Karen Weeg Thomas > LostPetPR
#delmarDe found a passed beagle on my run... Looked like a family pet. Just past snake rd. On rt13n... Right next to lot of trees just taken down... He needs to be buried pass along local friends. I'll come back after my run to bury him.
GO HERE to read more.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Sarbanes The Black Jack Judge In The Roulette Of Justice
Wicomico County Judge with a Real “Record” in Court
This appears in today’s Daily Times (to its credit) in an article about the candidates for the Circuit Court judgeship: “While he was in college more than 20 years ago, Sarbanes received a probation before judgment disposition for a gambling-related charge, and it was expunged from his record.”
Now a “PBJ” is not an actual conviction, but it’s almost that, however, and not an acquittal of the crime charged.
The article also quotes Mr. Sarbanes that he has not “tried to hide” the matter, which does not appear on his campaign website or in his mailings to voters. They don’t know the details of the “gambling-related charge” or how it came to be “expunged,” so that it does not appear in the State’s online database of court cases. And, despite its disclosure of that criminal case, the Daily Times article does not mention the other and more recent cases against Sarbanes for debt, including foreclosure, which he has also failed to mention.
While “hide” may not be correct, deliberate nondisclosure to the voters is certainly the correct term to describe Sarbanes’ campaign conduct about his record as a defendant in both criminal and other cases.
This appears in today’s Daily Times (to its credit) in an article about the candidates for the Circuit Court judgeship: “While he was in college more than 20 years ago, Sarbanes received a probation before judgment disposition for a gambling-related charge, and it was expunged from his record.”
Now a “PBJ” is not an actual conviction, but it’s almost that, however, and not an acquittal of the crime charged.
The article also quotes Mr. Sarbanes that he has not “tried to hide” the matter, which does not appear on his campaign website or in his mailings to voters. They don’t know the details of the “gambling-related charge” or how it came to be “expunged,” so that it does not appear in the State’s online database of court cases. And, despite its disclosure of that criminal case, the Daily Times article does not mention the other and more recent cases against Sarbanes for debt, including foreclosure, which he has also failed to mention.
While “hide” may not be correct, deliberate nondisclosure to the voters is certainly the correct term to describe Sarbanes’ campaign conduct about his record as a defendant in both criminal and other cases.
A friend of mine was running their bath water to give their dog a bath just seconds ago and this is what they saw. Of course Town Hall is CLOSED and there's NOTHING any of you can do about it.
A Viewer Writes... 6-19-14
Went to bk yesterday ordered a double whooper. Then I saw this sign and went with it.they said I only get one extra patty on a double.
I explained that double meat any whooper means four patties. 2x2=4 . The poor Mexicans in there kept saying it's not. There is no exemptions on the sign. So pulled up and had a discussion on it. Once again the same deal. Only when I said I had pictures and videos of our convo and I was going to sbynews did they budge. It's a shame that it took a threat of media to make them honor their advertisements.
Addressing the root cause of the Heroin Epidemic
As I have been knocking on doors and visiting with voters over the past few months the number one question I get is “Why are you running?” I rarely have more than a few minutes to talk about the wide range of issues that I am focused on but during the conversation I always mention that I will be focused on reducing crime, improving education and rebuilding our economy because I believe those three are closely tied together. We must succeed at all three because we are seeing the results of failure of how to successfully address these issues.
In this message, I wish to focus on Crime and specifically the rise of the Heroin epidemic on the Lower Shore. On a daily basis I see the cost of this epidemic, both monetarily and the human cost. The rise in burglaries, shoplifting, break-ins of personal vehicles and fraud is directly related to the increase of heroin on the Lower Shore. Nearly everyday there is an overdose in Wicomico County and once or twice a week we are seeing deaths as a result of heroine overdose. This is only going to get worse.
The toll that it takes on families cannot be measured in monetary value alone. Children of addicts often get shuffled from place to place and are at such a disadvantage that invariably their lives often follow those of their parent(s) if they are not saved from the situation in time. This often results in grandparents and other family members raising the children of addicts and in some cases these children end up in foster care.
So the question then becomes how do we address this issue? As you will notice I mentioned it is a Lower Shore issue. Though many of the crimes are being committed in Wicomico County, criminals and addicts do not know boundaries, neither should our solutions.
