
I hope everyone shares my post until it reaches those who need to hear it. I have never been as embarrassed as I was last night by a group of middle school youth from Wicomico and Worcester counties. I rarely go to the movies because of the high cost to watch this stuff, but last night I felt like doing something different and go see "Sully", something that didn’t have sex, violence and foul language on big screen, But as I was leaving around 9:30pm, there was more foul language than I wanted to see by these young children. At least 15 of our children are cursing at the attendants from the Regal Cinema staff and the Wicomico County Sheriff Deputies over not being able to see an "R" rated movie, without their parents or a responsible adult. That’s right, over 15 middle school age youth, under 15 were out by themselves causing a lot disturbance in front of everyone at the theater. I was so embarrassed I had to go over to the counter and tell them to stop this foolishness and go home!! They started to try and tell me to get out their face until I told them I'm with the school system and pulled up one of their home information on my phone!!! That caused them to want to know who I was. I told them too late, I will see them at their school on Monday! Who in the world would take young children to the movies, purchase "R" rated movie tickets then leave them to hang out until after 11pm unchaperoned!!! Please don’t tell me their parents did this!! I commend the sheriff’s there last night for their composure, even when a little girl actually had to be restrained when she pushed at the officer. Last night could have gone very ugly and there would have been FB posts all over the place talking about police mishandling youth...But these youth are getting out of control late at night all by themselves. Parents, guardians, caregivers, whoever you are that are responsible for young children, we need to step up our game and help mold our children in a positive direction!! Watching “When the Bough Breaks” is not moving our children in a positive direction!! We can only blame ourselves if we continue to allow children to act like adults and we as adults stand around and do nothing. There were many adults there last night but no one wanted to get involved. What is happening now is parents/adults don’t want to discipline their children. Dr. Julia Hare (please checkout youtube) said, “discipline is gone because everyone is afraid, the teachers are afraid of the principal, the principal is afraid of the superintendent, the superintendent is afraid of the school board, the school board is afraid of the parents, the parents are afraid of the kids and the kids ARE AFRAID OF NO ONE!!! We can’t keep allowing our children to act like this…Some parents will receive calls from me this week!! But in the meantime, I need some people to help me help our community. We do not need law enforcement to solve our problems, lets pull together as a community as a village and raise our children right!! Contact me to help.
Thank you for posting this. You are very correct. But why do we continue to allow this type of behavior in our schools? You work for the hoard, why aren't you walking our halls everyday supporting us teachers who are forced to tolerate this behavior daily. No suspensions. No referrals, and no back up when we try to discipline them. And don't tell me I should be doing something different, walk the halls for yourself and lead by example.
Mark Thompson is truly awesome. He walks the walk. He's in the schools working with these kids, he's not just complaining about them. God bless you Mark and thank you for all you do in our community!
Thank you for sharing your comment I agree with you when it comes to morals respect and appreciation todays children lack each of them! With that said it is OUR fault, we allow the media the does and the rich to profit off of hate and pain suffered at our hands and the only reason they do so is to make money and continue to separate us as a whole. I wish others would I pen they're eyes and stand up to chance before there is nothing left to change or someone does the changing for us!
Oh well!! Deal with it!!! This is the problem YOUR school system and juvenile justice system created!!! There are NO CONSEQUENCES for the actions of these youths. They do what they want and get away with it!! By the way, cursing is not a crime, the Supreme Court has said so. Even if it happens in public. The theatre creates these problems by allowing these kids to run amuck and restrict the deputies from doing their jobs and throwing them out!!
Ignorance breeds ignorance.
Where was mall security?
Well said Mark. Great post!
Their parents are failing them. How much can the schools do when no respect or values are taught at home. How do you reach the parents? Church doesn't seem to be able to reach them. Maybe it is time to hold the parents responsible for their child's actions and have some sort of punishment. Not jail time, but required parenting classes with a penalty for not attending. Something...!!!!
Wtf! Who do you think you are? Off school grounds threatening students with disciplinary action next day? And why do you have access to students files on your personal everyday phone? If not yours then why have it after hours ? And you don't see words! You hear them! While their freedom of speech may have been close to disorderly conduct..... that's the sheriffs deputy's job to decide on. And if any action is needed. It's pretty clear that you sir have abused the authority you have been given. The school board better damn sure reprimand you! If not there will be a stink made by not only me but other people sick of the over reach afforded to government employees! This is insane regardless of your reason!
Mark can't do this by himself. The state of our community is also an economicc development issue. Where are the business leaders? Help this man!
Our children meaning of all races are getting out of hand, so very disrespectful, no morals, no values just plain careless and it is truly sad if I were there I definitely would have said something....because it's getting out of hand....8:19am some of these young people come from goid homes but peer pressure and wanting to fit in is n I w a bigger problem more so than ever, so it's not always ignorance breeding ignorance it's young people truly forgetting their worth..I truly get aggravated when I see such actions, but I'm one who Elwell walk right up and say what it it that needs to be said to our youth.....People are afraid of today's youth I'm going to said the adults have no backbone
7:52 Agree with you, but you need to add that parents are not parenting on top of all of this. My kids do not act like this and they go to the same schools and theater. Parents need to start parenting and stop acting like their child(ren) do nothing wrong. People need to take responsibility and we need to teach others to take responsibility.
8:20 Mall security? Don't make me laugh.
Typical response. Again no accountability to the parents or these "children" who are old enough to know better. Just because something is not illegal does not make it appropriate behaviour. It is not the business responsibility to raise the children, it is the parents!
YOU are a perfect example of the promblem!!!!
Oh stop complaining. He's showing the kids that every action you make affects your image in school and out. How is he suppose to help in school if the parents don't know how the students act outside of school. Kids are sneaky, they can have one behavior for school and a different one for outside of school. Why don't you do something to help?
8:33 is probably a parent of one of those kids. Your post makes that clear. And I'm pretty sure Mr. Thompson knew the child and had the phone number for the child's parents(s). 8:33, you're absolutely part of the problem with today's youths.
8:33 AM You are part of the deplorable.
