DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Saturday, February 14, 2009
UPDATE: The suspect is a #1 male, (black) around 30 years old. 6 ft. tall. State Police, WCSO & SPD are on the scene. The SFD is transporting the victim right now. He was shot in the abdomen and leg. Police are searching Emery Court, Parkside Apartments. K-9 units were just brought in. Suspect is wearing a dark or black hoodie. The victim was using the ATM Maching in the back of the building. They just transported victim to PRMC followed by a Sheriff's Deputy.
There was also a serious stabbing in Salisbury last night. Yeah, crime is down!
UPDATE #2 The bank manager is on his way in to turn over the video surveillance tapes. We are told there are 5 exterior surveillance cameras. The suspect is still on the loose, all police agencies are on alert. The suspect is on foot with a small caliber handgun that was fired approximately 3 or 4 times. K-9 units are attempting to track the suspect. Tapes will reveal if there are additional suspects. Officer Cris Taylor's unmarked vehicle was struck while responding to code. It is my understanding no one was seriously injured.
UPDATE #3: The shooting victim was none other than Ted Shea from Wicomico County, Rick Pollitt's Office. I have spoken to two individuals who are with him right now. He is strong and doing just fine. I sent a message to him and asked him to be my Valentine. LOL
UPDATE #4: I'm told the Bank Manager can't turn the video tape over until tomorrow morning.
UPDATE #5: Word on the street is, the Bank Manager on call hasn't answered his phone. I'm told the SPD will get the tape in the morning instead. Let's just hope the SPD turns it over and or the best still shot they can get of the guy and allows us to Post it as well. The more people exposing this guy the better.
Send Ted a message here, tshea@wicomicocounty.org
UPDATE #6: This was all over a small amount of money in which Ted gave him and then he shot Ted anyway! If you have ANY information on this crime, call Crime Solvers at, 410-548-1776. They're offering a cash reward for any information that leads to the arrest of this scumbag.
Somerset County Sheriff Bobby Jones In The News Again

Once again Salisbury News delivers yet another breaking story no one else has. This one will take some digging for other News Agencies as it has a lot of twists and turns to it. Nevertheless, it will be quite interesting to see who comes up with what because I've been working on this all day and can't seem t get a straight answer anywhere.
Last Thursday evening the Maryland State Police received a 911 call from a woman claiming she had just allegedly been struck by the Somerset County Sheriff's vehicle allegedly driven by Sheriff Bobby Jones. By the time the State Police had arrived, Sheriff Bobby Jones was long gone. The claim was that she had allegedly been struck by his vehicle and the word on the street was that the Sheriff had allegedly been drinking. At this point there's been no confirmation of such as the Sheriff was not in fact at the scene when they arrived. The investigation by the Maryland State Police is ongoing and nothing has yet to be confirmed.
However, I have also been told by a reliable source that a Peace Order from the woman against Sheriff Bobby Jones has allegedly been granted. One source said, could it have happened, absolutely. Can it be proven, probably not. Somerset County States Attorney Kristy Hickman has recused herself from the case and it's my understanding that the Hartford County States Attorney is considering handling the case. (must be something there, right?)
The woman who was allegedly struck by the vehicle did go to the Hospital but I'm told she had no injuries. The Maryland State Police do have witnesses and have in fact interviewed several people, so who knows what's really going on here. I'm sure there will be even more juicy details in the near future.
SPEAKING OF THE SOMERSET COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, Sheriff's Deputy JAMES TROY DURHAM was arrested Thursday night in Fruitland for a DUI. Get this, He was completely uncooperative, refused to take a breathalizer test, refused a field sobriety test and told the Fruitland Police he was a Somerset County Sheriff's Deputy. He was released that night on Citation, (which is normal) and taken home by a friend. By the next morning when the Fruitland Police contacted his Supervisor they came to learn he had been suspended 6 months ago and there's still an ongoing investigation against him. Oh, he's suspended with pay, by the way.
