DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Armed Man Believed To Be Environmental Protester Takes Hostages In Discovery Channel Building
The Montgomery County Police Department said Wednesday that they are negotiating with the man who is holding hostages on the ground floor of the building in Silver Spring, Md., a suburb directly north of Washington, D.C.
GO HERE to read more.
BERLIN UPDATE: Subject Arrested For Homicide
Case #: 10-0193
Location Occurred: Carey Road, Berlin, MD.
Crime or Violation: Homicide
Victim: Emily Belle Molin (85 years old.) from darby Pa.
Accused: Steven Fredrick Molin, Male age 58 from Darby Pa.
Charges: First Degree Murder, Second Degree Murder, and Manslaughter.
On August 31, 2010 at 11:57 P.M. the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office
responded to a complaint of a Serious Motor Vehicle Accident on Carey Road,
Berlin, Maryland. Worcester County Sheriff’s Office accident reconstructionist
responded to the scene. An elderly female later identified as Emily Belle Molin
(85 years old) of Darby, Pennsylvania was transported to Peninsula Regional
Medical Center where she had passed away from injuries sustained from a motor
The investigation learned that the driver a Steven Frederick Molin of Darby,
Pennsylvania was the operator of the motor vehicle. Mr. Molin explained to the
Sheriff’s Deputy that his mother fell out of the moving motor vehicle. He
explained that he backed up after he discovered she had fallen out of his
vehicle. It was reported that he had driven over her 2 to 3 times before
stopping the vehicle. It was at that point that Worcester County Bureau of
Investigations was notified and responded to assume the criminal investigation.
(W.C.B.I.) detectives interviewed Mr. Molin. A Worcester County Forensic
Detective identified evidence that was not consistent with the reported
incident. Based upon the interview and forensic evidence Mr. Steven Frederick
Molin (age 58) of Darby, Pennsylvania was subsequently charged with First
Degree Murder, Second Degree Murder, and Manslaughter.
Mr. Molin is currently being held in the Worcester County Detention Center
without Bond. He is scheduled for a bond review the next day.
W.C.B.I. is still actively investigating this incident. If anyone travelling on
Carey Road between August 31, 2010 and September 1, 2010 and saw anything
suspicious is urged to call W.C.B.I. at 410-352-3476 or the Worcester County
Sheriff’s Office at 410-632-1111.
A/C System Down Again
“No matter how many times he repeats it, the fact remains that Frank Kratovil is anything but independent. After voting for highly divisive and unpopular legislation like Cap-and-Trade, the Stimulus and to make Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House, Kratovil has shown he is beholden to Nancy Pelosi and Democrat special interests at the expense of his constituents. No amount of spin or TV ads paid for through a war chest padded by Pelosi and Democrat special interests, can cover up Kratovil’s out-of-touch voting record.” – MDGOP Chairman Audrey Scott
TIME: 00:48
CHYRON: Frank Kratovi’s 1st Commercial, Rhetoric vs. Reality
Frank Kratovil: “That’s why I voted against the $3 trillion dollar budget.”
CHYRON: Reality: Yet Frank Kratovil supported the failed Stimulus that busted the budget. (H.R.1, Roll Call Vote #70; Passed 246-183; R 0-176; D 246-7, 2/13/09)
Frank Kratovil: “You see for me, it’s not about Democrats or Republicans.”
CHYRON: Reality: Frank Kratovil’s first vote was for Nancy Pelosi. (Election of the Speaker, CQ Vote #2, Jan. 6, 2009)
Frank Kratovil: “Maybe that’s why I’m ranked one of the most independent members of Congress.”
CHYRON: Reality: Frank Kratovil voted with Nancy Pelosi 85% of the time. (Frank Kratovil, The Washington Post’s Votes Database, Accessed 8/31/10)
CHYRON: Frank’s rhetoric, Isn’t reality.
CHYRON: 85% of the time with Pelosi, 100% wrong for the 1st District.
ON-SCREEN LOGO/DISCLAIMER: Paid for by the Maryland Republican Party. Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate’s Committee. www.MDGOP.org
Golfer's Swing Sparks 25-Acre California Blaze

Over the weekend, a golfer's routine swing in the rough at the Shady Canyon Golf Course in Irvine, Calif., struck a rock. Not so different from the way you play, right? Only this time, the impact caused a spark, and the spark set off a blaze that eventually covered 25 acres, according to the Steven Buck, General Manager of Shady Canyon Golf Course, and required the efforts of 150 Orange County firefighters, writes the Associated Press.
Wow. And I felt bad the time I shanked a ball through the window of a house too close to the fairway. That was nothing compared to this!
GO HERE to read more.