I haven't been back to the Regal Theaters since I was threatened by two black teenagers after a late night movie. I had to take evasive action to avoid a confrontation. No security in sight. That place is a hangout for teenage thugs. It is not a safe place to go for entertainment. Better to just rent the movie and watch it with friends at home.
This is happening because the law say we can't lay hands on our own children. Spare the rod spoil the child is a bunch of bull. I'm not saying to beat to cripple, I'm just saying an good spanking doesn't hurt.
You have to be one of the teens because a parent would not think this way at all... Kids now days are a mess and I'm not even that old and I did act like this we as parents have so much to say but don't do what we need to to get our kids together... Stop being your child's Bestfriend and be there mom or dad.... My kids are 7,5,2 but they know Im not playing and my Lil cousin is 16,17 and they call me ma'am train a child the way they should go. If this keeps up all hope is lost for our youth😢
Yep, you are a contributor to the demise of society. When your first response is to threaten someone for holding thugs accountable; you are part of the problem!
U sound like one of those parents who should be held accountable for leaving their child at an "R" rated movie unsupervised and you want to talk about over stepped boundaries? He might wouldn't have done so if the poor excuse for parents we're doing their jobs but they wanted to be left alone to smoke their loud packs and didn't care about the mischief their table top bandits we're creating... It takes a village idiot...
You obviously are the problem.
8:33 "WTF" - You are exactly the problem in this country and you are too ignorant to even realize it!!
Mark is interestingly reaping what he has sowed. He wrote himself a grant several years ago called the Disproportional Minority Project whereby he, as well as other African Americans and liberals, claimed that black children were disproportionally being expelled or subjected to too frequent discipline. The Federal Government's Justice Department stepped in and agreed. In 2014 Dr. Lillian Lowery, then the State Superintendent, revised mandates on how to handle suspensions and expulsions. It is not a secret, it is on the MSDE website if you know how to navigate it.
Well, guess what? those new rules went into effect and the discipline problem exploded into the chaos we now have. Thanks, Mark, for helping to facilitate the liberalization of discipline, i.e. NONE.
So where does that leave us? The new superintendent has stated on the record that discipline is going to be one of her priorities but between the NAACP, the ACLU, and the willingness of the community to put up with it - I have my doubts its going to work. I will give her 6 months to see what she initiates or implements but in the meantime, Mark needs to stay in the pulpit and not the schools.
All those little darlings may have been dropped off at the mall, but the parents should have been picking them up at the police station. Disturbing the peace or creating a public disturbance is pretty easy to establish.
I grew up in Salisbury, and with the exception of vacations at the beach I haven't spent any time on the shore. This past summer, during the scorching heatwave, we gave up on the beach and rode into Salisbury for a movie matinee. After paying more for a matinee than we pay at home for an evening ticket, (less than 5 miles from a major city) I figured the high cost of tickets was to keep out the riff-raff. Guess that doesn't work.
Living in Salisbury in the late 80's and early 90's you didn't act up in public because someone would call your parents. I don't understand this generation of parents, my generation. We got paddled in school, we got disciplined at home. We were taught respect. WTH is wrong with you! You are the parent, you are in charge. Quit thinking your special snowflake can do no wrong. Hold them accountable for their actions like we were. I shudder to think what their kids are going to be like.
Far From Home
I refuse to go to a movie at Regal's do to the aforementioned comments by Mark. It is one of the unsafest places in the community in the evening. Actually the mall is full of thugs!
He may do what you say, but when the kids truly need him and have looked up to him, he is quick to turn his back on the ones that are less than perfect.. Last I remember in the Bible Jesus came for the lost not the already perfect and saved.. he has shown his true character on more than one occasion.. He just likes to be seen and put on the perception he is for the kids and community however those that truly know him, know better!!
I refuse to go to the movies during the weekend nights,including Friday. Sadly it has escalated to a point where you can't enjoy the movie because of the teens. They have no home training and respect for others . Honestly I would love for them to implement a rule stopping minors from attending movies that end after 8pm.
If children are not getting the training and discipline they need to function in society at home, then where are they going to get it? The School or the Jail. Paying attention in class, being courteous to others, following directions are all skills that are needed to function in a civil society. Some study concluded that black children are disciplined more than others....maybe its because they are causing more of the problems. They want to blame all their problems on the white man. We are holding them back. I call BS! In a public school they have the same opportunities as everyone else. They make the choice of how they use those opportunities. We all get a copy of the rules when the school year starts, if your aren't smart enough to follow the rules, you deserve what you get regardless of your color.
I stopped going to the movies in Salisbury a long time ago for this very reason. The theater is not safe at night. So once again, parents and students don't want to be held accountable for their actions and blame Mark and the schools for the problem. YOU are the problem. If there was discipline in the homes and expectations at home about how to treat those in authority - we wouldn't have this problem. But you always want to blame those who try and cry discrimination and police brutality. Mark Thompson cares more about the students than most parents and works many hours mentoring, encouraging and trying to teach students. You don't like it? Step up to the plate and do better instead of placing blame and complaining. No wonder we are in the situation we are in.
And this is why kids are the way they are. No RESPECT! No ACCOUNTABILITY! Parents need to stop being in denial!
I guess I am part of the problem, since I do not feel this "village" thing is working out. I believe parents NEED to be responsible for their own children. I certainly do not expect society to be raise my children or correct them, because that is my job. **Another thing, if we do not start holding these children accountable for their action (parents, boe, police) than we should only expect to see more of this behavior.
8:33 You are more than likely a parent to one of those kids!! Get a life & grow up! Teach your children to act like an upright citizen!
