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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pessimism Hits Record: 73% Of Americans, All Time High, Think US Is Headed In Wrong Direction

Perhaps someone should staple the following latest poll from Reuters/Ipsos [2]to the office door of the Fed chairman in the Marriner Eccles building, according to which a record number of people or 73% of all Americans, believe the economy is headed in the wrong direction. This is the highest number measured since the poll started its survey in February of 2009. Only 21% believe the US is on the right track: we assume these are the few people who actually made money in the stock market in the past few months, in other words those long various precious metals [/sarcasm]. Additionally, 47% of respondents believe the worst is yet to come for the economy, the highest since the March 2009 low when the number was 57%. Furthermore, Obama's approval rating dropped from 49% to 45% over the past month. Perhaps it is time to kill Osama for the 3rd (or is that 4th?) time. Bottom line: pessimism is now at or near fresh all time highs. And this is the environment in which the true viceroy of the Americas, Goldman Sachs, has now decreed will proceed with QE3? If the American revolution was deferred back in November when QE2 was enacted, we fail to see how it will be avoided this time around when people realize that gasoline is headed for $9/gallon. Or roughly what Europeans pay today.




Anonymous said...

I've not seen this kind of pessimism since the Carter days. Even Carter used the term "malaise" to describe the ovearall spirit of the land; that same feeling is evident now. We elected a President that has turned out to be so bad that I almost long for Carter. It seems that we are in this mess for the long haul We will never get out of the debt that Obama and his minions have created. Has there been any good news in the last month or so? I love my country but not the direction it is being taken by the charlatan in the White House.

Anonymous said...

The currest financial situation in the US and why are we sending money to other countries? There are humanitarian needs here in the US to spend $100 million dollars, money that we do not have.

Anonymous said...

Well, with entire media outlets and pundits looking to spread doom and gloom so that they can make a dime, what do you expect.