Now, as ANYONE who knows anything about Linda Lugo would know, NO ONE, (and I do mean no one) has EVER seen such a letter. Each department in the City have looked through their files and records and NO ONE is in receipt of any such mentioned letter.
Linda, without a doubt, will go public with this ALLEGED letter that EVERYONE seems to have now LOST and try to cover her tail. Sorry Linda, you're too late. WBOC is all over this like there's no tomorrow. Heck, I wouldn't even be surprised if they go LIVE at noon with a broadcast.
It should also be noted, there is now a sign on the front door telling people the HS will no longer take animals from City of Salisbury Residents.
Let The Backstepping Begin
The HS is now claiming that even though their letter clearly spells out the HS will NOT take in ANY more animals starting September 1, 2010 from the City of Salisbury, they believe the letter meant to state that they want to start discussing when the City will come and pick up their animals September 1, 2010. Sorry Linda, the letter speaks for itself and you tried to bully the City and it backfired.
The City of Salisbury is desperately looking around for other options to place lost and found animals. Remember Folks, the City is looking for options, so in my honest opinion these other locations will not be anything like the set up the Humane Society provides at this time. The animals will more than likely not be walked, like they should. You know the drill.
Linda Lugo, (as some of you have argued) is not the person who is all loving and caring about animals. If she were, she would have NEVER done this "last minute bully tactic" at the animals expense. Sure, she's being bullied right back by Salisbury News because that's exactly what she and the Board deserve.
It should be noted also that the City pays the HS quarterly, meaning you, (the taxpayers) have paid for the HS services until the END of September. Why Linda is trying to cheat the taxpayers, (also taxpayers of Wicomico County) is something the City's legal department needs to investigate. As a City taxpayer myself, I'm outraged that the HS takes my money and excludes us from their services, even though they're getting paid TWICE.
The ANIMALS do NOT deserve this treatment. IF Linda Lugo and the Humane Society Board had contacted the City well in advance, IF they had returned phone calls made immediately after Linda's first letter was sent out and didn't run and hide by claiming she was on vacation, none of this would have come about publicly.
There are several wrongs here. One, the City/County need to renegotiate a 40 year old contract. Next, The City/County should fulfill their end of their contractual agreement, period. Next, the HS needs to immediately back down and fulfill their end of the agreement at least until the end of September as they have been paid to do. Remember, the HS cashed the City's check, therefore they must provide the service they have been paid for.
Unfortunately, (for the animals sake) spite will come into play and those animals being cared for by the HS may not be taken care of as well as the County animals, if you know what I mean. We've already witnessed just what Linda Lugo and the Board are capable of. Don't feed me all that junk about how wonderful and special these people are, I won't buy it.
I personally think something will be resolved by the end of the day today but the key issue here is leadership and accountability. I agree with on of the earlier comments, the Board needs to go as well. This pompous attitude of being autonomous is just ridiculous and NOW is the time for our County Executive and City Mayor to take thye bull by the horns and demand financial accountability with ALL of the money taxpayers are spending in that facility and new contractual agreements with new terms in place.
As for the personal attacks against Linda Lugo, STOP IT! They will not get published from this point forward. That's an entirely different issue and while I agree there's a problem there, it's not an area we need to go right now. This is about the animals. Please remember that.
Humane Society Of Wicomico County Board Of Directors
Ehrlich Raises Over $725,000 In 18 Days
In his quest to regain the Governor’s Mansion, former Maryland governor Bob Ehrlich has raised $725,505 in just 18 days! This 18 day total equals about 25% of what Ehrlich raised in the preceding 8 months.
According to Ehrlich’s campaign, 98% of this 18 day total came from Marylanders.Politics professor Tom Schaller said Ehrlich's 18-day totals show his campaign is gaining considerable momentum.
"Ehrlich is more competitive than before," said Schaller, associate professor of political science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. "Money chases competitive candidates, as opposed to the other way around."
from Delmarva Dealings
Woman Dies In Unusual Accident In Berlin
This happened on Carey Road. Berlin Fire and EMS transported her to PRMC where she was pronounced dead.
The Inhumane Humane Society Is At It Again

A contract between the City of Salisbury and the Wicomico Humane Society was drafted back in 1970, (40 years ago) stating the City would be responsible for 1/5th of the overall operating expenses of that facility.
Since that time, the Humane Society charter has changed and quite frankly the City is no longer responsible for that original agreement, yet they have fulfilled their end of the deal over the past 39 years.
That being said, considering all of the recent budget cuts, the City and County have reduced their funding to the Humane Society. In fact, the County has reduced their funding by well more than $100,000.00 a year. I'll get back to that later.
