DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Click here to read the full details - http://uk.reuters.com/article/marketsNewsUS/idUKN2654092320090226
Found Dog, Can You Help?
I have already posted a found report at the humane society.
Bank Robber Arrested

Wilmington- Earlier today, detectives from the Delaware State Police Robbery Squad arrested Mr. Frank Mercadante, 49, of Valley Run Drive in Wilmington.
He was identified as the TD Bank Robber from Presidents Day. Investigators received a tip as to his identity after a citizen recognized Mercadante in surveillance pictures which were disseminated by the State Police and shown by the media.
Detectives learned that Mercadante utilized women’s make-up to give himself a make shift beard in an attempt to hide his identity in the caper.
Frank Mercadante was formally charged today with Robbery 1st. Bail information was not available at the time of this release.
Daily Times FINALLY Got Around To Louella Cane's Passing

Another Officer At WCDC Bites The Dust
Officer AYRES! Finally, about time, Long Overdue,This Hoochie Mamma, just had a BABY by an inmate ..... Word is, she was FORCED TO RESIGN ....GOOD!! Just like officer CHANDLER !!!Hopefully , PUGGY (JAMES) WILL BE NEXT..... Go ahead, ya Racist, Puggy, have your inmate baby too so we can GET RID OF YOU TOO
Jesse Jackson's Newest Staff Member

Mel Reynolds
Jesse Jackson has added former Chicago Democrat Congressman Mel Reynolds to Rainbow/PUSH Coalition's payroll. Reynolds was among the 176 criminals excused in President Clinton's last-minute forgiveness spree. Reynolds received a commutation of his six-and-a-half-year federal sentence for 15 convictions of wire fraud, bank fraud, and lies to the Federal Election Commission. He is more notorious, however, for concurrently serving five years for sleeping with an underage campaign volunteer.
This is a first in American politics: An ex-congressman who had sex with a subordinate...won clemency from a president who had sex with a subordinate...then was hired by a clergyman who had sex with a subordinate!
His new job?
Ready for this??

She then got on her cell phone and called her Husband who immediately left work and came over to see Buster as well. The Couple immediately fell in love with Buster and adopted him on the spot. While they were filling out their paperwork, Linda's Dentist came in and said, Linda, I'd like to see that Lab Joe Albero has on Salisbury News. Linda replied, I'd be happy to show him to you but this couple just adopted him. He was VERY pleased to see Buster was going to a great home and proceeded in to take a look at whatever else they had left in their inventory.
Buster will have the rest of his shots today and will be micro chipped and will be heading home with this Couple THIS EVENING! My God, it just doesn't get any better than this Folks. I can't thank ALL of you enough for visiting Salisbury News and coming to the rescue of these wonderful animals. May God Bless You ALL.
By the way Linda, who's your Dentist? I'd like to give him some business right away.
The Daily Times Does It Again!
Today's Daily Times online (www.delmarvanow,com) has removed the comments section, including one already published comment from one of its stories, this time the one about campaign contributions. Anybody keep a copy of it from this morning so that Joe can post it?
The Article:
Ireton, Comegys raise most funds
By Laura D'Alessandro • Staff Writer • February 26, 2009
SALISBURY -- The campaign contribution reports are in, and mayoral candidate Jim Ireton has reported the most funds raised thus far at about $7,000, with Gary Comegys the closest behind with more than $4,000.
Candidate Bob Caldwell, who reported $875, came in third, and Michael Della Penna reported $0 in contributions.
"I put it out there for people to make contributions," Della Penna said. "I guess people just don't like me."
He said his expenditures have so far been a little more than $500 out of his own pocket and he plans to invest more if he makes it through the primary, from which he said he does not intend to withdraw.
"I have heard people saying I should just back out, that all I'm doing is hurting the rest of the candidates," he said. "But I'm not going to do that."
Caldwell and Comegys turned in short lists of mostly large donors compared to Ireton's list of more than 100 people. Ireton has also spent the most so far on his campaign.
While candidates still spend the typical majority of their money on signs, brochures or mailings, candidates are now showing an investment in the Internet.
Candidates are required to report their contributions again March 31 and give a final report May 21. The primary election is Tuesday. The general election is April 7.
All City Employees CAN Access Salisbury News, Like It Or Not Barrie!
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Mayor Barrie Tilghman Shuts Down SBYNews.com Again!

