is, in essence, the gateway drug to Islamic terrorism. Every Islamic jihadist worth his suicide belt today owes a depraved debt to the Muslim Brotherhood and its leading icons like Hassan Al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb. To understand Islamic terrorism and the mess we’re in right now globally, you must first understand the Muslim Brotherhood.
Doing This Bad Habit Could Cause Significant Heart Problems
You know soda isn’t good for your waistline, but new research shows it’s not too sweet on your heart, either. Drinking excessive amounts of soda can cause irregular heart function and even death, according to a new study presented at the European Heart Rhythm Association meeting in Athens.
The finding comes after a 31-year-old woman from Monaco went to the hospital suffering from irregular heartbeats and fainting. It turns out that the only thing she drank for 16 years was soda; she put away about two liters of the sugary stuff a day. Researchers examined six other case studies of excessive soda drinkers and found their habits had all resulted in irregular heart function, erratic heartbeats, and, in the case of one patient, death.
The finding comes after a 31-year-old woman from Monaco went to the hospital suffering from irregular heartbeats and fainting. It turns out that the only thing she drank for 16 years was soda; she put away about two liters of the sugary stuff a day. Researchers examined six other case studies of excessive soda drinkers and found their habits had all resulted in irregular heart function, erratic heartbeats, and, in the case of one patient, death.
Survey: Obamacare Leaving Doctors Pessimistic About Future
Most doctors in the United States believe their profession's future may be in jeopardy as it loses clinical autonomy and compensation through Obamacare and other medical programs, according to a recent study.
Sixty percent of the doctors responding to the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions survey are likely to will retire sooner than planned in the next one to three years, irrespective of age, gender or medical specialty.
Nearly three-quarters of physicians think the nation's best and brightest students will not consider a career in Medicine, according to the survey.
"Health insurance exchanges are unlikely to be ready for enrollment by the 2013 deadline," the survey said. "Physicians are likely to increasingly compete with mid-level professionals in primary care, and Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements may be problematic, prompting many physicians to limit or close their practices to these enrollees."
Sixty percent of the doctors responding to the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions survey are likely to will retire sooner than planned in the next one to three years, irrespective of age, gender or medical specialty.
Nearly three-quarters of physicians think the nation's best and brightest students will not consider a career in Medicine, according to the survey.
"Health insurance exchanges are unlikely to be ready for enrollment by the 2013 deadline," the survey said. "Physicians are likely to increasingly compete with mid-level professionals in primary care, and Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements may be problematic, prompting many physicians to limit or close their practices to these enrollees."
Hammer-Wielding Thugs Attack Two Men Just Blocks Apart In Harlem
Two men were attacked blocks apart in Harlem early yesterday by a hammer-wielding gang of thugs, police sources said.
The first victim of the seemingly random violence, Timmie Sampson, 31, was hit in the head with a hammer outside 1370 Fifth Ave., at East 115th Street, at about 12:45 a.m.
Sources said he was set upon by a gang of five or six black males wearing white T-shirts, and that at least one of the goons struck him over the head with a hammer.
Sampson’s girlfriend was with him at the time and took off her shirt to help stem the bleeding, sources said. She then put him in a cab, and he was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, in stable condition, a neighborhood source said.
The first victim of the seemingly random violence, Timmie Sampson, 31, was hit in the head with a hammer outside 1370 Fifth Ave., at East 115th Street, at about 12:45 a.m.
Sources said he was set upon by a gang of five or six black males wearing white T-shirts, and that at least one of the goons struck him over the head with a hammer.
Sampson’s girlfriend was with him at the time and took off her shirt to help stem the bleeding, sources said. She then put him in a cab, and he was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, in stable condition, a neighborhood source said.
Don’t Thank Him For His “Service
I want to talk about something that’s been bothering me lately. The reader may think that I am trouncing on hallowed ground …. but first hear me out, and then beat me up.
