The first pictures is that convenience store next to the Thrift Inn. The second photo is on Rt. 50 & Nanticoke Road.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Local Gas Prices
The first pictures is that convenience store next to the Thrift Inn. The second photo is on Rt. 50 & Nanticoke Road.
Gordy Tiger Marts Charging Sales Tax . . . WAWA Is Not!
I think you need to hear this. . . then go visit for yourself and try it. . . as seeing is believing.
Everyday at the end of each workday, I usually stop-in to Gordy's Tigermart and purchase a 24 ounce Rock Star Energy drink. It makes no difference which location as they are all doing this. The price says $2.99 on their walk-in cooler. I take it to the register, the clerk scans the item and says that will be $3.17. No big deal. . . I've been doling out the money for months up until just a few weeks ago when I caught onto the scandal.
Now here is clencher . . .If you go to either one of the WAWA's their price is $2.89 for the same 24 ounce drink . . .but with no sales tax.
Question; where is the 6% going that is being charged at the Gordy Tigermarts? Is Gordy pocketing the money or is he erroronously collecting and paying the State of Maryland for these items.
I thought all of the people visiting your site might be interested on the price inconsistancy being charged to their customers. It may be on other items to. . . but I can tell you first hand it happens every single time on the Rock Star Energy drinks I have purchased there.
Editors Note: The bottom line is, WaWa is a better choice for consumers.
How To Save The Government $5 Million

A president's pension currently is $191,300 per year.
Assuming the next president lives to age 80. Sen McCain would receive ZERO pension as he would reach 80 at the end of two terms as president. Sen Obama would be retired for 26 years after two terms and would receive $4,973,800 in pension.
Therefore it would certainly make economic sense to elect McCain in November.
How's that for non partisan thinking???
Future Tax On Retirement Income?
You have to remember that she is the Daughter of the Baltimore 'God Father' &the Dela Sandro family. When they did it, it was called, EXTORTION !
You are not gonna believe this even as you read it:
Windfall Tax on Retirement Income
Adding a tax to your retirement is simply another way of saying to the American people, you're so darn stupid that we're going to keep doing this until we drain every cent from you. That's what the Speaker of the House is saying. Read below...
Nancy Pelosi wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income. In other words tax what you have made by investing toward your retirement. This woman is a nut case! You aren't going to believe this.
Madam speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401K and Mutual Funds! Alas, it is true - all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities!
This woman is frightening.
She quotes...' We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income, (didn't Marx say something like this), in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest.' (I am not rich, are you?)
When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied:
'We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long way to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as Americans.' ( Read that quote again and again and let it sink in. Lower your retirement, give it to others who have not worked as you have for it.
Check out SNOPES if you'd like.
Profit Margins
Perhaps you have heard that Obama wants to tax oil company profits and give every one $1000 as a government giveaway. I did a little research on the profit margins of a few companies as a comparison. Taken from Yahoo finance pages from each company.
ExonMobil (the libs whipping boy) 10.85%
Microsoft 29.26%
McDonalds 19.20%
Dell Computer 4.76%
Google 24.63%
Walmart ( another bad actor to some) 3.33%
Walt Disney 11.95%
Molson Coors Brewing 8.39%
Dreamworks (Hollywood Icon) 26.03%
Do you think Obama will try to demonize his pals in Tinseltown for their "obscene profits" I think not.
We're Fixed!
The Comments Are Rolling In
Your input is important Ladies & Gentlemen. The fact that people are responding allows the Mayor and others within the Administration to realize there are more than just a Dirty Dozen concerned about the City of Salisbury and our environment.
If it were not for the Blogs, everything would have stayed its course and things would be a whole lot worse and none of you would be aware of it. Keep those comments coming and let everyone know how you feel. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree. Always remember, when you comment anonymously, NO ONE, (including me) knows who you are. I want you to remember this as well. Many of you are scared to do so because you're afraid someone might try coming after you. It hasn't happened once and Barrie Tilghman doesn't have that power.
I'll close with this however. I support Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster to go after ANYONE who makes any kind of threats. For those of you who have done so and I did not publish your comment, know that I did in fact forward it to the proper authorities. Other than threats, it's none of their business who you are.
Bumper Sticker Saturday
Some people are only alive because it's illegal to shoot them
Honk if you love peace and quiet
God must love stupid people . . . He made so many of them
I took an IQ test and the results were negative
Where there's a will, I want to be in it
The more you complain, the longer God makes you live
Hard work has a future payoff. . . laziness pays off now
Out of my mind . . . back in 5 minutes
Damned if you do, damned if you don't . . . so damn it I will
Accountants don't die - they just lose their balance
Sometimes I wake up grumpy . . . other times I let HER sleep
Laugh alone and the work thinks you are an idiot
Quote of the Day
"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.": Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US Founding Father, drafted the Declaration of Independence, 3rd
How Many Lawyers Does It Take To Cross The Street?
You go first. No, you're welcome to go first. No thanks, age before beauty. It's your turn, isn't it? Oh look, a chicken! Now look what you've done, lunch is over and we have to go back to work anyway! Hey, it's NOT my fault! Look Pal, don't point the finger at me, I'm the one who told you to go ahead first! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? Oh sh!t, is that Joe Albero across the street with the camera. SEE, now look what you've done, WE'VE BEEN BLOGGED!
Will Webster & Albero Kiss & Make Up?
I had a Post ready to go up yesterday that pretty much blew a case their handling right out of the water but I chose to table it because I didn't want to interfere with their investigation. My feeling however was, I couldn't understand why they were keeping certain things so quiet? After giving it a lot of thought I decided that this was none of my business why, I couldn't expose this information, so I didn't.