Gamee Elliott, Salisbury, $250.
Lynn Cathcart, Salisbury, $250.
Don Cathcart, Salisbury, $250.
Elizabeth Becker, Salisbury, $250.
Thomas Becker, Salisbury, $250.
Philip Tilghman, Salisbury, $250.
King Burnett, Salisbury, $100.
Gordon Gladden, Salisbury, $100.
Thomas J. Maloney, Salisbury, $250.
Regina McNeill, Nanticoke, $50.
Loretta Caccodrilli, Salisbury, $50.
Lana Jarrett, Salisbury, $250.
M.W. Tilghman Jr., Salisbury, $250.
Barrie Tilghman, Salisbury, $250.
F.M. Young, Salisbury, $200.
Robert Gladden, Salisbury, $35.
Gary Fretz, Salisbury, $100.
William Gore Sr., Salisbury, $50.
Raymond Weiss, Salisbury, $100.
Adam Becker, Salisbury, $250.
Kuhn's Jewelers, Salisbury, $250.
Don Richardson, Salisbury, $250.
Many of these persons should be known to many readers of this blog. A few of the lesser known:
King Burnett – law partner of the City attorney, Paul Wilber
Phillip Tilghman – former member of the Wicomico County Council; deeply involved in the PAC 14 reorganization scheme
T. J. Maloney – local attorney and rooming house landlord
M. W. Tilghman Jr. – Barrie Tilghman’s spouse
Robert Gladden – former member of City Council who at that time was a rental landlord and helped block rental regulation sponsored by Bob Caldwell and others.
This data indicates that much of Comegys’ funds are from large dollar donors with vested interests – the average donation is almost $200, and most are at the legal maximum amount.
By contrast, Bob Caldwell reported 11 donations that total $875, or an average of about $80 each; Jim Ireton had by for the most donors (100) and has reported that the average one is about $64, for a total of more than $7,000.
Both Ireton and Comegys have spent much more than Caldwell.
Mike Della Penna says his contributions total about $50.
For more details see: http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20090226/NEWS01/902260411/1002
Alert Hospital Constable Detains Suspicious Subjects
Location of Incident: Christiana Hospital, 4755 Stanton Ogletown Road, Newark, Delaware, New Castle County
Date and Time of Occurrence: Monday, February 23, 2009
George Shaw, 20, of Hamilton Place in Delaware City, Delaware
James Verucci, 18, of Continental Avenue in Newark, Delaware
Resume: On Monday, February 23rd, at approximately 9:06 p.m., a Christiana Hospital Constable was on routine patrol of the hospital grounds when he attention was drawn to two subjects trying to get into a vehicle in the parking lot. The constable detained these two bandits and identified them as George Shaw and James Verucci. They were in possession of a screw driver and an adjustable wrench- and with the circumstances at hand, were considered burglars tools.
This investigation revealed the two subjects arrived on the property in a 2009 Honda Accord. A computer check revealed this Honda was actually a stolen car. A search of this vehicle also yielded GPS device.
The two subjects were transported back to Troop 6 where they were formally charged with the following felonies: Receiving Stolen Property, Conspiracy 2nd and Possession of Burglars Tools. Both Shaw and Verucci were both remanded to the Howard Young Correctional Institute in lieu of $7,000.00 secured bond.

George Shaw

James Verucci
State Police Seek Publics’ Help In Identifying Burglars

Location of Incident: Bella Vista, Shoppes of Limestone, 5337 Limestone Road, Wilmington, Delaware
Date and Time of Occurrence: January 27, 2009, approximately 2:50 a.m.
Suspect(s): Three white male suspects in a possibly Ford Taurus Sedan
Resume: Detectives from the Troop 2 Burglary Squad are still investigating an incident at Bella Vista, a restaurant in the Shoppes of Limestone. Few tips have come in and investigators are again reaching out to the public through the media.
In this case, three suspects pulled to the rear of the shopping center and forced their way into a rear storage freezer where they stole large quantities of consumable goods.
The suspects fled the scene in possibly a Ford Taurus, Buick Riveria or Chrysler Concorde.
Anyone who may recognize one of the subjects depicted below, or if anyone has information pertaining to this case, they are asked to contact the police at 302-834-2630 ext 211. Tips can also be provided to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333.
Some Wicomico County Schools In Lockdown
UPDATE: I am told that ALL Schools are going through a planned canine sweep of all of the schools to search for drugs in lockers.
The New Fire Truck Follow Up