The City had paid the Humane Society $67,000.00 last year. In this years budget they reduced that funding down to $48,000.00. Now, rather than Pam Oland keeping tabs on this matter, the Mayor did not keep tabs on this agreement and considering the funding paid out to the Humane Society actually goes through the Salisbury Police Department Budget, Chief Ivan Barkley was told he had to reduce any and all expenses throughout the department and he did exactly what was asked. The SPD chose to reduce the HS budget by $19,000.00. Oland and Ireton screwed up.
Last week Linda Lugo sent a message to Chief Barkley telling him he had until the end of the month to come get his animals, (5 of which are quarantined by court orders) which also included other stray animals as the City had not fulfilled their end of the 1970 contract agreement.
The letter apparently went on to say that the Humane Society would no longer take in ANY animals from residents within the City of Salisbury. They demanded the Salisbury Animal Control also turn in ALL keys to the HS. WAIT A MINUTE, AREN'T CITY RESIDENTS CONSIDERED COUNTY RESIDENTS AS WELL? DON'T CITY RESIDENTS PAY COUNTY TAXES TOO? I DO!
Chief Barkley received this letter and immediately tried to make contact with HS Director Linda Lugo. Someone answered the phone at the HS and said that Linda had just stepped out but if he'd wait a second they'd go get her. They came back on the line and stated that Linda was now on vacation but she'd be calling in for messages and she'd return from vacation on the 1st of the month. Chief Barkley stated that this wouldn't work, according to Linda's letter. Mind you, the letter could have come from the Board, but it doesn't really matter and we'll have copies of the letters tomorrow.
What everyone needs to also understand is that the HS has REFUSED to deliver the services normally provided to the City of Salisbury for quite some time and they have also refused the normal services to the County, hence the Sheriff's Department picking up stray animals and so forth. This is something we posted quite some time ago.
Nevertheless, even though the HS has been PAID for certain services agreed upon by both the City and the County, they are refusing those services, (other than housing the animals) yet YOU the taxpayer have paid in advance for those services. The HS is stating due to budget cuts they can no longer provide those services.
Chief Barkley has been digging as deep as he can to find out just where the 1/5th of the City Taxpayers money is going. Linda Lugo claimed that she had provided that information but as the City has been digging into this for quite a while now, there's no evidence whatsoever that Linda Lugo has in fact provided such mentioned information. The City wants to know, WHAT ARE WE PAYING FOR and how does it equate to 1/5th in expenses. This is a fair question and this information should be made available to the City.
In the end, who loses what. Well, it goes right back to the old, people have forgotten where they came from. Bridges are being burned and the HS is not accountable to either the City or the County, yet between the two they provide almost 90% of their operating expenses. Linda Lugo has become way too big for her britches and quite frankly the woman needs to GO.
This is about the ANIMALS! Bribing the City Taxpayers and telling them as of tomorrow morning you will no longer take in any animals coming from the City of Salisbury is ridiculous. In these times, (especially when it is CLEAR that several people have miss communicated on this matter) it is a time to work TOGETHER. It is about the ANIMALS! Giving an ultimatum and forcing your hand has left a horrible taste in every one's mouth.
It should be known that the SPD Animal Control has been covering most animal related cases for the State Police, Wicomico Sheriff's Department and the Fruitland Police because the HS claims they don't have the money to cover it.
Here's a wake up call for you Linda, not that you'll care. I will start working on a plan immediately tomorrow morning in which I will consider building a brand new facility that will compete with the Wicomico Humane Society. I will accept the reduced funding offered by the City and County. I own 32 acres in Willards that will work just fine for such a facility.
We will do everything we can to relieve all taxpayers within the City and County from any more additional funding within a 5 year period. We WILL be accountable to the taxpayers and we will provide an unconditional service to those animals in need. Should the City and County agree to work with us on this new facility, I will front all the money necessary to make this a reality and again, after 5 years we can renegotiate new terms to better suit the City & County residents. Again, the goal is to remove any and all expenses to the taxpayer through donations and fundraising efforts.
I mentioned earlier the County had reduced their funding by $100,000.00 over the past couple of years. The County is responsible for 3/5th of the Humane Society's budget. Will Linda Lugo and the Humane Society Board be threatening the County next, or is their $250,000.00 a year worth of funding far too much for them to threaten the County with? One thing is for sure, the County has reduced a whole lot more than the City has, yet they haven't been told the HS will cut their services by September 1st.
I have spoken to County Executive Rick Pollitt on this matter and he assures me he'll be on top of it first thing in the morning.
