My Wife and I would like to congratulate Wayne Barrel for changing a six year olds opinion of the Firefighting Hero. Instead of our Grandson thinking of the profession as being something to look up to, he now knows the fear of what happened at our house on Thanksgiving Day. You see Wayne in some perceived wrong decided to come over to our house uninvited because I had the audacity to not answer either the house or the cell phone when he was repeatedly calling. My wife was on her way to pick up her son for the holiday and I was home alone with our Grandson. I also happen to have been in the process of showering when Wayne came over to do God knows what. Well I stuck my head out of the master bath just in time to see our Grandson come running in and diving under the bed. The hammering on the door and some stranger trying to beat his way into the house had really scared him. When our Grandson heard me explaining to Jennifer what happened, he over heard me mention that Wayne was a firemen. What a shame. What little boy doesn't aspire to join the fire department and ride around on those really cool trucks? Well, our Grandson now has a tainted version of what a fire fighter represents.
What's truly amazing is that Wayne seems to feel I have slighted him. Yet read what some of his cohorts as well as himself, have said about my family. Read some of the lovely things they said about my wife, my in-laws and even my Grandson. And please while your at it feel free to explain when I have ever picked on a fire fighter's family.
If anybody had a reason to go over the top, it wasn't Wayne Barrel. But I guess that old saying about sticks and stones only apply when your mature enough to understand the thought behind the saying. My family and I have been called it all, but we don't and won't act on any of it. Perhaps Wayne might do himself and his fire fighting friends a big favor by abiding by those same rules. Because right now they all have a black mark on their department when one of their owns feels it's okay to frighten the he** out of a six year old. Way to go Wayne. Maybe they'll erect a statue in your honor.
So this Thanksgiving will go down in the history books. One that we would rather have not had our Grandson experience. He's experience enough trauma in his 6 short years on earth without anyone adding more to it. I also would like to ask what sort of mental evaluation goes on within fire departments. These folks have access to sensitive information, so how about explaining how departments handle the screening process. Obviously there are some lose cannons that need to be weeded out. These kinds of folks can do more harm to a department then any good the department can do in its existence.
It should be noted that Wayne Barrall is a Photographer for The Daily Times. You know, my competition!
Quotes Wayne Barrall made on this subject on The Watch Desk.
"So I drove to his house. I knocked on the door. No answer. I could see his grand son clearly though the full glass door. So I knocked again. Still no answer. So I figured he was scared so I got back in my truck and started to leave."
"He then stated that I was tresspassing and it was privite property, so I said what I had to than began to leave."
"He ended up calling the police and tried to say I was harassing him!"
"Guys Im just not someone to sit back and allow lies be told about me and not doing anything about it!"
"His day will come! Might be me might be someone else, but someone will get him! He's a no body. He thinks this world belongs to him. He is a pure PU**Y and I found that out today..lol.."