DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Recovering Medicare Lost Funds
Medicare still has a long way to go to weed out improper payments. Two new reports by the Health and Human Services inspector general show prison inmates and illegal immigrants got $120 million worth of medical services between 2009 and 2011. On Capitol Hill, lawmakers are demanding a specific plan to prevent the mistakes from happening. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) says the reports show that technical issues like data-sharing are critical and being overlooked. In April, Medicare is launching a new system to better spot red flags and recover lost funds.
A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-27-13
Anonymous said...
As far as your publishers note about officers telling people to contact their insurance for claims less than $1000, I believe that is why UCR crime numbers are down; if there is no suspect info and no evidence to process and it is a misdemeanor, the officers probably get away with a "blotter entry" where they call the list of items in to dispatch and the dispatcher enters it in the call blotter. No official report is taken and there is only a case number given for insurance purposes. This is done to reduce paperwork in departments where certain crimes lack any leads to be followed up on and the home owner is reporting it because their insurance co needs a case number. Problem with this is that since no report is taken, it is not reflected in UCR statistics and because officers don't like writing reports they are more likely to overlook potential evidence and suggest to the person that all they need is a case number for their insurance company, and behold, crime numbers go down.
As far as your publishers note about officers telling people to contact their insurance for claims less than $1000, I believe that is why UCR crime numbers are down; if there is no suspect info and no evidence to process and it is a misdemeanor, the officers probably get away with a "blotter entry" where they call the list of items in to dispatch and the dispatcher enters it in the call blotter. No official report is taken and there is only a case number given for insurance purposes. This is done to reduce paperwork in departments where certain crimes lack any leads to be followed up on and the home owner is reporting it because their insurance co needs a case number. Problem with this is that since no report is taken, it is not reflected in UCR statistics and because officers don't like writing reports they are more likely to overlook potential evidence and suggest to the person that all they need is a case number for their insurance company, and behold, crime numbers go down.
Faced with the high cost of caring for smokers and overeaters, experts say society must grapple with a chilling question. The Associated Press summarizes: “Instead of trying to penalize them and change their ways, why not just let these health sinners die?”
Annual health care costs are roughly $96 billion for smokers and $147 billion for the obese, the government says. These costs accompany sometimes heroic attempts to prolong lives, including surgery, chemotherapy and other measures.
But despite these rescue attempts, smokers tend to die 10 years earlier on average, and the obese die five to 12 years prematurely, according to various researchers’ estimates.
Annual health care costs are roughly $96 billion for smokers and $147 billion for the obese, the government says. These costs accompany sometimes heroic attempts to prolong lives, including surgery, chemotherapy and other measures.
But despite these rescue attempts, smokers tend to die 10 years earlier on average, and the obese die five to 12 years prematurely, according to various researchers’ estimates.
The Road To Debt-Serfdom
Ours is a dysfunctional debt-based Empire that buys the complicity of its debt-serfs with entitlement bread and circuses.
The road to debt-serfdom is paved by the banks and enforced by the Central State.If there is any point that is lost on ideologues, Progressive and Conservative alike, it is this: the first-order servitude and second-order tyranny of debt-serfdom can only occur if the banks' power is extended and protected by an expansive Central State.
The road to debt-serfdom is paved by the banks and enforced by the Central State.If there is any point that is lost on ideologues, Progressive and Conservative alike, it is this: the first-order servitude and second-order tyranny of debt-serfdom can only occur if the banks' power is extended and protected by an expansive Central State.
Md. Couple Getting Married in N.O. Gets Super Bowl Surprise
A couple planning to get married the weekend of the Super Bowl in New Orleans on their 12th anniversary has gotten the surprise of a lifetime -- tickets to the game.
WBAL-TV 11 News met Jim Pellegrini and Daisy Sudano earlier this week. The couple met at a Ravens-Giants Super Bowl party 12 years ago and, years later, agreed they wouldn't get married until the Ravens returned to the Super Bowl.
Since the Ravens solidified their spot in the title game, the couple has been busy making wedding plans to elope in New Orleans over the Super Bowl weekend. The couple said they had plans to just watch the game on TV.
WBAL-TV 11 News met Jim Pellegrini and Daisy Sudano earlier this week. The couple met at a Ravens-Giants Super Bowl party 12 years ago and, years later, agreed they wouldn't get married until the Ravens returned to the Super Bowl.
Since the Ravens solidified their spot in the title game, the couple has been busy making wedding plans to elope in New Orleans over the Super Bowl weekend. The couple said they had plans to just watch the game on TV.
“In some professions, a large part of the time of first-rate people is spent countering the half-baked ideas of second-rate people and trying to salvage something from the wreckage of the disasters they create.” — Thomas Sowell
“What is this oozing behemoth, this fibrous tumor, this monster of power and expense hatched from the simple human desire for civic order? How did an allegedly free people spawn a vast, rampant cuttlefish of dominion with its tentacles in every orifice of the body politic?” — P. J. O’Rourke, Parliament of Whores
“The government is good at one thing…it knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, ‘See, if it weren’t for the government you wouldn’t be able to walk‘.” — Harry Browne
“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” – Thomas Jefferson
“The ‘private sector’ of the economy is, in fact, the ‘voluntary’ sector; and…the ‘public sector’ is, in fact, the ‘coercive’ sector.” — Henry Hazlitt
“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” — Thomas Paine
“It is truly a triumph of rhetoric over reality when people can believe that going into politics is ‘public service,’ but that producing food, shelter, transportation, or medical care is not.” — Thomas Sowell
“What is this oozing behemoth, this fibrous tumor, this monster of power and expense hatched from the simple human desire for civic order? How did an allegedly free people spawn a vast, rampant cuttlefish of dominion with its tentacles in every orifice of the body politic?” — P. J. O’Rourke, Parliament of Whores
“The government is good at one thing…it knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, ‘See, if it weren’t for the government you wouldn’t be able to walk‘.” — Harry Browne
“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” – Thomas Jefferson
“The ‘private sector’ of the economy is, in fact, the ‘voluntary’ sector; and…the ‘public sector’ is, in fact, the ‘coercive’ sector.” — Henry Hazlitt
“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” — Thomas Paine
“It is truly a triumph of rhetoric over reality when people can believe that going into politics is ‘public service,’ but that producing food, shelter, transportation, or medical care is not.” — Thomas Sowell
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. has a message for residents: learn how to use a gun.
With budget cutbacks putting a strain on law enforcement, simply calling 911 might not cut it in a life-or-death or situation, Clarke said in a new radio ad this month. Safety is “no longer a spectator sport,” he says. “I need you in the game.”
“With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option,” Clark adds. “You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. But are you prepared?”