Recently our State’s Attorney Matt Maciarello requested that the County allow him to create an additional position in the State’s Attorneys Office that would focus on addressing this issue with proven strategies taken from the High Point Initiative that were used in reducing violent crime in Wicomico County. The Council did not approve his request.
We are at a frustrating stand still on addressing this issue. The police simply arrest addicts for stealing. The State’s Attorneys Office is simply prosecuting addicts. Probation and a little jail time is the most any ever see with very few of them receiving any real treatment for their addictions. We are all stuck in the cycle of this addiction because it is taxpayer resources paying for the same group of people to be arrested for petty crimes and the same group arresting the same people who then get prosecuted with judgement dispensed from the same group of people.
Continually doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. It is time we tried something different and something proven because we must have a different result.
This problem must be attacked from multiple directions to effectively get results. Understand, this is a long term plan and we must make the commitment to see it through.
First, implementing investigative strategies from the High Point Initiative to shut down the network of the flow of heroin will require a regional, multi-state task force with Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. I would first focus on a partnership between Wicomico, Worcester and Sussex Counties.
Second, community partnerships with churches and civic organizations are a necessary part of this plan to implement one of the aspects of addictions treatment. Many of these organizations offer programs such as Celebrate Recovery (for adults), Life Hurts, God Heals (for youth), other family counseling programs and parenting programs. Partnering with the State’s Attorneys Offices, Parole and Probation and the courts, these programs can be much more successful if the individuals in them understand the consequences yet have an established support system such as a church or other civic organization.
Third, we need to understand that some addictions are so severe that they will require in-patient treatment. The largest obstacle of course is cost and this where we reach out to businesses and other organizations for grants and donations. The Community Foundation has been very successful at raising funds for good causes and would certainly be an organization that we would ask to step up to the plate.
Fourth, education is our key to prevention. We must work closely with the board of education in finding or developing curriculum that educates our children on the importance of making good life decisions. We should also educate our children on the consequences of a life of bad choices. We spend too much money on education in this county to allow so many children to fall through cracks. Though we can’t control what happens outside the school, we are obligated to do everything we can to give them the tools they need to make good choices in life.
Fifth, we must focus on pro-growth strategies to retain and build up the business that are the pillar of our community. We must also focus on initiatives that create opportunities to attract manufacturing and technology jobs to our area. Unemployment rates directly affect crime rates, which in turn affect the property values of an area which in turn affect the quality of education in area. We must commit to building a strong and diverse economy.
I certainly do not have the all the details of everything we need to do. However, all of us together have the knowledge, the ability and the resources to address our problems head on with solutions that require a deep and long term commitment to doing what is right for our county and our children.
Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died
“I have a lot of sources in regards to as to what’s going on with the president and the administration and so on, and every one of my sources said it was a false flag”--Paul Preston
Sofia Smallstorm, who produced and directed the documentary, “Unraveling Sandy Hook”, which many regard as the best video study of the Sandy Hook event, recently interviewed a Los Angeles school expert, Paul Preston, about Sandy Hook and his knowledge of what had transpired.
Governor Malloy had held a press conference that day, explaining that he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” that something like this might happen, which raised the question, what “something like this” did he mean? Had he been told a school shooting massacre would take place? or a drill that would be presented as a real event, which appears to be what took place?
Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:
(1) it had been a drill;
(2) no children had been killed; and,
(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.
Sofia Smallstorm, who produced and directed the documentary, “Unraveling Sandy Hook”, which many regard as the best video study of the Sandy Hook event, recently interviewed a Los Angeles school expert, Paul Preston, about Sandy Hook and his knowledge of what had transpired.
Governor Malloy had held a press conference that day, explaining that he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” that something like this might happen, which raised the question, what “something like this” did he mean? Had he been told a school shooting massacre would take place? or a drill that would be presented as a real event, which appears to be what took place?
Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:
(1) it had been a drill;
(2) no children had been killed; and,
(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.
Did Anyone Happen To See This In The News ? I missed it!?!
Did anyone happen to see this in the news ? I missed it!?!
we all missed this one -- funny how that happens!!