In my honest opinion Folks, while I'd love to say stop making any donations to the Humane Society, that would make me out to be the same kind of monster Linda Lugo and the Humane Society Board have become. What you do is up to you. However, I will get the ball rolling tomorrow morning on a new facility and deliver a proposal in a very short period of time to the City and County.
One thing I can assure you of. There are quite a few unhappy former employees and volunteers from the Wicomico Humane Society that would be willing to help us out in any way, shape or form with a new facility. I firmly believe competition is a good thing but I need to know if we will have your support as well.
Please let Mayor Ireton, Chief Barkley, Sheriff Mike Lewis, Chief Mike Phillips and County Executive Rick Pollitt know that you support such a facility. My Wife served 18 years as the Vet Tech at the Salisbury Zoo and has even worked at the Wicomico Humane Society. We have rescued a multitude of animals over the years including fawns, eagles, 35 foals, ducks, geese, loons and yes, dogs and cats.
Unfortunately, (IMHO) the City will probably be forced to pony up the additional funding the HS is demanding. However, if there's another option out there the City and County can consider, my guess is that they'd welcome it with open arms.
Salisbury News has provided a rescue haven for hundreds of animals. We feel that if we were to participate in a new facility and post dogs and cats up for adoption they would easily find homes to the tens of thousands of people visiting this Site each and every day. When the Humane Society worked with us in the past we flat out emptied their facility at least twice. Other colleagues within the MSM have also agreed to participate in promoting our animal adoptions, should we create such a facility. Folks, it's all about the animals, not the almighty dollar.
Postmaster Admits To Stealing Stamps
Felony theft charges, however, apparently can.
Just ask Gilbert Ennis. The 56-year-old postal worker from Lanham, Md., has pleaded guilty to stealing almost $60,000 in stamps from the Marbury Post Office in Charles County, where he was the postmaster.
Investigators said Ennis called police last November, claiming he was held up at gunpoint while alone in the post office. Ennis told officers the gunman demanded he open the safe before locking Ennis in the bathroom. He also said that a green box in that safe containing more than $50,000 worth of stamps was stolen.
Investigators, though, said something just didn’t add up. Perhaps they became suspicious when they found a green box identical to the missing one in Ennis’ car. They also discovered that the so-called robber walked into the post office through a door that was deadbolted and couldn’t be opened from outside.
Now, Ennis faces up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. He already agreed to pay restitution from his federal retirement fund. He also agreed to resign.
More Tariffs Could Be Imposed Shortly
The next industry that could be to follow is the grain subsidies that the US farmer receives for growing soybeans, corn, etc.
For years the South American countries, particularly Brazil, have been up in arms about unfair US trade practices - (US farmer subsidies)- for keeping foreign grown grain prices extremely low and thus from being imported into the US. I have also predicted an all out international trade war as a result of the current US policy which creates artificial prices that props-up US pricing.
Zsa Zsa Gabor 'Unresponsive'
LOS ANGELES — Zsa Zsa Gabor returned to the hospital on Tuesday for being "not responsive," her spokesman said, following a series of health-related setbacks since breaking her hip in July.
John Blanchette, a spokesman for the 93-year-old actress, told Reuters that Gabor's husband, Frederick Prinz von Anhalt, called emergency personnel to take his wife to the University of California Los Angeles because she was "not responsive" and "doctors want her in right away."
No further details were immediately available.
GO HERE to read more.
Michael Douglas Reveals Throat Cancer At Stage IV
LOS ANGELES — Michael Douglas said on Tuesday he felt optimistic about recovering from throat cancer but drew gasps when he told a television audience he had the most advanced stage.
The 65-year-old "Wall Street" actor told TV talk-show host David Letterman that a biopsy indicated that his cancer was at stage four, which he described as "intense, and so they've got to go at it ..."
GO HERE to see and read more.
Hurricane Watch Posted For Va. Coast

A watch is already posted along the North Carolina coast and evacuations have been ordered for Ocracoke Island.
Earl's maximum sustained winds have decreased to near 125 mph. But the National Hurricane Center in Miami says fluctuations in strength are possible over the next 48 hours.
Ahead of Earl, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell planned to declare an emergency in Virginia Wednesday, giving the National Guard and state police time to prepare for the storm.
The governor said after the last of his eight statewide government reform town hall forums Tuesday night that the latest National Weather Service tracks put the eye of the powerful storm about 200 miles east of Virginia Beach.
'From The Fall Of Saddam ... Nothing's Changed'
BAGHDAD — The invasion of Iraq, occupation and tumult that followed were called Operation Iraqi Freedom back then. It will be named New Dawn on Wednesday.
But America’s attempt to bring closure to an unpopular war has collided with a disconnect familiar since 2003: the charts and trend lines offered by American officials never seem to capture the intangible that has so often shaped the pivots in the war in Iraq.
