Hadley has broken this situation wide open as Pizzagalli representatives have simply had enough with the City of Salisbury and Public Works!
The main question was, why did the Mayor originally state there was a breach in the system at 1:00 a.m. and then change it to 9:30 a.m. later that morning?
Why did the Mayor state that it was fortunate it happened during the slow period during the middle of the night when 1:00 a.m. might make sense but certainly she didn't mean 9:30 a.m. being the middle of the night?
Why did the Mayor come to the City Council Meeting last night and then state she received an emergency call at 7:30 / 8:00 a.m. when the system hadn't broken as of yet, supposedly?
Why do Hadley and I have numerous witnesses that saw at 5:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. bails of straw covering the sewer drains in the road?
I'll tell you why! Because there were two breaches in the system. One was at 1:00 a.m. and they had already put out the bails of hay anticipating a breach. They had a problem and as early as 7:30 a.m. they called the Mayor to let her know there was in fact a problem but nowhere near as bad as what was about to follow. At 9:30 a.m. they went to torque a leaky bolt and it snapped and fell apart and the shit hit the fan!
This was an environmental disaster and let me tell you why this could be MUCH bigger than we had thought. Pizzagalli doesn't want to be responsible and they didn't even want the City to know what happened. So much so that they did NOT send any one of their Staff to the Hospital as they feared the City would find out how bad it really was.
NOW who do you trust? Pizzagalli was trying to cover up how bad the situation was, the pump was completely blown and they had no recovery pump to stop what they were hit with. The City has now PROVEN they have no clue what was going on and they have attempted to cover the truth several times now, so we know they're lying, especially the Mayor.
The MDE has been all over the City for such said situations all too frequently in this City of Salisbury and yet John Jacobs still has a job as well as a lying Mayor. It's a funny thing. When animals were dying at a VERY alarming rate the Mayor claimed she was going to hold an internal investigation to find out just how bad things were and then she threw it under the rug and waited for the AZA to offer their findings instead. Now there's a MAJOR breach in the raw sewage and there's no internal investigation, nothing!
As long as the Daily Times refuses to do this kind of internal investigating the Mayor will walk away from this like nothing ever happened. Her time line is all screwed up and they're not exposing what really happened. It's time to call in the FEDS and wake this woman up for the very last time. The MDE stated they made sure the City was following all the rules in such a disaster but that has been clearly found to be not true at all as well. A diver was found in the river JUST ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE BREACH and there were no signs posted whatsoever!