Come Home to Roost’ – Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Daughter Convicted on 11
Counts of Fraud Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, March 8, 2014, 7:54
Wright and Rev. Jeremiah Wright In September Jeri Wright, daughter of Reverend “God
Damn America” Wright, and 12 other Democrats were charged with
embezzling $16 million in Federal health grants that
should have gone to AIDS charities and other programs for the poor and
than one of the defendants had direct ties to President Barack
Obama. On
Friday Reverend
Jeremiah Wright’s daughter was found guilty of
eleven counts that included money laundering and lying to federal
agents. Breitbart reported: On Friday, a federal jury took less than two
hours to convict the daughter of President Barack Obama’s controversial
former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, of fraud.
Wright was found guilty of a fraud scheme that siphoned thousands of
taxpayer dollars intended for a not-for-profit work and education
program known as We Are Our Brother’s Keeper.
Prosecutor Timothy Bass said Jeri Wright lied
“over and over” and went on a “spending spree” that included traveling
to Las Vegas, buying vehicles, and remodeling her basement with cash
from the money laundering scheme. She was found guilty on all
you take and misuse government money, and then lie about it, you will be
held accountable in a court of law,” said U.S. Attorney for the Central
District of Illinois, Jim Lewis'
![]() |
Obama and his mentor |
Most Admired President in Last 25 Years
A collaborative poll was conducted by the Wall Street Journal, NBC News, and Annenberg to determine who the most admired U.S. President is of the last 25 years.
Not that there was a huge selection to choose from. In 25 years, there have only been four presidents, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
The poll was conducted June 2-8 on 1,238 adults with a margin of error around 2.8%.
And the winner is: Bill Clinton who received 42% of the votes. The final results were as follows:
42% Bill Clinton
18% Barack Obama
17% George W. Bush
16% George H. W. Bush
Not that there was a huge selection to choose from. In 25 years, there have only been four presidents, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.
The poll was conducted June 2-8 on 1,238 adults with a margin of error around 2.8%.
And the winner is: Bill Clinton who received 42% of the votes. The final results were as follows:
42% Bill Clinton
18% Barack Obama
17% George W. Bush
16% George H. W. Bush
A Bump At The Pump? Senators Propose A 12-cent Hike In Federal Gas Tax.
A bipartisan Senate proposal emerged Wednesday to rescue beleaguered federal transportation funding by raising the tax on gasoline by 12 cents a gallon.
The proposal to hike the 18.4 cent federal tax for the first time since 1993 came from Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and won quick endorsement from an array of advocates ranging from road builders to AAA.
In addition to increasing the tax by six cents in each of the next two years, the senators want the rate indexed to inflation in the future. Failure to keep pace with inflation over the past 20 years along with steadily increasing fuel economy have caused the Federal Highway Trust Fund that receives the money to sink to a dangerous level.
The proposal to hike the 18.4 cent federal tax for the first time since 1993 came from Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and won quick endorsement from an array of advocates ranging from road builders to AAA.
In addition to increasing the tax by six cents in each of the next two years, the senators want the rate indexed to inflation in the future. Failure to keep pace with inflation over the past 20 years along with steadily increasing fuel economy have caused the Federal Highway Trust Fund that receives the money to sink to a dangerous level.
WCSO Press Releases June 18, 2014
Incident: Child Support Warrants
Date: 7-14 June 2014
Location: Wicomico County, MD
Suspect: 1.Timothy Wayne Sampson, 37, Salisbury, MD
2. Melvin Weldon Hitch Jr., 32, Salisbury, MD
3. Terry Melvin Fisher Jr., 39, Salisbury, MD
4. John James Seward, 42, Parsonsburg, MD
5. Derell Lamont Cottman, 25, Salisbury, MD
Narrative:Between 07 June 2014 and 12 June 2014 deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office arrested the above individuals on Circuit Court Body Attachments that had been issued in connection with Child Support cases.
All subjects were detained on bond in the Detention Center pending an initial appearance in front of a Circuit Court Judge.
Charges: Child Support Non- Compliance

Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date: 18 June 2014
Wicomico County State Delegation Meeting Scheduled
Wicomico County State Delegation Meeting Scheduled
County Executive Rick Pollitt and members of the County Council will meet with the lower shore delegation of the General Assembly at 8am, on Saturday, June 21, 2014 at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center.