Attached are the fire truck pictures that I took yesterday afternoon. As I said, I took them around 2:00-2:30 with a camera phone so they're pretty grainy-gotta love that 1.3 megapixel quality. I took a couple of the truck stuck at the bridge, which I think is a major issue. The fire department really needs to work out some kind of schedule with the operation of the bridge and/or some sort of communication to let them know when it is up (they may already have this though) so that emergency response is not hindered. I also got one snapped of it approaching a yellow light, unfortunately I did get it on red, but then again, I wasn't really trying to catch them running the light-I just happened to snap the picture at the right time when the light was yellow-I stopped in plenty of time and they should have too.
My intention here is not to be a jerk about things. I, personally, get really irritated when those who are supposed to protect us, such as Firemen and Police officers, use their status/priviledges and put us in harm's way. Running red lights is a major safety issue and I have first hand experience as a victim. I joked on the blog about the truck scooting around town and hitting a couple curbs, but in all honesty, the driver did indeed whip that thing around better than I thought it could despite its size. I still think the price tag is unreasonable though! Let's just pray that they don't drop the dime on that boat!
I would also like to thank you for all your hard work in keeping your blog up and informing us as well as you do. Moreover, thank you for giving the citizens of Salisbury a voice. I know I speak for many when I say that we appreciate you and hope that the blog continues to thrive as it has.
Thank you,
Dave C
State Police Investigating Double Fatal House Fire
When crews arrived they encountered fully involved fire. After distinguishing the fire, authorities discovered two deceased persons inside the home, an adult male and adult female.
This remains an active investigation and when new details are derived they will be released. Due to the incident, David Hall road has been closed and motorists should seek alternative routes.
Campaign Financial Reports
You will notice Jim Ireton is supported by the everyday, concerned citizen and a few local politicos. However, Comegys financial report reads like a list of special interest groups. Same old, same old, nothing new. Just like his tenure as mayor would be if we were unfortunate enough to have him elected to this position. Bob Caldwell is off to a slow start. I'm confident he'll gain more support as time goes on. Hang in there Bob, you are a good man. Mike Della Penna, it is sad to say has nothing to declare. Has Mr. Della Penna done any campaigning, other than speaking at forums or fundraising?

For more info on Jim Ireton, click here Friends of Jim Ireton

For more info on Gary Comegys, click here Gary Comegys
Don't be fooled by this short list. Richard Insley, Mike Dunn and Bill Gordy didn't gain their wealth by being stupid. If Gary Comegys should make it through the primary they'll make sure his war chest is loaded. Even if Gary doesn't make it through the primary you can expect this to be the nastiest campaign to be held since Barrie Tilghman vs Duke Shannahan.

Bob is a good man and has worked hard for the citizens. Bob lead the tax referendum petition recently and was nearly successful in stopping Gary Comegys 14% tax increase. When Bob makes it through the primary and he is the man you support, please show your support via campaign contributions and volunteerism.
For more info on Bob Caldwell, click here Elect Bob Caldwell
Although Mike Della Penna had nothing to report, it is only fair to list his website as well. For more info on Mike Della Penna, click here Mike For Mayor
Thank you, to the anonymous person that sent us the link to Mike's site.
Dead Horse Found Off Mt. Olive Church Road