Call it the mood. And the country, seemingly forever unsettled and unhappy, is having a slew of bad days.
GO HERE to read more.
Jews Killed Where Obama Demanded Removal Of Checkpoints
As President Obama was preparing for a Washington summit with the Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Palestinian terrorists today carried out a shooting attack, killing two Jewish men and two women, one of whom was pregnant.
The attack took place in the West Bank just south of the entrance to Kiryat Arba, near the historic biblical city of Hebron.
Israeli security officials say the terrorist shooting was a coordinated ambush.
Fawzi Barhoum, a spokesman for Hamas, confirmed to WND his group was behind the attack.
In the last year, the Israeli government removed 19 staffed checkpoints in the West Bank. At least 15 of the removed barriers are in the vicinity of Hebron.
The checkpoints were dismantled in line with demands from the Palestinian Authority that were passed on to Israel by the Obama administration.
George Mitchell, the White House envoy to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically requested that Israel remove roadblocks and checkpoints as a confidence-building gesture to restart talks with the PA, Israeli officials told WND.
Anti-terror roadblocks and checkpoints impede Palestinian movement, but have been credited with stopping scores of attacks.
The attack occurred just before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plane landed in Washington, where the Israeli leader is set to begin direct negotiations with PA President Mahmoud Abbas. The negotiations are aimed at creating a Palestinian state.
Conservative Black Leaders Praise Glenn Beck Rally At Lincoln Memorial, Criticize Al Sharpton’s Counter-Rally
The event, the leaders said, was designed to honor people based on the content of their character and not the color of their skin, the very idea Dr. King spoke of in his speech at the Memorial almost half a century ago.
Alveda King, a niece of Dr. King, said the purpose of the rally was “to focus on honor and on the content of our character, and not the color of our skin,” echoing the words of her uncle’s famous speech of 1963.
“We’re here to honor Uncle Martin,” she said, surrounded by black clergy and gospel singers on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. King further said that her uncle would have approved of “Restoring Honor,” which was billed by Beck as a non-political gathering to honor America, Americans like King, and the military men and women who have made great sacrifices for the freedoms that U.S. citizens enjoy today.
Franz Kebreau, national director of the National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of All Colors (NAACPC), told CNSNews.com that a counter-rally led by Rev. Al Sharpton, also on Saturday in Washington, D.C., was really a disservice to the slain civil rights leader.
More here
States Attorney Forum Tonight At MAC Center
There is a sign MAC where you’ll turn off of Snow Hill Road. We hope to see everyone there.
Four Jews Murdered In Arab Terror Attack Near Hevron
The victims are a husband and wife, parents of six, and two passengers.
Yitzhak and Talya Imes were the parents of six children, the eldest one being 24 years old and the youngest one being a year and a half old. Talya Imes was nine months pregnant when she was killed by the terrorists.
Kochava Even Chaim was a teacher in Efrat. She left behind her husband and an 8 year-old daughter.
Avishai Shindler had only recently moved to Beit Hagai with his wife.
One of the victims had a license for a gun that was suspended shortly before the attack. Itamar Ben-Gvir and Baruch Marzel said at the scene that serious soul-searching must be done "in order to find out how it is that Jews are deprived of the basic right to defend themselves."
Hamas took "credit" for the terror attack, while PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad condemned the attack and said that it is against Arab interests.
More from INN
Mike Castle’s No Show At Yet Another Voter Forum
On Monday, August 23, 2010, there was a voter forum sponsored by the Community News and Greater Hockessin Area Development Association. The Dover Post gave some great coverage of the event.
Christine O’Donnell’s opponent was a no show. Christine believes elected officials should be accountable to the people they’re supposed to represent.
ABC News has invited Delaware’s candidates for US Senate to a televised debate. The O’Donnell campaign has accepted, but there is no word yet from across the moat and behind the “Castle” drawbridge.
In response to incumbent Congressman Mike Castle’s failure to answer to the people, Christine O’Donnell said, “My opponent has a sense of entitlement, and assumes Delaware voters are just going to hand him a US Senate seat, but I prefer to hand him a pink slip.”
Isn’t it time for the Congressman to come down from his high and lofty place, and mingle with the common people of Delaware? No more dodging, Mr. Castle, it’s time to debate. The people of Delaware deserve better than this.
“Delaware, I won’t hide from my record. I’ll be accountable to you,” Christine concluded.
Is Iraq Combat Really Over For US?
And in asserting the U.S. has met its responsibilities in Iraq, the president opened the door wide to a debate about the meaning of success in the muddle that most — but not all — American troops are leaving behind.
