This is not a drill. This is the real thing.
A massive amnesty for illegal aliens is probably coming up for a vote Wednesday in the Senate.
Our Capitol Hill Team just contacted me and reported that Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-Nev.) has just filed for "cloture" on S. 2205 (the DREAM Act amnesty).
If Americans don't phone Tuesday until the switchboard shuts down, it looks like we're going to have a brand new amnesty for illegal aliens coming out of the Senate later this week.
Phone Senate Switchboard
Sen. Reid is hell-bent on getting this amnesty through the Senate as fast as possible and before we can fully mobilize the country as happened when we defeated his Comprehensive Amnesty bill in June.
Here is something pretty amazing: After the American people overwhelmingly rose up against the big compromise in June that traded an amnesty for some mediocre extra enforcement, Sen. Reid is trying to push through an amnesty WITHOUT ANY ENFORCEMENT MEASURES!
He is using the Rule 14 that I told you about last night to avoid any committee debate, hearings or deliberations. Filing for cloture means that he can bring the amnesty up on Wednesday.
The first vote will be on whether to allow the amnesty to come to the Senate floor for full debate and eventual vote. If we can hold the YES votes below 60, we can stop the bill in its tracks. We need 41 NO votes to guarantee killing it.
You can see all the direct Capitol office phone numbers and the numbers for their offices back home at:
You must emphasize to your Senators that a YES vote on clo ture will be interpreted by all of us as a vote for rewarding millions of illegal aliens with amnesty.
Everything is going to move too fast Tuesday for me to keep you informed by email.
You must make a pledge to yourself to check the Home page several times Tuesday and then Wednesday for new developments in this fight. Van, Mike and Mark will do all they can to keep the latest information posted there (with links for more info).
And check your personalized Action Buffet corkboard for revised instructions on faxes to send and talking points for your phone calls. in this email:
1. Our latest count on how each Senator is leaning on the amnesty vote
2. Talking points in your phone call against the amnesty
actions in brief:
1. Consult your personalized Action Buffet corkboard for actions needed Tuesday
2. Spread the word of this impending danger through every email and phone network you have.
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We will be providing you more detailed talking points when you click on the phone notes on your Action Buffet corkboard.
But here are the things I am emphasizing to the media, most of whom can't seem to understand how I can possibly oppose helping out a bunch of good kids whose parents are the ones who broke the law by bringing them here to be illegal aliens.
S. 2205 would do what all amnesties do -- entice millions more people to become illegal aliens here. The word across the world would be that immigration crime pays.
The DREAM Act amnesty doesn't just offer U.S. citizenship to illegal alien teenagers, it also provides amnesty to the parents of most of them. Once the amnestied teens become citizens they can obtain an amnesty for their parents.
S. 2205 provides for no extra enforcement to help ensure that families around the world don't risk their teenagers' lives by forcing them to enter the U.S. illegally across the deserts. Passage of this amnesty likely would increase deaths of illegal aliens in the desert as more and more people attempt to get into the country in preparation for the next amnesty.
Many of the advocacy groups pushing the DREAM Act amnesty openly say it is intended as a way to break the barrier and then to push for several more amnesties and rewards for illegal aliens.
Many of these teenagers weren't brought to the United States illegally by their parents. Rather, many of them came on their own and found illegal shelter with legal immigrants who were from their country.
If there is a compelling story for giving amnesty to any of these high school students, it should be told only after the rule of law has been restored, including a fully functioning entry/exit system at the border and mandatory verification of all new hires by all businesses, governments and non-p rofits.
Based on what you are reporting back to us from your phone calls and on what we are hearing directly from Senate offices, we can provide you with our best assessment of how Senators will vote on this amnesty.
Our lobbyists on the Hill and our Action Buffet Team will be modifying the list every hour Tuesday, turning names green if they are pledging a NO AMNESTY vote, red if they are pledging an AMNESTY YES vote, and black if they not committing themselves.
Our website team will be moving the vote-count list to the NumbersUSA Home Page Tuesday morning. Until then, you can find it here.
The country desperately needs your help this week.
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Monday 22oct07 11:55 p.m. EDT