With budget cutbacks putting a strain on law enforcement, simply calling 911 might not cut it in a life-or-death or situation, Clarke said in a new radio ad this month. Safety is “no longer a spectator sport,” he says. “I need you in the game.”
“With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option,” Clark adds. “You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. But are you prepared?”
Miniature Star Trek Style 'Tractor Beam' Built
Researchers from St Andrews demonstrated that the microscopic-scale apparatus could pull tiny particles suspended in water towards it via a beam of light, rather than push them away as would normally happen.
Although scientists have been able to manipulate light in various ways for decades, the experts claim they are the first to build a "tractor beam" which works of its own accord and does not require help from a computer to "trap" objects before shifting them.
Sadly for sci-fi enthusiasts the technique, detailed in the Nature Photonics journal, has only been proven to work on a particle five microns wide, and can not be scaled up to suck in spaceships because too powerful a laser would be required.
Dr Tomas Cizmar, who led the study, explained: "The problem is that this is based on the transfer of momentum between photons (light particles) and the object, and unavoidably there is also a transfer of energy.
"If you imagine you would like to attract a football, the amount of energy it would transfer would be huge and it would immediately burn up the football.
Although scientists have been able to manipulate light in various ways for decades, the experts claim they are the first to build a "tractor beam" which works of its own accord and does not require help from a computer to "trap" objects before shifting them.
Sadly for sci-fi enthusiasts the technique, detailed in the Nature Photonics journal, has only been proven to work on a particle five microns wide, and can not be scaled up to suck in spaceships because too powerful a laser would be required.
Dr Tomas Cizmar, who led the study, explained: "The problem is that this is based on the transfer of momentum between photons (light particles) and the object, and unavoidably there is also a transfer of energy.
"If you imagine you would like to attract a football, the amount of energy it would transfer would be huge and it would immediately burn up the football.
Boy Scouts Threaten to Kick Out Troop For Supporting Gay Members
The Boy Scouts council in charge of overseeing scout programs in the Washington, DC-area is threatening to kick out a Maryland troop for posting a statement on its website declaring it won't discriminate against gay scouts. The troop has to decide by tomorrow whether to remove the statement.
In September, the families of Pack 442, which is based in Cloverly, Maryland (a small town less than 20 miles from the nation's capital), anonymously voted and overwhelmingly approved to adopt a non-discrimination statement. According to Theresa Phillips, committee chair of Pack 442, the pack wanted Boy Scouts of America to know "we will not stand for the discrimination of homosexual minors or adults whatsoever." Here's the sentence causing the controversy:
Five Apprehended After Anchorage Motel Room Invasion In Lewes
Anchorage Motel, 18809 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE
Date of Occurrence:
Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 12:30 a.m.
19 year old male
20 year old male
Defendants/Charges/Bond Information:
Derrick J. Legree-25 of Milford, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Possession of a Deadly Weapon by Person Prohibited
Committed to Sussex Correctional Institution Cash Bond
Antonio Peay-17 of Milford, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Committed to the Stevenson House Detention Center Cash Bond
Alycia M. Peay-19 of Milford, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Committed to Sussex Correctional Institution Cash Bond
Skyy Waters-15 of Millsboro, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Committed to the Stevenson House Detention Center Cash Bond
Chazna B. Halliday-15 of Millsboro, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Committed to the Stevenson House Detention Center Cash Bond
Lewes-Delaware State Police have arrested and charged five individuals, including three juveniles, shortly after committing a motel room invasion in Lewes.
Delaware State Police Major Crime Detectives have charged Derrick J. Legree-25 of Milford, DE, Antonio Peay-17 of Milford, DE, Alycia M. Peay-19 of Milford, DE, Skyy Waters-15 of Millsboro, DE, and Chazna B. Halliday-15 of Millsboro, DE with the above listed crimes in connection with the motel room invasion style robbery that occurred at the Anchorage Motel in Lewes early this morning.
The incident occurred at approximately 12:30 a.m. this morning as the two victims were inside of their rented room located at the Anchorage Motel for a prearranged gathering with Alycia M. Peay, Skyy Waters and Chazna B. Halliday. While the two male victims were inside of the room with the females, Derrick J. Legree, armed with a handgun, and Antonio Peay forced their way into the motel room demanding money and ordering the victims to the ground. During the course of the takeover, the 20 year old male victim fled the motel room on foot and the 19 year old victim jumped through a glass bathroom window of the motel room to escape and called State Police. The defendants removed backpacks containing an undisclosed amount of cash that belonged to the victims and fled the motel in a vehicle described as silver PT Cruiser. The 19 year old male victim suffered lacerations from jumping through the glass window and was transported to a local hospital for treatment. Treatment status and disposition were unknown at the time of this release.
At approximately 1:00 a.m. Officers from the Georgetown Police Department observed a PT Cruiser matching the description of the suspect vehicle utilized in the motel invasion and conducted a vehicle stop. The PT Cruiser was occupied by all five defendants and contained evidence from the earlier incident connecting them to the motel invasion.
All of the defendants were taken into custody and after conducting interviews and evidence collection by Delaware State Police Major Crimes Detectives, it was determined that Alycia M. Peay, Sky Watters, and Chazna B. Halliday had orchestrated and planned the motel invasion robbery of the two victims by Derrick J. Legree and Antonio Peay.
All five defendants were charged with the above crimes and committed to the respective institutions on Cash Bond (Cash Bond amounts undetermined at the time of this release)
Anchorage Motel, 18809 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE
Date of Occurrence:
Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 12:30 a.m.
19 year old male
20 year old male
Defendants/Charges/Bond Information:
Derrick J. Legree-25 of Milford, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Possession of a Deadly Weapon by Person Prohibited
Committed to Sussex Correctional Institution Cash Bond
Antonio Peay-17 of Milford, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Committed to the Stevenson House Detention Center Cash Bond
Alycia M. Peay-19 of Milford, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Committed to Sussex Correctional Institution Cash Bond
Skyy Waters-15 of Millsboro, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Committed to the Stevenson House Detention Center Cash Bond
Chazna B. Halliday-15 of Millsboro, DE
Robbery First Degree (2 counts)
Possession of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony
Home Invasion with Intent to Commit a Violent Felony
Assault Second Degree
Conspiracy Second Degree
Committed to the Stevenson House Detention Center Cash Bond
Lewes-Delaware State Police have arrested and charged five individuals, including three juveniles, shortly after committing a motel room invasion in Lewes.
Delaware State Police Major Crime Detectives have charged Derrick J. Legree-25 of Milford, DE, Antonio Peay-17 of Milford, DE, Alycia M. Peay-19 of Milford, DE, Skyy Waters-15 of Millsboro, DE, and Chazna B. Halliday-15 of Millsboro, DE with the above listed crimes in connection with the motel room invasion style robbery that occurred at the Anchorage Motel in Lewes early this morning.