A look at some of the statements Obama made in his Oval Office speech and how they compare with the facts:
OBAMA: "Tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended."
THE FACTS: Peril remains for the tens of thousands of U.S. troops still in Iraq, who are likely if not certain to engage violent foes. Counterterrorism is chief among their continuing missions, pitting them against a lethal enemy. Several thousand special operations forces, including Army Green Berets and Navy SEALs, will continue to hunt and attempt to kill al-Qaida and other terrorist fighters — working closely with Iraqi forces. Obama said, "Of course, violence will not end with our combat mission," while stopping short of a full accounting of the hazards ahead for U.S. troops.
OBAMA: "We have met our responsibility."
THE FACTS: That depends entirely on how the U.S. responsibility is defined.
Sectarian division — the danger that Obama said as a presidential candidate had to be addressed before Iraq could succeed — continues to deprive the country of a fully functioning government. U.S. goals for reconstruction are unmet. And although the U.S. says Iraqi forces can handle the insurgency largely on their own, Iraq is expected to need U.S. air power and other military support for years to control its own air space and to deter a possible attack by a neighboring state.
GO HERE to read more.
Murkowski Concedes Alaska Primary Race
Joe Miller, backed by Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Express, became the latest newcomer to the national political stage to take down an incumbent in 2010 amid deep dissatisfaction with the Washington establishment.
Miller's win was a major victory for the tea party movement and marked the first time it had defeated a sitting senator in a primary. Tea partiers had knocked off Utah Sen. Bob Bennett at a state convention in May. Embolden tea partiers have now set their sights on Delaware where they are backing Christine O'Donnell against the more moderate Rep. Mike Castle in the GOP Senate primary. Murkowski is the third senator to lose this year, along with Bennett and Arlen Specter, D-Pa.
GO HERE to read more.
Auditors Find Judiciary Sent Money To Wrong Land Accounts Because Of A Confusing Law
GO HERE to read more.
White House Wants To Slap Fuel Efficiency Grades On Vehicles
More »
U-Haul Makes You Drop Off At Other Location, Then Charges You For It
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When Do Chain Stores Become Part Of The 'Neighborhood Fabric'?
Two decades ago, when Barnes & Noble stores began popping up in every shopping center, strip mall and vacant lot in America, community advocates and fans of locally owned stores pointed at the chain as another example of a homogenized corporation coming in and erasing part of a neighborhood's identity. But people still shopped there, and most people have gotten accustomed to the B&N being part of their local landscape. So much so that the NY Times has penned an elegy to one Manhattan Barnes & Noble that is closing its doors.
The man is not being publicly identified because he is not being charged with a crime. He is a 52-year-old man who resides in the 200-block of Creek Walk Drive, Walkersville, Md.
Shortly before 5:00 p.m. yesterday, a 911 call was received at the Frederick County Emergency Communications Center from a woman who reported a domestic disturbance and said her husband was threatening to harm himself and others. He had told his wife to get out of the house. Troopers and Frederick County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to the home.
Arriving troopers found the man had thrown items from his home outside and had barricaded himself in an upstairs bedroom. Troopers went to the bedroom door and tried to talk with the man. He refused to come out and told them he had firearms and enough explosives to “blow the place up.” The troopers retreated from the home and, with the assistance of deputies, established a perimeter around the home.
The man’s wife and adult daughter were able to leave the home. No one else was inside the home.
Due to the threat of an explosion made by the man, troopers and deputies evacuated between 60 and 80 neighbors from homes in the immediate area. The displaced residents were taken to a nearby church. About two-thirds of them were permitted to return to the homes later last evening. There were about 20 people from the direct proximity of the man’s house who had to wait outside the perimeter until the situation ended early today.
The Maryland State Police Hostage Recovery Team responded and negotiators worked throughout the night attempting to talk with the man. Late in the evening a dialog was established, but did not last long due to the man’s unwillingness to talk with negotiators.
Members of the Maryland State Police Special Tactical Assault Team Element responded and secured a perimeter around the area throughout the night. When the man continued to refuse to talk with negotiators and, out of concern for his safety, STATE Team troopers entered the home with the permission of the man’s wife. Tactical troopers made their way to the door of the upstairs bedroom and could hear the man inside moaning.
Shortly after 12:00 a.m. today, STATE Team members pushed open the barricaded bedroom door and found the man lying in a bathroom off the bedroom. He was lethargic and had a small laceration on his head. Maryland State Police tactical medics provided immediate emergency care and transported the man outside where he was assisted by personnel from Frederick County Medic 17, who had been at the scene all night. After an examination on-scene, the man was flown by Maryland State Police helicopter to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center for medical and psychological examinations.
