If Ireton has ANY stones whatsoever he'll tell old Chiefy, BRING IT ON, WE'RE CALLING YOUR BLUFF.
More to come. Rachel Polk and I welcome the City of Salisbury to the Webster Lawsuit Club.
I'm sorry Folks. The reason he's suing is over the City's grievance policy. What rhymes with WUSSY! You're a COP, Webster. Do as the Judge told you to do in our case, GROW SOME THICKER SKIN! Webster is a sue happy BULLY who has 3 members, (once again) who will back and support him on the City Council and they'll play the very same game as they did the last time. He'll start to LOSE the case and the three Council Members will bail him out because his case isn't worthy.
Man, I sure do hope the case is heard in Wicomico County so a Local Judge can finally treat him like the wussy he truly is. FIRE HIM IRETON and get it over with. Suspend him, do whatever it takes to get that piece of sh!t out of running that Police Department into the ground. Clearly he can't curb crime and is flat out useless. Do It Now! No one else deserves to die in this City and another Cold Case sit on the shelves because the criminals are smarter than the entire 3rd Floor!
GO HERE to see WBOC's story on this matter.
UPDATE: Council Members have also been mentioned in the lawsuit. Hey, I know. Maybe Debbie & Terry can counter sue and find out who was writing all those old stories on JT's Site before he shut it down. I'd bet good money Webster knows who was doing it. Was Webster involved in any way? Looks like JR, BB & SB better check out their savings because some pretty nasty stuff was said, logged and documented by a local attorney. This can easily go both ways and perhaps Webster and others hadn't planned for what COULD be asked under oath. The REALLY cool part about it would be, the City would have to foot the bill for their defense, (Debbie, Terry & Ireton) and nothing would come out of their pockets and they'll finally get some justice. Connect the dots Mayor Ireton!!!!!