The incident occurred at approximately 12:30 a.m. this morning as the two victims were inside of their rented room located at the Anchorage Motel for a prearranged gathering with Alycia M. Peay, Skyy Waters and Chazna B. Halliday. While the two male victims were inside of the room with the females, Derrick J. Legree, armed with a handgun, and Antonio Peay forced their way into the motel room demanding money and ordering the victims to the ground. During the course of the takeover, the 20 year old male victim fled the motel room on foot and the 19 year old victim jumped through a glass bathroom window of the motel room to escape and called State Police. The defendants removed backpacks containing an undisclosed amount of cash that belonged to the victims and fled the motel in a vehicle described as silver PT Cruiser. The 19 year old male victim suffered lacerations from jumping through the glass window and was transported to a local hospital for treatment. Treatment status and disposition were unknown at the time of this release.
At approximately 1:00 a.m. Officers from the Georgetown Police Department observed a PT Cruiser matching the description of the suspect vehicle utilized in the motel invasion and conducted a vehicle stop. The PT Cruiser was occupied by all five defendants and contained evidence from the earlier incident connecting them to the motel invasion.
All of the defendants were taken into custody and after conducting interviews and evidence collection by Delaware State Police Major Crimes Detectives, it was determined that Alycia M. Peay, Sky Watters, and Chazna B. Halliday had orchestrated and planned the motel invasion robbery of the two victims by Derrick J. Legree and Antonio Peay.
All five defendants were charged with the above crimes and committed to the respective institutions on Cash Bond (Cash Bond amounts undetermined at the time of this release)
In my research for the film I made on Governor Palin, The Undefeated, I was constantly amazed at the anti-establishment stands she took at every step in her rise to power. Moves that a conventional politician would run from, she embraced: in Wasilla, in Juneau, and in the rise of the Tea Party. Her ability to see “over the hill” to what is really important, what really matters, is what sets her apart.
Andrew Breitbart embraced the Governor as a fellow warrior in the long struggle against a detached and venal political/media complex. He lives on in spirit and through the work of those he inspired—including, but not limited to, those who report and contribute at his site.
The Governor has been at the forefront of the fight against the Permanent Political Class and, as such, inspired Peter Schweizer and myself in our work last night on Fox News with Sean Hannity’s special “Boomtown.” We consider ourselves honored at Breitbart News to have her share with us her thoughts on the road ahead in this exclusive Q & A.
Andrew Breitbart embraced the Governor as a fellow warrior in the long struggle against a detached and venal political/media complex. He lives on in spirit and through the work of those he inspired—including, but not limited to, those who report and contribute at his site.
The Governor has been at the forefront of the fight against the Permanent Political Class and, as such, inspired Peter Schweizer and myself in our work last night on Fox News with Sean Hannity’s special “Boomtown.” We consider ourselves honored at Breitbart News to have her share with us her thoughts on the road ahead in this exclusive Q & A.
Insurers To White House: Delay ObamaCare Or Risk "Chaos"
With eight months left until million of Americans are supposed to begin shopping at online markets created by the Obamacare 'tax' law, the insurance industry is concerned at the government's lack of readiness. Bloomberg reports that Jim Donelon, the head of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, suggested that President Obama may need to delay the implementation of the health-care overhaul or "risk chaos" when the subsidized plans go on sale later this year. While it is clear that the administration has shown no sign of seeking a delay, Donelon notes that "...to rush into implementation before it's ready would not be in the President's best interest."
Field Notes
Observations and Reflections on Legislative Activities
By Delegate Michael A. McDermottWeek 2 Jan. 21-25, 2013
Monday Regular Session:
As tradition dictates, a member of the Black Caucus deliver a speech relatvie to the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King on his recongized Holiday. This evening’s address was delivered by Delegate C.T. Wilson (D-Charles). He focussed on his own upbringing and how his life and opportunities had been make better by the civil rights path created by Dr. King and others.The speech was very personal and I believe everyone was touched by his words.
Tuesday Judiciary Committee Hearings:
HB-14 addresses a gap in the law which did not cover part-time school employees and coaches who may attempt to engage in sexual contact with a student. The current law only deals with “permanent, full time” personnel. The bill seeks to insure this custodial relationship is covered whether someone is full time or part time. We heard testimony about several cases in Maryland where sexual relations had occurred that, once found out, could not be prosecuted since they were only part time employees of the school.
HB-31 attempts to cover the same gap in the law as the above stated HB-14. I will be offering an amendment to this bill which would also cover non-salaried personnel who are engaged in coaching and other activity within the school system.
HB-1 seeks to make Cannabimimetic Agents illegal. These are the “bath salts” which are being abused by some people and used as synthetic marijuana. We heard testimony regarding the elimination of these drugs locally by ordinance in Worcester County. This bill seeks to do so statewide. We heard testimony about multiple adverse affects these new synthetic drugs are having on young people who are the targeted audience.
HB-12 addresses the pointing or aiming of laser pointers at aircraft. We passed this bill last year but it was stalled in the Senate. We heard testimony from State Police Pilots who testified that this is a significant safety issue for them while operating their aircraft as the laser reflects upon striking their cockpit area and impacts their ability to safely operate. Some who have been caught doing this have been charged with Reckless Endangerment successfully. There was discussion about the need to create a new law if we are already seeing successful prosecution under existing statutes.
HB-27 seeks to eliminate Diminution Credits for offenders convicted of Child Pornography. These are the credits provided for inmates who participating in various approved programs within the correctional facilities which allow them to reduce their prison sentences.
“A Minute with Mike”: Keeping Government Local
Wednesday Judiciary Hearing:
HB-32 would require someone convicted of Transporting a Minor While Intoxicated to submit to having an Ignition Interlock System installed on their vehicle and would mandate their participation in the program. There were some questions regarding the cost (which is born by the participant) and the impact on families economically. This has been before the committee in the past and I am unsure if it is going to get out to the floor this year.
HB-8 seeks to address the specific amount of money which may be deposited into a single account belonging to a minor in cases before an Orphan’s Court. Currently there is a restriction placed upon the rules governing fiduciary estates which is $75,000. This bill seeks to lift the amount to $200,000. It seems the bill seeks to update the amounts to keep up with the times rather than alter any legislative language.
This afternoon I released this Press Release on my School Safety proposals.
Thursday Judiciary Hearing:
HB-54 seeks to create a State Registry of Adult Abusers. The list would be maintained by the state in similar fashion as a Sex Offender Registry. We received statistics on the number of elder abuse occurring and the repetitive nature of these acts when employees that are abusive move from one job to another. This bill was opposed by Occupational Health Care Practitioners as they feel the reviews are already being conducted by employers through background checks. We heard from the Sex Offender defenders who do not believe the public should be entitled to this type of information.
