DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Press Release Gully Shooting
Victim # 1 is an adult male from Salisbury and victim # 2 is an adult female from Laurel, Delaware. Following the shooting, Salisbury detectives responded and interviewed both victims and a number of witnesses. As a result of this investigation, detectives were able to positively identify the suspect responsible and obtain a warrant for his arrest. The suspect has been identified as:
Darian Harold Makle, 25 years of age
Black Male
5’11” tall & 170 pounds.
LKA: 512 Swan Road, Salisbury, MD
POE: Gully’s, 733 Roland St, Salisbury, MD
This information was then turned over to the Capital Area Regional Fugitive Task Force / Maryland State Apprehension Team for their assistance in locating Makle.
On May 9, 2011 at approximately 7:43pm, Fugitive Task Force investigators converged on Mackle in the 400 block of E Main St, Salisbury, MD as he met with a member of his family. Makle was taken into custody without incident and turned over to detectives for further questioning.
Makle was served with the arrest warant charging him with Attempted 2nd degree Murder (2 counts), 1st degree Assault (2 counts), 2nd degree Assault (2 counts), Reckless Endangerment (2 counts), Handgun Use in Violent Crime, Felon in Possession of a Firearm, and Handgun on Person. Makle was released to Central Booking.
According to Salisbury Police Chief Barbara Duncan: “The Fugitive Task Force members and the Salisbury Police Detective Division worked tirelessly and together on this case and successfully removed a violent felon from our streets. Business ownership in this city means more than being willing to comply with the law, it means taking responsible and proactive measures to correct the criminal actions occurring in conjunction with the operation of the business. The Police Department’s goal here is to keep patrons and community members safe and to do our part to put a positive face on the City of Salisbury”.
Mayor James Ireton stated “Multiple acts of violence, in the areas of fights and assaults, have permeated this property for many years. Chief Duncan has had several meetings with local bar owners about the atmosphere of our city at closing time – and almost everyone has been cooperative. Unfortunately, Gully’s has not. The collective safety of our citizens must be the top priority, whether at 2:00 PM of 2:00 AM. The amount of resources that this establishment drains is unacceptable and the situation will change. I applaud the work of SPD and the Fugitive Task Force for identifying and apprehending this suspect this quickly. The community needs to know that the continued violence at Gully’s will not be tolerated”.
- Violent crime at its lowest rate ever reported.
- Homicides at their lowest rate ever reported.
- Robberies at their lowest rate ever reported.
- Aggravated Assaults at their lowest rate since 1976.
- Motor vehicle thefts at their lowest rate ever reported.
- Property crime at its lowest rate ever reported.
- Total crime at its lowest rate ever reported.
JetMan Quietly Makes Historic Flight Over Grand Canyon
Steering only with movements of his body, JetMan launched from a helicopter at 8,000 feet over the canyon and skimmed the walls of one of the America's grandest natural formations on a sunny weekend morning, before deploying his parachute and descending to the Canyon floor.
Just don't ask when it happened.
While a spokeswoman for the adventurer said that the flight was a success, and issued a picture of Rossy over the Grand Canyon, she could not specify what time Rossy flew, or even whether the flight was on Saturday or Sunday.
Dog Found Near Pemberton
Pohanka Of Salisbury Press Release
BFF - Best Friend Fell...
BTW - Bring the Wheelchair...
BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth...
FWIW - Forgot Where I Was...
GGPBL - Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low...
IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On...
LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out...
OMMR - On My Massage Recliner.....
OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas...
ROFLACGU - Rolling On Floor Laughing And Can't Get Up
Yankee Food Workers File Lawsuit Over Tips
The suit names Volume Services America, which ran food services in the old stadium, and Legends Hospitality, which runs them in the new stadium. It was filed in Manhattan federal court on Monday. It seeks unpaid wages and other damages.
Menus in the seats' cup holders say "a 20 percent service charge will be added to the listed prices. Additional gratuity is at your discretion."
Obama Says Our Economy Is Getting Strong
How can that be if our dollars continues on its weakening trend? Yes folks, keep your eyes on the prize and dont let this administration blind you with its campaign lies and political ploys. The proof is in the pudding. "Unexpected" increases in unemployment numbers are pushed aside as this administration tries to convince the American people that things are getting better under Obama's watch. The proof, however, is in the pudding. Look at how the U.S. dollar continues on it's downward plunge for the past 12 months.