No shots were fired by the man or by police during the incident. Troopers and deputies from the Office of the State Fire Marshal found no firearms in the home, nor did they find any bombs or materials that could be used to make explosives.
In addition to the Maryland State Police and the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office, a number of other allied public safety agencies assisted at the scene. They include the Office of the State Fire Marshal, the Frederick County Department of Fire and Rescue Services, Walkersville Rescue Company Medic 17, Walkersville Volunteer Fire Department, and the Independent Hose Company Rehab Unit.
Shortly before 5:00 p.m. today, a 911 call was received at the Frederick County Emergency Communications Center from a woman who reported a domestic disturbance and said her husband was threatening to harm himself and others. Troopers responded to the home in the unit-block of Creek Walk Drive, Walkersville.
They were confronted by the man who refused to come out of the home. He threatened the safety of the troopers and said he would use firearms and incendiary devices. The woman and her adult daughter were able to leave the home. No one else is believed to be inside except the 52-year-old man.
Troopers evacuated neighbors from the immediate area. A perimeter has been established around the scene and the situation is contained to that one home. No one else in the area is in danger at this time.
The Maryland State Police Hostage Recovery Team is on the scene and negotiators are working to diffuse the situation. Also on the scene are members of the Maryland State Police Special Tactical Assault Team Element, who have secured the area. Troopers from the Frederick Barracks are also assisting.
Maryland State Police are continuing to do everything possible to resolve the situation peacefully. No shots have been fired by the individual in the home or by police.
Salisbury, Md. – The Kannapolis Intimidators broke a 2-2 tie in the ninth inning with three runs to defeat the Delmarva Shorebirds, 5-2, at Arthur W. Perdue Stadium on Tuesday night.
The Shorebirds jumped in front in the second inning. Omar Casamayor reached base on a fielder’s choice grounder to third. Two batters later, Gary Helmick yanked a double to left field. The shortstop, Tyler Saladino, threw low and wide to second to try and nail Helmick, allowing Casamayor to turn third and score.
Kannapolis erased the deficit in the fourth inning. Jake Oester opened the frame with a triple. The next batter, Saladino, grounded out to short to plate Oester.
The Intimidators grabbed the lead for the first time in the sixth inning. After two outs were recorded by relief pitcher Brian Parker, Trayce Thompson doubled to right field. Then, Jordan Cheatham doubled to right-center field to give Kannapolis a 2-1 edge.
The lead was short-lived as the ‘Birds tied the score in the bottom of the sixth. T.J. Baxter reached on a bunt hit. He moved to second on a throwing error by pitcher Kevin Moran. Later in the inning, Austin Rauch singled into shallow right to plate Baxter.
The game remained tied until the ninth inning. Cheatham got the rally going with a single. He stole second and Miguel Gonzalez following with a walk. With two aboard, John Spatola hit his second triple to right-center field to plate both runners. Spatola came into score on a wild pitch by reliever Clayton Schrader.
Matt Hobgood pitched five innings, his longest outing since June 11, and settled for a no decision. He allowed five hits and one run. The right-hander struck out two and walked one.
Brian Parker tossed three innings and surrendered just two hits and one run.
Orioles 10th round selection Clayton Schrader was tagged with the loss in his debut. He gave up the three runs in the ninth inning. Schrader fanned two batters.
Kevin Moran earned the win for Kannapolis while Orlando Santos picked up his 15th save of the season.
The Shorebirds and Intimidators play game three of the series on Wednesday night at 7:05 p.m.
The meeting will begin at noon in the Zoo Administration Office.
Carpenter Wanted

Bob Ehrlich To Discuss 43 New Taxes He Will Stop Next Year As Governor

Bob Ehrlich will visit today with owners and employees of a small business that would be among those taxed under legislation recently proposed in the Maryland General Assembly. When Governor Martin O’Malley enacted the largest tax increase in Maryland history in 2007, the legislature also considered extending the sales tax to 43 new services, including motor vehicle repair, cable TV, tax preparation, barber and beauty services, gym memberships, and many others. Jim Jennings Auto Transmission, which will host Bob Ehrlich tomorrow, is one of thousands of small businesses that would be subject to the new tax if enacted. As Governor, Bob Ehrlich will oppose tax increases on new services that hurt families and job creation. He will repeal Governor O’Malley’s 20% increase in the sales tax. Governor O’Malley refuses to rule out raising taxes next year even though he passed $6.3 billion in tax increases in his first term. Owners, employees, and customers of Jim Jennings Transmission will be present.
US 13 South Dupont Highway N/B at Marsh Branch Road Greenwood, Delaware
Tuesday August 31, 2010 3:15 p.m.