While speaking to this Officer today I explained I had the Intel Info on this Case and gave him some details from that Intel Document to prove I did in fact have it. His first response was, when we find out who gave it to you, he's out of a job.
First of all, who said it was a He? Secondly, how can you fire someone that doesn't work for you? Thirdly, do you think that other Agencies have a loyalty to the SPD? OBVIOUSLY NOT!
However, the paranoia that goes on within the SPD is alarming. In the past, certain Officers were demoted because they actually have the NERVE to speak to Joe Albero. NOT give me info, (remember that paranoia things I mentioned earlier) like they felt had happened. My sources were NOT within the SPD. Police Officers, (with all due respect) are a lot like Firefighters. When they get a lot of time on their hands, they try to do that one upmanship thing internally and then outside their own Department. The idea that it must have come from within is a joke!
However, you can't tell the Police that, they know everything because they're detectives. It reminds me of when my Wife was working at the Salisbury Zoo and the Mayor and Chiefy decided they were going to create a way to shut me and my Wife up from exposing the animal deaths at the Zoo. So they came up with this scheme where they decided my Wife had allegedly stolen drugs from the Zoo to take home and euthanize one of our puppies. It was about the dumbest thing one could ever think of but Barrie Tilghman was involved, so stupid isn't far fetched.
Nevertheless, they created a CRIMINAL Investigation against my Wife and interviewed all these people we knew. However, they left out the three most important parts of their investigation. Number one, they forgot to interview my Wife. Secondly, they forgot to interview Dr. Tragle who's name was on the License. The third part they forgot about was the records book! You see, Dr. Tragle took his business VERY seriously as well as my Wife and every single cc of meds were documented and recorded. So why would you think they forgot all about those three main things? Because they wanted to intimidate her and create yet ANOTHER horrible image of Jennifer Albero being an animal killer and stealing drugs.
This was before I really knew Davis Ruark and when it hit his desk he simply threw it into the trash and it ended right then and there. However, the damage was already done.
All that being said, I'm NOT so hip on Chief Webster and his ability to really handle ANY case professionally and I have first hand knowledge through experience as to why he's NOT trustworthy. So do I believe holding back the information is helping their cause. NO! However, because I respect the SPD and for what it stands for, I'll keep my mouth shut through this Blog and not reveal the information I know.
Some of these 3rd Floor people don't give you enough time in a day to explain why things are the way they are. I'll simply say here, there's a reason as to why you're all paranoid over there and have a camera right outside my 300 W. Main Street Office. Like I said the other day about Willey, funny how you pick on the ones "I" happen to know and NO ONE ELSE!
So as far as the kiss and making up, I truly do not believe that's going to ever happen. I'm from Da Bronx and "I" know what Brotherhood means. Webster is NO BROTHER! He's more like an Internal Affairs guy. You know, the guy no one likes or respects! That's where the paranoia comes from, right Chiefy? Oh, by the way Chief. I'm told by outside sources that you're obsessed with my Blog Site. I'm told you practically live on it all day and night.
County Executive Pollitt Answers Questions About WCDC
Indeed, that would be impossible because each of the 120 + individual Correctional Officers are paid based on years of service, rank and other factors. Therefore, the $22 hour reimbursement rate represents an average of the hourly rate paid to all C/O’s and when these funds are paid to Wicomico County, they are deposited in the County’s General Fund. I would also like you to know that when the Department of Corrections transports USMS inmates, Wicomico County is reimbursed at the federal mileage rate of $.58 cents per mile and these funds too are deposited in the General Fund.
Finally, I do understand and appreciate the difficult nature of the work performed by these employees and that is why I have supported the adoption of Hazardous Duty Pay for Correctional Officers. As you are no doubt aware, these are difficult economic times for everyone; individuals and governments. In preparing this year’s budget, revenue sources were down significantly and simply put there wasn’t enough to go around but, with the support of the County Council, we were able to fund a 3.5% increase for all employees. Rest assured that the compensation package for Correctional Officers is but one of my priorities and hopefully we will have more funding options and opportunities in the next fiscal year.
In closing, I do appreciate your comments and encourage you to contact me in the future with any other concerns there might be.
Rick Pollitt
Wicomico County Executive
Another little tidbit. This past Tuesday a fight broke out on the US Marshall housing unit. Officers responded to breakup the fight. The unit was ordered to lock down in their cells. Guess
what happened next. You guessed it, they refused. After about ten minutes order was restored and the participants of the fight were removed. Now do not get me wrong, this does happen in jails all over the country and most of the time with more injuries than occur in our fine jail. Captain Foreman ordered for the housing unit to remain on lockdown for a week because of their failure to follow orders and lock into their cells. This is also normal procedure. What is not normal was what happened the next day. Col. Kimble along with Capt. Foreman went to the above mentioned unit to talk with the inmates. After listening to their complaints, he let them off lock down. This is a man who has many years as an administrator in corrections at the county and state level. He has undermined the authority of his command staff and every officer at WCDC. He has shown that he is taking the word of the inmates over officers even though he will say that he never does this. The next time that officers have a problem do you think the inmates are going to listen since little if any disciplinary action will be taken?
If the Administration of WCDC would like to respond to these allegations, please do so. I may not have all the facts perfectly correct and would be glad tosee them correct any mistakes that have been made.
More Local Layoffs
I just heard from a friend who works at PATS aircraft in Georgetown, Delaware that they announced layoffs today. Not sure how many or if it's blue/white collar. My friend blames it on the economy. They do very high end planes for billionaires and the leaders of countries. Here is the official website.
Click here: PATS Aircraft, LLC - Corporate Overview