DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, July 22, 2010
BREAKING NEWS: Shots Fired In Salisbury
Breaking News
UPDATE: There are four people injured.
Obamacare Repeal? 150 House Signatures Already
A plan that would enable members of the U.S. House of Representatives to repeal Obamacare – whether health care takeover advocate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants it or not – is continuing to gain momentum.
In just the last few days, another 17 names have been added to the discharge petition sponsored by U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.
With a total of 150 names now, King told WND the effort is moving forward as quickly as he could expect.
King told WND today the entire GOP leadership team in the House is on board, as well as the full delegations from California and Texas. He's working on obtaining the last few GOP signatures before turning his attention to the Democrats.
White House Backs Bill To Collect Employee Pay Information From Businesses
In an orchestrated effort that included a statement by President Barack Obama and an event at the White House featuring Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, the president and his cabinet endorsed the Paycheck Fairness Act.
The House approved the act in 2009, but the Senate did not approve it. In the 111th Congress, both the House and the Senate have offered legislation that covers a wide range of workplace requirements and regulations, including training girls and women to become better at negotiating pay and benefits, and the establishment of a data base of U.S. workers’ pay in both the public and private sector.
At the White House on Tuesday, Biden was the keynote speaker at a Middle Class Task Force event where he told invited guests that the Obama administration is “on the right side of history” by passing legislation to ensure women are paid the same as their male counterparts.
“Women make up nearly half of all workers on U.S. payrolls, and two-thirds of families with children are headed either by two working parents or by a single parent who works,” Biden said.
“Yet, the workplace has, for the most part, not changed to reflect these realities – and it must. Closing the gender pay gap, helping parents keep their jobs while balancing family responsibilities, and increasing workplace flexibility – these are not only women’s issues, they are issues of middle class economic security,” he said.
Biden said Congress should pass the bill, which includes language requiring employers to provide information about employee pay.
Obamas Will Vacation On Gulf Coast
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama and his family will vacation on Florida's Gulf Coast next month, the White House said Thursday.
The Obamas are scheduled to travel to the coast on Aug. 14 and stay the weekend. More details about precisely where they would stay were to be released later, the White House said.
Obama has made four trips to the Gulf region, including one overnight stay, since an underwater well began spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico in April. First lady Michelle Obama is making her second visit to the area on Friday.
Both the president and first lady have made a point of encouraging people to visit those Gulf Coast beaches that are open and free of oil damage to help the local economy.
Vehicle Crashes Into Beebe Medical Outpatient Center
18941 John J Williams Highway Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Thursday July 22, 2010, 11:52 a.m.
Robert H. Clark-79, Millsboro, De
2001 Burgundy Ford Taurus
2006 Blue Kia Sportage (owner not in vehicle)
No Injuries
Delaware State Police Thursday July 22, 2010 responded to 18941 John J Williams highway for a crash investigation. Robert H. Clark is the operator of a 2001 burgundy Ford Taurus which crashed into Beebe Medical Outpatient Center.
The investigation revealed that Robert H. Clark-79 of Millsboro was entering a parking space and instead of hitting the brake pressed the accelerator propelling his vehicle forward across a curb then striking a Handicap sign.
Clark appeared to panic and upon placing the car in reverse crashed into a 2006 blue Kia Sportage parked behind his intended space. Clark after this collision placed his vehicle into drive and accelerated forward across the curb a second time and crashed into the Beebe Medical Outpatient Center. The portion of the building the Ford Taurus entered was a hallway separating the waiting area and triage center. No one inside the building was injured or needed to be evacuated.
Clark was charged with Reckless Driving.
Senate Democrats Abandon Comprehensive Energy Bill
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said no Republican was willing to back a comprehensive energy bill, a development he called "terribly disappointing."
Democrats have been trying for more than a year to pass a plan that charges utilities and other major polluters for their heat-trapping carbon emissions, which contribute to global warming. They're also abandoning a compromise plan to limit emissions only from utilities that also failed to attract the 60 votes needed to advance it in the 100-member Senate.
Reid and other Democrats said they would focus on a narrower bill that responds to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and improves energy efficiency.
"We've always known from day one that to pass comprehensive energy reform, you've got to have 60 votes," said Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., the bill's lead sponsor. "As we stand here today we don't have one Republican vote."
GO HERE to read more.
NJ Teachers SHOULD Give the Private Sector A Try
May God Bless New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. A virtual unknown a year ago, Christie has set an example for states across the country by standing up to public employee unions – including the sacrosanct teachers’ union! Now the head of New Jersey Education Association – NJ’s teachers’ union – whines that teachers could do better in the private sector.
"If there's an invasion of Israel by the Netherlands, he will find a way to blame the NJEA for that," responds the union's executive director, Vincent Giordano.
In a Fox News interview in the union's building down the street from the statehouse, Giordano rejected Christie's attacks, saying they "aren't warranted."
He says teachers make an average of about $65,000 a year, and "when you put it all together, teacher salaries in New Jersey are still well below the average salary of the private sector. When you include all of the ingredients...I don't think they are too high or too rich."