I think the U.S. Government is behind a recent subterfuge that really irritates me. It has been eagerly picked up by an unthinking public and widely spread. It is the “Thank you for your service to our country” platitude. As a 25 year veteran, thrice combat tested, now retired, former USMC killing machine, I take exception to this patriotically veiled insincerity and urge thinking people not to use it. I shall try to explain why.
First, the statement implies ‘servitude’ and ‘sacrifice’ as does the name ‘service man’ itself. It reeks of self-abnegation, altruism, and renunciation of ones own interests in favor of those of society, nationalism and the greater good …. (mmmmmm, now it’s starting to make sense). It connotes selfLESS sacrifice of one’s own life and values for the sake of others. I have found none of this to be true in my case, or in any of my military accomplices. . I’ll try to illustrate.
To do so, let’s closely examine my own heroic military career <grin>. (but first a disclaimer: all opinions and conclusions presented here are strictly my own, and related only to Marine Corps Aviation of the ‘50s thru ‘70s. Some representations herein are intended to be humorous, some satirical and others outrageously caustic .. I must rely on you to figure our which is which. Other members of the US Marine Corps community are responsible for their own lies.)
I think the U.S. Government is behind a recent subterfuge that really irritates me. It has been eagerly picked up by an unthinking public and widely spread. It is the “Thank you for your service to our country” platitude. As a 25 year veteran, thrice combat tested, now retired, former USMC killing machine, I take exception to this patriotically veiled insincerity and urge thinking people not to use it. I shall try to explain why.
First, the statement implies ‘servitude’ and ‘sacrifice’ as does the name ‘service man’ itself. It reeks of self-abnegation, altruism, and renunciation of ones own interests in favor of those of society, nationalism and the greater good …. (mmmmmm, now it’s starting to make sense). It connotes selfLESS sacrifice of one’s own life and values for the sake of others. I have found none of this to be true in my case, or in any of my military accomplices. . I’ll try to illustrate.
To do so, let’s closely examine my own heroic military career <grin>. (but first a disclaimer: all opinions and conclusions presented here are strictly my own, and related only to Marine Corps Aviation of the ‘50s thru ‘70s. Some representations herein are intended to be humorous, some satirical and others outrageously caustic .. I must rely on you to figure our which is which. Other members of the US Marine Corps community are responsible for their own lies.)
Pastor Ken Hutcherson’s story both inspires and captivates audiences. The faith leader, who recently participated in Glenn Beck’s “Man in the Moon,” has battled terminal cancer for years — and has had a fascinating journey when it comes to his views on race relations in America. Considering this latter element of his story, Hutcherson is speaking out in the wake of the George Zimmerman verdict.
After opening a recent op-ed with a Martin Luther King Jr. quote about speaking the truth, he warned readers that what he was about to say wouldn’t be popular, polite or safe — but that it is, in his view, “right.” From there, he dove right in to the tragic Trayvon Martin saga.
“When you have a young black boy who is killed by what some are calling a white Hispanic, and Jackson and Sharpton (of the PPA or the Poverty Pimps of America), and a liberal media involved, you have the equivalent of nitroglycerin,” Hutcherson wrote. “Oh by the way, I never heard of ‘white Hispanic’ before but I guess this fits the bill in this case. This incident only needed someone to light the fuse. Why is this true because black people are involved?”
After opening a recent op-ed with a Martin Luther King Jr. quote about speaking the truth, he warned readers that what he was about to say wouldn’t be popular, polite or safe — but that it is, in his view, “right.” From there, he dove right in to the tragic Trayvon Martin saga.
“When you have a young black boy who is killed by what some are calling a white Hispanic, and Jackson and Sharpton (of the PPA or the Poverty Pimps of America), and a liberal media involved, you have the equivalent of nitroglycerin,” Hutcherson wrote. “Oh by the way, I never heard of ‘white Hispanic’ before but I guess this fits the bill in this case. This incident only needed someone to light the fuse. Why is this true because black people are involved?”
