DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Petition On Same Sex Marriage
by Delegate Michael A. McDermott
The people of Maryland will soon be given the opportunity to voice their opinion on the O’Malley-Brown Same Sex Marriage Bill (HB-438). This bill, which was defeated in the Judiciary Committee (yet forced to the floor by a combined committee vote with Health-Government Operations) and then passed with the bare minimum “71” needed in the House of Delegates is currently in the process of being petitioned to referendum.
The Petition drive is being headed up by Delegate Neil Parrott (R-Washington Co.) who also successfully launched the petition drive to force In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens to referendum following last years session. I spoke with Delegate Parrott on Friday and he advised me that the petition language has been submitted to the Maryland State Board of Elections for their review. Once the language of the petition has been approved, it will be put before the public for their active participation.
At this time, the ability to utilize the On-Line Petition format, which was so successful during last years petition drive, will be the primary mechanism for voters to utilize. Voters can go to the site mdpetitions.com where they can register to participate once the petitions are available. Those willing to help collect signatures can also sign up at this time.
Marylanders who appreciate the liberty to petition a law to referendum should keep a watchful eye on HB-127 which seeks to force each signature of a petition to be notarized. It is true hypocrisy when these same liberals fight to keep us from requesting a photo ID at a polling place yet want to demand a notarized signature on a simple petition.
The bottom line...liberals have always feared the people. The last thing they want is for the people of Maryland to stand up with a successful petition drive and reject their attempt to redefine marriage. Pay particular attention to those who seek to limit your ability to redress your government. Your liberty and that of your children depends upon it.
Marylanders, take back your state!
Laurel Crash Sends Three To Hospital
Date and Time of Occurrence: Sunday February 26, 2012 at 10:21 a.m.
Operator and Vehicle:
Operator #1: Corey A. McKelvey, 21, of Laurel, DE
Vehicle #1: 2001 Dodge Stratus
Operator #2: Michael A. McFarland, 26, of Laurel, DE
Vehicle #2: 2011 Ford Focus
Other Person Injured:
Brittany A. Jefferson, 18, of Georgetown, DE
Laurel, DE- The Delaware State Police are investigating a two car crash that sent three people to the hospital.
The incident occurred around 10:21 a.m. this morning when Corey A. McKelvey, 21, of Laurel was operating a 2001 Dodge Stratus eastbound on Camp Road approaching US 13. McKelvey failed to stop at the stop sign at the intersection of Camp Road and US 13 and entered into the crossover between northbound and southbound traffic. McKelvey then continued through the yield sign and entered into the path of a 2011 Ford Focus being operated by Michael A. McFarland, 26, of Laurel. The Focus was traveling northbound on US 13 in the far left lane and collided with the passenger’s side of the Stratus causing both vehicles to spin in the roadway before coming to a stop.
A passenger in the Stratus, Brittany A. Jefferson, 18, of Georgetown, who was properly restrained, was removed from the vehicle by EMS before being flown by the Delaware State Police Helicopter to Christiana E.R. with serious injuries.
McKelvey, who was not properly restrained, was removed from the scene by EMS and flown to Christiana E.R. by Christiana Care LifeNet.
McFarland, who was properly restrained, was removed from the scene by EMS and transported to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital with non life-threatening injuries.
Alcohol involvement is unknown at this time and charges are pending upon the completion of the investigation.
Northbound US 13 at Camp Road was closed for approximately two hours as the crash was investigated and cleared.
Preppers View - Firearms Training
The lack of free time is something we may be able to address by moving things around and rearranging our priorities. Ammunition costs can be reduced by finding someone who can reload your spend casings (this is another reason networking is important). But finding a place to shoot can be a real problem. Some of us may have enough land to permit us to shoot right at home. Others may live in an area where that's not possible. While I live on 5 acres of land, I elect to shoot at Zeke's range off of Rt. 50 in Mardela Springs since it's only 5 minutes from my house. The lanes are already set up, tables are under roof, and the range is set up for pistols, small bore rifles, and a large bore rifle range out to 300 yards. Why would I spend my time and money re-inventing the wheel? The only thing missing is a tactical obstacle course. For me, going to a professional range is beneficial for many reasons but everyones situation is different. As long as you get out there and shoot. That's what is important.