These meetings keep the state delegation apprised of local county concerns and are used to discuss legislative initiatives expected to come before the next session of the General Assembly. Citizens are welcome to attend and observe the discussion.
On June 17, 2014 Anthony Deshields, age 45, of Pocomoke, Maryland was convicted by a Wicomico County jury of Distributing Cocaine to undercover police officers on October 16, 2013. He was sentenced by the Circuit Court to 18 years in the Division of Corrections.
The charges against Deshields arose out of his actions October 16, 2013 when he sold Maryland State Police Officers $40.00 worth of crack cocaine. The Salisbury Police Department and the Maryland State Police utilized the Worcester County Task Force to help fight street level narcotics sales in Salisbury.
Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matthew A. Maciarello commended the Salisbury Police Department, The Maryland State Police and theWorcester County Narcotics Task Force for their excellent teamwork in the investigation and prosecution of this case. Mr. Maciarello also thanked the citizens of Wicomico County and Safe Streets Prosecutor, Richard J. Brueckner Jr., who prosecuted this case.
For more information or for an interview please call the Office of the State’s Attorney at (410) 548-4880 or go to www.wicomicosao.com.
The charges against Deshields arose out of his actions October 16, 2013 when he sold Maryland State Police Officers $40.00 worth of crack cocaine. The Salisbury Police Department and the Maryland State Police utilized the Worcester County Task Force to help fight street level narcotics sales in Salisbury.
Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matthew A. Maciarello commended the Salisbury Police Department, The Maryland State Police and theWorcester County Narcotics Task Force for their excellent teamwork in the investigation and prosecution of this case. Mr. Maciarello also thanked the citizens of Wicomico County and Safe Streets Prosecutor, Richard J. Brueckner Jr., who prosecuted this case.
For more information or for an interview please call the Office of the State’s Attorney at (410) 548-4880 or go to www.wicomicosao.com.
Six Police Vehicles And 8 Officer
I just received a call from a viewer telling me they are right now witnessing eight police officers in six police cars arresting ONE woman in Salisbury.
One has to wonder just how many Salisbury officers it would take to change a light bulb?
It's no wonder your Mayor NEEDS to raise your taxes for more officers. This is what you get when you have a Mayor with NO business background.
One has to wonder just how many Salisbury officers it would take to change a light bulb?
It's no wonder your Mayor NEEDS to raise your taxes for more officers. This is what you get when you have a Mayor with NO business background.
Yesterday I took my Grandson into Salisbury to get his haircut at Eric's Barber Shop. As I walked up to feed the meter, this is what we saw on the ground. Between people throwing their trash on the ground and now condoms, Salisbury is becoming a complete DUMP. I'm so happy I sold and got out of the City.
A Message From The Wicomico County Health Department
Wicomico County Health Department
Señales de alerta de enfermedad por calor incluyen temperatura corporal sobre 103, pielseca y roja sin sudar, pulso rapido, dolor de cabeza, mareos, confusion y nausea. Si usted o alguien que conoce tiene algunos de estos signos, busque atención medica inmediata.
Señales de alerta de enfermedad por calor incluyen temperatura corporal sobre 103, pielseca y roja sin sudar, pulso rapido, dolor de cabeza, mareos, confusion y nausea. Si usted o alguien que conoce tiene algunos de estos signos, busque atención medica inmediata.
US Patent Office Strips "Washington Redskins" Name For Being "Disparaging"
What Obama wants, he appears to get . As AP reports, the U.S. Patent Office has ruled the Washington Redskins nickname is "disparaging of Native Americans" and that the team's federal trademarks for the name must be canceled. Which leaves us questioning when the Federal Government will see the New York Giants as disaparaging of tall people and The Oakland Raiders as disaparaging of pirates... welcome to the new normal. We wonder (rhetorically of course) if this latest Redskins escalation is supposed to distract from Ukraine, Iraq, Bergdahl, IRS, Benghazi, or approval ratings?