Gun Bill-Speaker’s Special Committee: I attended the initial meeting of a newly formed Special Committee which will review the O’Malley-Brown Gun Bill and hear from various professionals who can speak to the many layers covered by this coprehensive legislation. There are three committees represented: Judiciary, Health & Government Operations, and Economic Matters. We will be meeting many times in the coming weeks as we break the bill down. I have reviewed the O’Malley-Brown Bill, SB-281, and it would create a ban on assault weapons and magazines over 10-rounds. It also includes extensive registration and training requirements along with many fees. There are no provisions which address school safety or security in the bill, and the changes will not make us any safer. I will provide a complete breakdown on the bill next week for your review.
This afternoon I released this Press Release on the upcoming HB-106 Hearing, the Repeal of last years SB-236. It is a call for action for those concerned about their property rights.
This afternoon I released this Press Release on the upcoming HB-106 Hearing. It is a call for action for those concerned about their property rights.
Friday Morning-Eastern Shore Delegation Meeting:
The delegation heard from Secretary Dominick Murray from the Department of Business and Economic Development. We also heard from the Commercial Watermen’s Association President Gibby Dean and several representatives from the regional Tri-County Councils. I will post up the minutes from the meeting in a later update.
Immigration Reform Could Add Millions Of People Under Obama Health Law
Comprehensive immigration reform could make millions of people suddenly eligible for assistance under President Obama's healthcare law, assuming a final deal paves the way for undocumented immigrants to receive papers.
Illegal aliens are now prohibited from purchasing coverage through the Affordable Care Act's insurance exchanges, which will launch next year.
They are also ineligible for Medicaid under most circumstances, making the law's expansion of the program fruitless for people without documents.
Illegal aliens are now prohibited from purchasing coverage through the Affordable Care Act's insurance exchanges, which will launch next year.
They are also ineligible for Medicaid under most circumstances, making the law's expansion of the program fruitless for people without documents.
Is Crime Really DOWN In Salisbury Like The Mayor Says?
"Hi Joe,
Our quiet community development of Cooper Landing was hit last night by vandals, i.e. cars gone through, GPS's and change taken. I know you used to have a link to police reports. Is that still available?
A co-worker told me his development was hit a week and a half ago in similar fashion. Of course, these things never hit the press and was wondering how much of this going on?"
Publishers Notes: As I had mentioned a couple days ago, Officers are being told to suggest you simply contact your Insurance Company for crime under $1,000.00.
I have made numerous attempts in the past to contact Chief Barbara Duncan but ever since the Mayors alleged phone spoof Mrs. Duncan refuses to answer or respond to my calls or text messages.
This is very concerning for my campaign as we have serious questions for each department head but Mayor Ireton has enforced very strict instruction telling all of them they cannot speak to Joe Albero.
Of course the Mayor is doing everything in his power to keep these kind of details from going public and or allowing me to challenge him with the TRUTH in public forums or debates.
So I'll repeat, IF you have been and or are satisfied with the progress in Salisbury for the past 16 years, please, by all means, vote for Jim Ireton.
If you are tired of the good old boys, temper tantrums, press conferences, pointing fingers at every one else and you want to see Salisbury move ahead in the right direction with a MAN in Office who will take full responsibility for once, you'll vote for me.
"This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose".
Starchy Diets Key To Dog Domestication
They work with us, play with us and comfort us when we’re down.
Archaeological evidence indicates that dogs have had a close bond
with humans for millennia.
But exactly why and how they evolved from their wolf ancestors into our loyal companions has been something of a mystery.
Now a new genetic analysis indicates that dietary adaptation played a critical role in dog domestication.
Scientists have two theories for how dog domestication began.
One holds that humans captured wolf pups and tamed them for their hunting and guarding abilities.
Archaeological evidence indicates that dogs have had a close bond
But exactly why and how they evolved from their wolf ancestors into our loyal companions has been something of a mystery.
Now a new genetic analysis indicates that dietary adaptation played a critical role in dog domestication.
Scientists have two theories for how dog domestication began.
One holds that humans captured wolf pups and tamed them for their hunting and guarding abilities.
Baltimore VA Office Worst In Nation For Processing Disability Claims
The Baltimore office of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is the slowest in the country in processing disability claims for servicemen and servicewomen — averaging about a year — and makes more mistakes than any other office.
The failures locally are a symptom of a national breakdown: Across the country, more than 900,000 veterans wait an average of nine months for the agency to determine whether they qualify for disability benefits, according to the VA.
Even as the VA says it is working to fix problems in Baltimore and nationwide, Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and AfghanistanVeterans of America, calls the situation "shameful."
Another Arson Fire Reported On Eastern Shore
Parksley, Va. – Another arson has been reported on the Eastern Shore.
An unoccupied outbuilding was set on fire in the 18000 block of Cassatt Avenue in Parksley Saturday night.
The building sustained some structural damage but was not a total loss. There were no injuries More
An unoccupied outbuilding was set on fire in the 18000 block of Cassatt Avenue in Parksley Saturday night.
The building sustained some structural damage but was not a total loss. There were no injuries More
Joe Biden Shotgun Earthquakes
In a Google+ Hangout centered around gun control, Vice President Joe Biden went off on a strange tangent on shotguns, assault rifles, and protecting yourself during an earthquake against other people (or, zombies?).
"A shotgun would keep you a lot safer – a double barrel shotgun – than the assault weapon in somebody's hand who doesn't know how to use it, even one who does know how to use it.
You know. *Points to the camera*
It's harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than it is a shotgun. So, if you want to keep people away in an earthquake, buy some shotgun shells."
"A shotgun would keep you a lot safer – a double barrel shotgun – than the assault weapon in somebody's hand who doesn't know how to use it, even one who does know how to use it.
You know. *Points to the camera*
It's harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than it is a shotgun. So, if you want to keep people away in an earthquake, buy some shotgun shells."
Bank of America Takes Florida Squatter to Court Over $2.5 Million Mansion
Bank of America is taking a Florida man to court after he attempted to use an antiquated state law to legally take possession of a $2.5 million mansion that is currently owned by the bank.
Andre "Loki" Barbosa has lived in a five-bedroom Boca Raton, Fla., waterside property since July, and police have reportedly been unable to remove him.
The Brazilian national, 23, who reportedly refers to himself as "Loki Boy," cites Florida's "adverse possession" law, in which a party may acquire title from another by openly occupying their land and paying real property tax for at least seven years.
Andre "Loki" Barbosa has lived in a five-bedroom Boca Raton, Fla., waterside property since July, and police have reportedly been unable to remove him.
The Brazilian national, 23, who reportedly refers to himself as "Loki Boy," cites Florida's "adverse possession" law, in which a party may acquire title from another by openly occupying their land and paying real property tax for at least seven years.