GIVE IT A TRY! See how life is when you CAN be fired for not doing your job. See how it is when you are compensated for PERFORMANCE rather than just showing up for work more years that someone who actually does a better job. Enjoy a job where you are grateful if your employer picks up HALF the cost of your healthcare benefits and where you get NO health benefits in retirement.
Christie is right on target! Americans are finally learning that public employees are actually earning more than their private sector counterparts. When you throw in benefits and job security, the gap is HUGE!
from Delmarva Dealings
GM To Buy Auto Financing Company AmeriCredit
DETROIT — General Motors Co. says it will acquire auto financing company AmeriCredit Corp. so it can increase leasing and make more loans to buyers with low credit scores.
The Detroit automaker says it will pay $3.5 billion to buy all of AmeriCredit's stock at $24.50 per share — a 24 percent premium over Wednesday's close.
It expects the deal to close in the fourth quarter.
GM CEO Ed Whitacre said Wednesday the deal will make GM more competitive in auto financing. GM executives have said their sales have been hurt by a lack of subprime and lease financing.
The company says that Ally Financial — formerly known as GMAC — will continue to finance GM's dealer inventory and make loans to buyers with good credit.
GM says it is not considering a purchase of Ally's auto financing unit.
GO HERE to read more.
Coming Up Soon On The Wicomico School Calendar
5th Annual NAACP Back-to-School Rally
Salisbury Middle School
The Wicomico County Branch of the NAACP will hold its 5th annual Back-to-School Rally at Salisbury Middle School from 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4. Every summer for the past five years, families and Wicomico County students in prekindergarten-grade 8 have had a chance to get pumped up and prepared for the coming school year at the rally. Students will be encouraged to begin the school year with a commitment to attend classes and succeed in all their course work and activities. Mark Thompson will be master of ceremonies for the program, which will include an inspiring presentation and entertainment. The community is invited to attend this and all NAACP events. Monetary donations and/or contributions are needed for this event, which aims to provide 300 students with school supplies. Needed items include pencils, spiral notebooks, paper, pens, tissue packs, hand sanitizer, etc. For information or to make a donation of funds or school supplies, please call the Wicomico County Chapter of the NAACP at 410-543-4187.
On hot days as we are currently experiencing or on a warm day that may seem comfortable to us, the temperature in a parked car can reach levels that can endanger your pet. The interior temperature can easily rise to 120 degrees in a matter of minutes, even with the windows partially open. Because a dog can only attempt to cool itself by panting and sweating through its paws, it can succumb to high temperatures in a very short time. Lasting effects of exposure to high temperatures can include heat stroke brain damage or death.
For more information contact ACO Dave Shanks at 410-548-3165.
PAC 14 Showcases Wicomico Schools In Three Upcoming Programs
"One on One: A Look Back at JMB" will premiere at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 23, on PAC 14. Host Phil Tilghman interviews Margaret Truitt Engler, who graduated from JMB in 1975 and who has stayed connected to the school through her children and through working as a volunteer with the annual Rock 'n' Roll Revival. This walk down memory lane includes some final footage and photographs from the school's last days, as well as photos from the yearbooks of 1975 and 1966.
Also debuting this Thursday, July 23 (6:30 p.m.) on PAC 14 is a summer edition of "Working Together for Children" in which the show looks back at some special events and activities from the end of the school year. Events include the packing of bags for Learning is in the Bag for rising kindergartners, the Blue Ribbon School celebration at Northwestern Elementary, dedication of the Pinehurst Everybody Playspace, Environmental Education Day at Pemberton Historical Park, the Arts Integration Parade at Willards Elementary, an Olympic gold medalist at Mardela Middle and High, STEM Discovery Day at Bennett Middle, Wicomico parents attending a parenting conference in Washington, and photo coverage of Flag Day at Charles H. Chipman Elementary, dedication of the Westside Intermediate Reading Garden, and the state championships of the inaugural Bocce season. The show will also air at noon Saturday.
In August, PAC 14 and Wicomico County Public Schools will team up to present a video walking tour of the new James M. Bennett High on a special edition of "Working Together for Children." Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen will explore the new building with art teacher Michael Morris to learn more about its design and instructional technology, and how it will serve the students of today and the future.
While We're Speaking Of Irrelevance
The Rev. Jesse Jackson is calling for an apology from the Obama administration for ousting an Agriculture Department employee now at the center of a racially tinged firestorm.
Jackson said he talked to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack late Tuesday night before Vilsack said that he would reconsider his department's decision to ask Shirley Sherrod to leave her job.
Embarrassed White House Offers Apology, 'Unique' Job To Sherrod
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Wednesday he has apologized to ousted employee Shirley Sherrod and offered her a unique new position at the agency.
Sherrod, in an interview with The Associated Press, said she was considering it.
"They did make an offer," she said in a telephone interview. "I just told him I need to think about it."
Vilsack told reporters that Sherrod accepted his apology. He said, "She was extraordinarily gracious."