YES YES YES 8:59 I was waiting for this comment children of today regardless of race need their asses beat PERIOD..If parents had the right to discipline their children without being scared that the child(ren) were going to school and tell having the schools contact CPS/DSS without knowing the truth maybe our children wouldn't think they could do what they want and nothing happens..The systems help these children turn their lives into hell. 8:33 You can't defend the actions of unruly disrespectful people, teens or adults. Maybe this man shouldn't have the contact info in a personal phone but maybe he knows some of these teens parents personally. That man was probably embarrassed because its embarrassing to even read things like this and I'm sure the parents would be more embarrassed. I'm sure these parents aren't sending their children out to act this way so its not always ignorance breeding ignorance. its mischievous, wanting to fit in, system helping, peer pressured teens. THIS GENERATION NEEDS HELP DOING BETTER..I commend Mark Thompson for standing when no one else would.
its not mall busy to baby sit or marks its the parents.i never dropped my kids off at mall and left,to much can happen.this is crazy world we live in .parents you need to take care of your own kids and take responabley for thier action.they should have been arrested
There is an issue with children and discipline and how to address the issue but there is an even bigger issue with a hypocrite like Mark Thompson pretending to be so concerned and when the kids truly need him and have looked up to him, he is quick to turn his back on the ones that are less than perfect.. Last I remember in the Bible Jesus came for the lost not the already perfect and saved.. he has shown his true character on more than one occasion.. He just likes to be seen and put on the perception he is for the kids and community however those that truly know him, know better!!
Sad to say this isn't the first time unsupervised children have acted like this at the movie theater or the Mall. The number of unsupervised children in this establishment at anytime should be unacceptable. First because it is a safety issue, second because staff at the movie theater, and the sheriffs department are not babysitters. I honestly think a ratio of 1:5 should be implemented for any children under the age of 16, and school identification should be utilized for those 16 and up. I am glad that Mark was able to witness this, now maybe some changes can be made.
I used to work part time as a ticket taker and bouncer at a movie theater in Cambridge back in the early eighties. If anyone became unruly or disruptive, I would ask them to leave. If they refused, I would get the owner for backup, and then as a last resort call the cops. They would get a warning and if they didn't listen, they would be asked to leave.
Hero to some--Zero to others. I agree with Mr Thompson but I have had far too many encounters with him to think he was doing anything other than trying to show his "power" at the board. Why the big post?? Could have followed up with the parents on his own. If kids can get away with it IN school they think its the same outside of it. Cuffs and a call to parents would send the message that needs to be sent. BUT cops are afraid because a thug is a thug until a cop touches one then they(the cop) become racist. Those kids are an "exact" product of MArk Thompson and his almighty board allowing kids to keep attending schools no matter how bad their behavior is. Let the cops do their job and go home Mark. You are part of the problem......we all are.
Sounds like you may have been one of the unruly teens
Wow. You must be one of those kids or the parent of one. Blaming everyone but yourself.
This is a deeper topic than kids misbehaving at malls and why they're not being disciplined at home. Perhaps we should look at really breaking the cycle. Let's review the current welfare system we have in place. Too many kids are being born not from love or wanting but because they're a meal ticket. The parents could care less. When a child grows up not knowing love or discipline, they act accordingly.
This is the biggest problem with kids today, NO DISCIPLINE It started at home when parents stopped spanking and discipline their children. Then the public schools made it worse. They started teaching the kid to call 911 if their parents spanked them. There is not a child that has ever been born that doesn't need a spanking sometimes. I am not talking child abuse just a little spanking on the buttocks to let them know they have done wrong. Mostly for their own good. Like Johnny don't touch that stove it is hot and will burn you. Used to be when parents disciplined their children all they had to do was say NO NO and the kid would stop because they knew if they didn't they would get a spanking. Now a days when a kid is running toward the road and a car is coming and the parent says stop honey don't do that it means nothing and the kid gets hit by a car because they don't listen to parents that don't discipline. And if the parents do try to discipline the school or police want to come and call it child abuse. So the parent is afraid to discipline, afraid the cops will take their kids away from them. I would tell the cop "You don't want me to discipline my child then go ahead you take him and raise him". Then see how fast the cop backs down because they really don't want all of your kids to raise. So you see it is the liberal society we live in and the parents and schools not disciplining the children that has made them turn out this way. And I saw a lot of these kids go to prison as I was a correctional officer. Because of the lack of discipline all their life they think they are entitled. So they take what they want as an adult and the law steps in and says hey you broke the law we are going to discipline you. And the kids are shocked. This never happened before . Now they are in prison finally getting the discipline they should have had as a child. I have three grown children with kids of their own. My kids were disciplined and all productive tax paying members of society. You see a little discipline didn't kill them. No it made them better than the undisciplined.
No need to bash Mark like this. We've all done something someone didn't like. That isn't the point of this debate. Some of these kids today are out of control. Babies are making babies. He decided to make a difference and stand up to these unruly kids. That's what you should embrace.
To make this comment, you should not breed off spring. This this the problem with our country Always making it someone else's problem.
And he has the right to use his phone because the BOE requires certain staff and administrators to have a smartphone so they are accessible 24/7. This is why they get reimbursed for a very small portion of the bill each month.
Preach. 100% agree. Don't have kids if you can be a parent. It's more than a paycheck.
We need Paul Blart
I blame the judicial system for some of it because we as parents are not allowed to discipline our children how I use to get disciplined. They already know to call the police and scream abuse even if u haven't touched them. Then there you are arrested and could potentially lose your job over a hard headed ass child.
Wtf! Who do you think you are? Off school grounds threatening students with disciplinary action next day? And why do you have access to students files on your personal everyday phone? If not yours then why have it after hours ? And you don't see words! You hear them! While their freedom of speech may have been close to disorderly conduct..... that's the sheriffs deputy's job to decide on. And if any action is needed. It's pretty clear that you sir have abused the authority you have been given. The school board better damn sure reprimand you! If not there will be a stink made by not only me but other people sick of the over reach afforded to government employees! This is insane regardless of your reason!
Parenting begins at home,respect begins at home, my question where were the parents, again where were the parents!
I'm trying to figure out why are there children out so late on school night to begin with? I wish I would have my children out that late even on a weekend and my children are 15 and 12. I'm so thankful I raised respectful children and don't have to deal with the disrespect. I always get positive feedback from other adults on how well rounded they are. We need more parents to stop being their friends and to be their parents. Make them earn things and have consequences. They will appreciate things more and know how conduct themselves as young men and young ladies. One thing I can't stand is a disrespectful child and to have the parent be the same way. I stay on my children and have no tolerance for disrespect.
You wouldnt need to quote the bible about jesus saving the ones in trouble if you would step up as a parent and raise these kids correctly. Stop going back to your holy book, onviously jesus is not raising your kids.