I shared this information with the Humane Society and they immediately got in their vehicles and went to go look for it. We had heard the horse was not far from the R&B Ranch but the original road we had been informed about wasn't the right road so the Humane Society came up with nothing. They then contacted DNR and no one seemed to know anything about it.
Well, time had passed and all of a sudden I got another call on the same horse but this time there was a little more detail and it included one of the Agents names from DNR. I once again contacted Linda Lugo and this time I gave her a name and the radar went up immediately. Not knowing what to expect, Linda called me back and informed me that although she hadn't heard of this Agents name before, when she called them back and asked for this particular Agent, all of a sudden they knew exactly what she was talking about.
The Agent went into detail about the location and the fact that on the first day of hunting season a hunter from Baltimore called DNR and informed them a horse was dead on the side of the road. They went to inspect it and the horse was allegedly too decomposed to determine how it had died. I asked Linda if it had been shot in the head, (like I had been told) and she said the Agent said he hadn't seen any sign of such.
OK, here's my problem Folks. A horse just doesn't go missing. A few months ago two of our horses got out of their pasture and we did everything possible to locate them and return them to our property. If they were missing for 10 hours, we would have been on the phone with every Agency out there looking for help. There has been no such call in that area for a missing horse. My guess is, the first tip I received was accurate. The Eastern Shore never ceases to amaze me. People will do things like this, take a horse to the end of a road or a dog or a cat and simply shoot it and leave it for the County to discard the remains. It's not an easy task burying an animal the size of a horse and some sick SOB more than likely did exactly that and killed it.
So here's what I'd like to know. Have you ever heard of anyone pulling something like this before? Do you know more details about this particular story? I ask because I have two sources who seem to be in the know but are afraid to say anything more in fear of retaliation. Let's see where the comments go on this one.
LADIES, Don't Go To Jail, PERIOD!
Did YOU know that the Warden at the WCDC asked the County Council to approve giving out ANY Tampons to women incarcerated?
That's right, they cut it out of their budget and unless you can afford to pay for them, you're out of luck!
Some have said they are concerned as to what favors might be given just to get their hand on a Tampon? I personally find this sick and will be contacting our Delegates, Senators and Congressmen.
Truer Words Never Spoken
1. People who remember how horrible the Jimmy Carter years were , and
2. People who are about to find out.
Another Fine Message From Linda Lugo @ Humane Society