The new job offer comes after an embarrassed White House apologized to Sherrod Wednesday for ousting her over her remarks about race to an NAACP banquet in Georgia earlier this year. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the administration did not know all the facts when it acted.
When asked Wednesday if he had spoken with President Barack Obama, Vilsack said simply, "No."
Vilsack insisted that it had been his decision to seek her resignation and said he takes full responsibility.
"This is a good woman," Vilsack said. "She's been put through hell."
Sherrod resigned this week as state director of rural development in Georgia. She said she quit under pressure from the White House.
The extraordinary turn of events came less than 48 hours after a video depicting Sherrod talking about her experience with a white farmer went viral. While Sherrod emerged heroic for the treatment she received, the Obama administration appeared fearful, even panicky in dealing with a racially charged story.
Sherrod, who says her remarks had been selectively edited and taken out of context, told CNN that the White House "harassed" her to resign because the controversy was "going to be on Glenn Beck tonight."
When USDA officials contacted Sherrod saying the White House wanted her to resign, she says she tried to communicate that there was another side to the story.
Her videotaped remarks appeared to indicate she didn't give "the full force of what I could do" to a farmer because he was white. But she says the remarks were actually used to illustrate that people should not be judged based on race. The farmer has defended Sherrod, and credits her with saving his farm. But the administration officials wouldn't listen, she says.
"They were not interested in hearing the truth," Sherrod said of the administration. "No one wanted to hear the truth."
"The last time they asked me to pull over the side of the road and submit my resignation on my Blackberry, and that's what I did," Sherrod told The Associated Press.
Pundits on the left and right said Wednesday that the incident shows all the hallmarks of an administration panicked by free-falling approval numbers and negative coverage from conservative media.
The White House has denied any involvement in Sherrod's forced resignation, while acknowledging that they approved of Vilsack's decision once they were informed of it.
But Sherrod has indicated she was told the order came from the White House. And a report Wednesday morning by Politico's Ben Smith appears to support that account. Smith says three Democratic sources tell him that Deputy White House Chief of Staff Jim Messina praised the White House's initial response to the Sherrod incident at the daily 8:30 a.m. staff meeting on Tuesday. In those remarks, Messina said the White House had reacted quickly to the controversy.
Mike Pence On White House Stimulus Jobs Numbers…. "Really?"
“In the worst economy in a quarter of a century, American families are hurting, businesses are struggling in the city and on the farm. And that's obvious to almost everyone in this country except the Obama Administration.
“Remarkably, yesterday, the White House issued a report saying that the stimulus bill that passed a year and a half ago, had ‘saved or created 2.5 to 3.6 million jobs.’
"As my three teenagers might say to me in like circumstances, ‘Really?’
"Two point five to 3.6 million jobs? Unemployment was 7.5 percent when the stimulus was passed, it's 9.5 percent today.
“It's important the American people know that the report, issued by the administration yesterday, isn't even based on actual numbers. It comes from what economists say is a highly-inflated projection of how much economic growth is created for every government dollar that's spent.
The facts come from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They speak for themselves.
“Since the stimulus was enacted, more than 3 million jobs have been lost in this country. A net job loss of 2.4 million jobs.
"Enough with the talk. The stimulus bill has failed. It's time for new ideas. Across the board tax relief and fiscal discipline now.”
(To view the video, click here.)
Bachmann: 24 Lawmakers Attend Tea Party Caucus
“We are not the mouthpiece of the Tea Party. We are not taking the Tea Party and controlling it from Washington, D.C.,” Bachmann said at a press conference at the Capitol following the meeting.
“I am not the head of the Tea Party,” said the conservative Minnesotan, noting that none of the other lawmakers are either.
She says Congress is not listening to the Tea Party movement and her caucus is designed to clear the way so that members can.
Bachmann says the just-formed caucus has 24 members, including the third-ranking GOP member of the House, Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana. She says she also hopes Democrats will join the caucus, according to the Associated Press, and has invited House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio has declined to join the caucus.
Administration’s Actions in Auto Bail Out Added To Unemployment, Audit Says
“At a time when the country was experiencing the worst economic downturn in generations and the government was asking its taxpayers to support a $787 billion stimulus package designed primarily to preserve jobs, Treasury made a series of decisions that may have substantially contributed to the accelerated shuttering of thousands of small businesses and thereby potentially adding tens of thousands of workers to the already lengthy unemployment rolls – all based on a theory and without sufficient consideration of the decisions’ broader economic impact,” the audit by SIGTARP Neil Barofsky stated.
“It is not at all clear that the greatly accelerated pace of the dealership closings during one of the most severe economic downturns in our Nation’s history was either necessary for the sake of the companies’ economic survival or prudent for the sake of the Nation’s economic recovery,” the audit added.
The federal government committed $80.7 billion out of TARP, the $700 billion rescue bill enacted in late 2008, to save General Motors and Chrysler. Chrysler closed 789 dealerships, while GM is set to have closed 1,454 dealerships by October 2010 as a cost cutting measure.
The Treasury Department pushed General Motors and Chrysler to close dealerships at a faster rate than the companies suggested, without taking job losses into consideration, the audit says.
