As many of you know, Obama truly ticked me off when he became REACTIVE by sending $100,000,000.00 to Haiti without trusting the American people would step up to the plate, as we always do.
Other Countries throughout our history know we're a very loving, caring and giving America. However, the Haitian Government is a very corrupt group who couldn't care less about their own people.
A few years ago, Americans quickly learned that our very own government flat out screwed the people of New Orleans and surrounding counties and states because rather than being PROACTIVE, we've proven we too are REACTIVE no matter who the President is. We learned that the Red Cross would take our donations for Katrina and say, you know what, we've given enough, let's use millions of this money elsewhere.
I guess it really doesn't matter where in the world you go, corruption is just about everywhere. In most recent history Obama's team of experts lost $500,000,000.00 in stimulus money, yet Americans didn't scream at the top of their lungs they wanted someone to be held accountable for where a half a billions dollars disappeared to.
Now we've got phone companies telling us the money you donate today won't get to those in need for a good 3 months. Yeah, this is America, the greatest Country on earth.
One thing you can't put a price tag on is WISDOM. I just wonder how many times Americans will get screwed by others to remember just what WISDOM actually is. You see, to me, WISDOM stepped in within minutes after I heard of the earthquake and I thought, here we go again. Another disaster in the world, I wonder how many will be smart this time and actually sit tight with their wallets and wait to be assured their good hard earned money will actually make it to those in need.
Then we get to hear President Obama already fixed that for us. He's going to take $100,000,000.00 of our hard earned money, (probably FOUND in their spare stimulus account) and send it off to Haiti. Now let's see, what good did that actually do for those in need. Oh, that's right, NOTHING! It was nice to see that Obama reacted faster than Bush did but in the end it made the same amount of difference for those suffering, NOTHING.
Perhaps President Obama has learned a little something from us Americans. We immediately stepped up to the plate and started making our own donations not stolen from us and we proved to the rest of the world that Americans have hearts of gold. We didn't need our President to prove that for us.
Now what does that say about our leadership. It tells me, (at least) that we have a government that is too liberal to actually be accountable for our own financial state of mind as well as well being. God Forbid we see two or three more disasters like this again in the near future and guess what, we're tapped out, period.
While some of the younger generations are more care free, just charge it, (kind of people) they do not realize how desperate we are right now financially as a country because they have been raised on borrowing. Obama is clearly one of them. I guess you actually have to be out there earning a real living any more these days to actually understand what real financial accountability is any more.
Look, its not all about Obama, he's just our current President and target. I'm firmly against our leadership throwing $100,000,000.00 out there as if it was fifty cents! Agree with me or not, we're failing as a country Folks and that's all there is to it. We are losing power so damn fast we can't see straight any more.
While I'm sad for all the lives lost to this disaster in Haiti, US Government money is NOT the answer. We are so close to our very own destruction, how many of you have asked how the victims of Katrina are doing today. Yeah, not many at all. We've become a completely reactive country because our government shows us that's how things should be done. Oh, God Forbid they're actually WRONG. The proof I am right is the FACT that almost a billion American Dollars have been donated that fast by the American people.
Mr. Obama, why don't YOU and your people sit back and take a lesson from us Americans and trust US for once. Let US show you how we can actually handle these disasters without your help. YOU have spent enough of OUR money over the past year, HOW'S IT WORKING FOR US!!!!!!!
A hundred years ago Haiti and others would have simply dealt with their disasters, just as Americans had to deal with our own. The day they start raising the American Flag on their soil is the day we need YOU to send them a check. Until then, let us do our own thing and you start worrying about our own soil before we're forced to raise a Chinese Flag here before we know it.
While I've got your attention, God Forbid the people of Massachusetts actually vote from their hearts too. No, instead our President has to brainwash those citizens by running commercials suggesting their party is better. You know what Folks, I'm this close to giving up.