LAST DAY OF SCHOOL/MAKEUP DAYSClosings due to inclement weather and poor road conditions on Dec. 21 and 22, Jan. 8, and Feb. 1 and 2 will be made up on the five days from Monday, June 14 through Friday, June 18, in accordance with the approved school calendar for 2009-2010. (June 16, 17 and 18 will be early dismissal days.) The Board will decide how to make up additional snow days on Feb. 3, 8, 9, 10 and 11. The calendar for this school year is still subject to change by weather closings and other factors.
CANCELLED, HIGH PERFORMANCE LEARNERS COMMITTEE MEETINGThe Superintendent's Advisory Committee on High Performance Learners meeting scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 11., has been cancelled. The committee will meet next on Thursday, Feb. 18, as scheduled.
POSTPONED, FRUITLAND PRIMARYFruitland Primary School's Jump Rope for Heart Event (scheduled for Friday, Feb. 12) has been postponed and rescheduled for Friday, Feb. 26.
POSTPONED, WICOMICO EARLY LEARNING CENTERThe Feb. 11 Sonic fund-raiser night for the Wicomico Early Learning Center has been postponed and will be rescheduled.
RESCHEDULED, SALISBURY MIDDLE SCHOOLThe Salisbury Middle School dance that was scheduled for Feb. 12 has been rescheduled for Feb. 19. The parent-teacher basketball game will be rescheduled.
BOARD MEETING RESCHEDULED FOR FEB. 16The Board of Education met Tuesday at 10 a.m. for a budget work session, but the closed session and the 1:30 p.m. monthly Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday were postponed. The February monthly Board meeting will now be held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16, preceded by a closed Board session. The Board will also meet in a work session at 7:30 a.m. Feb. 16 to continue working on the fiscal year 2011 budget.
RESCHEDULED, SUBSTITUTE TEACHER INTERVIEWSThe substitute interview session scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 10, has been rescheduled for Thursday, Feb. 25 from 1-3 p.m. in the Central Office Auditorium. Call 410-677-4542 for information.
RESCHEDULED, PEMBERTON ELEMENTARY SCIENCE NIGHTPemberton Elementary School's PTA Science Night has been moved from Tuesday, Feb. 9 to Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 6:30 p.m.
CANCELLED, INFANTS AND TODDLERS PROGRAM EVENTSThe Tuesday, Feb. 9 evening sensory program at Wicomico Infants and Toddlers and the Wednesday, Feb. 10, Infants and Toddlers Program playgroup have been cancelled.
POSTPONED, PARKSIDE CTE SKILLSUSA COMPETITION The annual SkillsUSA Competition hosted by Parkside CTE (the Department of Career & Technology Education at Parkside High) has been postponed twice and will be rescheduled. Schools have been closed for three days this week, and due to the prediction of more winter weather this weekend, the decision was made to reschedule the event for Tuesday, during the school day. On Feb. 9, students in automotive technology, carpentry, collision repair, computer assisted drafting and design
(CADD), computer network and repair, cosmetology, criminal justice, culinary arts, early childhood, electricity, electronics, firefighter/EMT, health occupations, high performance manufacturing, horticulture and turf management, HVAC, masonry, nursing assistant, plumbing and welding will showcase their skills during their local contests. Winners will go on to compete in the state SkillsUSA contest, and could even represent Wicomico at the national level. Last year, Wicomico sent several state winners to the national competition. All of the Wicomico students performed well in 2009 during the national competition. For information, please call Jim Maynard, SkillsUSA adviser,
POSTPONED, PITTSVILLE MCDONALD'S SPIRIT NIGHTThe Pittsville Elementary and Middle McDonald's Spirit Night that was scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 4 and rescheduled for Feb. 11 has been postponed and will be rescheduled.
POSTPONED, NORTHWESTERN ELEME Feb. 8) will be rescheduled.
Please note: Some of the rescheduled events below will be affected by the additional snow days this week. Please check back for updates.
INDOOR TRACK SCHEDULE, TENTATIVEThe reworked Indoor Track Schedule was tentative as of Wednesday and is subject to change based on the intensity of the next storm and any further school closings this week. Another update will come on Thursday.
-Tuesday and Wednesday Indoor Track Regional Meets are Postponed
-Thursday, Feb. 11: 1A Central and 1A East Teams Yet To Compete
(Washington, Mardela, Crisfield, Pocomoke and Snow Hill High Schools), Baltimore Armory, 4 p.m. (coaches meeting 3:30 p.m.)
-Monday, Feb. 15: 2A Central Regional Meet with 2A East Teams Yet To Compete (Easton, Parkside, Wicomico, Calvert and Patuxent High Schools), Prince George’s Sports Complex, 11 a.m. (coaches meeting 10:30 a.m.)
RESCHEDULED, PARKSIDE SPORTS BOOSTERS EVENTThe Parkside Sports Boosters' Annual Basket/Bag Bingo originally scheduled for Jan. 30 and rescheduled for Feb. 6 has now been rescheduled for Saturday, Feb. 20.
POSTPONED, MARDELA MIDDLE AND HIGH TECHNOLOGY FESTIVALThe Mardela Middle and High School Technology Festival that was scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 11, has been rescheduled for Thursday, Feb. 25.
POSTPONED/RESCHEDULED, JMB THE SHIVERING SEVEN POLAR PLUNGEDue to the winter weather, the Super Bowl morning polar plunge by The Shivering Seven of James M. Bennett High has been rescheduled for 11 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, on the 62nd Street beach in Ocean City. The team will take the plunge in the name of 4STEPS Therapeutic Riding Program, a non-profit organization committed to enriching the lives of children and adults with disabilities through safe, therapeutic interaction with horses
POSTPONED/RESCHEDULED, DELMAR ELEMENTARY TALENT SHOWThe Delmar Elementary School PTA Talent Show that was scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 18, has been rescheduled for Thursday, Feb. 25 at 6:30 p.m. because the recent school closings have interfered with the rehearsal schedule.
CANCELLED, DESTINATION IMAGINATION INSTANT CHALLENGE DAYThe Destination ImagiNation (DI) Instant Challenge Day that was scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 6, at Salisbury Middle School has been cancelled.
RESCHEDULED, NORTH SALISBURY ELEMENTARY The North Salisbury Elementary Grade 3 Magnet "Fables and Fairy Tales" presentation that was set for Friday, Feb. 5, will now take place on Friday, Feb. 19.
POSTPONED/RESCHEDULED, ALL SHORE BAND AUDITIONS The Eastern Shore Band Directors Association has rescheduled the 2010 All Shore Band Auditions for Saturday, Feb. 20, at Easton Middle School. (These auditions were originally scheduled for Jan. 30 with a snow date
of Feb. 6.) On the 20th, registration will be from 8:30-9:30 a.m. ONLY. Auditions begin at 9:30 a.m. There are other events at Easton Middle on that day, so it may be necessary to park across the street at St. Mark's Church.
POSTPONED/RESCHEDULED, ALL SHORE CHORUS AUDITIONSDue to inclement weather, the All Shore Chorus Auditions that were scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 6, at Mace's Lane Middle School in Cambridge have been rescheduled for Saturday, Feb. 13.