Detroit: A Microcosm Of Democrat Failure
For a century, Detroit has been synonymous with pride in American car manufacturing--thus the name "Motor City." But over the course of last half of that century, as Democrats solidified control over the city's coffers and education system and supported Big Labor at any cost, the glory of Motor City has been replaced by the shame of bankruptcy, illiteracy, and dependency.
Think about it--since 1962 every Mayor of Detroit has been a Democrat. And sadly, this era has been synonymous with corruption--perhaps most prominently with the mayoral stint of Kwame Kilpatrick (2002-2008), but under each of these mayors the handouts to big labor and big education have been plentiful.
Think about it--since 1962 every Mayor of Detroit has been a Democrat. And sadly, this era has been synonymous with corruption--perhaps most prominently with the mayoral stint of Kwame Kilpatrick (2002-2008), but under each of these mayors the handouts to big labor and big education have been plentiful.
I am concerned that I have still received nothing back from Salisbury regarding the Maryland Public Information Act Request you received from me on June 6th and which you also received by certified mail. Unfortunately it is now two weeks past the maximum period of time which state law gives to provide access to the documents requested under the Maryland Public Information Act. It has furthermore now been ten days since you stated you would meet with Brekford to discuss the matter.
I believe this request (attached) was actually a very simple one, and that it is nowhere near as difficult as Brekford's representative is suggesting. Annual calibration certificates and daily setup logs for Speed Monitoring Systems are required by state law transportation article 21-809 to be "kept on file" and to be provided as evidence in court hearings. These documents are the only proof a motorist or the court has that the devices are properly calibrated and maintained. Furthermore since Salisbury operates the cameras and the operator is required to sign the logs, I'm confused as to why you would not have these documents readily available.
My understanding of the intent of state law was that by requiring these documents to be 'on file' means they are to be made available to anyone at any time for any reason. I do not believe there is any dispute as to whether such documents are disclosable under the MPIA, since other jurisdictions have disclosed them. The SHA now posts their annual calibration certificates to their website. It should not require a prolonged legal examination to release them..
The third item in my request (a technical specification) is usually simply marketing material or part of training/operating materials I would reasonably expect you to have on hand since Salisbury 'operates' the devices. In any event the other items should not be delayed even if you do not have such a document.
This really was not intended to be a complicated information request. There have been issues with Brekford speed camera calibrations in other jurisdictions such as Hagerstown and Greenbelt. If your contractor is continuing to delay this request after the maximum period state law allows to provide a response, perhaps Salisbury should confirm that Brekford does not have some reason for not providing the documents other than simply being too busy.
Thank you for your valuable time and assistance on this matter. I do appreciate that you are attempting to satisfy the request, and I look forward to receiving Salisbury's response containing all requested documents.
--Ron Ely
To: Salisbury Police Department
699 West Salisbury Parkway
Salisbury, MD 21801
Cc: spdchief@salisburypd.comknichols@ci.salisbury.md.us
Pursuant to the Maryland Public Information Act, State Government Article §§10-611 through §§10-630, I am requesting copies of the following records in the custody of Salisbury or contractors keeping them on your behalf:
The annual calibration certificates for ALL speed monitoring systems used by Salisbury during any portion of 2011, 2012, or 2013.
The daily setup/deployment logs for all speed cameras used in Salisbury on the following dates:
October 19, 2012
November 1, 2012
December3, 2012
January 3, 2013
February 1, 2013
The technical specifications of speed cameras used in Salisbury.
I previously sent this by email on June 5 and am following up with a mailed request.
I request that fees be waived for this request since the release of these records is in the public interest, as they are highly relevant to matters in the public discourse and including matters of recently considered state legislation. The principal embodied of the text of the MPIA that "All persons are entitled to have access to information about the affairs of government and the official acts of public officials and employees" demands a high level of transparency by local speed camera programs.