The Somerset County Sheriff's Department Website states the following about Deputy Durham. "Deputy Troy Durham is currently assigned as a day shift Deputy. Deputy Durham is currently assigned to court security and answers calls for service." Is he suspended, or not? Durham has been with the Sheriff's Department since 1998.
So once again the Somerset County Officials are in hot water. It's like a cancer, isn't it. It just keeps spreading around like there's no tomorrow and like Salisbury, there is no cure until you get rid of all of the cancer. More to come..........
Update On Fruitland's Doris Smith
She did have to have her spleen removed but the good news is they were able to put her pelvis back into her body and they do expect it to heal. She is not paralyzed, thank God and seems to be doing much better.
We'll keep you posted and updated just as soon as any new information arrives. The prayers are working Folks, keep it up.
Update On Doris Smith From Fruitland
Doris Smith was stuck by a truck at the Fruitland Post Office yesterday and was in emergency surgery for 8 hours. Her pelvis was crushed as well as her tail bone. She has a severely crushed leg with no pulse to it and they're not sure if they'll be able to save it.
On top of all of that, her condition is so bad, they cannot transfer her anywhere. The rumor that they transporter her to Johns Hopking Shock Trauma is completely false. She is still at PRMC surviving hour by hour, that's how bad her condition is.
Doris is a very independent woman. She is a member of the Women's Auxiliary at the Fruitland Fire Department and is an upbeat individual that is always on the go and has a reputation of always doing for others first.
Folks, her condition is very serious. Please be careful with what you say here in comments because there are many people following her very closely. This was an accident. Please remember that. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.
The Annapolis Chocolate Co., Inc. Issues Voluntary Recall
Richard Thick
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Hanover, MD – (February 13, 2009) – The Annapolis Chocolate Co., Inc. is conducting a voluntary recall of the products listed below. This voluntary recall is being conducted as a precautionary measure due to the fact that the products involved contain peanut butter produced by Peanut Corporation of America's (PCA) Blakely, Georgia facility, which has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.
Salmonella is an organism that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in the organism getting into the bloodstream and producing more severe illnesses such as arterial infections (i.e., infected aneurysms), endocarditis and arthritis.
Only these products and lot numbers below are being voluntary recalled.
GO HERE to see more details.
The history of business in Salisbury is laced with threads of the African-American presence. This history has to be extracted from many sources and much research has to be done to get a clear picture.

Started in the 1930’s, R. E. Cook operated the C. C. Taxi Cab Service until at least 1957. By that year, he also listed himself as an electrical contractor. The ruler was a Christmas give-a-way in 1940 and shows a phone number of 355 and an address as Main and Lake Sts. By 1950, the phone number had changed to 4500 and gave his address as 503 W. Main St. The address is now 405 W. Main St., due to the street number changes enacted by the City in October, 1952. The token from the late 1940’s is good for “One 25c Fare”. Obviously, he had more than one minted, but this is the only one to have ever surfaced.. With the addition of the extended prefix by the phone company, his phone number had changed to PI9-4500 in the 1957 City Directory and his address had changed to 110 Small St.
Jack Birckhead

The business card and a ticket to the Daughter Elks Ball show that Jack Birckhead had an orchestra. This evolved from his father, George Birckhead, having the most popular band in Salisbury in the 1920’s. Referencing the passbook from the Houston Savings Bank, the depositor, Mamie Birckhead, was probably the wife of George Birckhead since both of them are listed as living at 1707 N. Division St. The property is now two addresses, 1007 and 1009 N. Division St. Their son was Jack and he lived at the N. Division St. address all his life. He also worked for Albert L. Disharoon, the contractor, for nearly 50 years.