The National Park Service Expecting Record Numbers This Year
Judge Throws Out Doctor’s Defamation Suit
A Minnesota judge weighed a touchy healthcare issue in a defamation lawsuit, deciding whether or not a doctor's right to protect his reputation outweighs the family of a patient's intentions to publicize their grievances against the doc. The District Court judge sided with the family, tossing out the doctor's defamation lawsuit.
Chairman Of FDIC Stepping Down
Bin Laden Fallout
I think there will be repercussions from the hit, and most of them will turn out to be good in terms of the War on Terror.
1) The world must now realize that the domestic antiwar movement is dead, kaput; it cares not a whit whether we assassinate bin Laden or a son of Qaddafi or go into Libya. Everything is on the table now and there are no self-restraints, no snickers on The Daily Show, no quirky insider winks on Letterman, no Barbara Streisand crazy faxes. A Nobel peace laureate is now the Left’s totem and he can send quite deadly Americans on quite deadly missions as he sees fit — and without worry about a New York Times op-ed barrage or an ACLU lawsuit. That gives the US newfound advantages, a veritable blank check, from keeping Guantanamo open indefinitely to using a Cheney “assassination” team and valuable water-boarded intelligence wherever it wishes to. A Harold Koh is not going to be filing any more lawsuits against his government — he is the government.
2) For all the talk of “leading from behind” and the quagmire in Libya, the truth is that the U.S. military remains preeminent and transcends the administration in power at any given time. It won the Iraq war, and could easily, if unleashed, take out Qaddafi. The odds are still that it can stabilize Afghanistan. It is hard to imagine another country pulling off an operation of the sort that killed bin Laden. A “post-America” is simply a choice not to utilize its resources and power in a way it most certainly could with dispatch and success — as we see, in contrast, from the agonizing efforts of the British and French in Libya, or Russian anti-terrorism incompetence.
3) There is much talk of a payback to come. But the triumphalism of unapologetically celebrating the death of bin Laden also conveys a newfound confidence, or perhaps even fatalism, a sort of Bring it on, let’s get it over with once and for all. I think we will see that ‘whatever’ attitude with Pakistan, whose yelps about violation of its airspace will soon give way to the reality that American public opinion considers it not an ally, not even a neutral, but a veritable enemy that has done more harm to this country than Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela ever dreamed of. Should Obama wish to deal toughly with the Pakistanis, he has public support, and of course the option of much closer relations with India, in and outside of Afghanistan. The public wants the Pakistan two-step to end.
4) Radical Islam has been incrementally and steadily weakened over the last decade. It has not repeated a 9/11-like operation. There are Bush-era antiterrorism protocols in place, embraced or expanded by Obama, that make terrorism far harder. We have killed thousands of Islamists in Anbar Province and in Afghanistan. The Arab world is fragmented, in open revolt, and the Arab Street is incapable of voicing, as it once did, solidarity with bin Laden. Obama knows this better than anyone, so talks of ‘reset’ even as he keeps the Bush antiterrorism protocols unchanged. Whether the trigger for this wave of Middle Eastern unrest and rebellion was the removal of Saddam and the establishment of a democracy in Iraq, or a Soviet-like implosion of failed autocratic government throughout the Middle East, it matters little. At least for now, Middle East dictatorships in extremis are claiming as their one saving grace their antiterrorism and anti-al-Qaeda credentials, and, likewise, those in the streets seeking to destroy these Middle East authoritarians are claiming just about the same. Both groups are probably lying, but their rhetoric at least is predicated on the fact that bin Laden & Co. are now losers in a way they were praised as winners between 2001 and 2003.
Cell Phone Terrorist Attack Warning Coming Soon
Navy Chaplains To Officiate Gay Marriages
The memo's guidance, which serves to train chaplains on a number new procedures to be instituted along with the repeal of don't ask don't tell, went through a rigorous legal review before being issued.
The memo reads: "Regarding the use of base facilities for same-sex marriages, legal counsel has concluded that generally speaking, base facility use is sexuality orientation neutral. If the base is located in a state where same-sex is legal, then base facilities may normally be used to celebrate the marriage."
Navy marriages on Navy bases typically involve Navy Chaplains, but the memo goes on to say the chaplains involvement is not mandatory and he or she could decline to participate if gay marriage is not "consistent with the tenets of his or her religious organization."
In College Kid v. Big Companies, Small Claims Court Key To Big Satisfaction
He takes the culprits to small claims court.