Yes! I agree!
Are you fxxking kidding me? Our school and justice system have NOTHING to do with the way you raise your bastard children
Respect starts at home. Do your jobs as parents and stop blaming the system.
A filthy culture breeds filthy children. Do we really expect anything any different. And yes, it's a racial thing as I hardly ever see any whiten children involved in such activity. I'm not a racist but I am a realist. Perhaps if a few of these filthy culture children would be allowed the privilege of receiving corporal punishment for their actions then maybe a message will be sent that there are consequences for nasty, filthy behavior. Have we finally had enough?
8:33 you are certainly a part of this problem. Instead of finding fault with these teens you try to turn the blame on others. We as parents and caregivers need to teach respect, discipline, etc. at home. It starts when they are very young. I would like to think that my three grown children would've done something like this when they were teenagers. When they got home you best believe that they were disciplined! It is not against the law to spank a child as long as an implement is not used or marks/bruises are left. Those that coddle their children and try to be their best friend is at times more hurtful than helpful. You can be their friend but have to be able to be their parent when necessary.
No, I'm not one of the unruly teens, I'm actually a parent of a child that was in trouble at one point, who worked with Mark for years, and instead of him being the Godly man he CLAIMS to be, he turned his back on them!! He only gets involved when there is an opportunity for applause! Do good deeds in the dark that's where your true reward will come from!! Read your Bible Mark! If you were truly doing such a good deed you wouldn't have had to make this post for public show!!
Time 8:33 am is the reason we have these problems with teenagers. 😢😢😢😢😢 What you did was amazing and I applaud you greatly. So sorry your night got ruined but so glad you stepped up and took control.
The black community have fallen hook line and sinker for the "it takes a village" for how long now? When in the world is common sense going to kick in and they see that it does not work. It takes parents-PERIOD! Pawning your children off of others to raise and yes being dependents (still nothing but slaves really) on the government never turns out well. Your children are the parents responsibility and not the communities! Why is it the black race wants no part of being responsible? They say there is nothing for the kids to do well they can go to the movies except they don't know how to act when they get there and cause chaos! I'm so sick of their excuses. They grew it by being generations of a race whose morals are nonexistent now they are reaping it.
When I grew up we had community parenting...meaning if your parent wasn't around to redirect you positively then someone else did and then told the parent. His story sounds the same.. All he did was place some form of fear in the children key word children to have them decide to go home. If he did reach out to those children at school it was to talk to them and reach out to the parent. I work with youth and they receive messages better in an one on one non hostile environment compared to being talk to in their group setting.
Instead of you truly understanding this man's actions you possibly sound like one of the parents that will be calling my job in the future begging for guidance and to remove your child but I pray you won't and I pray you understand how effective community parenting was when people cared and when the state didn't try to punish you for being a parent...
Take care
12:05-Don't you DARE EVER talk about the Bible you foul hypocrite! Another fake Christian real good at talking the talk but doesn't walk the walk. God sees what is in your putrid heart and He doesn't like it. Repent now or you are going to hell. It's one thing to question someone's deeds but don't you dare do it in the context of you being a Christian yourself! You are ugly and your heart is dark and God HATES that more than anything! And just to set the record straight I don't know this man Mark at all but I do know hypocrites when I see them and will call you out for the despicable person you are!
It's starts at home. Parents discipline your children. They need it. Stay tough on them. It will help them in the long run.
My guess as to "where are the parents" is that they are out getting high, drunk or whatever else they can do as long as they don't have to have their kids in their hair. Our society has been trained to give to people until they expect it. Schools give them breakfast, lunch and dinner and then churches provide meals and We give them money for food (food stamps), medical care, housing, utilities, school supplies, Christmas gifts and hell even Thanksgiving dinner! Why not free child care on the weekend! I am disgusted by these parents and what needs to happen is as soon as we see patterns in the Elementary Schools, lateness, absence, parents not attending any programs or conferences to better their child, they need to be made to attend parenting classes, fined or made to do volunteer work! No jail because that does no good... make them work!!! That'll piss them off! The teachers should not be made to raise someone else's child.. uninvolved parents = problem children. Period!!!
Agreed 12:05
I hate when the Idiots say it takes a village to raise a child which implies the government can raise your child better than parents. It takes two parents to raise a child and there is the issue.
You 8:33 are a perfect example of the problem.
Accurately the justice system does have everything to do with it. When they removed discipline from the schools and started telling parents how to dissapline our kids that is where we lost it. It is not all parents fault that the law,schools and social service can't tell the difference between good old fashion dissapline and abuse. So when the dissapline stopped this is the generation who is lost and now they are raising the generation that is even more disrespectful. And so for the comments (which you have the right to comment) is unbelievable we don't need to call them bastards and any other names just try to find a way to fix it. And the comment about Mrs Thompson is correct if there is nothing in it for him then he doesn't care if it affects his pay check he will back off and not help anymore. So when we get back to the basic and everyone starts respecting each other as adults,kids will continue to still be unruly and disrespectful.
Funny how this is a race discussion now. Could have been 20 blacks, 20 whites, 20 Latinos, or a mix of all of them. I have my guesses but it would be interesting to know.
"Deal with it"...that would be great if each of us lived on our own little planet...completely separated and uneffected by the behavior of those on other planets...but if you take a look around, you'll see that we share this planet and our lives are affected by the actions of others. Do you not realize that the kids you want us to "deal with" are going to grow into adults and reproduce generation after generation of degenerates? Anger, finger pointing and blame aren't going to help...ignoring it isn't going to make it go away. Immature, out of control responses to immature, out of control behavior isn't how adults are supposed to solve problems...is it?
The people whining about this man over-stepping his authority will be the same ones whining that the visitors room, at the prison, is too crowded everytime they go to see their kid...of course your child would never do anything wrong.
You said yourself you don't know him keep your comment to yourself! Obviously someone knows more than you about him to post the comments, that's not hypocrisy that's being informed, something you should do before you comment! Foolish..
It just does not matter. The only control you will have is on your property. And you better make sure that your life is being threatened. Other than that, it is what it is.