James Weatherly
One of the most entrepreneurial figures in the Lake St. area of Salisbury was Jim Weatherly. The first listing for a Weatherly is in the 1940 City Directory. There is a Weatherly’s Pool Room listed on Lake St., although no reference is made that it was owned by Jim Weatherly. As you can see in post cards, Jim Weatherly had at least two more businesses before 1950. Weatherly’s Auditorium and the Postal Card both had addresses of 219 Lake St. and phone numbers of 2846-J, which clearly dates them before 1950. By 1950, from material excerpted from the 1950 telephone book, his phone number had changed to 2-1410 (with no mention of the Pioneer prefix). The address was still 219 Lake St. That address was changed to 223 Lake St. in October, 1952 by the City. The entire block has been razed and no businesses on the East side of Lake St. remain.
Brooke Mulford Day

Thanks to all who supported this event and helped make it a successful day by donating time, prizes, or money.
James Rozaieski, Store Manager Cambridge Super Fresh
Lisa Mann, United Way of Salisbury
Richard Ford, Store Manager Salisbury Super Fresh
Grandpa"s Don't Know Everything
when he came into the house and asked, "Grandpa, what's
that thing called when two people sleep in the same room
and one is on top of the other?"
He was a little taken aback but decided to just tell
Jimmy the truth. "It's called sexual intercourse, young
Little Jimmy just said, 'Oh, OK,'and went back outside to
play with the other kids.
A few minutes later he came back in and said angrily,
"Grandpa, it isn't called sexual intercourse. It's called Bunk Beds.
And Tommy's mom wants to talk to you."
Six Wicomico Schools Honored
Four Wicomico County elementary schools and two high schools have earned 2008 Maryland School Performance Recognition Awards based on improvement from 2007 to 2008 on Maryland’s assessments.
“The hard work and the dedication of their teachers, staff, parents and communities are very evident,” said Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick, state superintendent of schools, in announcing the awards.
Westside Primary School in Quantico was recognized for overall improvement in Maryland School Assessment scores by its former students from 2007 to 2008.
Three Title I schools were recognized for subgroup improvement. These schools were Charles H. Chipman Elementary and Pinehurst Elementary in Salisbury, and Northwestern Elementary in Mardela Springs. Each Title I school will receive a $5,533.93 award for the school to use to continue improving.
At the high school level, schools are recognized when their students have made improvements among subgroups on the High School Assessments (HSAs) from 2007 to 2008. Parkside High School and James M. Bennett High School have received state recognition for subgroup improvements.
Feb. 12 Wicomico County Board Of Education Meeting Notes
The Wicomico County Board of Education at its monthly meeting Thursday, Feb. 12, approved on first reading a revision to the school system’s Code of Conduct and announced progress on the selection of a site for the relocation of Bennett Middle School.
The Code of Conduct lays out in detail the rights and responsibilities of everyone from students to the superintendent with regard to conduct. It also explains the appeals process for disciplinary decisions, and lists disciplinary offenses and penalties. A draft of the Wicomico County Public School System Code of Conduct is posted on the Board’s web site at www.wcboe.org for review, and public input may be made by e-mail to comments@wcboe.org, or by mail to Board of Education of Wicomico County, PO Box 1538, Salisbury MD 21802.
Second reading and a final vote are planned for the March 10 Board meeting. If the revised Code of Conduct is approved, it would be implemented for the 2009-2010 school year, with public meetings over the summer to acquaint everyone in the community with the new Code of Conduct.
In other news, Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen announced that the Board of Education has signed six-month purchase options on two properties for the relocation of Bennett Middle School. Both properties are located within the Bennett Middle attendance area (in the city of Fruitland and the Snow Hill Road area) and cover approximately 34 acres each.
The school system is currently conducting due diligence on the primary property in cooperation with the state clearinghouse for the evaluation of school property sites. Wicomico County has already provided funds through its capital bond for the acquisition of the final selected property.
During the Feb. 12 meeting the Board of Education also:
Moment of Silence
Observed a moment of silence in memory of Anitra Pirkle, a Wicomico High School graduate, and Tyrone Hitchens, custodian at Pittsville Elementary and Middle, both of whom died in January.