Operator(s) and Vehicle(s) Involved:
Regina Warwick-age unknown Greenwood, Delaware
2007 Yellow Blue Bird school bus (Woodbridge School District)
Jacqueline Stephan-29 Bridgeville, Delaware
2000 Gold Chrysler Cirrus
11 year old boy
15 year old girl
Tuesday August 31, 2010 Delaware State Police investigated a crash involving a Woodbridge School District bus and a passenger car. The crash occurred on South DuPont highway at Marsh Branch Road near Greenwood, Delaware around 3:15 p.m. this afternoon.
The investigation revealed that the school bus was beginning to stop northbound DuPont highway at Marsh Branch Road in the right lane. The 2000 Gold Chrysler Cirrus driven by Jacqueline Stephan-29 of Bridgeville was in the left lane. A third vehicle was reportedly directly behind the school bus and suddenly swerved into the lane the Chrysler was occupying. The Chrysler operator reacted by swerving to the right lane. This resulted in the Chrysler striking the rear of the school bus.
The school bus was carrying approximately 22 students between the ages of 10 and 15. Two of the students an 11 year old boy and 15 year old girl were transported to Milford Memorial hospital for minor injuries. They both were listed in good condition with minor back pain. The bus driver Regina Warwick was not injured in the crash. Jacqueline Stephan was treated and released from Nanticoke Hospital for back pain.
Delaware State Police have not charged anyone for the cause of this investigation. The roadway was partially closed for approximately 90 minutes.
SHOREBIRDS GAME NOTES: 8/31 vs. Kannapolis
PREVIEW: With seven games remaining, the ‘Birds aim to secure a third straight positive result in a series. They split their last two series with Hickory and Hagerstown. The Shorebirds have won four straight games over Kannapolis (they swept the last series at Perdue Stadium between June 14 and 16). The ‘Birds have 51 hits in their last five games and are batting .288 during the stretch.
GAME-WINNER IN RETURN: Stampone recorded the game-winning sacrifice fly RBI in the eighth inning last night. It was his first game since June 27th (missed 58 games).
ASSISTING THE TEAM: Right fielder Mikey Planeta leads the South Atlantic League with 16 outfield assists this season. The last player to record more than 16 was Arturo Rivas, who notched 17 in 2005. According to the current MILB stats portal and The Baseball Cube, nobody in Shorebirds history has ever recorded more than 17 outfield assists in a single season.
ON A TEAR: Shorebirds shortstop Garabez Rosa is on a tear of late. He has recorded a hit in six straight games. He is 13-for-24 during his last five games (.541). His batting average has jumped from .238 to .255 during the stretch. Rosa has also plated at least one run in six straight games (8 total). Rosa is now batting .290 in the month of August in 25 games, his highest month average since April (.333).
RBI AUGUST FOR KELLY: Kelly has a team high 16 RBIs in the month of August. The 16 runs-batted-in are the most in a single month for Kelly this season. Miguel Abreu leads the Orioles farm system with 19 RBIs in the month of August. Kelly is fourth. Xavier Avery and Joel Guzman of Bowie have 17 RBIs this month.
15 ERRORS: The Shorebirds have committed 15 errors in the last seven errors. They have committed at least one error in each of the last seven games.
RAUCH PRODUCING: In three games played, ‘Birds catcher Austin Rauch has six RBIs. Rauch recorded just nine RBIs in 29 games played for the Ironbirds before his promotion.
NINTH ALL-TIME: Ty Kelly’s 64 walks this season are ninth all-time in a single-season. He needs four more walks to tie Danny Figueroa (2007) for eighth in the walks department.
TIED FOR FIFTH: Garabez Rosa’s 32 doubles this season place him tied with Tripper Johnson (2002) for fifth in a single-season in ‘Birds history. He is one double from tying Jason Fransz (2005) for fourth all-time. Ryan Minor is the record holder in the doubles category with 42 in 1997.
ONE STEAL AWAY: T.J. Baxter is one steal away from tying Danny Figueroa (2007), Darnell McDonald (1998) and Maleke Fowler (1997) for eighth all-time in a single-season for stolen bases. Baxter leads the Shorebirds with 34.
TOP 10: Ty Kelly leads the Shorebirds with 122 hits this season. He needs 12 to crack the top ten in a single-season for Shorebirds history. Carlos Adolfo recorded 134 hits in 1996. He is 10th all-time in a single-season. Ryan Minor ranks first all-time with 150 hits in 1997.
CAREER HIGH FOR ALLAR: Brent Allar posted a career high seven innings pitched last night in his 81st career outing for the Shorebirds. It was his 114th minor league outing.