RNC Fails To Report $7M In Debt To FEC
In a memo to RNC budget committee members, RNC Treasurer Randy Pullen on Tuesday accused Chairman Michael S. Steele and his chief of staff, Michael Leavitt, of trying to conceal the information from him by ordering staff not to communicate with the treasurer - a charge RNC officials deny.
Mr. Pullen told the members that he had discovered $3.3 million in debt from April and $3.8 million from May, which he said had led him to file erroneous reports with the FEC. He amended the FEC filings Tuesday.
Campaign-finance analysts said that simply misreporting fundraising numbers to the FEC can lead to millions of dollars in fines and that criminal charges can be levied if the actions are suspected to be intentional.
"This is significant because the civil penalties could mean big fines that take a significant bite out of the RNC's finances close to the November congressional elections, when state parties need the RNC's financial help for their 'victory' programs," said former FEC Commissioner Hans A. von Spakovsky.
RNC Communications Director Doug Heye said that it was "standard practice" for party committees to file amended reports on their financial activities to comply with extensive FEC disclosure requirements.
"We have always followed the guidelines of our legal counsel and treasurer and have put in place additional oversight to ensure that all invoices are handled in a proper, open and transparent manner," Mr. Heye said in an e-mail statement.
The Washington Times also has learned that former Federal Election Commission Chairman Michael E. Toner has been retained as outside counsel to the RNC, a move Mr. von Spakovsky called unusual and significant.
"The RNC normally uses its own inside counsel to deal with the FEC," said Mr. von Spakovsky, a Heritage Foundation legal scholar. "But if I had a really serious problem with the FEC, Michael Toner is one of the first guys I would turn to help me out."
IDF Tanks Open Fire On Gaza Terrorists, Killing One
The incident took place near the security fence, not far from the kibbutz (cooperative agricultural community) of Nir Am, just east of Sderot.
An IDF force carrying out routine reconnaissance identified a group of Arabs approaching the security fence, in an apparent attempt to fire anti-tank missiles, shoot mortar shells, or plant an explosive charge.
IDF tanks opened fire on the squad, hitting several of its members. Reports from Gaza said that a well known member of the Islamic Jihad terror militia was killed.
The IDF said that at least two of the terrorists were hurt.
(Source: IsraelNationalNews.com)
Cardboard Boat Races Will Launch On Friday, July 23rd
(Salisbury, MD) What could you create using only cardboard, duck tape, decorations and your imagination? Children from Wicomico Recreation, Parks & Tourism’s summer camp program Kids Klub Summer Escape are using these materials to make floating boats. The boats will be launched during the annual Cardboard Boat Race Friday, July 23 in the Richard Hazel Pool at Billy Jean Jackson Park beginning at approximately 10:15am.
A fleet of boats from Westside Intermediate as well as five team boats representing the Westside, Fruitland, Pittsville, Pinehurst, and Westside Community Center camp locations will come together to show-off their creations and compete for bragging rights. Each camp location created a cardboard craft for the competition and decorated it to reflect the weekly theme of their camp. Camp themes include camouflage & courage, adventure island and wet & wild. Each boat will be powered by paddles and kid power—making for a great race to the finish line.
Kids Klub Summer Escape is a weekly, daytime summer camp for children 5 through 13 years old. Three weeks of camp are remaining and open for enrollment for $105 per week. A multiple-child discount is available. For more information on Kids Klub Summer Escape please contact Program Director Andy Kitzrow at 410-548-4900 ext. 109 or email akitzrow@wicomicocounty.org.
Ehrlich Campaign Thanks Governor O’Malley For Highlighting Bob Ehrlich Successes In New TV Ads

ANNAPOLIS – The Bob Ehrlich for Maryland campaign released the following statement regarding Governor Martin O’Malley’s TV ads. The ads were released less than 24 hours after disappointing unemployment numbers confirming that 211,000 Marylanders are currently unable to find a job.
“After four years without a jobs agenda, Governor O’Malley is now trying to save his own job by highlighting successes from Bob Ehrlich’s tenure as Governor,” said Ehrlich Communications Director Henry Fawell. “This election is about who is better prepared to lead a long-term economic resurgence in Maryland. Bob Ehrlich has offered a concrete Entrepreneur Agenda that will create jobs, lower taxes, and improve Maryland’s deteriorating business climate. Since he can’t point to a single net new job created on his watch, Governor O’Malley is now celebrating tax credits enacted by Bob Ehrlich.”
BACKGROUND: The Biotechnology Tax Credit Governor O’Malley touts in his new advertisement was signed into law by Bob Ehrlich in 2005. “Bob Ehrlich is proud to learn that the Biotech Tax Credit he signed into law is a big reason for BioMarker Strategies’ success,” said Fawell.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce study Governor O’Malley touts in his ad measures Maryland’s success over the past ten years, including Bob Ehrlich’s four years as Governor. More than 100,000 private sector jobs were created in Maryland during Ehrlich’s tenure. Job growth was a key metric in the Chamber’s study. Also, business confidence reached an all-time high on Bob Ehrlich’s watch, as measured by the Jacob France Institute.