If providing scanned electronic copies of these documents is possible, then I would prefer that they be provided in that form and sent to this email address: StopBigBrotherMD@gmail.com.
If any privilege is claimed under the law to deny any portion of this request, then I request that all non-privileged portions of requested records be provided. Since state law specifies that daily setup logs and annual calibration certificates be kept “on file”, then I believe those records should rightly be released immediately regardless of whether there might be time required for other portions of this request.
I look forward to your response at the earliest possible time, and within 30 days in any event. Thank you for your time and attention.
Ronald Ely
Maryland Drivers Alliance11817 Silent Valley Lane
North Potomac, MD 20878
I believe this request (attached) was actually a very simple one, and that it is nowhere near as difficult as Brekford's representative is suggesting. Annual calibration certificates and daily setup logs for Speed Monitoring Systems are required by state law transportation article 21-809 to be "kept on file" and to be provided as evidence in court hearings. These documents are the only proof a motorist or the court has that the devices are properly calibrated and maintained. Furthermore since Salisbury operates the cameras and the operator is required to sign the logs, I'm confused as to why you would not have these documents readily available.
My understanding of the intent of state law was that by requiring these documents to be 'on file' means they are to be made available to anyone at any time for any reason. I do not believe there is any dispute as to whether such documents are disclosable under the MPIA, since other jurisdictions have disclosed them. The SHA now posts their annual calibration certificates to their website. It should not require a prolonged legal examination to release them..
The third item in my request (a technical specification) is usually simply marketing material or part of training/operating materials I would reasonably expect you to have on hand since Salisbury 'operates' the devices. In any event the other items should not be delayed even if you do not have such a document.
This really was not intended to be a complicated information request. There have been issues with Brekford speed camera calibrations in other jurisdictions such as Hagerstown and Greenbelt. If your contractor is continuing to delay this request after the maximum period state law allows to provide a response, perhaps Salisbury should confirm that Brekford does not have some reason for not providing the documents other than simply being too busy.
Thank you for your valuable time and assistance on this matter. I do appreciate that you are attempting to satisfy the request, and I look forward to receiving Salisbury's response containing all requested documents.
--Ron Ely
699 West Salisbury Parkway
Salisbury, MD 21801
Cc: spdchief@salisburypd.comknichols@ci.salisbury.md.us
Pursuant to the Maryland Public Information Act, State Government Article §§10-611 through §§10-630, I am requesting copies of the following records in the custody of Salisbury or contractors keeping them on your behalf:
The annual calibration certificates for ALL speed monitoring systems used by Salisbury during any portion of 2011, 2012, or 2013.
The daily setup/deployment logs for all speed cameras used in Salisbury on the following dates:
October 19, 2012
November 1, 2012
December3, 2012
January 3, 2013
February 1, 2013
The technical specifications of speed cameras used in Salisbury.
I previously sent this by email on June 5 and am following up with a mailed request.
I request that fees be waived for this request since the release of these records is in the public interest, as they are highly relevant to matters in the public discourse and including matters of recently considered state legislation. The principal embodied of the text of the MPIA that "All persons are entitled to have access to information about the affairs of government and the official acts of public officials and employees" demands a high level of transparency by local speed camera programs.
If providing scanned electronic copies of these documents is possible, then I would prefer that they be provided in that form and sent to this email address: StopBigBrotherMD@gmail.com.
If any privilege is claimed under the law to deny any portion of this request, then I request that all non-privileged portions of requested records be provided. Since state law specifies that daily setup logs and annual calibration certificates be kept “on file”, then I believe those records should rightly be released immediately regardless of whether there might be time required for other portions of this request.
I look forward to your response at the earliest possible time, and within 30 days in any event. Thank you for your time and attention.
Ronald Ely
Maryland Drivers Alliance11817 Silent Valley Lane
North Potomac, MD 20878
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