Last night at the Civic Center many people showed up to voice their opinions about the proposed "park" on Crooked Oak Ln. Although there were about 50 - 60 people, I had hoped that more would attend. The important thing was that people showed up to take part in the democratic process. A great deal of information was shared ranging from property value to soil composition.
Rick Pollitt was not present and thats fine. This was not a question and answer forum and Ricks job was get the matter before the legislative body. It was the Councils responsibility to hear the comments from the public so that they can use the input to represent the will of the people when they vote on this matter.
Now - down to brass tacks. I did not count the number of people for or against "a" park but I believe it was about 50/50. BUT that's not the end of the story. Many of the people who spoke in support of "a" park were not supportive of either a park at that location OR a park which costs more than what is fair.
Those who spoke in favor of a park at that location regardless of the cost seemed to me to be driven by what they perceived to be good for "the children" of Wicomico County. They didn't offer much rebuttle to the claims that the infrastructure couldn't support the park or that the costs to improve the infrastructure would be incredibly high at a time when we are, by some estimates, suffering from a 10 million dollar backlog of road repairs we cannot afford to make. Neither did they rebut, with any substance , the claims that the appraisals were extremely suspect. They seemed to be of the mindset, by and large, that we need a park for the children regardless of the cost or impact.
Those who spoke in opposition to the purchase of the land at that location for a park seemed to have taken the time to either gather facts or engage in thought relating to the impact this park would have. I was part of this group. Let me say that I went to this meeting with an open mind AND the opinion that we don't need another park. When I left, I was of the opinion that we do need another park....but that we should use land we already have.
As I mentioned in my earlier post prior to last nights meeting, I had been in contact with John Cannon and Rick Pollitt in attempts to get some questions answered as well as to get copies of the appraisals for review. I was unable to get them in time for the meeting so I contacted an appraiser and a real estate agent. I was told by this appraiser that a fair market value of this property (with which he was familiar) was approx. $1,250,000.00. The real estate agent conducted a market analysis of the property in question which resulted in a price of approx. $1,185,000.00. I trust the aforementioned sources without question and have ALWAYS found them to be on the money. The two appraisals completed at the direction of the County Exec. are now avail. for review. I got an e-mail from Rick Pollitt yesterday at about 1:00 p.m. I intend to get copies of these appraisals and have my appraiser render his opinion. The fact is I want to know for sure if the cost for this land is as ridiculously high as it seems. I believe that the appraisals are way way too high. When I gave my opinion last night I expressed that this land deal stinks. I explained that I wasn't accusing anyone of wrongdoing but that in light of recent events there is a feeling that the county is crooked and that this deal wreaks of impropriety. If Rick Pollitt and this Council want to rebuild the trust of their citizens in their government, they MUST avoid deals like this at all costs.
In support of the figures I presented last night, many people stood to state that they also belived the cost per acre ($18,000.00) was way too high. One couple currently have a 200 acre farm with 4 wells for sale in Hebron, which is not too far from the property in question. This property has been listed for sale for two years. It is listed at $6000.00 per acre and they have been told that the price per acre is about $1400.00 per acre too high! This may be a viable alternative.
Another gentleman stood to advise that he has a couple of parcels which, I think, total 70 acres right on Rt. 50 in Hebron with access to major roads that would appear to be able to handle the increase in traffic without the disruption of local rural neighborhoods.
I don't know Gary Mackes. I didn't even know what he looked like until last night. Admittedly, I've never had a high opinion of him due to the fact that I believe he has been instrumental in creating a situation where OUR high school students have to go to another county to have their prom (This is a battle which I will most assuredly fight at another time). Despite this fact, if the statements made relating to the ten year search for property for a park on the west side of Wicomico county are true, then Mr. Mackes has failed to do enough to actively seek real estate that would fit the bill in a manner which would make the best use of taxpayers money. Plain and simple.
I have heard from Rick Pollitt that this is not county tax money. That it comes from real estate transfer taxes. This money still belongs to the tax payers. This tax was put in place by our elected officials pursuant to an act of legislation. Legislation could be enacted to re-route this money to the general fund to ease the tax burden on the citizens of this state.
Folks, we are on the brink of $4.00 per gallon gas prices. We have seniors on fixed incomes who must make decisions on what they can cut from their food budget in order to heat their homes. We have families with children who are cutting things from their budget to be able to afford the gas to get back and forth from work. People are being laid off due to a "slump" in our economy which may prove to rival that of the early '80's. In spite of this our state is reaching into the pockets if its citizens to fund a self-imposed 1.4 billion dollar budget deficit, yet they manage to fund projects like "Open Spaces" which permits millions of dollars to be spent by individual counties on land aquisition, then say it's not tax money.
I am asking our local officials to make a stand. Don't spend this money. Send a message to our state legislators that we need to stop this frivolous spending and ease the burden on it's citizens. We cannot justify squandering tax payers money on a local level then demand fiscal restraint at a state and federal level. It has to start right here.