He's filed a dozen cases in the past few years, and wins nearly all the time. In 10 of the 12 cases, he said, companies have settled and sent cold, hard cash rather than a team of lawyers to fight him in court.
"I've stood up for the average Joe since I was 18. I put my foot down," said Akinyemi. "I have a heart for justice in business. ... I'm on a mission to show you don't have to pay a lawyer $225 an hour to get your voice heard."
For a trivial court fee -- usually $76 in Indiana -- Akinyemi often gets himself settlement checks of $500 or more. He also gets something most of us rarely taste: satisfaction.
Maryland Senators Announce $22M For Bridge
Maryland Governor To Sign Immigrant Tuition Bill
The Democratic governor is set to sign the bill Tuesday in Annapolis.
The measure would allow illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition rates at public colleges if they complete two years at a community college. Students also will have to show that their parents or legal guardian have paid state income taxes.
Republican opponents are leading a petition drive to give voters a chance to overturn the legislation. They have until May 31 to submit a third of the 55,700 signatures needed to put the measure on next year's ballot. The rest are due June 30.
O'Malley also plans to sign legislation Tuesday to create a prescription drug monitoring program.
Veterans Rescue Tired Flag
Maryland Pension System Makes No Effort To Keep Its Investments At Home
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New Data Show Chesapeake Streams In Bad Health
BALTIMORE (AP) - Most streams in the Chesapeake watershed are in poor condition, according to data released Monday by the Chesapeake Bay Program.
The stream survey involved sampling of nearly 8,000 streams sites between 2000 and 2008 and found 54 percent were in poor or very poor condition while 27 percent were in excellent or good condition.
Peter Tango, Chesapeake Watershed Coordinator for the U.S. Geological Survey, said the monitoring shows a clear link between land use and stream quality with those in urban, farming and mining areas faring the worst.
Chesapeake Bay Foundation scientist Beth McGee said the findings show the fragile nature of streams, and how small amounts of development can affect them.
Paved surfaces covering as little as 5 percent to 10 percent of an area can affect nearby streams, and urban areas such as Baltimore and Washington can often have 30 percent to 50 percent, McGee said.
McDonald's Spending $1 Billion On Redesign, Nothing To Make Burgers Taste Less Like Chewed Cardboard
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Homeowners Exploiting Bankruptcy Loophole To Dump 2nd Mortgages
The debt from a first mortgage can't be eliminated through bankruptcy proceedings if you plan to stay in your home. But you can declare the debt of a second mortgage as unsecured debt when there isn't any equity to support them, like with all the tons of underwater houses out there...see where this is going?
In this case the payments for the second mortgage get put on pause while the homeowner goes through a debt repayment plan. And after completing that process, the second mortgage gets totally vaporized. Whoosh!
Bankers hate it, but for a homeowner who bought an investment property during the boom, it might be the only way for them to get out from under crushing debt.
Bankrupt homeowners shed second mortgages [San Jose Mercury News]
Twenty Years Ago Today
In this particular match, I won. Yes, I can take that to my grave but believe me, that didn't happen often against Mike. At one time, Mike and I were the only professional players from the state of Maryland.
It cracks me up today when I listen to people talk about playing pool and being in major tournaments. Then it comes out, they're on the Bud Light Bar Leagues. Some even made it as far as Vegas. While I think its great that so many enjoy the game of pool and get involved in amateur pool leagues, nothing compares to the Pro Tour and playing across America on a regular basis.
Oh well, those days are long over for me but have I got some stories to tell.
TSA Tries To Explain Need For Patting Down An Infant
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Report: Microsoft Close To Buying Skype For $8 Billion
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Jenny Craig Beats Out Weight Watchers For Top Spot In Consumer Reports Health Ratings
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CEO Bonuses Rose by Nearly 20 Percent In 2010, While Average Worker Saw Income Stagnate
For the surveyed CEOs, the sharpest pay gains came via bonuses, which soared 19.7% as profits recovered, especially in some hard-hit industries. … Net income rose by a median of 17%; shareholders at those companies enjoyed a median return, including dividends, of 18%.
Religious Civil Rights: Why Have The Washington Times And The Air Force Academy Savaged Them?