There may be people who read this blog that have the ability to reload various types of ammunition and would be willing to reload ammunition for other preppers in exchange for money, extra spent brass casings, spare primers/powder/bullets, fresh vegetables, etc. Knowing people who are able to do this type of thing is an important part of creating a prepper network.
Anyone interested in reloading ammunition or bartering/buying reloaded ammunition, or anything else for that matter, can go to a site just opened by a couple of friends of mine who hope to facilitate trades.
Today, the House Judiciary Committee overwhelmingly approved House Bill 119 - Criminal Procedure - Misdemeanors - Citations, a bill sponsored by Delegate Michael McDermott (R - Eastern Shore), which will give significant latitude in law enforcement by allowing police officers the option to write a citation for certain misdemeanors. Under current law, police officers are permitted to issue citations only for certain minor offenses, such as disorderly conduct and property destruction. This bill would give officers the freedom to use their own discretion and opt, if they so choose, to issue a citation for any non-violent misdemeanor, rather than making a full-fledged arrest.
“Law Enforcement officers are a tremendous asset for our communities. HB-119 will allow our officers and deputies to spend less time on petty criminals and more time on the street defending us from more serious offenders,”commented delegate McDermott.
“This bill goes hand in hand with House Bill 261 - Criminal Procedure - Office of the Public Defender - Representation. Together, they seek to resolve the many issues arising out of the recent court decision, DeWolfe v. Richmond.” stated Delegate McDermott. DeWolfe v. Richmond requires representation for indigents at the earliest stages of the proceeding with the district court commissioner. HB261 also passed out of the House Judiciary Committee today.
Early next week, the full House will take up the measure, with eventual passage from that chamber slated later in the week. The measure will then be heard by the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, and must be approved by the entirety of the Maryland Senate before the Maryland General Assembly adjourns April 2012.
Adorable Video of a Sleeping Hummingbird "Snoring"
(CBS) - Last month we showed you a ridiculously cute video of a dormouse snoring. Well, it's time to get your adorable on with this follow-up of a - wait for it - snoring hummingbird! Check it out.
Seriously, did I call it? Are you not entertained? The video entitled "Sleeping hummingbird "snores" in Peru" was posted by YouTube user forrestertr7 who writes:
So are videos of snoring wildlife going to be a new thing? Because if so, I'm all for it! What do you think? Feel free to leave me some comment love below.a female Amethyst-throated Sunangel (Heliangelus amethysticollis) sleeps in Peru
Mideast War In March?
Egyptian security officials, meanwhile, outlined what they said was large scale international backing for the rebels attacking the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad – including arms and training from the U.S., Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
Several knowledgeable Egyptian and Arab security officials claimed the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert region.
The security officials also claimed Saudi Arabia was sending weapons to the rebels via surrogates, including through Druze and Christian leaders in Lebanon such as Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Saudi-Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, who recently served as Lebanon’s prime minister; and senior Lebanese opposition leader Samir Farid Geagea.
According to the Middle Eastern diplomatic and security officials speaking to WND, the international community is considering launching NATO airstrikes on Assad’s forces as soon as March if the opposition does not make major strides toward ending Assad’s regime.
The NATO members, however, have been satisfied with the momentum of the opposition in the last few days, which saw a number of defectors from the Syrian military join the rebels, a move that also precipitated the downfall of Muammar Gadhafi’s regime before the NATO campaign in Libya.
Similar to Gadhafi, Assad’s regime has been accused of major human rights violations, including crimes against humanity, in clamping down on a violent insurgency targeting his rule.
Mass demonstrations were held in recent weeks in Syrian insurgent strongholds calling for the international NATO coalition in Libya to deploy in Syria.
Just yesterday, 50 foreign ministers from Western and Arab nations got together in Tunis to demand that Syria allow aid to be delivered to civilians in the absence of any international force to resolve the conflict.
