Hi Tide Marine is by far one of the more reputable companies locally owned by a wonderful man, Denny Sharp.
Denny did the Pier at my home in West Ocean City, dredged the Canal down the side of my property and ultimately put in the bulkhead on that same property.
However, spending the kind of money the City is on rip rap in this particular area is a complete joke and the citizens fell for the Mayor's BS one more time. This is not tidal water and erosion is so minimal you'd not even notice it in 20 years.
Nonetheless, this Mayor feels the need to let Jim Rapp and John Jacobs fill everyone with even more BS and throw away hard earned tax dollars for no good reason.
Here, I'll even prove it. Come on Jimbo & John, come on here and tell everyone why this was so necessary? Then come on here and tell everyone what this is going to cost the taxpayers. One thing I know about Denny is that he doesn't even come close to working for free!
Again Ladies & Gentlemen, you have people placing orders for something they've never done before, so what do they know what it's going to cost? They get a couple of bids and they think, that's a good deal and they run with it because you the taxpayer are paying for it.