Last Thursday evening, May 5, 2011, The Washington Times published a breathtakingly hurtful and almost preposterously ignorant screedentitled"Air Force witchcraft: political correctness casts a spell on the armed forces." In this pathetic and putrescent journalistic piece of filth, parading as the opinion of an alleged so-called leader of the "conservative" newspaper world, the Times revels itself to be just another run-of-the-mill, prejudiced bully cum bigot.
Among other asinine assertions, the Times argues that certain nonmainstream religious faiths being practiced in the United States military are "fringe ideas" not worthy of any institutional respect, and even derides one faith group's worship area at the United States Air Force Academy as "a pile of rocks." A complete detailing of the Times' egregious savaging of the legitimate, religious civil rights of honorable US military members, who apparently don't meet the Times' own convenient "religious test of legitimacy," is beyond the intended scope of this brief rebuttal. I will restrict my responsive comments to two substantially enormous errors committed by this degradingly disgusting Times editorial; to wit, (1) the illegality and real-world danger of the Times' "religiously profiling" any faith as "fringe"; and, (2) the Times' selection of the United States Air Force Academy as the would-be quintessential example of too much religious accommodation gone awry.
It seems that the Times has either suspiciously forgotten or is engaged in "willful ignorance" (i.e., being stupid on purpose) regarding the purpose of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution. This compendium of the first ten Amendments was absolutely not passed for the convenience of the majority, but to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. Who is the Times to establish a "Religion Legitimacy Star Chamber" to seemingly render verdicts, sua sponte, on which faiths are "mainstream" and, thus, deserving of constitutional rights in our nation's armed forces and, alternatively, which are "fringe" and, consequently, should inherit the wind?
Spend Your Gas Money Wisely!
(May 9, 2011) – With gasoline prices at $4 a gallon, everyone’s budget is crunched for the summer. Where you take your summer vacation matters: Don’t blow it on a lame day trip.
The 2011 OC Air Show promises to answer the question: Who said raptors are extinct? Come see the Air Force F-22 Raptor and the Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier jet demonstration team.
2011 OC Air Show
June 11-12, noon – 3:30 pm
16th Street, Ocean City, Md.
Join The Petition Drive
Grassroots activists are currently engaged in a petition drive to take Senate Bill 167 to referendum so that citizens can decide whether the state will allow in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. If the petition drive is successful, the bill becomes ineffective until its fate is determined at the ballot box on November 6, 2012.
The Maryland Senate Republican Caucus voted unanimously against Senate Bill 167 that would create taxpayer-subsidized tuition rights for illegal immigrants.
We encourage you to visit the website http://mdpetitions.com and use the "Sign the Petition" link to print out your personalized petition to sign and mail in.
In addition, we have posted below a column written by Senator Joe Getty (R-Baltimore and Carroll) and published in today's edition of the Northern News that describes substantive policy reasons in opposition to Senate Bill 167:
Statement On Wicomico Middle School
Facility Services staff spent five hours Monday checking the school, in cooperation with the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MOSHA). MOSHA will make its own report.
The staff of Wicomico Middle School and administrators from Central Office worked cooperatively with the Salisbury Fire Department Friday afternoon as the fire department's hazardous materials team investigated a report of a possible leak at the school.
The building was evacuated in an orderly fashion between about 1:30 and 1:40 p.m., with the 700 students and 100 staff members moving to prearranged areas around the Wicomico Middle property. The fire department's hazardous materials team checked throughout the school and found an old empty freon container on the third floor. The container was removed, and the building was reopened at 2:55 p.m. Students and staff were dismissed within minutes of the usual 3 p.m. dismissal time. The fire department's report on its findings at Wicomico Middle stated that the container was capped and removed, and that there were no alarms or readings of hazardous materials on any of the hazmat team's monitoring equipment.
Earlier in the day Friday, three staff members had reported feeling ill and left the school. The school system will continue to investigate the situation and evaluate the procedures used to respond to it.
Poplar Hill Mansion Goes National In Early American Life Magazine
Aleta Davis, Board Chair, Friends of Poplar Hill Mansion said, “Ms. Cordeman had called to talk about historic interior restoration for a column she was doing for Early American Life. During our discussions I told her that we were actually nearing completion of our own historic interior paint project. She was very excited about our work, having done an article for The Historic Interior on our Clara Gunby Art exhibit a couple of years ago. I sent her information about our restoration, information about Ageless Treasures, who was restoring the interior according to a paint analysis done in 2007, and photos by Dean Davis, Rita Tiso and myself.”