Damascus officials claimed to WND that NATO troops are currently training in Turkey for a Turkish-led NATO invasion of Syria.
Any deployment would most likely come under the banner of the same “Responsibility to Protect” global doctrine used to justify the U.S.-NATO airstrikes in Libya.
Responsibility to Protect, or Responsibility to Act, as cited by President Obama, is a set of principles, now backed by the United Nations, based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege but a responsibility that can be revoked if a country is accused of “war crimes,” “genocide,” “crimes against humanity” or “ethnic cleansing.”
In his address to the nation in April explaining the NATO campaign in Libya, Obama cited Responsibility to Protect doctrine as the main justification for U.S. and international airstrikes against Libya.
The Global Center for Responsibility to Protect is the world’s leading champion of the military doctrine.
As WND reported, billionaire activist George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the Global Center for Responsibility to Protect. Several of the doctrine’s main founders also sit on boards with Soros.
WND reported the committee that devised the Responsibility to Protect doctrine included Arab League Secretary General Amre Moussa as well as Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, a staunch denier of the Holocaust who long served as the deputy of late Palestinian Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat.
Also, the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy has a seat on the advisory board of the 2001 commission that originally founded Responsibility to Protect. The commission is called the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. It invented the term Responsibility to Protect while defining its guidelines.
The Carr Center is a research center concerned with human rights located at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Samantha Power, the National Security Council special adviser to Obama on human rights, was Carr’s founding executive director and headed the institute at the time it advised in the founding of Responsibility to Protect.
With Power’s center on the advisory board, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty first defined the Responsibility to Protect doctrine.
Power reportedly heavily influenced Obama in consultations leading to the decision to bomb Libya.
Don’t Bet Against Israel on Iran
Israeli officials are pushing back against what appears to be a growing perception among experts and analysts that its military lacks the capability to deal a significant blow to Iran’s nuclear installations, warning skeptics not to underestimate the Jewish state.
The officials, including currently serving political figures and retired military officers, pointed out in interviews with The Daily Beast that Israel has a history of surprising its enemies and surpassing expectations, from the lightning assault of the 1967 war to the daring rescue operation for hostages at Entebbe in 1976.
Their remarks seemed calculated to counter reports like the one in The New York Times last week that suggested Israeli planes would face huge challenges in reaching Iran and destroying its nuclear installations, which are buried deep in the ground and scattered throughout the country.
Del. AG Opinion Restricts Power Of County Sheriffs
That's according to an opinion Friday from the state attorney general's office, which also urged lawmakers to clarify the issue.
Sussex Sheriff Jeff Christopher had argued that sheriffs were essentially "peace officers" under state law and therefore had the power of arrest. Christopher had ordered his deputies to stop dangerous drivers and execute arrest warrants. But the opinion issued Friday notes that since sheriffs and their deputies don't attend the state police training academy, they're not expected to enforce the laws.
'Silent majority' Preparing to Confront Washington
Government plans for mandatory health insurance payments, mandatory contraceptive-abortion payments, mandatory promotion of homosexuality by military chaplains, mandatory destruction of traditional marriage and mandatory obeisance to Islamic leaders, highlighted by Barack Obama’s bowing, have been a frustration for many.
But maybe not much longer.
A movement has been launched to wake up Americans and especially lawmakers to the fact people are not going to remain silent any longer. In fact, the “silent majority” soon could become the loud majority.
One religious leader, Damon Davis, says he’s tired of being “reactive” while watching America’s moral values decline, and he is asking millions of America’s faithful to join him in being “proactive” by sending a clear message to the countries leaders – “The once-silent majority of Americans are not happy.”
Your First Car
Pick the manufacturer, the year and the Model. Enjoy!
Solyndra Abandons Efforts To Go Clean and Green
Federal officials hailed Solyndra LLC’s plan to create clean energy when they awarded the company more than a half-billion dollars in loans, but the solar-panel maker’s abrupt closure now threatens to leave behind an environmental mess.
