If there was ever a letter I wanted you to read, this is the one.
Last night I attended a Crime Meeting hosted by the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department. At some other point I'll get into the details of that meeting but right now I'm tired and not really in the mood for a long Post.
That being said, there came a point in last nights meeting where the topic came up, where's the Salisbury Police department. Davis Ruark was there, Sheriff Lewis was there, Ed Lashley, Chief of SU police was there, why no City representation?
Now why would several policing Agencies be there but the SPD wasn't invited, some brotherhood. Nevertheless, Councilwoman Debbie Campbell started asking some pretty good questions, one of which was, what's it going to take to wake others up that crime is a serious issue and who's going to take charge.
Sheriff Lewis was very clear by stating that after last night's shooting, (East Side Deli) the Sheriff contacted Chief Webster and offered the immediate services of 11 of his Detectives to immediately assist with this shooting. Not one of his Detectives were dispatched. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that Webster turned down the Sheriff's offer.
That being said, Sheriff Lewis went on to say that if a shooting or a murder occurred in the County, his Detectives would work two to three days straight without sleep until that crime was solved, whatever it takes, my people will not sleep. It's been reported that the City of Salisbury Detectives were home within two hours after the East Side Deli shooting and the crime was NOT solved. Perhaps an 11 additional Detectives working several days in a row could have HELPED solve that crime, I don't know.
I address this letter to Mayor Ireton and offer it publicly because the public needs to know that there was one other thing said last night after the Sheriff and States Attorney Davis Ruark was challenged. Someone asked, if the Chief of the SPD won't take Sheriff Lewis up on such an offer, who can take charge, who can make that decision to better protect our City. The answer was, Mayor Ireton can. Davis Ruark said, while it would have been quicker for the Chief of Police to accept the help, the Mayor can step in and make such decisions. The Mayor has the authority to request other Agencies to come inside the City limits to assist.
So Mayor Ireton, just when will YOU grow a set and demand protection for the Citizens of the City of Salisbury. It's time to grow up here Jimmy and become Jim. These murders and shootings are now YOUR responsibility. Chief Webster stated to WBOC yesterday that the Chief is tired of certain people blaming his department for all the crime in the City and that the citizens need to get more involved and start telling the Police who's doing the crime. The citizens are NOT blaming the Salisbury Police Department, they are blaming CHIEF WEBSTER. Those men and women can only do as much as Webster will allow.
"Fight Crime, Not Opinions" Chief! Quit your bellyaching about people like me and do your damn job for once in your life. Man up and resign your position and let others take over the SPD who have a proven track record in solving crimes. When WBI and the Sheriff's department comes to you and offers their services, TAKE IT! Some have said the Chief didn't want to pay the overtime. Again, the Taxpayers that pay your salary and getting shot and killed in their own businesses and you're worried about overtime!
Businesses are starting to close their doors at 5:00 PM because of the high crime. Others are locking their doors and some are building security walls with bullet proof glass to protect their loved ones and employees. My God, what's next.
Mayor Ireton, while I may be speaking out of place here, I believe the Taxpayers have had enough as well as Chief Webster's BS. I have been asked to put together a Bon Fire with Citizens to gather together to denounce this Chief of Police and the Mayor as well, if necessary. I personally believe a pro active meeting where citizens come together to provide possible solutions is the answer.
If you're interested, (citizens) please let us know here in comments and we will put this together on a private piece of property where the Chief cannot stop such a rally. Enough Is Enough and we're not going to take it any more!