I can't speak for anybody here. But if MY mother heard of me acting out in public. She would've made me feel the pain... but now..kids get protected by parents who already know that their child is a problem.... shame
Wow. Just wow. A parent can raise a child "right" and a child can still make poor choices, become a statistics, ect. this blame game mentality is a major problem. Everybody seems to know what the problem is and whose fault it is, but very little in the way of solutions posted on here. I admit as a parent of kids who have made good choices and ones that have made poor choices and must deal w the consequences there of, I DONT have a solution. But finger pointing isn't a solution, either.
12:28 soooo what do YOU have in your eye - a splinter or a plank
My son was attacked and brutally beaten at this movie theatre. He had to be paralyzed at the hospital because of neck and head trauma. This society has lost much respect for individuals and is becoming more of a pack mentality
Why can you pull these kids personal information up on your phone??????? Wtf
Well said! Only ignorant or uneducated people point fingers.. I have raised college educated children and one out of all of them made a bad choice being in the wrong place at the wrong time.. Honestly, there is no-one that hasn't done something that they themselves could have been in trouble for at one point or another, the difference is, some get caught and others do not! People need to get off their high horses and realize no one is perfect, we were all young once and have all done things to make our parents less than proud and anyone who says different is lying! Stop being so judgmental and come up with real solutions instead of ignorant statements!
WOW is right! Regardless of CPS or whomever, I would take the chance and beat some serious butt. I have to say that 8:33...I feel sorry for your children. Children thrive and actually look for guidelines, discipline, and rules. That is how they know you love them. Knowing you love them opens up a whole new world for them. They in turn do better in school, get married, and will give you wonderful, well mannered grandchildren. Shame on you!
Identify yourself! Btw... I'm Caucasian
Exactly! These are just animals...trash.
8:33 you are the problem. You are nothing but entitlement minded, ignorant trash.
So business leaders are now responsible for parenting this ignorant fools?
Everybody's talking like this is something new.
My wife and I stopped going to theaters (in the city) LONG ago - maybe 20 years ago, due to the conduct in the theaters.
I cannot even imagine how bad it is today.
Could not agree more. Never under estimate the value of a generous helping or courporal punishment.
It's not just the mall.
Let's keep god and jesus out of it. This is a human problem that must be resolved by people/parents right here on earth. I don't know a kid who will change their actions or attitude by churchy talk.
As I read these comments I can see why kids act like they do. Some of these comments are the most disrespectful, garbage mouth, defensive and infectious things to type. Opinions can be given and points gotten with some self respect and vocabulary restraint. If kids follow by example poor souls are doomed. Lol just like I'm sure the next predictable foul mouth will probably type some crued comment to this one instead of being accountable for their actions. Just reality kids watch their parents.
Obama thugs the system is full of them.
As a 40 something year old AA woman..I don't ferl.safe around the crowds whether they are AA or Caucasian or Hispanic. I try to go to the earliest movie to avoid them. I don't really go at all dur I Nguyen the summer as it seems to be a hangout for all the kids.
When the government took parents rights away to discipline their children. That is part of the problem and the children know that if the parents hit them and there is any type of mark off to jail the parent goes and the kids laugh. I have been at my children sporting events and others kid cursing right in front of me. Girls scantily dressed. Just a mess and the schools are put of control too.
As far as Mark goes. .he's an ego seeker. Back when he ran the Salvation Army he took all the news and photo opportunities. The kids were running wild then on his watch. Guess he forgot
A womanizing peeverted so called Reverend has nothing I want to hear. If anyone else did this they would've been suspended from employment. He's so good at fooling people that he gets positive attention. Makes my stomach turn!!!
Please calm down before typing your comments. Your comment did not turn out the way you probably meant it.
Jesus Christ died for all people. All of us. Good and bad. Pretty and ugly. Small and large.
The apostle Paul implored us to BE RECONCILED to God. Live our lives as a thanksgiving for his blessing.
We are all going to Heaven. We should act like it.
Thank you
5:52pm Didn't the Salvation Army fire him?
Why is it the school and juvenile systems fought? They didn't give birth to your kids! It's YOUR fault for not raising them with morals and good judgement! Respect! It all starts at HIME and it's continued through the school system so hopefully the juvenile service system does NOT to be a part of their lives! How dare you blame everyone but yourselves! How dare you! STOP having vabies and take care of the ones you have! Teach them to be human!
I felt safe until BLM terroist started. The groups promotes violence on white people. Often referring to white people as the "C" word. I hope Supreme Court rules this word to be crime. It has oppressed my life.
Discipline! Use your spell check! Must have been the school system!
Discipline! Use your spell check! Must have been the school system!
Raise those parents up right!
We agree there is a serious problem, and we know it didn't start yesterday. It will persist until adults in the community finally decide it must change.
That group will include parents, legislators, educators, law enforcement, judiciary and pastors, to name a few. In the past we had a pretty firm consensus in society about what was acceptable behavior from youth and adults. Youth were pretty constrained by all adults, parent or not. Adults faced run-ins with the law for infractions.
Once adults loosened laws and Washington stuck its nose into everything local control began to slip.
At the grass roots level Salisbury needs to send the message to Annapolis that restrictions on dealing with misbehaving kids need to revert to something more like 'the good old days'. There were 'reform schools' for youth intent on breaking the laws, and they weren't back in a regular classroom the following Monday.
We have decided kids are entitled to an education, and as a society we spend a lot to do this. That's noble. But kids who act out are denying regular students their 'right' to an effective education.
One of the early consequences of that pattern of behavior should be removal from the regular classroom to where they can study intensively without the distraction posed by their toys. If they can show via a combination of achievement testing and behavioral improvement they are ready to rejoin the main group, fine. If not, let them continue to pursue academic accomplishment in a more structured setting.
That approach will benefit kids with acceptable behavior; they stand to learn more, faster which benefits everyone. Those who choose to be troublesome will advance by eventual academic performance rather than just days away from the regular school.
All kids are smart in a semi-cynical way. If they knew acting out would mean loss of toys, a more structured school environment where better academics was the the only path back to their friends, sports, etc. more would toe the line, especially after talking with friends who didn't choose well.