The company plans on paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to clean up its own property in Fremont, Calif., but a separate leased property in nearby Milpitas sits vacant with barrels of unknown chemicals and lead-contaminated equipment, attorneys for the landlord, iStarCTL I L.P., said in recent bankruptcy court filings.
The full extent of the potential environmental problem at the leased Solyndra facility remains unclear. Officials at iStar say in court papers that they were not given the keys to the premises until this month, though Solyndra stopped making its lease payments in September when it filed for bankruptcy protection in DelawareMore
Salisbury Police Department Press Releases 2-26-12
On February 21, 2012 at approximately 5:25pm, officers responded to the Community Pharmacy located at 725 S Salisbury Blvd for a subject attempting to pass a fraudulent prescription for a substantial quantity of Oxycodone. On arrival to the business,
officers located and detained Kerry Flagg as the subject that was attempting to gain the CDS by fraud. It was learned that Flagg had attempted to pass a prescription obtained from a Salisbury area doctor’s office. The pharmacy owner contacted the doctor’s office and was advised that the prescription was in fact fraudulent. Flagg was released to central booking.
CC# 2012-7275
Jessica Lee Watson, 23yo of Salisbury, MD was arrested and charged with Possession of Cocaine and Possession of Paraphernalia.
On February 22, 2012 at approximately 3:50am, officers were on patrol in the area of Catherine St and W Main St. Contact was made with a white female identified as Watson. During the interview, Watson was asked if she had anything illegal on her person. Watson immediately produced to the officers a glass smoking device from her pants pocket. The smoking device had trace amounts of suspected cocaine in it. Watson was arrested and transported to central booking where she was released.
Sandler sets Razzie record: 11 worst-movie noms
SANTA MONICA, Calif. - When Adam Sandler's bad, he's really bad, according to voters for the Razzies, an Academy Awards spoof that singles out the worst movies of the year.
Sandler received a record 11 nominations Saturday for the Razzies as star, producer or writer on three 2011 movies — "Jack and Jill," "Just Go with It" and "Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star."
That more than doubled the previous record of five Razzie nominations held by Eddie Murphy for 2007's "Norbit."
Sandler's nominations include worst actor for both "Jack and Jill" and "Just Go with It" — and worst actress for "Jack and Jill," in which he plays a family man and his own twin sister.
Sandler also had two nominations as worst screen couple opposite Jennifer Aniston or Brooklyn Decker in "Just Go with It" and opposite Katie Holmes, Al Pacino or himself in "Jack and Jill."
Goodyear Recalls Wrangler Silent Armor Tires
NEW YORK (AP) - Goodyear is recalling six versions of its Wrangler Silent Armor tires over concerns that the tread could separate from the tire and cause accidents.
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. said Saturday that the separation could happen under what it called "severe usage conditions." Goodyear says the separated tread could strike the car and damage it or cause a tire failure.
Goodyear says the recall affects about 40,000 tires made in 2009, including 27,000 in service. It says it will replace the recalled tires with new ones.
The tires are designed for trucks, vans and SUVs. Goodyear says it will notify owners and replace the tires for free. The recall will start by March 22.
Juvenile Whale Found In Watershed Creek
BERLIN -- A juvenile minke whale had to be euthanized last night after being discovered on a mud flat in Turville Creek near Ocean Pines.
National Aquarium in Baltimore Stranding Coordinator Jennifer Dittmar and an associate were stationed on the scene this morning at the county boat ramp off Gum Point Road. The two had been at the boat ramp since last night guarding the calf, which had to be euthanized with drugs yesterday. She estimated the calf was about a few weeks old at best and reported it was “very emaciated and had not eaten in a while.”
According to Dittmar, DNR will be transporting the whale, believed to be a calf measuring approximately 10 to 11 feet, for a CT scan to determine the cause of the death. The whale was secured in knee-deep water by a pier at the county boat ramp.
Penn Judge: Muslims Allowed to Attack People for Insulting Mohammad
COMMENTARY | Jonathon Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, reports on a disturbing case in which a state judge in Pennsylvania threw out an assault case involving a Muslim attacking an atheist for insulting the Prophet Muhammad.