Conversely, nearly 3,000 small businesses closed in Maryland last year under Governor O’Malley. Maryland ranks 45th in the nation in business tax climate, according to the Tax Foundation. Maryland is easily outranked by neighboring Virginia in 8 out of 10 economic categories in CNBC’s Top States for Business Survey, including overall economy, quality of life, business friendliness, transportation, and cost of living.
Times shown for agenda items are estimates only.
6:07 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA – City Clerk Brenda Colegrove
July 12, 2010 minutes
Resolution No. 1945 - reappointment of Marshall Zugehar to the Central City District Commission
Resolution No. 1946 - reappointment of Chris Roberts to the City Park Committee
Resolution No. 1947 – accepting a donation of monies from the Centre at Salisbury to assist in funding the annual National Night Out event
6:10 p.m. AWARD OF BIDS – Internal Services Assistant Director-Procurement – Karen Reddersen
6:15 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING – City Attorney Paul Wilber
Ordinance No. 2114 - authorization of debt - Jane E. Lawton Loan for replacement of lights in the parking garage
Ordinance No. 2115 - refinancing lease/purchase of Fire Station #16
Ordinance No. 2116 - approving abandonment of an existing utility easement on property known as Heritage Condominium and for the release of the deed of easement of the existing utility easement to the owner of the property
Ordinance No. 2117 - amending Sections 15.04.010 and 15.04.020 of
Chapter 15.04 Building Code and adopting Section 15.04.010 Standard Building Codes and corresponding amendments to the 2009 International Building Code (2009)(IBC)
6:30 p.m. ORDINANCES – City Attorney Paul Wilber
Ordinance No. 2113 - 2nd reading - establishing the fee schedule for a sidewalk café permit fee and an annual sidewalk café renewal fee
Ordinance No. 2118 - 1st reading - rezone property located on the northerly side of Mt. Hermon Road on both sides of Woodbrooke Drive from R-10 Residential to Light Business and Institutional zoning
Ordinance No. 2119 - 1st reading - adding Chapter 12.40, Sidewalk Signs, to the Salisbury Municipal Code
Ordinance No. 2120 - 1st reading – adding Chapter 2.18, Department of Information Technology, to the Salisbury Municipal Code
7:15 p.m. RESOLUTION – City Administrator John Pick
Resolution No. 1948 - accepting the Real Property Tax Differential Study
7:30 p.m. ADJOURN
BREAKING NEWS: New Jobless Claims Make Sharp Increase
WASHINGTON — New jobless claims jumped last week by the most since February, reversing a sharp fall two weeks ago. The rise is partly a result of seasonal factors but also reflects the job market's weakness.
The Labor Department says new claims for unemployment insurance jumped by 37,000 to a seasonally adjusted 464,000. Analysts expected a smaller rise, according to a survey by Thomson Reuters.
The sharp increase comes after claims fell steeply two weeks ago to their lowest level since August 2008. But much of that drop was driven by temporary seasonal factors and not necessarily by an improving job market.
Two weeks ago, General Motors and other manufacturers reported fewer temporary layoffs than usual this time of year, the Labor Department says. Last week's rise partly reflects the fading of that trend.
GO HERE to read more.
License Agreement for parking on easement by Tabernacle of Prayer – Teresa Gardner
Harbor Point sidewalks – Teresa Gardner
Waterway Improvement Grants
Accepting $99,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for improvements at the Port of Salisbury Marina – Teresa Gardner
Accepting $50,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to partially fund the new Fire/Rescue/EMS Rapid Response Vessel Project – Rick Hoppes
General discussion/upcoming agendas
The Ocean City Police Department has been offering the citizens of Ocean City the unique opportunity to see the inner workings of our police department for nearly 12 years. The Citizens Police Academy was created to enable citizens to learn more about the Ocean City Police Department and build the relationship between the police and the community.
During this course, students meet a variety of officers to learn about criminal law, traffic enforcement, evidence collection, firearms, arrest procedures, narcotics enforcement and many other topics. Students also participate in practical scenarios, which afford citizens hands-on opportunity to understand various law enforcement applications.
“Educating citizens about their police department and illegal activity in their community is one of the best forms of crime prevention,” Said OCPD Chief Bernadette DiPino.
The Citizens Police Academy has a limited class size of 25 participants. Interested persons must complete a written application and give permission for the Ocean City Police Department to conduct a background check to determine if they have a criminal record. For more information about the Citizens Police Academy or to receive an application, please contact the OCPD Public Affairs Office at 410.520.5395.
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Releases
Date of Incident: 20 July 2010
Location: Ocean Gateway at Hobbs Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: John P. Knowles, 23, Bel Air, MD
Narrative: On 20 July 2010 at 11:52 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped a vehicle operated by John Knowles for speeding on Ocean Gateway. During the traffic stop, the deputy discovered that Knowles was the subject of a protective order that barred him from having any contact with his wife, who was a passenger in the car. Upon confirming the order was valid and still in effect, the deputy placed Knowles under arrest. Post arrest, the deputy discovered that Knowles possessed a pill bottle that contained oxycontin, a controlled dangerous substance that Knowles did not have a prescription for.