This modification, or rollback, is something we truly should do 'for the kids'. The fact that all segments of society will benefit is just icing on the cake.
Anonymous said...
Mark Thompson is truly awesome. He walks the walk. He's in the schools working with these kids, he's not just complaining about them. God bless you Mark and thank you for all you do in our community!
September 12, 2016 at 7:43 AM
You can't be serious? You have lost your mind or this comment is Mark Thompson himself.
Mark got fired from FedEx for dipping his pen in company ink and got fired not once, but TWICE from the Salvation Army for misconduct.
I can't believe how many people are following his comment on FB!
Because he has access to the county database on his phone. All administrators have this. Your point?
Mark runs wild under the Reverend & school cloaks. He can't do enough to promote himself, or to get enough "I'm the greatest" projects going. But like others say, he will also leave you high and dry in a heartbeat. I've known him for 25 years, and I don't trust him. He is on thin ice with many in the community.
Fabulous article. I do not live in the area but I am more than familiair with it. I have long said, if we start making the parents accountable for their children's actions a lot of this nonsense will stop!
There are obnoxious people in every race. Before you call anybody out, you should learn the difference between your and you're.
Yep..good idea, blame someone else for your inability to parent. Look in the mirror. You are art of the problem.
Does not take much for that community to fall for any liberal ideals as long as they still get their check each month.
4:18...try to focus on the important points. Take your liberal entitlement crap some where else.
Wake up 9:44....I was there that night. It was 100% black kids acting out. It is a black thing. Get off this white guilt crap.
Was waiting for this one...Obama has nothing to do with this situation. So called parents are trying to be friends with their children instead of standing up and teaching their kids respect, honesty, responsibility, etc. Too many grandparents are raising kids; these so called parents need to take responsibility for their own and let grandma and grandpa retire and enjoy themselves. I only go to the matinee shows and love it when just a handful of people are there.
So I guess the kids that hang out in the parking lots of the super markets, and abandon lots with skateboards and their neon lite cars and bmx bikes are just invisible? Smh.... You are a coward!
Anonymous said...
Wtf! Who do you think you are? Off school grounds threatening students with disciplinary action next day? And why do you have access to students files on your personal everyday phone? If not yours then why have it after hours ? And you don't see words! You hear them! While their freedom of speech may have been close to disorderly conduct..... that's the sheriffs deputy's job to decide on. And if any action is needed. It's pretty clear that you sir have abused the authority you have been given. The school board better damn sure reprimand you! If not there will be a stink made by not only me but other people sick of the over reach afforded to government employees! This is insane regardless of your reason!
September 12, 2016 at 8:33 AM
Well said, Well said! It's time for Mark Thompson to be fired.
In case everyone has forgotten Mark Thompson abused his authority as the Wicomico County Board of Education president to con then Superintendent John Fredericksen to give him a job that he was not qualified for. Not only was this an abuse of his important position it was very unethical. Not only was this many unqualified, he was not credentialed, educated or certified for the position. He got on the Board of Education just to push his weight around and get a job because he was fired a second time from the Salvation Army. Prior to that he was fired from the FedEx Corporation for messing with married women on the job. That is a fact Jack!
11:24 Great comment!
I am a very NOT-Liberal white female Trump supporter so I make excuses for no one but racism does still exist on the Shore-it is very subtle most of the time,but it does exist,sometimes where you least expect it.
I see this bias all the time.Local store parking lots full of WHITE kids drinking in their cars....let some black kids as much as skate through the lot and its a big damn deal.To me that is still racism.As far as these theater punks,regardless of their race,they all should be ashamed of themselves.
I may be behind the times but I feel that a lot of these problems we are seeing with these kids stems from the breakdown of families in our society-white and black.People are reproducing with random partners which is why you see young women with kids from multiple men.Hell,Liberals have told women for years they don't have to get married to have babies,that they don't need men,and young fathers are no better,as they have multiple "baby mamas".There is no family unit anymore,and no family means no values
Anonymous said...
Was waiting for this one...Obama has nothing to do with this situation. So called parents are trying to be friends with their children instead of standing up and teaching their kids respect, honesty, responsibility, etc. Too many grandparents are raising kids; these so called parents need to take responsibility for their own and let grandma and grandpa retire and enjoy themselves. I only go to the matinee shows and love it when just a handful of people are there.
September 13, 2016 at 8:44 AM
There is always someone waiting to defend Obama. If you don't think Obama has anything to do with the actions of black people today you are just as racist as he is.
Mark Thompsons main job in the School system is based on an Obama Grant to go around teaching/convincing teachers and principals not to punish black kids by sending them to the office or suspension. This is because blacks get disciplined way more that whites do so if you don't discipline them their numbers will go down and whites will look more like the trouble makers.
This doesn't mean that blacks are no longer getting into trouble, it just means that they are getting away with the trouble they are causing. Hence you have them creating problems at the Mall or the movies. Mark Thompson, Obama and the Democrats are the problem with society today. The media is an even bigger problem by not reporting Black on White crimes.
The new Superintendent of Schools Dr. Donna C. Hanlin should do her job and terminate this cancer and his position immediately.
There are many comments about what should and what could be done....people going back and forward,I truly think the entire situation could have and should have been handled differently was the police called, was anyone arrested, what was the terrible experience, because of course Mark sees this everyday, and race should not be an issue here because all races have some terrible children....let's correct the problem by coming to some of the WCNAACPMeeting, and other community meetings that involve our children and community....but the bickering is just showing our children how really divided we truly are which makes it easier for them to be manipulative, disrespectful and careless
It's your place to raise your kids. Not the schools. By the time most of these kids get to middle school they are beyond the help of teachers because you as parents let them get out of control by having no consequences for their actions.STFU and be a parent
I've seen Mark walk our hallways at least 2 dozen times in the past few months. Thank you, Mark, for all you do!
Blame the parents--not the schools or the police or the mall security or society. These kids weren't born this way. The parents allowed them to head down the path to become bratty, arrogant, irresponsible, narcisistic, ignorant hooligans (they come in a bariety of colors, ages, and economic brackets) long before any other agency became involved.