5 Tax Audit Triggers
Despite the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 passed in January, the government is still tasked with how to cut spending and reduce the deficit.
As a result, Certified Public Accountant David Wolfson, a partner in the accounting and consulting firm Schulman Lobel Wolfson Zand Abruzzo Katzen & Blackman LLP, predicts that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be on the lookout for tax errors: “There will always be more audits (deserved or not) in a down economy, as a cash-strapped government seeks to raise funds.”
Though the 2013 goal for taxpayers may be how to legally reduce more of their tax burden in lieu of higher taxes, there’s a fine line between legal tax maneuvers and suspicious claims that lead to a tax audit.
Here is expert insight into five common tax filing practices that might invite you into the unpleasant world of tax audits.
As a result, Certified Public Accountant David Wolfson, a partner in the accounting and consulting firm Schulman Lobel Wolfson Zand Abruzzo Katzen & Blackman LLP, predicts that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be on the lookout for tax errors: “There will always be more audits (deserved or not) in a down economy, as a cash-strapped government seeks to raise funds.”
Though the 2013 goal for taxpayers may be how to legally reduce more of their tax burden in lieu of higher taxes, there’s a fine line between legal tax maneuvers and suspicious claims that lead to a tax audit.
Here is expert insight into five common tax filing practices that might invite you into the unpleasant world of tax audits.
Power Outage On North End of Salisbury
We are gettting reports that the North end of Salisbury has lost power. Sams club and Walmart have power yet the Centre At Salisbury has shut down due to no power.
Update: Power has been restored
Update: Power has been restored
Compromise Sought Over Proposed Shark Restrictions
OCEAN CITY -- The public will have a chance next week to weigh in on a drastic rule change proposed last fall by a federal fisheries management agency aimed at protecting one type of shark with a blanket size limit increase for all species.
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in November published a rather dubious “Amendment 5” to the Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan that would, if adopted, create a new 96-inch, or eight-foot, minimum keeper size limit for all sharks caught off the coast of the resort including the popular makos, threshers, hammerheads and blue sharks that are staples of the resort’s sportfishing industry. The proposed rule change is aimed at affording greater protections to dusky sharks, which have been on NMFS’ prohibited species list since 2002 but have still allegedly seen their population figures dip to critical levels.
Amendment 5 would nearly double the minimum size limit for as many as 12 legal shark species from the current 54 inches to 96 inches. According to Captain Mark Sampson, a charter captain and local expert on all things related to sharks, the rule change could effectively shut down a major staple of the early offshore fishing season in Ocean City and up and down the east coast.
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in November published a rather dubious “Amendment 5” to the Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan that would, if adopted, create a new 96-inch, or eight-foot, minimum keeper size limit for all sharks caught off the coast of the resort including the popular makos, threshers, hammerheads and blue sharks that are staples of the resort’s sportfishing industry. The proposed rule change is aimed at affording greater protections to dusky sharks, which have been on NMFS’ prohibited species list since 2002 but have still allegedly seen their population figures dip to critical levels.
Amendment 5 would nearly double the minimum size limit for as many as 12 legal shark species from the current 54 inches to 96 inches. According to Captain Mark Sampson, a charter captain and local expert on all things related to sharks, the rule change could effectively shut down a major staple of the early offshore fishing season in Ocean City and up and down the east coast.
Agencies Skip USPS For Shipping Services
Federal agencies prefer private sector competitors to the Postal Service, sending the USPS only 2 percent of their General Services Administration shipping schedule-based business, says the service's office of inspector general.
In a report (.pdf) dated Jan. 18, the IG says government agencies spent $336.9 million in fiscal 2012 through GSA's Schedule 48, the governmentwide contract vehicle that includes domestic delivery services. Most of that money went to companies like UPS and FedEx, which have been active in the schedule since 2001, while USPS didn't start participating until 2009.
The report says that reducing prices and expanding sales staff could lead to the Poatal Service to capture 6.6 percent of the federal agency shipping spend, (based on its overall lightweight package market share), creating an additional $17.4 million of revenue annually during fiscals 2013 and 2014.
One major challenge for the Postal Service is its high price and limited offering of 2-day and 3-day guaranteed express delivery products. "Postal Service prices on Schedule 48 were not competitive, in most instances, with those of FedEx and UPS," says the report.
In a report (.pdf) dated Jan. 18, the IG says government agencies spent $336.9 million in fiscal 2012 through GSA's Schedule 48, the governmentwide contract vehicle that includes domestic delivery services. Most of that money went to companies like UPS and FedEx, which have been active in the schedule since 2001, while USPS didn't start participating until 2009.
The report says that reducing prices and expanding sales staff could lead to the Poatal Service to capture 6.6 percent of the federal agency shipping spend, (based on its overall lightweight package market share), creating an additional $17.4 million of revenue annually during fiscals 2013 and 2014.
One major challenge for the Postal Service is its high price and limited offering of 2-day and 3-day guaranteed express delivery products. "Postal Service prices on Schedule 48 were not competitive, in most instances, with those of FedEx and UPS," says the report.
Oklahoma Fights Obamacare Mandates
The Internal Revenue Service flatly ignored Oklahoma’s “sovereign choice” to reject a key portion of President Obama’s health care law, exposing the state to burdensome penalties despite its willful strategy to avoid the sanctions by following the letter of the law, the state’s top lawyer said in court papers filed Friday.
Oklahoma Attorney General E. Scott Pruitt’s filing is the latest salvo in his fight against a rule the IRS issued in May to ensure that tax credits will be available to persons who buy insurance through state-run insurance markets, or “exchanges,” as well as states that opted for federally run exchange under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.
Mr. Pruitt and other critics contend the law clearly says the tax credits were intended for exchanges set up by the states and don’t apply to federally run exchanges. But if the government cannot pay out subsidies in the latter states, it makes the president’s health care plan much less appealing.
Oklahoma Attorney General E. Scott Pruitt’s filing is the latest salvo in his fight against a rule the IRS issued in May to ensure that tax credits will be available to persons who buy insurance through state-run insurance markets, or “exchanges,” as well as states that opted for federally run exchange under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.
Mr. Pruitt and other critics contend the law clearly says the tax credits were intended for exchanges set up by the states and don’t apply to federally run exchanges. But if the government cannot pay out subsidies in the latter states, it makes the president’s health care plan much less appealing.
Making Sense Of The American Civil War
WHAT: Reading, discussion, and event series
WHO: Library Members & visitors
WHEN: Now through April
WHERE: Wicomico Public Library – Main Library, Centre Branch & Pittsville Branch; Poplar Hill Mansion
SALISBURY, MD – January 24, 2013 -- In commemoration of the 150th anniversary, Wicomico Public Library is hosting a free reading, discussion and event series on “Making Sense of the American Civil War.” This project will pull together groups and individuals in the area who share an interest in local history.