As WaPo notes,
Federal trademark law does not permit registration of trademarks that “may disparage” individuals or groups or “bring them into contempt or disrepute.” The ruling pertains to six different trademarks associated with the team, each containing the word “Redskin.”
As WaPo notes,
Federal trademark law does not permit registration of trademarks that “may disparage” individuals or groups or “bring them into contempt or disrepute.” The ruling pertains to six different trademarks associated with the team, each containing the word “Redskin.”
On June 15, 2014, at approximately 1:30 p.m. Ocean City officers were dispatched to the area of Teal Drive in reference to suspicious circumstances after a vigilant resident approached a nearby Public Safety Aide working an OC Air Show traffic detail. The resident told the Public Safety Aide that he had seen three suspicious individuals peering into area homes.
Upon arrival, officers located a vehicle in which the resident believed the suspicious individuals were travelling. Through the initial investigation, officers determined the vehicle to be stolen out of Montgomery County, Maryland. The officers quickly located three of the suspicious individuals who were seen exiting the vehicle and each was arrested for theft of the motor vehicle. These suspects, all from Washington, DC, were identified as: Christopher H. Bussey, 25; Dominique A. Burton, 19; and Shinecia D. Mercer, 19. An Investigator with the Ocean City Fire Marshal’s Office also assisted with the investigation and located and arrested a fourth suspect, a female, which officers linked to the stolen vehicle in the area of 20th Street and Philadelphia Avenue. She was later identified as Heather A. Haire, 25, also of Washington, DC.
While officers were on scene, two residents reported burglaries to their homes in the area of Teal Drive where electronics and jewelry totaling approximately $60,000, and several other items had been stolen. Many of these items were either recovered from the stolen vehicle, in the suspect’s possession or discarded by the suspects in the area. During the subsequent investigation, officers developed a fifth suspect and still had not located some of the electronics and stolen jewelry.
At approximately 6:40 p.m., officers responded to the area of 32nd Street and Baltimore Avenue for a report of a stolen vehicle. Believing these incidents may be related, officers quickly broadcast lookouts for the fifth suspect and the stolen vehicle to surrounding jurisdictions.
At approximately 9 p.m., Ocean City Detectives learned that the Maryland State Police and Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office were involved in a vehicle pursuit near Hebron, Maryland involving the vehicle that had recently been reported stolen from 32nd Street. The pursuit ended in a single vehicle crash. The driver was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries. The driver of the stolen vehicle was later identified as Joshua Robinson-Gripper, 22, also of Washington, DC. Additionally, inside the stolen vehicle Ocean City Detectives recovered electronics and jewelry stolen during the burglaries.
Ocean City Police have charged Bussey, Burton, Haire, Mercer and Robinson-Gripper with multiple theft and burglary charges. All four suspects were seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner. Bussey, Burton, Haire and Mercer are currently being held at the Ocean City Public Safety Building on $75,000 bond. Robinson-Gripper is being held by the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office on $100,000 bond.
Upon arrival, officers located a vehicle in which the resident believed the suspicious individuals were travelling. Through the initial investigation, officers determined the vehicle to be stolen out of Montgomery County, Maryland. The officers quickly located three of the suspicious individuals who were seen exiting the vehicle and each was arrested for theft of the motor vehicle. These suspects, all from Washington, DC, were identified as: Christopher H. Bussey, 25; Dominique A. Burton, 19; and Shinecia D. Mercer, 19. An Investigator with the Ocean City Fire Marshal’s Office also assisted with the investigation and located and arrested a fourth suspect, a female, which officers linked to the stolen vehicle in the area of 20th Street and Philadelphia Avenue. She was later identified as Heather A. Haire, 25, also of Washington, DC.
While officers were on scene, two residents reported burglaries to their homes in the area of Teal Drive where electronics and jewelry totaling approximately $60,000, and several other items had been stolen. Many of these items were either recovered from the stolen vehicle, in the suspect’s possession or discarded by the suspects in the area. During the subsequent investigation, officers developed a fifth suspect and still had not located some of the electronics and stolen jewelry.
At approximately 6:40 p.m., officers responded to the area of 32nd Street and Baltimore Avenue for a report of a stolen vehicle. Believing these incidents may be related, officers quickly broadcast lookouts for the fifth suspect and the stolen vehicle to surrounding jurisdictions.