On a better note, I asked Linda how things were going there and she replied, Joe, we've never been so busy. She said the "adoptions have been off the charts." As an example. On Wednesday they sent home two dogs and they'll send home another 15 this week alone. She also informed me that 10 cats went out so far this week as well.
Statistic wise, here are some numbers I thought you might find fascinating. Out of 400 Dogs that arrive as strays, only 22 of them are reunited with their owners. "People just aren't calling the Humane Society to see if they have their animal." With the economy like it is, more and more cats and dogs are showing up and thank God many of the people reading this Bog are opening their hearts and homes for many of these fine animals.
If you have a friend, neighbor, co-worker, family member, whatever, and you have heard they lost their pet, please encourage them to contact the Wicomico Humane Society. Don't forget BUSTER! I would LOVE to get a call from Linda today telling me she found a perfect home for this guy. They have really become attached to this guy but policy is policy and they must find him a good home.
Cost At United Propane?
Reward For Reporting Dog Fighting, Your Name Is Protected
These posters are FREE and all one has to do is contact: The Humane S. of the U.S.--2100 L. St. NW--Washington, DC 20037 or phone 202-452-1100x3300 & ask for the free posters to be sent to them so they may help distribute them .
I would love to see this community reach out to help the Sheriffs Dept. by ordering posters themselves, & going around to various businesses to post them . While speaking with Mike, we were told to look at various poles, should one post them there, to observe seeing if posters had been ripped out, as this indicates it would not be a good place to post them.
I can only sing praises for what Sheriff Lewis & his men are doing to protect our community. With crime on the rise, we the people need to help in any way we can to offer support to these men. Men who put their life on the line each & every day to make Salisbury a safer place to live & whose crime rate is definately on the rise!!
Remembering, it is a proven fact, people who start by harming animals go on to much more violent crimes. We in this County need to demand stronger punishment for those who do so!!! Dogfighting, gambling, drugs & crime are all strongly connected!!!
Joe, I ask for your input here to your readers for their support to get these posters ordered & out there!!!
Thanks so much & I know Sheriff Lewis & his men will greatly appreciate the public support!
Edna H. Walls, Salisbury
Another Fun Thing From Poplar Hill Mansion
Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Date of Incident: 24 February 2009
Location: Records Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: 1. Timothy Lee Whaley, 30, Salisbury, MD
2. Aiesha D. Beaty, 26, Salisbury, MD
Both Whaley and Beaty were transported to the Wicomico County Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance Whaley was held on $100,000.00 bond while Beaty was held on $15,000.00 bond in the Detention Center by the Commissioner.
Also Whaley was detained on $10,000.00 bond on the Arrest Warrant that charged him with Assault 2nd Degree and Reckless Endangerment.
Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Firearms Refresher Course
1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. Colt: The original point and click interface.
4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
8. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.
9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
10. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights Reserved.
11. What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you not understand?
12. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.
13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
14. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians.
15. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
16. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.
17. 911: Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
19. Criminals love gun control; it makes their jobs safer.
20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
21. Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.
22. You have only the rights you are willing to fight for.
23. Enforce the gun control laws we ALREADY have; don't make more.
24. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.
25. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.
Two Subjects Charged In Shoplifting: Concealed Items On Children
Date and Time of Occurrence: Tuesday, February 25, 2009, at approximately 7:00 p.m.
Linsey Adams, 22, of Village Drive in Middletown, Delaware
Michelle Gaeger, 25, of Abbey Lane in Newark, Delaware
Resume: Yesterday evening, Troopers were called to the Sears at Prices Corner for two shoplifters in custody.
This investigation revealed the two women shoplifters, later identified as Linsey Adams and Michelle Gaeger, took their three children with them into the Sears. The woman removed several pairs of shoes on display and concealed them by placing them in a baby carriage, in a bag and by also placing a pair on the feet of one of the children.
Officers learned that Michelle Gaeger had also shoplifted at JC Penneys just before coming to Sears.
Loss prevention officials moved in and took the woman into custody when they were actually concealing the items.
A search of Gaeger yielded multiple prescription pills which she was unlawfully in possession of. A computer check revealed she was also wanted by the New Castle County Family Court.
Both Woman were placed into custody and were being escorted out of Sears when Linsey Adams threw a drink at the arresting officer.
Michelle Gaeger was formally charged with two counts of Shoplifting, two counts of Possession of Narcotics, three counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child and Conspiracy. During arraignment, Gaeger was ordered remanded to the Baylor Woman’s Correctional Institute in lieu of a $4,500.00 unsecured bond and a $4,000.00 secured bond.
Linsey Adams was formally charged with Offensive Touching of a Law Enforcement Officer Conspiracy, Shoplifting and Endangering the Welfare of a Child. She was released after posting a $3,000.00 secured bond.
The children in this case were ages 3, 1 and 8. DFS was contacted in regards to this incident.