While there are no major battlefields in this area, the Eastern Shore played a key part in the conflict. There were troop encampments, smuggling efforts, divided loyalties and local heroes and villains. The Library is partnering with the Maryland Humanities Council and a group of local organizations and experts to highlight what happened here during the war and how the events and ideas of that time affect us today.
A series of five book discussion events will be fundamental to the program. These will be held on Tuesday evenings at the Main Library. Participants are encouraged to attend all five sessions. Reading materials are loaned free of charge. There are 25 sets available on a first-come, first-serve basis. If supplies run out, people can still participate as the books are easily obtainable at local libraries and bookstores.
Discussions will be held on the following works:
- "March" by Geraldine Brooks (Penguin, 2006)
- "Crossroads of Freedom: Antietam" by James McPherson (Oxford University Press, 2002)
- "America’s War: Talking About the Civil War and Emancipation on Their 150th Anniversaries", is an anthology of historical fiction, speeches, diaries, memoirs, biography, and short stories, edited by national project scholar Edward L. Ayers and co-published by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association.
Additional programs and displays are planned to encourage local awareness and discussion about the impact of the Civil War. These are all free and open to the public. The public is invited to participate in the entire series, or to drop in for individual events. For a full listing of events, click here. Details for individual programs are available at www.wicomicolibrary.org.
Some of the additional programs will include a special Friday Night program featuring Roger Arthur, a nationally recognized historian and noted speaker, on the mysteries surrounding the death of Abraham Lincoln. There will be an open house and lecture on Clara Gunby, a local artist and Confederate sympathizer, at the Poplar Hill Mansion on March 2, a walking tour of downtown sites (did you know there was a major encampment on the PRMC grounds?) on March 15, and a talk on Civil War medicine by local expert and Salisbury University faculty member Bill Campbell on Feb 26. Library displays, movie and craft programs, and children’s activities will be featured over the next few months. Other programs are still being added.
The Wicomico Public Library is one of more than 150 sites nationwide and one of the four sites in Maryland to host the series, developed by the American Library Association and the National Endowment for the Humanities, with additional support provided by the Maryland Humanities Council.
The Department of Homeland Security is seeking to acquire 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO “personal defense weapons” (PDW) — also known as “assault weapons” when owned by civilians. The solicitation, originally posted on June 7, 2012, comes to light as the Obama administration is calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and high capacity magazines.
Citing a General Service Administration (GSA) request for proposal (RFP), Steve McGough of RadioViceOnline.com reports that DHS is asking for the 7,000 “select-fire” firearms because they are “suitable for personal defense use in close quarters.” The term select-fire means the weapon can be both semi-automatic and automatic. Civilians are prohibited from obtaining these kinds of weapons.
The RFP describes the firearm as “Personal Defense Weapon (PDW) – 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and/or when maximum concealment is required.” Additionally, DHS is asking for 30 round magazines that “have a capacity to hold thirty (30) 5.56x45mm NATO rounds.”
Citing a General Service Administration (GSA) request for proposal (RFP), Steve McGough of RadioViceOnline.com reports that DHS is asking for the 7,000 “select-fire” firearms because they are “suitable for personal defense use in close quarters.” The term select-fire means the weapon can be both semi-automatic and automatic. Civilians are prohibited from obtaining these kinds of weapons.
The RFP describes the firearm as “Personal Defense Weapon (PDW) – 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and/or when maximum concealment is required.” Additionally, DHS is asking for 30 round magazines that “have a capacity to hold thirty (30) 5.56x45mm NATO rounds.”
Don't Forget To Stop By And Get Your Yard Sign
Yard Signs are going out the door like candy. You are welcome to stop by 304 W. Main Street Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 6 PM and pick up a Yard Sign.
People are stopping by saying they are seeing my Yard Signs everywhere and that's fantastic. Look, Yard Signs don't win elections but they certainly make a statement.
Make your statement and let others know you support Joe Albero for Mayor because you want to be a part of Salisbury moving forward for once. Join the hundreds already displaying these signs and get on board with a team that has LEADERSHIP and VISION.
Posting a Jim Ireton Sign simply states you've enjoyed how Salisbury has been run for the past 16 years and you want to continue down that same path of tax increases and fees. The choice is yours.
This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose.
People are stopping by saying they are seeing my Yard Signs everywhere and that's fantastic. Look, Yard Signs don't win elections but they certainly make a statement.
Make your statement and let others know you support Joe Albero for Mayor because you want to be a part of Salisbury moving forward for once. Join the hundreds already displaying these signs and get on board with a team that has LEADERSHIP and VISION.
Posting a Jim Ireton Sign simply states you've enjoyed how Salisbury has been run for the past 16 years and you want to continue down that same path of tax increases and fees. The choice is yours.
This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose.
Gays to National Geographic: Condemn Boy Scouts’ ‘Anti-Gay Policy’ Before New Reality Show
The Boy Scouts of America are once again coming under fire from a national gay rights group, this time via a protest of the National Geographic Channel. The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation announced Wednesday that it is supporting an online petition asking the cable network to add a disclaimer to the start of each episode of the upcoming reality series “Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout?”
The petition — started by Will Oliver, a 20-year-old gay Eagle Scoutfrom Duxbury, Mass. — asks that the network “inform viewers about the organization’s dangerous anti-gay policy” and “speak out now to protect gay youth and leaders.”
The Boy Scouts have a longstanding policy of barring openly gay scouts and gay or lesbian adults from serving as scout leaders.
The petition — started by Will Oliver, a 20-year-old gay Eagle Scoutfrom Duxbury, Mass. — asks that the network “inform viewers about the organization’s dangerous anti-gay policy” and “speak out now to protect gay youth and leaders.”
The Boy Scouts have a longstanding policy of barring openly gay scouts and gay or lesbian adults from serving as scout leaders.
Apes, Pigs, and F-16s
When Mohamed Morsi dehumanizes Jews as “the descendants of apes and pigs,” there’s an elephant in the room. We find it here:
Those who incurred the curse of Allah and His wrath, those of whom some He transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil — these are many times worse in rank, and far more astray from the even Path!You see, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood mahoff–turned–president did not conjure up the apes-and-pigs riff on his own. When Morsi fulminates that Muslims “must not forget to nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred towards those Zionists and Jews, and all those who support them,” he is taking his cues straight from the Koran. Or rather, from the Holy Koran, as “progressive” American politicians take pains to call it in the off hours from their campaign to drive every last vestige of Judeo-Christian culture from the public square.
Does This REALLY Need To Be A Law?
5. SB211- Tree Experts
Should this bill pass, licensed tree experts in Maryland would no longer be able to supervise more than one company that provides tree expert services.