At approximately 9 p.m., Ocean City Detectives learned that the Maryland State Police and Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office were involved in a vehicle pursuit near Hebron, Maryland involving the vehicle that had recently been reported stolen from 32nd Street. The pursuit ended in a single vehicle crash. The driver was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries. The driver of the stolen vehicle was later identified as Joshua Robinson-Gripper, 22, also of Washington, DC. Additionally, inside the stolen vehicle Ocean City Detectives recovered electronics and jewelry stolen during the burglaries.
Ocean City Police have charged Bussey, Burton, Haire, Mercer and Robinson-Gripper with multiple theft and burglary charges. All four suspects were seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner. Bussey, Burton, Haire and Mercer are currently being held at the Ocean City Public Safety Building on $75,000 bond. Robinson-Gripper is being held by the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office on $100,000 bond.
What Say You Now Wicomico Board Of Ed & County Executive?
The below sentence was from the link above
Any use of the travel cards for personal expenses, the audit said, is a violation of federal law and effectively means the employee is receiving an interest-free loan from the government for personal purposes.
The below sentence was from the link above
Any use of the travel cards for personal expenses, the audit said, is a violation of federal law and effectively means the employee is receiving an interest-free loan from the government for personal purposes.
Six Texas men indicted 'gang-raping' 15-year-old high school student
Six Texas men are facing more than 1,600 years in prison each after being accused of gang raping a 15-year-old high school student after she skipped class earlier this year.
A grand jury in Waco, Texas, on Wednesday indicted Devoric Javon Evans, 20; Lamont Tray Davis, 19; Day’tron Derrell Smith, 18; Da’Juan Oshea Degrate, 18; and Cory Darnell Hall, 18; and Douglas Demond Canada, 19.
Police say Canada and Degrate convinced the teen to cut class at Waco High School, where all three are students on April 23.
A grand jury in Waco, Texas, on Wednesday indicted Devoric Javon Evans, 20; Lamont Tray Davis, 19; Day’tron Derrell Smith, 18; Da’Juan Oshea Degrate, 18; and Cory Darnell Hall, 18; and Douglas Demond Canada, 19.
Police say Canada and Degrate convinced the teen to cut class at Waco High School, where all three are students on April 23.
On June 16, 2014, Loretta Phillips, age 36, of Wicomico County, Maryland, was convicted of Possession with Intent to Distribute Oxycodone. She was subsequently sentenced by the Circuit Court to an active sentence of six (6) years in the Division of Corrections (“D.O.C.”). (Her complete sentence was “fifteen (15) years suspend all but six (6) years in the D.O.C.”).
The charges against Phillips arose out of her arrest on December 4, 2013 when she was stopped by the Maryland State Police for a traffic violation. Maryland State Police Officers found oxycodone (15mg and 30mg) and $371.00 in U.S. currency concealed within her purse. Further investigation revealed that Phillips’ cell phone contained numerous text messages pertaining to the illegal sale of oxycodone.
Wicomico County State’s Attorney Matthew A. Maciarello commented that the abuse of heroin and semi-synthetic opioids, such as oxycodone (“Oxy”), impacts the quality of life of the citizens of Wicomico County so substantially that illegal distribution of these substances will be vigorously investigated and prosecuted.
Mr. Maciarello commended the Maryland State Police and the Wicomico County Narcotics Task Force for their excellent collaboration in the investigation and prosecution of this case. Mr. Maciarello also thanked Safe Streets Prosecutor, Richard J. Brueckner Jr., who prosecuted this case.
Wicomico County Health Department addictions counselors can be reached by calling (410) 742-DRUG (3784). Any person with questions or concerns about addictions is encouraged to call this hotline.
For more information or for an interview please call the Office of the State’s Attorney at (410) 548-4880 or go to www.wicomicosao.com.
Salisbury News Delivers Investigative Reporting On HOW YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE SPENT: Part 10
More on Wicomico County spending, this week we have included Community Promotions. This fund is controlled by the Executive' office looks as if there's not enough money in the executive's budget to eat on so they are raiding another fund. Let the peasents eat cake.
