Ladies & Gentlemen, here's the PERFECT Christmas Present for the entire Family and guess what, IT'S FREE!
The Salisbury Fire Department will GIVE you a FREE Smoke Detector, all you have to do is go by any Fire Department and pick one up. Get this, these guys are so cool about it too, they'll even come to your home and install it, NO CHARGE, if you're not able.
Yes, they'll even throw in a free battery to go with it. Now don't go acting like a bunch of Bogarts and go in there asking for free batteries. Do what is right and visit the SFD and get one TODAY! This is NOT something you should wait on.
All too many times in our lives we think, I'll do that tomorrow. Tomorrow may not come Ladies & Gentlemen, so do this for your children.
The last time the City of Salisbury had a fatality from a fire was all the way back in 1998. The ONLY reason why the Family passed away early this morning was because they did NOT have Smoke Detectors.
Here's something cool to think about too. Have you noticed how Toy Companies and Remote Controls no longer use 9 Volt Batteries? I'm not saying ALL of them have stopped but most have. The reason being is, they don't want families removing the batteries from their Smoke Detectors and using them on toys instead.
The Federal Government should force all companies to stop using 9 Volt Batteries for toys and save lives instead. So please, go to your Local Fire Department and ask for a Smoke Detector. Show these men and women you care about your Family and you want to save lives.
Thank You Salisbury Fire Department!