4. SB 191- Increasing penalties for theft of a wheeled cart
This bill increases the fine for damaging, stealing, and abandoning grocery carts from $25 to $100. Did you know that grocery carts suffered from abandonment issues too? Is this REALLY worth making a law?
3. HB 13- State Sandwich- Soft Shell Crab
This legislation would make the State Sandwich the soft shell crab sandwich. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, we have this directly from the policy note:
"Soft-shell crab sandwiches are generally quite simple. A traditional sandwich consists of a breaded and fried soft-shell crab between two slices of white bread or toast. Lettuce and tomato are common additions; there also maybe a squirt of lemon, Old Bay seasoning, or some tartar sauce. The focus of the sandwich is the sweet and savory meat of the crab and the crunch of the soft shell."
Can we at least discuss issues with real, substantive debate? For example, should the State soup be cream of crab or Maryland crab soup?
2. SB 220- Cable Service Providers- Missed Appointments
This legislation would provide penalties for television service providers who miss their scheduled appointment time with their subscriber. Really? Can't the private sector take care of itself? What would any normal person do if they were stood up on any other date? DUMP 'EM!
1. HB 173- Golf Cart Zones on Highway
This bill would give Charles County the authority to designate "Golf Cart Zones" on highways in that county. What's next, Rascal zones? Look out, here comes Grandma! How about a lane designated specifically for little Jimmy and his Big Wheel? Honestly, does this REALLY need to be a law?
Should this bill pass, licensed tree experts in Maryland would no longer be able to supervise more than one company that provides tree expert services.
4. SB 191- Increasing penalties for theft of a wheeled cart
This bill increases the fine for damaging, stealing, and abandoning grocery carts from $25 to $100. Did you know that grocery carts suffered from abandonment issues too? Is this REALLY worth making a law?
3. HB 13- State Sandwich- Soft Shell Crab
This legislation would make the State Sandwich the soft shell crab sandwich. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, we have this directly from the policy note:
"Soft-shell crab sandwiches are generally quite simple. A traditional sandwich consists of a breaded and fried soft-shell crab between two slices of white bread or toast. Lettuce and tomato are common additions; there also maybe a squirt of lemon, Old Bay seasoning, or some tartar sauce. The focus of the sandwich is the sweet and savory meat of the crab and the crunch of the soft shell."
Can we at least discuss issues with real, substantive debate? For example, should the State soup be cream of crab or Maryland crab soup?
2. SB 220- Cable Service Providers- Missed Appointments
This legislation would provide penalties for television service providers who miss their scheduled appointment time with their subscriber. Really? Can't the private sector take care of itself? What would any normal person do if they were stood up on any other date? DUMP 'EM!
1. HB 173- Golf Cart Zones on Highway
This bill would give Charles County the authority to designate "Golf Cart Zones" on highways in that county. What's next, Rascal zones? Look out, here comes Grandma! How about a lane designated specifically for little Jimmy and his Big Wheel? Honestly, does this REALLY need to be a law?
BREAKING NEWS: American Pastor Sentenced To 8 Years in Iranian Prison
Jailed Christian Pastor Saeed Abedini has been convicted by an Iranian court and sentenced to eight years in prison.
At Least 5 People Killed In Shootings During Bloody Chicago Day
CHICAGO – At least five people were gunned down Saturday in Chicago, including a 34-year-old man whose mother had already lost her three other children to shootings.
Ronnie Chambers, who was his mother Shirley's youngest child, was shot in the head while sitting in a parked car on the city's West Side. A 21-year-old man who was also in the car was wounded, police said.
Shirley Chambers, whose two other sons and daughter were shot in separate attacks more than a decade ago, was left grieving again on Saturday, WLS-TV
"Right now, I'm totally lost because Ronnie was my only surviving son," Chambers said.
Ronnie Chambers, who was his mother Shirley's youngest child, was shot in the head while sitting in a parked car on the city's West Side. A 21-year-old man who was also in the car was wounded, police said.
Shirley Chambers, whose two other sons and daughter were shot in separate attacks more than a decade ago, was left grieving again on Saturday, WLS-TV
"Right now, I'm totally lost because Ronnie was my only surviving son," Chambers said.
Obama Birth Control Mandate Loosens Lawsuits
The legal challenges over religious freedom and the birth control coverage requirement in President Barack Obama's health care overhaul appear to be moving toward the U.S. Supreme Court.
Faith-affiliated charities, hospitals and universities have filed dozens of lawsuits against the mandate, which requires employers to provide insurance that covers contraception for free. However, many for-profit business owners are also suing, claiming a violation of their religious beliefs.
The religious lawsuits have largely stalled, as the Department of Health and Human Services tries to develop an accommodation for faith groups. However, no such offer will be made to individual business owners. And their lawsuits are yielding conflicting rulings in appeals courts around the country.
Faith-affiliated charities, hospitals and universities have filed dozens of lawsuits against the mandate, which requires employers to provide insurance that covers contraception for free. However, many for-profit business owners are also suing, claiming a violation of their religious beliefs.
The religious lawsuits have largely stalled, as the Department of Health and Human Services tries to develop an accommodation for faith groups. However, no such offer will be made to individual business owners. And their lawsuits are yielding conflicting rulings in appeals courts around the country.
Stalled Talks Could Lead To Airport Work ‘Chaos’
Unless negotiations are resolved this winter, Piedmont Airlines flight attendants say they are drawing a line in the sand and willing to strike for a better contract.
Headquartered in Salisbury, Piedmont Airlines is a subsidiary of US Airways and conducts roughly 440 daily departures to 55 cities. It is the only carrier at the Salisbury-Ocean City-Wicomico Regional Airport to offer daily services. If a new contract isn’t forthcoming in the immediate future, flight attendants are promising to literally “create havoc” with the airline’s flight schedule.
“It’s not your traditional strike where everybody goes out all at once and you stay out,” said Local Council President for the Piedmont flight attendants Anita Jwanoukos. “We just pick and choose certain flights, and we’re creating havoc around the system.”
Headquartered in Salisbury, Piedmont Airlines is a subsidiary of US Airways and conducts roughly 440 daily departures to 55 cities. It is the only carrier at the Salisbury-Ocean City-Wicomico Regional Airport to offer daily services. If a new contract isn’t forthcoming in the immediate future, flight attendants are promising to literally “create havoc” with the airline’s flight schedule.
“It’s not your traditional strike where everybody goes out all at once and you stay out,” said Local Council President for the Piedmont flight attendants Anita Jwanoukos. “We just pick and choose certain flights, and we’re creating havoc around the system.”
China Solar Hot Water Design Achieves 75 Percent Home Energy Savings
The Utopian Garden Project in Dezhou, China, utilizes a unique metal casing to house 504 vacuum tube collectors that creates the attractive and futuristic form of a wave and covers the entire roof of the building.