County Executive's Food Charges
10/31/13 Wawa $6.90
10/31/13 Wawa $6.04
10/31/13 Wawa $ 3.17
10/31/13 Dunkin Donut $3.70
10/11/13 Lombardi's $68.70
10/18/13 Market Street Inn $ 33.75
10/18/13 Bay County Meals $ 19.70
10/18/13 Market Street Inn $ 47.50
10/18/13 Subrunners $30.00
10 /18/13 STARBUCKS $ 9.65
10/25/13 Back Street Grille $18.82
10/25/13 Mojo's $ 27.50
10/25/13 Lombardi's $65.92
10/25/13 Sobo's Wine & Bristo $154.26
10/31/13 Subrunners $ 33.82
10/31/13 Lombardi's $ 39.56
Community Promotion budget
10/18/13 Wawa 5.56 10/18/13
The Ward Museum $159.00
10/18/13 Market Street Inn $127.60
5/31/13 Market Street Inn $ 231.00
5/31/13 Fishermans Inn $ 89.62
Wicomico County Board Of Ed
As stated some of these charges are made at the direction of supervisiors, how ever pay close attention to the dates of some of the following purchases and they say it's for the kids HA
5/21/12 Nancy Rash Domino's 287.75
6/13/12 Nancy Rash Market Street Inn $191.75
8/12/12 Nancy Rash Maho's Family Rest. $112.15
11/30/12 Nancy Rash Little Caesars $71.16
12/7/12 Nancy Rash Devages Subs $ 93.06
12/14/12 Nancy Rash Subway $210.00
3/27/13 Nancy Rash Devages $ 82.72
6/7/11 Nancy Weaver Domino's $140.00
5/18/11 Nancy Weaver Domino's $ 251.75
10/1/12 Nancy Weaver Deli At Pecan Sq $11.98
10/1/12 Nancy Weaver Deli at Pecan Sq $50.93
7/31/12 Nicole Osborne Papa John's $178.04
8/2/11 Malina Johnson Domino's 235.75
6/17/11 Malina Johnson East Side Deli $31.00
8/1/11 Malina Johnson Pizza Hut $ 80.84
6/16/11 Malina Johnson Johnny's Sub Shop $11.67
6/6/12 Melva P Wright Golden Corral $407.07
6/14/12 Melva P Wright Ruby Tuesdays $ 134.88
6/15/12 Melva P Wright Red Lobster $66.98
7/10/12 Melva P Wright Applebees $ 49.20
7/12/12 Melva P Wright Olive Garden $ 112.24
8/15/12 Melva P Wright Brew River $ 48.24
8/22/12 Melva P Wright Back Street Grill $ 57.69
7/26/12 Maria Marshall Back Street Grill $ 157.55
8/17/11 Mary Ellen Hayward East Side Deli $124.25
8/17/11 Mary Ellen Hayward East Side Deli $ 131.05
8/17/11 Mary ellen Hayward Twisted Pretzel Bakery $ 156.00 8/18/11 Mary Ellen Hayward East Side Deli $ 165.32
8/23/11 Joy J Custis Panera Bread $ 53.96
8/6/12 Jon Shearer Back Street Grille $ 39.00
The Whole Story
Hello Joe,
Well Ms. Catlin, The Whole Story hasn't been told yet. And perhaps those items on the list in your name did come out of the Social Kindness Fund. And perhaps those items on the list in say Margo Handy's name for Brew River, Back Street Grill, Goin Nuts Cafe, My Turn To Cook also came out of the Social Kindness Fund but how will we ever know if the Whole Story doesn't come out.
How about this Ms. Catlin, we all believe mistakes have been made.