Michelle Gaeger
Doo Wop Oldies Quiz: (answers below)
Fan.' Write down your answers and check them against the answers at the end. Don't cheat, now!
1. When did 'Little Suzie' finally wake up?
(a) The movie's over, it's 2 o'clock
(b) The movie's over, it's 3 o'clock
(c) The movie's over, it's 4 o'clock
2. 'Rock Around The Clock' was used in what movie ?
(a) Rebel Without A Cause
(b) Blackboard Jungle
(c) The Wild Ones
3. What's missing from a Rock & Roll standpoint? Earth _______
(a) Angel
(b) Mother
(c) Worm
4. 'I found my thrill . . .' where?
(a) Kansas City
(b) Heartbreak Hotel
(c) Blueberry Hill
5. 'Please turn on your magic beam, _____ _____ bring me a dream,:
(a) Mr. Sandman
(b) Earth Angel
(c) Dream Lover
6. For which label did Elvis Presley first record?
(a) Atlantic
(b) RCA
(c) Sun
7. He asked, 'Why's everybody always pickin' on me?' Who was he?
(a) Bad, Bad Leroy Brown
(b) Charlie Brown
(c) Buster Brown
8. Bobby Darin's 'Mack The Knife,' the one with the knife, was named:
(a) MacHeath
(b) MacCloud
(c) MacNamara
9. Name the song with ''A-wop bop a-loo bop a-lop bam boom.'
(a) Good Golly, Miss Molly
(b) Be-Bop-A-Lula
(c) Tutti Fruitti
10.. Who is generally given credit for originating the term 'Rock And Roll'?
(a) Dick Clark
(b) Wolfman Jack
(c) Alan Freed
11. In 1957, he left the music business to become a preacher:
(a) Little Richard
(b) Frankie Lymon
(c) Tony Orlando
12. Paul Anka's 'Puppy Love' is written to what star?
(a) Brenda Lee
(b) Connie Francis
(c) Annette Funicello
13. The Everly Brothers are . . ...
(a) Pete and Dick
(b) Don and Phil
(c) Bob and Bill
14. The Big Bopper's real name was:
(a) Jiles P. Richardson
(b) Roy Harold Scherer Jr.
(c) Marion Michael Morrison
15. In 1959, Berry Gordy, Jr., started a small record company called....
(a) Decca
(b) Cameo
(c) Motown
16. Edd Brynes had a hit with 'Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb'. 'What TV show was he on?
(a) 77 Sunset Strip
(b) Hawaiian Eye
(c) Surfside Six
17. In 1960 Bobby Darin married:
(a) Carol Lynley
(b) Sandra Dee
(c) Natalie Wood
18. They were a one hit wonder with 'Book Of Love':
(a) The Penguins
(b) The Monotones
(c) The Moonglows
19. The Everly Brothers sang a song called 'Till I ________ You.'
(a) Loved
(b) Kissed
(c) Met
20. Chuck Berry sang 'Oh, ___________, why can't you be true?'
(a) Suzie Q
(b) Peggy Sue
(c) Maybelline
21. 'Wooly _______'
(a) Mammouth
(b) Bully
(c) Pully
22. 'I'm like a one-eyed cat . . .
(a) can't go into town no more
(b) sleepin' on a cold hard floor
(c) peepin' in a seafood store
23. 'Sometimes I wonder what I'm gonna do . . ...'
(a) cause there ain't no answer for a life without booze
(b) cause there ain't no cure for the summertime blues
(c) cause my car's gassed up and I'm ready to cruise
24. 'They often call me Speedo, but my real name is ...............!.
(a) Mr. Earl
(b) Jackie Pearl
(c) Milton Berle
25. 'You're my Fanny and nobody else's .....'
(a) girl
(b) butt
(c) love
26. 'I want you to play with my ....'
(a) heart
(b) dreams
(c) ding a ling
27. 'Be Bop a Lula .....'
(a) she's got the rabies
(b) she's my baby
(c) she loves me, maybe
28. 'Fine Love, Fine Kissing ...'
(a) right here
(b) fifty cents
(c) just for you
29. 'He wore black denim trousers and . ..'
(a) a pink carnation
(b) pink leotards
(c) motorcycle boots
30. 'I got a gal named . . .'
(a) Jenny Zamboni
(b) Gerri Mahoney
(c) Boney Maroney
Scroll Down so you aren't tempted to cheat (as if cheating were needed here).
1 (c) The movie's over, it's 4 o'clock
2. (b) Blackboard Jungle
3. (a) Angel
4. (c) Blueberry Hill
5. (a) Mr. Sandman
6. (c) Sun
7. (b) Charlie Brown
8. (a) Mac Heath
9. (c) Tutti Fruitti
10. (c) Alan Freed
11. (a) Little Richard
12. (c) Annette Funicello
13. (b) Don and Phil
14. (a) Jiles P. Richardson
15. (c) Motown
16. (a) 77 Sunset Strip
17. (b) Sandra Dee
18. (b) The Monotones
19. (b) Kissed
20. (c) Maybelline
21. (b) Bully
22. (c) peepin' in a seafood store
23. (b) cause there ain't no cure for the summertime blues
24. (a) Mr. Earl
25. (b) butt
26. (c) ding a ling
27. (b) she's my baby
28. (a) right here
29. (c) motorcycle boots
30.. (c) Boney Maroney
The Attorney Generals Office Will Step In To Investigate Sheriff Bobby Jones

Quite frankly, once I contacted the States Attorney's Office last week and shared what had just happened with the 2nd Judge on this case telling Mrs. Pusey she had to turn over witnesses, they started contacting the Attorney Generals Office right then and there. In fact, I learned yesterday that the Wicomico County States Attorney's Office AND the Somerset County States Attorney's Office had NOT received a call back in almost a week. They got their answer today though and things will now start working the way it's supposed to.
More to come...............