Knowles was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner released Knowles on Personal Recognizance.
Charges: Violation of a Protective Order
Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance of Schedule II
Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 20 July 2010
Location: 200 block of Dove Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: 1. Male Juvenile, 17, Salisbury, MD
2. Male Juvenile, 17, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 20 July 2010 at 9:56 PM, deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Salisbury Mobile Home Park for a reported assault. Upon arrival, the deputies learned that a male subject who resided in the park was attacked by two juveniles. While investigating the incident, the deputies learned of two more victims on the outskirts of the park who were also accosted and attacked by two juveniles around the same time period. The deputies began searching the park and located two individuals walking that exhibited signs of being in a recent struggle. Upon detaining the pair, the deputies had the victims come by and they all positively identified the two detained as the assailants in these attacks.
Both juveniles were arrested and transported to the Sheriff’s Office. Both were released to guardians after completion of juvenile referrals. Those referral will be sent to the Department of Juvenile Services for adjudication.
Charges: Assault 2nd
Incident: DUI
Date of Incident: 21 July 2010
Location: Royalty Way, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Everette A. Pratt, 55, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 21 July 2010 at 12:58 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped to check on a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot of the Royal Farms store off White Lowe Road in Salisbury. The deputy observed the vehicle to be parked diagonally between two rows of gas pumps. Upon approaching the vehicle, the deputy observed that the driver, Everette Pratt, appeared to be passed out behind the wheel. The deputy observed that the engine of the vehicle was running and that Pratt had a half empty bottle of Canadian Mist in his lap. The deputy also observed there was two three year old children asleep in the vehicle and that neither was secured in a child safety seat. Once awoken by the deputy, Pratt denied having consumed alcohol and submitted to field sobriety testing. At the conclusion of that testing, the deputy placed Pratt under arrest for DUI.
Pratt was transported to the Sheriff’s Office where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. During Processing, Pratt declined to take the breath test when requested. Pratt was released upon signing citations pending a court date.
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Driving While Impaired by Alcohol
Driving a Vehicle while Under the influence While Transporting a Minor
Failure to Secure a Child in a Safety Seat
Incident: DUI
Date of Incident: 21 July 2010
Location: Glen Avenue, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Jamel Wayne Trader, 29, Fruitland, MD
Narrative: On 21 July 2010 at 1:35 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped a vehicle operated by Jamel Trader. The deputy stopped the vehicle because Trader was driving down the road with four flat tires and his four way flashers activated. Trader stated he was on his way to the service station to fill the tires with air. The deputy detected a strong odor of alcohol emanating from Trader during the encounter. Trader agreed to attempt roadside field sobriety testing requested by the deputy after which the deputy concluded Trader was under the influence and placed him under arrest.
Trader was transported to the Maryland State Police Barrack where a breath sample was obtained. Trader was released upon signing citations.
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Driving While Impaired by Alcohol
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Per Se
Incident: DUI
Date of Incident: 21 July 2010
Location: Waverly Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Rachel Elizabeth McWilliams, 21, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 21 July 2010 at 2:58 AM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office stopped a vehicle operated by Rachel McWilliams for running a red light on Waverly Drive. Upon contacting the operator, Rachel McWilliams, the deputy detected a strong odor of alcohol emanating from her. The deputy administered roadside field sobriety testing on McWilliams, after which the deputy placed her under arrest for DUI.
The deputy transported McWilliams to the Maryland State Police barrack to obtain a breath sample. After processing, she was released on citations pending a future court date.
Charges: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
Driving While Impaired by Alcohol
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol Per Se
Failure to Stop for a Red Signal
Give It A Try
The roundtable meeting is closed to the press, with the exception of the first ten minutes. Reporters and photographers will be permitted in the room for the first ten minutes of the meeting.
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases
On July 19, 2010 at approximately 7:26 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Shore Stop Store on Mr. Hermon Road for the report of two (2) disorderly subjects. Upon arrival the officers met with the below listed subject who refused to calm and refused to cooperate with the officers. The subject continued to scream and yell causing a further disturbance at the place of business. The officers placed the suspect under arrest and a search of the suspect, subsequent to arrest, resulted in the recovery of a quantity of suspected marijuana in the suspect’s pants pocket. The second suspect complied with the officers and left the business upon request.
ARRESTED: Shelley Marie Waters, 20 years of age
Snow Hill, Maryland
CHARGES: Second degree assault
Disorderly conduct
Failure to obey a lawful order
Obstructing and hindering
Resisting arrest
Possession of marijuana
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201000028714
On July 20, 2010 at approximately 11:24 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant charging the subject with second degree rape. The warrant was obtained by a Salisbury Detective following the investigation of the sexual and physical assault of a thirteen (13) year old female victim by the suspect.
