It took the great 3D over a year to finally do something about replacing his retired Chief of Security. During said time, security at WCDC pretty well collapsed under an administration which clearly has no idea how to deal even-handedly with its
employees. The perfect example of this is a comparison of two events which happened within the last two or three months. First we had Mr. L, who made certain statements of seriously violent intent directed at total strangers not incarcerated within WCDC and drew the attention of 3D and Law Enforcement. Mr. L's case was
handled very quietly by 3D, and after completing certain requirements laid out by 3D, Mr. L will be permitted to return to work. Ms. G, on the other hand, was accused of suspicion of illegal actions and was publically arrested in the officer's lunch
room by police officers escorted personally by 3D, cuffed, her badge removed and herself removed from the building by force. So much for even handed treatment. The public arrest of Ms. G upset officers and everyone else who either witnessed it or heard about it. Why the difference in treatment? Is one more guilty than the
other? Was Mr. L innocent until proven guilty and Ms. G guilty until proven innocent?
When tensions at WCDC were almost to the breaking point, and seasoned officers were leaving almost as quickly as new hirees, a date was announced for The Interview. Only six applicants were notified and scheduled. Of those six, two were from Outside. The rest were from WCDC. Miraculously, said interviews took place on
time, a first for the current administration, and it was known by almost everyone working within those hallowed white stone walls that the decision was made and accepted that very day. Was it announced so that things could return to normal and healing could begin? Hell no. 3D is so out of touch with the atmosphere around
him that he withheld the decision for another week and several days! Tensions increased far beyond any breaking points and several of those within WCDC who were included in the interview process behaved like naughty children, causing even more problems for those attempting to put in a decent day's work.
By the time the announcement was finally made, everyone felt reasonably certain that the Chosen One would be Major Mopy, the worst possible choice. After all, had 3D not promised to give him Security Chief? The Jail population was prepared for this, and so was Mopy. What a shock to learn that, not only was Mopy not the Chosen One, but he had not even placed in the top three finalists! No, the choice turned out to be a dark horse, an outsider. Was there collusion? If so, it can never be proven. What there is, as it turns out, is total chaos. That chaos continues to this very
moment. There are reports and witness accounts of Major Mopy locking himself away in his office and ignoring his job, the phone and everything else. Once that tantrum was over, there now seems to be a battle ongoing between the two Majors. Mopy sulks about his office, emerging only long enough to countermand orders given
by his fellow Major, and THAT Major is running about the hallways yanking on his collar insignia while shouting "I AM THE MIGHTY MUGWUMP!" at everyone he encounters! Orders are given, countermanded, countermanded, and countermanded again, until no one knows what to do! All the little officers are scrambling about,
trying their best to do what they're told and to remain safe while dealing with 900+ inmates AND two insane, childish Majors who are being permitted to continue this ridiculous behavior.
Where is the leadership? Where is the concern for officer and inmate safety? Anyone can easily predict the train wreck waiting to happen, yet no one is doing anything to stop it. Is this what 3D gets paid the Big Bucks for, to create chaos and in-fighting day after day after day? Is this what the 7 Dwarves expect of the
Warden, or Director of WCDC? If so, I want my votes back!