Judge Mark Martin, an Iraq war veteran and a convert to Islam, threw the case out in what appears to be an invocation of Sharia law.
The incident occurred at the Mechanicsburg, Pa., Halloween parade where Ernie Perce, an atheist activist, marched as a zombie Muhammad. Talaag Elbayomy, a Muslim, attacked Perce, and he was arrested by police.
Baltimore Decides Some Neighborhoods Just Aren’t Worth Saving
The vacant streets are punctuated by the odd meticulously-kept home; a living city slowly turning into a ghost town.
Baltimore has tried to deal with the tens of thousands of abandoned houses that mar the city. They’ve been refurbished. They’ve been raffled for $1. They’ve been demolished. But the number of vacant houses keeps growing.
There were radical efforts to seize abandoned homes and sell off city-owned property. In the nineties, $100 million was poured into some of the most troubled areas. Now the city is trying another approach: jump-starting the housing markets in healthier neighborhoods.
As Baltimore faces a $52 million budget shortfall, there is a more urgent need than ever to deal with the vacant homes, which still require public services like fire and police patrol.
47,000 vacant properties.
63 Illegals Arrested After County Sets Them Free
Prisons in Santa Clara County, Calif., are saying no to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and it’s leading to some embarrassing high profile incidents, including the arrests by federal agents of 63 illegal immigrants shortly after the county set them free.
As part of an ordinance passed last November, ICE agents are barred from all Santa Clara County prison facilities.
WND previously was told by a Santa Clara County official that there have been no high-profile embarrassing incidents as a result of the ordinance.
But federal officials are reporting ICE agents arrested 63 people – all with ICE detainers that had been ignored by Santa Clara County – in just one recent raid.
Pakistan Begins Demolition of Bin Laden's Compound
ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Under powerful floodlights and surrounded by rings of soldiers and police, heavy machines began Saturday night to demolish the three-story compound in northwestern Pakistan where Osama bin Laden lived for years and was killed by U.S. commandos last May.
Each blow helped eliminate a concrete reminder of the painful and embarrassing chapter in Pakistan's history that the al-Qaida chief's discovery and death in a town not far from the nation's capital represented.
Pakistan was outraged by the covert American raid in Abbottabad because it was not told about it beforehand _ a decision the U.S. explained was driven by concerns that someone in the government might tip off bin LadenMore
Event Announcement
March 3rd, 2012
Doors and Kitchen Open 5:30pm, Games Begin 6:30pm
NO OUTSIDE FOOD or DRINKS ALLOWED as food is available for purchase IN Café
Game prizes:
Cindy Tote Dark Denim
$125 CASH
Thirty-One Skirt Purse
Golden Fields Vase Set
$125 CASH
Large Utility in Aqua Spirals
Golden Fields Long Market Set
$125 CASH
Organizing Utility in Awesome Blossom
Crimson 14” Basket Set
Casual Cargo Purse
$125 CASH
Picnic Thermal with About Town Blanket
12’ Sweetheart Basket Set w/Lid
$125 CASH
City Weekender Tote
Hanging Seasons Basket Set
$125 CASH
XXL Utility Tote Set
Small Berry Basket Set
SPECIAL BINGO – Large Stowaway Basket Set in Crimson w/ Crimson Hill Throw
Raffles: just to name a few…
All raffles must be purchased and drawn the night of …
Tickets are $20 in advance, $25 at the door. For further information call the school (410-677-5146) or contact seniors advisors: Mrs. Trisha Pippin tpippin@wcboe.org ; Mrs Amy Genga - agenga@wcboe.org.
The Longaberger Co. or Thirty One Does not have any sponsorship affiliation with this event.
Planning for Islamic Caliphate to Begin
A senior fellow for a Madrid-based think tank is alerting freedom-loving people about a caliphate-planning conference being held by Muslims soon, a move he said was given a boost of support by the Obama administration recently when it allowed a three-day “Istanbul Process” conference in Washington.
That event, writes Soeren Kern, Senior Fellow for European Politics at Madrid’s Grupo de Estudio, “gave the [Organization of Islamic Cooperation] the political legitimacy it has been seeking to globalize its initiative to ban criticism of Islam.”