ARRESTED: Fulton Cornelius Collins, 20 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Second degree rape
Second degree assault
Contributing to condition of a child
DISPOSITION: Released to Cental Booking
CC # 201000022016
On July 20, 2010 and approximately 3:30 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant charging the subject with assault and burglary. The warrant was obtained by a Salisbury Officer following the investigation of a domestic incident involving the suspect. During the incident, the suspect entered a residence without permission, assaulted the female victim then took the victim’s cellular telephone. During the arrest of the suspect, the suspect fled from the officers on foot and was apprehended after a significant foot chase. When caught, the suspect continued to resist arrest by fighting with the officers.
ARRESTED: Meko Gianna Palmiro, 19 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland
CHARGES: Arrest Warrant-
Fourth degree burglary
Second degree assault
Theft (under $ 100)
Reckless endangerment
Resisting arrest
Obstructing and hindering an investigation
DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 201000028667/201000028815
Wargotz Criticizes Taxpayer Funding of Abortion President Obama Breaks Promise
In a speech delivered to a joint session of Congress, President Obama said, "No federal dollars will be used to fund abortions." President Obama has broken that promise to voters. Throughout her career Senator Mikulski has supported taxpayer funding of abortion.
Commissioner Eric Wargotz MD released the following statement:
"Taxpayer dollars should never be used to fund abortions. Those who believe abortion is the taking of a human life should not have their tax dollars go to fund something they believe is morally wrong. I am disappointed President Obama has broken yet another promise he made to voters. He promised us he would not raise taxes on the Middle Class and yet Obamacare does just that. I am working to bring accountability to Washington."
Series of ads focuses on job creation in Maryland and helping small businesses grow
Baltimore, MD -- The O'Malley-Brown campaign released a series of ads focused on Governor Martin O'Malley's record of supporting Maryland's small businesses, creating new jobs, and focusing on innovative new policies to grow Maryland's economy. Like "Tough Choices," these ads will run in the Baltimore market and will begin airing later this week.
"Maryland Jobs: Moving Maryland Forward" is a series of four ads focused on creating new jobs in Maryland through an innovative public-private partnership at the Port of Baltimore, economic development and worker training grants at the General Motors electric drive plant in Baltimore County, strategic tax credits to grow Maryland's emerging biotech economy, and assistance for small business owners across Maryland.
"Governor O'Malley knows there is nothing as important to a family as a job, which is why he's been fighting to expand opportunity for Maryland families, create new jobs in our state and help small businesses grow and expand," said Tom Russell, O'Malley's Campaign Manager. "Since January, 40,000 jobs have been created in Maryland. But Governor O'Malley knows there is more work to do to move Maryland forward and emerge from this national economic recession."
As a testament to Governor O'Malley's leadership and focus on job creation for the 21st Century, Maryland was recently ranked #2 in the country by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
In the first ad, "Port" Chris Lee, Chairman for Ports America Chesapeake, declares that "Without Governor O'Malley" an expansion to create 5,700 new jobs at the Port of Baltimore "wouldn't have happened."
"His commitment to upgrading our Port - and fighting for those workers - is unparalleled," Lee states, while Port workers talk about the "work for today" and "even more jobs for the future at the Port of Baltimore because of Governor O'Malley's leadership."
In "BioMarker" Karen Olson, CEO of BioMarker Strategies, credits Governor O'Malley with helping her company become "one of America's top 20 start-up companies" that is pioneering a new approach to cancer research and diagnostics.
In 2008, Governor O'Malley launched the BIO 2020 initiative, a $1.3 billion plan for promoting the biotechnology industry in Maryland. For his efforts to grow Maryland's innovative Biotech economy, Governor O'Malley was named the 2010 BIO governor of the year.
"Arrow Bicycle Shop" tells the story of a local entrepreneur who started a small business with financing assistance sponsored by Governor Martin O'Malley and the Neighborhood Business Works Program. Today, Arrow Bicycles is helping to revitalize the Hyattsville community and create jobs in our state.
The fourth ad, "GM Plant" highlights a partnership between the State of Maryland and General Motors under Governor O'Malley to create new green jobs at the General Motors White Marsh Plant. The state directed $4.5 million to help fund an expansion of the White Marsh plant, including $1.5 million for workforce training and $3 million from the Maryland Economic Development Assistance Fund. Last week, Governor O'Malley convened Maryland's first Green Tech Jobs Forum to outline his plan to create 100,000 new green jobs in Maryland by 2015.
From a strictly monetary standpoint, I think Mr. Steele has made many mistakes in how he has handled RNC funds. Whether it be the outlandish spending or the recent allegations by his treasurer that he is hiding the amount of debt that is really being carried, it all comes back to mismanagement from the chairman.
I will not be sending the RNC any more of my money, but instead I'll send it straight to the candidates I'm supporting. What about you? Do you have money to send to your party? If so, will you be sending any to them or individual candidates?