Mrs. Davis continued, “To see Poplar Hill Mansion in a national magazine devoted to authentic restoration of historic interiors is gratifying and a tribute to all of the Board and Friends of Poplar Hill Mansion who have given time, money, expertise, and countless hours of research and planning to see that Poplar Hill Mansion once again looks as glorious as it did over 200 years ago. Poplar Hill Mansion is a treasure that Salisbury can be proud to share with the entire country.”
Delaware Does More For Senior Drivers
Dover -- The Department of Transportation's (DelDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) announces that May 2011 has been declared as Older Americans Month and Driver Safety Month nationally. In celebration of this declaration, the DMV will be offering two different opportunities for senior drivers to visit DMV locations and get assistance with driver services that they need, as well as to get information that they may find useful.
The two Senior Driver Day events will be held on Saturday, May 14, from 8:30 a.m. to noon, at the Greater Wilmington DMV facility at 2230 Hessler Boulevard in New Castle and on Saturday, May 21, from 8:30 a.m. to noon, at the Georgetown DMV facility at 23737 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown. During both events, seniors and their families are invited to come out and discover what Delaware is doing to assist seniors in their cars and on the road.
"These two events give us the opportunity to highlight the ongoing outreach efforts of the members of the Senior Driver Task Force who are dedicated to keeping seniors safe and mobile," said DMV Director Jennifer Cohan. "By partnering with other state and local organizations, these events are a one-stop shop of information that can benefit them, their families, and even their vehicles."
DMV has partnered with several agencies, bringing valuable events and information to one location. Senior Day events include information from the Senior Driver Task Force Partners and the AARP CarFit program, which offers a team of trained technicians working with each participant to ensure they "fit" their vehicle properly for maximum comfort and safety.
DMV services available to seniors during the events include vehicle inspection, registration, driver license, handicap placards, and self assessments, which help promote safer driving by comparing current driving abilities with the requirements for safe driving. Even if your vehicle is not due for inspection, come by and get a free safety and emissions check.
Additional information will be available from our partners at Beebe Medical Center, the Office of Highway Safety, the Delaware Aging Network, the Delaware Safety Council, the Delaware Transit Corporation, DelDOT Traffic, and the Delaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities.
For more information about these events or to call ahead to make your CarFit appointment, please call 302-744-2562 or visit the Senior Driver Web site at http://www.seniordriver.dmv.de.gov/.
Do Wicomico Voters Really Want A Tax Rate Increase?
Well, there’s no real evidence to think so. However, Wicomico Public Information Officer Jim Fineran wants us to believe that.
Last week Fineran penned a letter to the Daily Times where he argued that those attending the Wicomico Council’s budget hearing spoke up in favor of County Executive Rick Pollitt’s 5 cent tax rate increase by a margin of more than two to one. We are somehow supposed to draw the inference that taxpayers are in support of the rate hike.
While attendance at Tuesday's hearing was miniscule in comparison to the overall population of Wicomico County, its content offers the only barometer of public opinion on the proposed nickel tax increase. From this, a conclusion could be drawn that the participating public understands a small increase in the real property tax rate is needed to maintain the current level of county services.
It is possible that Wicomico voters want to pay more in taxes than they otherwise would have to. Lacking any objective polling data, I can’t say with any confidence. However, before Mr. Fineran (or his boss) attempt to claim that a majority of citizens don’t mind paying a higher rate they should consider a few other things:
- Wicomico County voters instituted the revenue cap by an overwhelming majority.
- We are still in the midst of a recession. I haven’t come across too many folks (other than government employees and their spouses) who think that paying higher taxes right now is a good thing.
IF Fineran wants to use a handful of people at a budget hearing as a barometer for public opinion, perhaps he should consider a larger sample. SbyNEWS hosted a live blog of that hearing. Over 450 people participated. I honestly don’t recall anyone commenting that they wanted to pay a higher rate. A very small number of readers did vote for a rate hike in an interactive poll we ran within the event.
Are SbyNEWS readers more representative of Wicomico’s voters as a whole? They are definitely more representative than the sample Fineran points to. Almost all of those who spoke in favor of the tax rate increase fall into one (or more) of three categories:
- Government employees
- Spouses (or other family) of government employees V
- Members of various boards who have a personal interest in seeing that their favorite part of the county government isn’t cut any more.
C’mon Jim! If you are trying to show the county council that you earn your paycheck don’t look foolish while you’re trying.