The coming event, Caliphate Conference 2012, is being organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir, which Kern describes as a “pan-Islamic extremist group that seeks to establish a global Islamic state, or caliphate, ruled by Islamic Shariah law.”
Starved Wis. girl's Statements Detail Her Life
The girl was 70 pounds when she was rescued. She told investigators during lengthy interviews at the hospital that most of the food she ate was scraps she found on the floor or in the garbage. She had spent most of five years in the basement of her family's Madison home, where she was beaten and sexually assaulted.
The girl's statements, contained in court documents, paint a troubling picture of physical, mental and sexual abuse. The girl describes running away, only to be found, brought home and threatened. Confined to the basement, she had no one to ask for help. She wasn't allowed to go to school or church, have visitors or talk on the phone.
CDC Accused of Skewing Its Stats
A new government study warns that “outbreaks” blamed on raw milk were “150 times greater” than outbreaks attributed to pasteurized milk, citing statistics from a 13-year period ending in 2006.
But a foundation that runs education programs on science, diet and health says the results were skewed because of the way federal report authors “cherry picked” data.
Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, said the new government study listed an average of 315 illnesses a year “from all dairy products for which the pasteurization status was known.”
Somerset County Sheriff's Office Press Releases 2-26-12
Addisu Abebe Biri of Gaithersburg, criminal summons served regarding assault 1st, and 2nd degree, and reckless endangerment. Addisu was released on signature pending trial.
Kevin Lamont Whidbee of Parsonsburg, arrested 2-17-12 on warrants regarding failing to appear in court, and a Maryland State Police arrest warrant. Whidbee was held on a $35,000 bond.
Juvenile arrested 2-19-12 regarding suspected drug sales and possession. On 2-20-12 Deputies were patrolling the Pine Knoll Drive development, Princess Anne. During this time Deputies saw four juveniles quickly exit from a parked vehicle. Deputies later found one of the male juveniles to be in possession of 26 baggies of suspected marijuana, and cash. The juvenile was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana, possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute the marijuana, and possession of drug paraphernalia. The juvenile was later released to his mother pending juvenile court actions.
Leroy Hartford Cottman of Princess Anne, arrested 2-20-12 on a warrant regarding failing to appear in court. Cottman was held on a $50,000.
Jobi Edward Akers of Princess Anne, arrested 2-21-12 on a warrant regarding failing to appear in court. Akers was held on a $5,000 bond.
James William Branch Jr. of Westover, Criminal summons served 2-22-12 regarding theft over $1,000. Branch was released on signature pending court actions. Denzel Maurice Timmons of Pocomoke, arrested 2-22-12 on a warrant regarding failing to appear in court. Timmons was held on a $70,000 bond.
Nadia Maria Hanna of Princess Anne, arrested 2-23-12 on warrants regarding telephone misuse, and harassment. Hanna was released on person recognizance pending trial.
Ronald Lee Hall Sr. of Crisfield, arrested 2-23-12 on a warrant regarding 2nd degree assault. Hall was released on personal recognizance pending court actions.
Andrew Phillip Elliott of Crisfield, arrested 2-23-12 on a warrant regarding violation of probation. Elliott was held on a $50,000 bond.
Denzel Maurice Timmons of Pocomoke, arrested 2-24-12 on warrants regarding disorderly conduct, and fail to obey a lawful order from Law enforcement. Timmons was released on personal recognizance pending court actions.
Charles Edward Lewis of Laurel Delaware, arrested 2-24-12 on a warrant regarding failing to appear in court. Lewis was held on a $250.00 bond.
Quante Tyrek Tquel Carter of Princess Anne, arrested 2-24-12 on warrants regarding 1st degree burglary, theft over $1,000, 4th degree burglary, malicious destruction of property over $500.00, and handgun on person. Carter was held on a $500,000 bond.
Lorenzo Charles Aydelott Sr. of Salisbury, arrested 2-24-12 on a warrant regarding failing to appear in court. Aydelott was held on a $500.00 bond.