I encourage everyone to go to the PAC14 archives and view last night's County Council meeting. It was a real show. Someone must be getting concerned about what is being posted on blogs about BOE expenditures on about 164 thousand dollars being spent at numerous food and bar/grill establishments. The show appeared to be a typical union display at which they brought out twenty-five year veteran bookkeeper Wendy Catlin and a number of fellow bookkeepers holding cute little yellow signs. The signs were displayed whenever Ms. Catlin cued them by saying, "the whole story". Now you won't be able to see their signs on the video but you will see Ms. Catlin look over each time she says those words. The purpose of this tactical drill is to convince you, the taxpayer, that they have done nothing wrong and then they can go on an attack the messengers. You know, Joe Holloway, the blogs or anyone who dares to question them. This is all typical union rhetoric. I could tell by the other bookkeeper's body language that they didn't seem to really want to be there, but minions must do what the unions say.It's a shame that these unions aren't waking up to the fact that taxpayers and teachers (Yes, I did say teachers also) just don't buy their crap any more. (Watch the negative responses I get by guess who? Bet they don't sign their name.) Ms. Catlin goes on to explain how many of the different funds that they have are not taxpayers dollars. They are called, Social Kindness Funds, and they pay dues and get money from vending machines and they can spend the funds any way they want. I'm sure this is true. And since they are bookkeepers then they should have no problem in showing the council how much of the 164K is from Social Kindness Funds.I would like to have Ms. Catlin go to the PAC14 archives and view the fourth budget hearing at which her boss, Dr. Fredericksen, starts tap dancing when council members start asking about these funds. He tries distraction by going off on a tangent about poor children's privacy rights and gets the council members so frustrated that they just seem to throw up their hands and give up. The whole show ends up by playing "Let's Make A Deal " where Mr. Fredericksen readily agrees to turn over some material as some sort of test of confidence or something. Watch it, he's really good. Hey Council members, did any of you get all the information you asked for yet? Come on now, I know you read this blog so how about one of you responding so the taxpayers can get an answer. What about you Mr. Creamer, have you received any of your requests so far.
Ms. Catlin then goes on the attack again by saying ", yes, the taxpayers do have a right to know what salaries are and how money is spent but that the medias don't have the right to accuse them of being untruthful with a lot of innuendos and not telling "The Whole Story" like Mr. Holloway in the newspaper. She then tells everyone that she'll go home, make her lunch and go to bed with a clear conscious because she told "The Whole Story".
Ms. Catlin then goes on the attack again by saying ", yes, the taxpayers do have a right to know what salaries are and how money is spent but that the medias don't have the right to accuse them of being untruthful with a lot of innuendos and not telling "The Whole Story" like Mr. Holloway in the newspaper. She then tells everyone that she'll go home, make her lunch and go to bed with a clear conscious because she told "The Whole Story".
Well Ms. Catlin, The Whole Story hasn't been told yet. And perhaps those items on the list in your name did come out of the Social Kindness Fund. And perhaps those items on the list in say Margo Handy's name for Brew River, Back Street Grill, Goin Nuts Cafe, My Turn To Cook also came out of the Social Kindness Fund but how will we ever know if the Whole Story doesn't come out.
How about this Ms. Catlin, we all believe mistakes have been made.
If they were, then let's bring it all out in the open and give the Council what they ask for and if changes have to be made then let's do it and go on from there. I know we have a tremendous number of great teachers in Wicomico County, is it fair to them to let this go on? I don't think so.
John Palmer,
Delmar Md.
Don't Forget Our 9:00 AM Post Tomorrow Morning
Tomorrow morning we'll bring you our 11th edition of County spending from the Executive's Office as well as the Board of Ed.
Lost IRS E-mails Point to an Abuse of Power and Cover-Up
Missing tapes? Abuse of power? It’s 1974 all over again, with one exception – there seems to be no Woodward and Bernstein interested in delving into an abuse of power and a cover-up.
The parallels between the crisis in the Richard Nixon presidency and the current political environment are intriguing, if not entirely dispositive. Forty-two years ago, the targeting of political enemies by the executive branch erupted as one of the worst political scandals in American history, and took almost two years to reach its apex. A national election and the withdrawal from an unpopular war overshadowed the scandal for awhile, but the press kept Watergate on the front burner long enough for the cover-up to fall apart in 1974.
The parallels between the crisis in the Richard Nixon presidency and the current political environment are intriguing, if not entirely dispositive. Forty-two years ago, the targeting of political enemies by the executive branch erupted as one of the worst political scandals in American history, and took almost two years to reach its apex. A national election and the withdrawal from an unpopular war overshadowed the scandal for awhile, but the press kept Watergate on the front burner long enough for the cover-up to fall apart in 1974.
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