The solar installations above the apartment blocks of the “Utopia Garden” Project in the Chinese city of Dezhou attract attention even from a distance. The 504 vacuum tube collectors have been placed horizontally in a massive metal casing that has the form of a wave and covers the entire roof of the building. The solar fields, with a gross collector area of around 1,400 square meters [15,070 square feet], consist of pressurized, heat pipe vacuum tubes, which harness the sun on the roof and feed it into a central heating and cooling system that runs through the entire building complex.
The design and construction of the eco-friendly houses, as well as the marketing of the apartment units is completely in the hands of Himin Solar Energy Realty, a subsidiary of the Himin Solar Group. The company has already sold out four blocks with a total of apartments at the waterfront of an artificial lake, and the new owners started to move in at the end of 2011. Two more blocks are now under construction.
“Seeing what modern living standards will be like in the future persuades people to buy the 300 to 600 square meter [3,229 to 6,458 square feet] big flats,” explains Chen Ping from the Brand Management Department of Himin Solar, one of the largest solar water heater manufacturers in China. “The price of the flats is around 12,000 Chinese Renminbis per square meter of living space ($180/square foot), which is around 50 percent more than for comparable flats. Advanced renewable energy technology and intelligent home technologies make the difference.” Still, apartment owners save up to 75 percent of annual energy costs in their new accommodations.
The solar installations above the apartment blocks of the “Utopia Garden” Project in the Chinese city of Dezhou attract attention even from a distance. The 504 vacuum tube collectors have been placed horizontally in a massive metal casing that has the form of a wave and covers the entire roof of the building. The solar fields, with a gross collector area of around 1,400 square meters [15,070 square feet], consist of pressurized, heat pipe vacuum tubes, which harness the sun on the roof and feed it into a central heating and cooling system that runs through the entire building complex.
The design and construction of the eco-friendly houses, as well as the marketing of the apartment units is completely in the hands of Himin Solar Energy Realty, a subsidiary of the Himin Solar Group. The company has already sold out four blocks with a total of apartments at the waterfront of an artificial lake, and the new owners started to move in at the end of 2011. Two more blocks are now under construction.
“Seeing what modern living standards will be like in the future persuades people to buy the 300 to 600 square meter [3,229 to 6,458 square feet] big flats,” explains Chen Ping from the Brand Management Department of Himin Solar, one of the largest solar water heater manufacturers in China. “The price of the flats is around 12,000 Chinese Renminbis per square meter of living space ($180/square foot), which is around 50 percent more than for comparable flats. Advanced renewable energy technology and intelligent home technologies make the difference.” Still, apartment owners save up to 75 percent of annual energy costs in their new accommodations.
DNREC Reminds Hunters To Take Advantage Of Snow Goose Conservation Order Starting In January
DOVER – Since 2009, the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife has implemented an annual Snow Goose Conservation Order as part of an Atlantic Flyway-wide effort to reduce the population of greater snow geese. Snow goose numbers have reached levels that are now causing extensive damage to their breeding grounds in the Canadian Arctic as well as the wetlands and agricultural areas where they overwinter in the Mid-Atlantic, including Delaware. The 2013 Conservation Order will open on Monday, Jan. 28 and run through Saturday, April 13.The Conservation Order is a separate season open only for snow geese which occurs after the regular waterfowl hunting seasons close. It was created with the intent of using hunting as a tool to reduce and stabilize the greater snow goose population. Last year, an estimated 6,400 snow geese were harvested by more than 500 hunters in Delaware that participated in the Conservation Order.
During the Conservation Order, hunters will be able to pursue snow geese every day except Sunday. Use of unplugged shotguns and electronic calls are permitted, with legal shooting hours extended from a half-hour before sunrise to a half-hour after sunset and daily bag and possession limits removed. All other federal and state hunting regulations apply.
Most state wildlife areas will open to hunting during the Conservation Order beginning Monday, Feb. 4, to avoid conflict with Delaware’s firearm deer seasons. Wildlife areas in New Castle and Sussex counties will be open on a first-come, first-serve basis with no registration required, except at Assawoman Wildlife Area. In Kent County, individual sign-in will not be required at Blackiston, Milford Neck, or Norman G. Wilder wildlife areas. Sign-in will be required at Woodland Beach, Little Creek, and Ted Harvey wildlife areas. To avoid conflicts with the spring 2013 wild turkey season, snow goose hunting will be prohibited on state wildlife areas after Friday, April 5, 2013. Bombay Hook and Prime Hook national wildlife refuges will be closed to hunting during the Conservation Order. To participate in the Conservation Order, hunters must obtain a free Snow Goose Conservation Order permit number by registering at www.dnrec.delaware.gov/delhunt. Participants are also required to have a valid Delaware hunting license or a Maryland resident hunting license, a 2012-13 Delaware waterfowl stamp and a Delaware Harvest Information Program (HIP) number, available at the website above. A federal waterfowl stamp is not required.
Once registered for the snow goose permit, hunters are required to keep this number in their possession while hunting and to report their hunting activity and success to the Division of Fish and Wildlife via website or phone by Wednesday, May 1, 2013.
During the Conservation Order, hunters will be able to pursue snow geese every day except Sunday. Use of unplugged shotguns and electronic calls are permitted, with legal shooting hours extended from a half-hour before sunrise to a half-hour after sunset and daily bag and possession limits removed. All other federal and state hunting regulations apply.
Most state wildlife areas will open to hunting during the Conservation Order beginning Monday, Feb. 4, to avoid conflict with Delaware’s firearm deer seasons. Wildlife areas in New Castle and Sussex counties will be open on a first-come, first-serve basis with no registration required, except at Assawoman Wildlife Area. In Kent County, individual sign-in will not be required at Blackiston, Milford Neck, or Norman G. Wilder wildlife areas. Sign-in will be required at Woodland Beach, Little Creek, and Ted Harvey wildlife areas. To avoid conflicts with the spring 2013 wild turkey season, snow goose hunting will be prohibited on state wildlife areas after Friday, April 5, 2013. Bombay Hook and Prime Hook national wildlife refuges will be closed to hunting during the Conservation Order. To participate in the Conservation Order, hunters must obtain a free Snow Goose Conservation Order permit number by registering at www.dnrec.delaware.gov/delhunt. Participants are also required to have a valid Delaware hunting license or a Maryland resident hunting license, a 2012-13 Delaware waterfowl stamp and a Delaware Harvest Information Program (HIP) number, available at the website above. A federal waterfowl stamp is not required.
Once registered for the snow goose permit, hunters are required to keep this number in their possession while hunting and to report their hunting activity and success to the Division of Fish and Wildlife via website or phone by Wednesday, May 1, 2013.
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