The theater and orher businesses at the mall lose a lot of money because people like me won't go there in the evening and night. At the time the incident took place I was in OC to watch the same movie. I went there not because I was afraid of the mall rat brats. I am disgusted by them, and choose to avoid rat infested places.
Oh ...really
I'm sorry you are either so old or stupid to think black ppl need to "know their place "... The nerve to LAUGH, You just sound like a racist fool.Take your hood off .......
Sometimes you can't and shouldn't even try to explain stuff like this to people like 833. Im sure my 8 year old daughter has more intellect than this person does!!!
KUDOS to You Mr. Thompson for standing up and speaking out.
The truth is conveyed all in this!
Lol nope, not Mark, opposite from him in all ways! But have worked along side him in some projects. I did not know the things shared about him here, this is why I come to read the comments ;) Learn something new every day!
Not the schools or judicial system fault. My mother didn't give a damn about what they said us ban. If I got out of line my mother whooped my ass and I knew right from wrong. Threaten to call a cop she'd call for me while whooping my ass and tell them come get her and me. They Dont want to discipline their kids.cause you can whoop or spank and discipline ya kids without it being abuse.
Not defending Obama at all just giving my opinion just like everyone else; and I can do that because I have freedom of speech, just like you do.
8:33 is right and despite what u people think if it was one of ur perfect kids u d feel the same. That is crossing the line. We do state trainings frequently that adamantly state one is not to access personal information during non work related hours. If they feel entitled to do that, what else are they capable of because they feel its their right.
Where you folks this mad when them kids who went to prom noticeably drunk & capable of killing others allowed to graduate w/ their class and barely punished. Hippocrites. The tone is always noticeably different.
Truth truth & more truth. He s a wolf in sheeps clothing
While i praise any adult who takes time to redirect youth when they are behaving like animals, had i seen this here fake... trying to tell someone something i would reminded him that his tail picks and chooses his battles & helps others when it profits him. I also would have told him that a man who treats his wife & mistress w/ disregard cant tell a child shh. Maybe thats why they didnt respect his guidance. People talk, kids listen. Fake self
Puhleese. Blacks must need it cause whites get off jus because. Been doing so for years. Bet there is no record of black kids being allowed to participate in graduation after being caught drunk during prom.
Lol i guess this heroin/meth epidemic around here dont have a white face on it. That right there is why nothing is resolved. Come visit social services. In here w/ a client. Just counted 18 Caucasian s on the application/redetermination side took a a pic too. Lol. Gfoh
The villiage is the checks & balances, the hierarchy. Duhh y'all bout the most ignorant... even parents need others in the community to reinforce and promote whats been instilled. When the cats away... the village spose to make sure the mouse dont play. Stop playing dumb.
Love it. Truth & more truth
Another way for Mark Thompson to promote his self & gain favor amongst the affluent. Why didnt you go to the churches, and are you going to events where u know these kids & there parents will b at & say this ? U wrote salisbury news. Gtfoh. You can fool these here people but you dont fool the folks in the community who know you are a self absorbed self serving ladder climbing opportunist. When have u advocated for someone who truly deserved or needed it despite the situation if it made you look radical or on the the side? Wonder how many parents you ve called. I redirect kids frequently & get minimal kickback, but that because they respect me & i dont put on a fake air. They know u & they know u fake. There us a large problem but u definitely wont b the one to resolve it.
11:16 is right & stip letting these parents of ALL races use there kids to get ssi checks by misdiagnosing him. Kids have adhd because they ve never had or been expected to sit still.
If the new Superintendent was a leader she would fire Mark Thompson because of the unethical way he was fired.
Used his position on the BOE as their President.
Wasn't qualified.
Didn't have the required degrees.
Position wasn't advertised and open to everyone.
Self-serving agenda!!
Mark is self-serving. He seeks out media attention. He may walk the halls..but it's only to try and advance his career. Those that know him know this to be true!!
What happen to the curfew for teen? All the meeting around the city! What happen???
Hmm some of these anonymous comments are either from bratty kids or their parents who are tired of hearing how bad their kids are cause they do NOTHING. Cheers to this man, these kids today need to take a belting! They have no respect and no fear and society has let that happen! Damn hippies!
I don't know who
Mark is but if you work in the school system then their is know way you're surprised at this.
8:33 here. I'm in no way defending the thugs! Get that straight! Never did that come across my keyboard! What did come out is the fact he could've called their parents seeming as he has access to every kids file ,and had a conversation with their parents as a concerned citizens! Not as a teacher throwing his weight and threatening disciplinary action in school for something that had nothing to do school! It's like your boss driving down your street and seeing you on a ladder improperly at your house and writing you up for it at work the next day! You all applaud this! I'm white as cotton! Republican as hell! And tired of the over reach allowed by the government sector and sick to my stomach you sheep don't see the true problem with the storyline! Amd it seems by the comments that this dude has a history of problems that any other person would've been crucified by you all!
The cause is the break down of the black family and no value placed on being honest-period end of story. The solution is simple, couldn't be more simple. The problem is political correctness prevents the so called leaders to say what the problem is. They and others make excuses and play the blame game and say it's racism and other nonsense. It starts at home and is not anyone else's problem. This shifting the problem to the "village" and the government (that's been done for generations now) only is making things worse and if people haven't figured that out by now then there is no hope.
We need a teen curfew in Wicomico county, We had one when I was a kid and it was a great deterrent.
Oh my ..you serve clients in some capacity and thats how you spell and write complete sentences?? That pretty uneducated illiterate service you are providing.. yikes
Oh my ..you serve clients in some capacity and thats how you spell and write complete sentences?? That pretty uneducated illiterate service you are providing.. yikes
Dear parents, you are responsible for your children's behavior, good or bad. They are a reflection of what they have learned at home. And the comments from 8:33 is proof of the bad!
"Spare the rod, spoil the child" simply means if you don't discipline, you spoil the child which leads to bad behavior. So the phrase is not a "bunch of bull." Discipline is needed at home and in the school system. If bad behavior disrupts learning in our schools then those unruly students should be required to do community service. If that doesn't work send them to a military style school to learn discipline. And hold the parents accountable.