Denzel Maurice Timmons of Pocomoke, arrested 2-24-12 on warrants regarding disorderly conduct, and failure to obey a lawfull order. Timmons was later released on personal recognizance pending dourt actions.
EDITORIAL: Pastor Yousef: Convert or die
Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani, the Iranian Christian cleric facing death for the crime of apostasy against an Islamic faith he never held, has been given a temporary stay of execution. Iran’s top judge, Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, instructed presiding Judge Ghazi Kashani to delay carrying out capital punishment for a year in order to give time for Mr. Nadarkhani to recant Christianity and become a Muslim.
The Iranian regime may be responding to international pressure. Mr. Nadarkhani’s case has become a prominent cause for the religious-rights community. His story was first reported by Christian and Iranian dissident websites, then by Western media outlets. On International Human Rights Day, Dec. 9, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called on “every government to release all prisoners of conscience immediately and unconditionally, including Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani, Father Thadeus Nguyen Van Ly [a Vietnamese Catholic priest], and the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo [dissident writer in prison in China].More
A Letter To The Editor 2-26-12
I got home today and saw it was going to storm. So i do what I always do is go to wunderground.com to look and see what warnings have been issued, if I needed to secure anything or if we were going to be in a "Toto We Aren't In Kansas" any more situation. So I see there is a tornado warning out for storm that was running along the Delaware and Maryland border. So I turn on 16 and they are talking about the storm was near Hebron and moving to the southeast going to be going through Salisbury, Pittsville and Willards. Since I live out toward Powellville I thought ok may I better go back to the computer as they are usually more up to date time wise with their radar and track. So the tornado warning is still only being indicated near the Maryland/Delaware line. So I go to weather.com and it says the same thing. Then I go to accuweather.com and it says the same thing. Meanwhile while I am doing all of this they keep talking about how this storm is heading for Salisbury, then Pittsville and Willards. They kept insisting to show this storm and the direction it was taking and on and on and on and on. Hey WBOC, the storm they were referring to was moving east, northeast not south, southeast. You know how much wind we got here in Powellville area?? Enough to blow a candle out. It rained like hell for about 5 minutes, no thunder, no lightening, nothing. Now I'm not saying that there weren't areas that didn't get damage, but they made what could have been a very life threatening screw up. So a word to the wise, check your phones, have someone check theirs, find a computer, turn on the Weather Channel. Just don't count on these clowns to tell you anything when they can't even get north-northeast vs. south-southeast right.
'Act of Valor' film features active-duty Navy SEALs
Five years ago, commanders allowed a small, independent film company into their elite ranks to turn real-life training exercises into a feature-length movie in hopes of drumming up recruits fast.
SEAL officers thought the film would open in a couple of theaters in military towns, then quietly move to cable television, where re-runs would draw likeminded youths to join the special operations world.
Faith, Reality & Delusion
In a recent Gallup poll a random sample of 1,029 adults in the United States were asked the open-ended question: What one country anywhere in the world do you consider to be the United States’ greatest enemy today?
The majority of respondents, 32 percent, picked Iran — followed by China at 23 percent, North Korea at 10 percent, Afghanistan at 7 percent, Iraq at 5 percent, and Russia and Pakistan both at 2 percent. One percent of respondents said the United States was its own worst enemy.
Americans most frequently mentioned Iraq as the United States’ greatest enemy in 2001 and in 2005, when it tied North Korea. Iran has topped the list in each of the five surveys since. In the most recent survey, China was mentioned as an enemy more often than any other time, likely because of its growing global economic influence.
Gallup attributes Americans’ growing distaste for Iran to its public announcements of its nuclear capabilities, belligerence against the United States and Israel, and threats to disrupt the flow of oil in the Mideast.
Mikulski's Baltimore Office Receives Suspicious Letter
A representative for the senator, Rachel MacKnight, said the office received a suspicious envelope, and they reported it to police.
Investigators described the contents as a harmless powdery substance.
U.S. Capitol police alerted Senate offices this week that several Senators' state offices have received similar letters.
No injuries were reported, and the incident remains under investigation