Seaford Man Charged In Recent Thefts
9707 Nanticoke Business Park Drive Greenwood, De
9101 Block Elm Street Seaford, De
June 28, 2010
July 16, 2010
Curtis L. Fuhr-34 1800 block Holly Hill Road Milford, De
Charge(s) and Bond Information:
Burglary Third Degree
4 counts of Theft
Attempted Theft
2 counts of Criminal Mischief
2 counts of Criminal Trespass
Conspiracy Third Degree
Tuesday July 20, 2010 Delaware State Police arrested Curtis L. Fuhr-34 of Holly Hill Road Milford Delaware following an investigation into two separate theft complaints.
The first theft is reported to have occurred on June 28, 2010 on Elm Street Seaford Delaware. During this investigation Troopers investigated thefts from multiple vehicles at DOS Transportation. Curtis L. Fuhr entered these vehicles and removed items ranging from a small television, Garmin GPS, Stryker CB radio, microwave, cooler and power inverter. These and additional items were taken from a total of four trucks parked on DOS Transportation Inc’s property.
State Police as a result of their investigation obtained witness information which linked Fuhr to the above mentioned thefts. Fuhr along with another male subject was reportedly selling off items from a red pickup truck to persons at the Uncle Willies Truck Stop located at 12984 S. DuPont Highway. Information obtained through the investigation further revealed that Fuhr was a former employee of DOS Transportation and drove a red pickup truck. Positive identification of Fuhr was established and warrants subsequently obtained in this investigation.
The second theft occurred July 16, 2010 on Nanticoke Business Park Drive Greenwood, Delaware. During this investigation Fuhr is alleged to have entered a secure gated area after damaging a chain link fence. Once inside the gate a 14 foot aluminum Jon boat valued at $1,400 was stolen. Fuhr then took the boat to Schultz & Sons Salvage in Denton, Maryland. The boat was cut into pieces and taken to be salvaged. A check of the boat haul number revealed the items as stolen. Caroline County Sheriff’s Office apprehended Fuhr in this incident.
State Police also obtained arrest warrants for Fuhr regarding this theft. Fuhr was arrested on Tuesday July 20, 2010 and given a released on $12,500 unsecured bond.
Hickory, NC – The Delmarva Shorebirds plated ten unanswered runs between the third and the sixth innings to cruise past Hickory, 10-6, at L.P. Frans Stadium on Wednesday afternoon. The Shorebirds plated ten runs for the first time since May 15. Tyler Townsend registered a career high six RBIs on three hits and finished a triple shy of the cycle. Mikey Planeta went 3-for-4 with two runs and an RBI
For a second straight game, Hickory plated the game’s first run. Travis Adair reached on a single to left to open the bottom of the first. Joe Bonadonna drew a walk and Jared Prince singled up the middle to load the bases. Two batters later, Vinny DiFazio tapped a slow roller towards short to produce the first run. Then, Mike Ortiz doubled into right-center field to bring home Bonadonna. The next batter, Guillermo Pimentel singled into center to plate DiFazio.
The Shorebirds plated their first two runs in the third inning. Planeta led off with a single. Two batters later, Garabez singled. Then, Ty Kelly walked to load the bases. With two outs, Townsend connected on a double down the right field line to plate Planeta and Rosa.
The ‘Birds tied the game at 3-3 in the fourth. Omar Casamayor singled to start the frame. Planeta then rifled a double into deep center field to score Casamayor.
The Shorebirds tallied a run in the fifth inning to take the lead for the first time. Townsend recorded his third RBI of the day to plate T.J. Baxter, who led off the inning with a single.
The game was blown wide open in the sixth inning. The Shorebirds sent nine batters to the plate and scored six runs to balloon the lead to 10-3. The big hits in the inning were a two-run single for Kelly and a three-run homer for Townsend.
Kenny Moreland (6-3) earned the win in six strong innings. He allowed nine hits and three runs. Moreland shut down the Crawdads from innings two through six.
Neil Ramirez was pinned with the loss in five innings. He allowed eight hits and four runs.
The Crawdads plated one in the seventh and two in the eighth inning off Tom Phelps before David Walters came on to retire Guillermo Pimentel, which ended the game. Walters earned his second save of the season.
The Delmarva Shorebirds play game three of the series on Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. RHP Jesse Beal makes the start for the ‘Birds.
STREAKING ‘BIRDS: Three Shorebirds take hit streaks into game two against Hickory. Luis Bernardo is on a career high eight-game hit streak, while Ty Kelly is also on an eight-game hit streak. T.J. Baxter takes a four-game hit streak into game two.
OMAR CASAMAYOR: The 23-year old joined the club for game one of the series. He recorded his first SAL at-bat in the ninth inning when he pinch hit for Gary Helmick and grounded out to third. Casamayor hit .309 in 24 games for Aberdeen this season. The Palmira, Venezuela native is in his sixth year with the Orioles organization. Last season, he hit .279 with 21 RBIs in Bluefield.
FRIENDLY CONFINES OF PERDUE: The Shorebirds are 15-7 in their last 22 home games at Perdue Stadium. The ‘Birds are now over .500 at home on the season at 25-24.
FOUR IN A ROW: The Shorebirds have lost four straight games at L.P. Frans Stadium. In their first trip to Hickory (5/24-27), the ‘Birds won the opener and lost the last three.