But because conservatives have been weak for so long and liberals so bullying, we are what we are today. But we can make changes in our own households and watch how influential it can be in the community.
It may be difficult to identify each unruly at school...to firmly apply discipline.....but the youth today are sensationalized by the riots they see, and are now trying to get them going here in our town..
How is 8:33 prof of the bad? He is very valid in his point. The man had no business even interfering. And to apply a punishment in school for an issue completely unrelated to school is wrong. The man interfered with a cop and his duties. No to mention used resources for a personal reason. This is not right regardless of the reasoning.
He isn't a teacher. Teachers have no say anymore in discipline in schools and are stuck with the rotten apples that disrupt the learning of others and create unsafe environments. Mr. Thompson does not stand in front of the classroom. He was hired to "help" these rotten apples and anyone who works in a school knows how little has been done.
i totally support a curfew in Salisbury and/or Wicomico county...
theres a bunch of savages around here!
Mark Thompson? Fire him already would you! He is racist and hates cops.
Here is one of this idiots LinkedIn pages.
Rev. Mark Thompson | LinkedIn
Rev. Mark Thompson. Coordinator for Equity Assurance and Student Mentoring at Wicomico County Board of Education. Location: Salisbury, Maryland; Industry ... Disproportionate Minority Contact Coordinator ·
By this you can get an idea what this fraud of a reverend does at the BOE. His job is to make sure that no black kids are sent to the office and suspended or punished. This is paid for by a grant from the Obama administrations to make it look like black kids do not commit crimes which we all know is a lie.
A slight correction, if I may. The school board is not afraid of anyone. Were they "afraid" of parents, things would be different. No, the school board is afraid of lawsuits.
A slight correction, if I may. The school board is not afraid of anyone. Were they "afraid" of parents, things would be different. No, the school board is afraid of lawsuits.
Thanks. This sums it up for me.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A slight correction, if I may. The school board is not afraid of anyone. Were they "afraid" of parents, things would be different. No, the school board is afraid of lawsuits.
September 18, 2016 at 3:57 PM
That as well! That is why the schools have so many cancellations on snow days and delays due to fog. They are afraid of getting sued so instead of telling the parents and bus drivers to drive slower and more careful they close schools. IDIOTS!
Anonymous said...
Oh my ..you serve clients in some capacity and thats how you spell and write complete sentences?? That pretty uneducated illiterate service you are providing.. yikes
September 18, 2016 at 9:31 AM
BAMMM!! I was thinking the same thing! And a Masters Degree at that.
Where is that racist Jermichael Mitchell in all this? I thought he was the Eastern Shore's famous Community Organizer.
I'm sure Reverend Mark confided in Jermichael over all of this and then consulted with the Massiah Obama.
Mark Thompson, Bill Cropper the area is full of so called pastors or religious leaders like this. These guys are prideful self absorbed jerks, but if you ask them their saving the world. Their quick to use their 501c 3 federal tax exemption but criticize any and all that may need help in any and all other forms. They have to answer for all they have turned their backs on or driven away from god's word
Anonymous said...
Mark Thompson, Bill Cropper the area is full of so called pastors or religious leaders like this. These guys are prideful self absorbed jerks, but if you ask them their saving the world. Their quick to use their 501c 3 federal tax exemption but criticize any and all that may need help in any and all other forms. They have to answer for all they have turned their backs on or driven away from god's word
September 18, 2016 at 7:32 PM
I agree with evrything you said about Mark and Cropper except I would never use the term "Leaders." These clowns are not leaders and never have been. They are adulterers. They are mean with kids as was indicated in this post.
Cropper has always been a bad leader. He couldn't even properly coach kids. I have been watching him since he started coaching his at the Salvation Army. He yells and screams at the kids and then tries to hand pick kids to bring along on an "all star" team, but he keeps the others on for their payments to the organization he is responsible for.
Anonymous said...
Not defending Obama at all just giving my opinion just like everyone else; and I can do that because I have freedom of speech, just like you do.
September 14, 2016 at 3:12 PM
Obama is the problem with your black thugs in America. Mark Thompson is the problem with black thugs in Wicomico County Public Schools. Deal with it.
Anonymous said...
Puhleese. Blacks must need it cause whites get off jus because. Been doing so for years. Bet there is no record of black kids being allowed to participate in graduation after being caught drunk during prom.
September 15, 2016 at 10:00 AM
WTF did this racist thugette just say??
Regardless of Mark Thompson's issues or motivations, the fact remains the same. Parents are the only ones to blame for the behavior observed. Does anyone remember the bs that became a part of the Salisbury Festival? I quickly made the decision that I would not attend with my little ones. It was a outdoor daytime festival that turned into a full on police event. All because of what? Unruly teens. There is a difference now and young folks are used to parents being immature themselves, excusing their behavior or some what fearful of their kid. When that is the case of course you have them cursing folks out and acting a fool. It's unfortunate and Lord knows Salisbury is not very teen friendly. What exactly is there to do? Long gone are the days of having teens gets jobs. Hell are there even jobs available for them to get. Now it's a free for all and they don't expect anyone to buck up to them at all. He did what he could to try and bring the situation down a few notches. We all know that if police had gotten involved and started man handling those mouth pieces those parents would have been up in arms. If your kid can't go in public and act right, keep their behinds home. The rest of the world doesn't want to deal with them.....wait....I guess that's why you dropped them off at the mall.
Cropper had all his foolish pride, arrogant actions come back ten fold!!! He went around boasting and bragging how great he and his kid are and pretty much had to sit back and watch his kid get run out of South Carolina to a division 2 baseball program desperately trying to get him playing time. Not sure if he lost his scholarship but such actions speak volumes about his motives. I guess it really is all about him and not TEAM!! Hurts when it's your kid it's being done to
I am still curious if he abused his powers by accessing information and using it for a NON school event. Anyone?
Thompson and Cropper are two peas in a pod!!! They take credit for anything good that happens but if something goes poorly they distance themselves. Anybody can take credit for the upper crust of society population but ge true test is pulling sone of societies toughest cases and help change their outcome. Cropoer is a moron he's a pro vaseball wanna be
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