Superintendent’s Report
Heard from Superintendent of Schools Dr. John Fredericksen that:
• Information for the fiscal 2010 budget continues to trickle in from the state and national level, and that everyone should “stay tuned” for an interesting and challenging budget process. The Wicomico school system is letting elected officials know that it has a number of “shovel-ready” projects that could be done if funds become available. Discussions about insurance for employees and post-employment benefits for retirees are ongoing.
• In capital plans, Wicomico is waiting to hear the result of its appeal to the Board of Public Works for full fiscal 2010 funding for the James M. Bennett High replacement project, funding for the HVAC project at Northwestern Elementary, and planning approval for the relocated Bennett Middle School.
• Meetings are ongoing with Wor-Wic Community College and the Maryland State Department of Education for a transition in the Adult Basic Education program planned for July 1, 2010. Other teams are meeting on the grade point average requirement for participation in extracurricular activities, and on educational leadership internships with Salisbury University.
• Plans are under way for a massive MSDE survey of teachers on school climate. Wicomico will encourage its teachers to participate, and is looking at doing its own surveys of teachers, staff, students and families to compile data for decision-making.
• Wicomico is eagerly awaiting results from the January High School Assessment (HSA) retest. Most students have met the state’s HSA requirement for graduation, and schools will continue to work closely with those students who have not yet met the requirement.
• The next Superintendent’s Open Door session will take place from 4-6 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25, at the Superintendent’s Office in the Board of Education, Mt. Hermon Road and Long Avenue, Salisbury. Anyone who would like to have a one-on-one conversation with the superintendent is invited to come at that time. For information call 410-677-4495.
• There is now a Superintendent’s Video Message on the Board’s web site at http://www.wcboe.org/BOE/Parents/?view=BOE/Superintendent
Heard the monthly student reports from the four high schools, approved the monthly personnel report for certificated employees, received for information the monthly report for classified employees, and received the monthly update on grant applications. Since July 1, Wicomico and its schools and programs have applied for 53 grants totaling $955,893, with $785,583 granted.
Awards and Scholarships
Approved the Beacon of Light Humanitarian/Community Service Award, from the Beacon of Light Seventh Day Adventist Church, for a graduating senior with a documented community service record of 110 or more hours. A $1,000 check will be made payable to the student’s college for expenses. The Board also approved the Roger Welch Memorial Scholarship, a $250 annual award in memory of the late carpentry instructor. The honoree will be a graduating senior enrolled in the Parkside CTE carpentry program, and the $250 scholarship may be used for educational and/or vocational expenses. Both awards will be listed in the Scholarship Booklet that is available in school guidance offices and on the Board’s web site at http://www.wcboe.org/resources/pdf/ScholarshipBooklet.pdf
Textbook Supplement and Curriculum
Approved on first and final reading a supplement to the National Center for Construction Education & research textbooks used for many 11th grade students at the Parkside Career & Technology Education. The supplement is called “Your Role in the Green Environment.” The Board also approved a FLEX (Foreign Language Exploratory) curriculum revision for middle schools.
Bus Contracts
Awarded a spare bus contract to Bernard James, assigned the contract for Bus 64 to F.L.C. Massey (Freddy Massey), and transferred the contract for Bus 4 from Phyllis A. Esham to Esham Bus Service Inc. The Board also approved a bus replacement schedule for 18 buses for fiscal 2010.
Awarded the contract for student agendas for 2009-2010 to Premier Agendas Inc. as the low responsive and responsible bidder. The contract value to provide agendas for all Wicomico students is valued at approximately $60,000.
Budget Transfers
Approved budget transfers for the month of February, including $30,676 in transfers between category (over $1,000, requiring county approval), $3,581 in transfers between category of less than $1,000, and $35,545 in transfers within category requiring only Board approval.
Board Member Report
Heard from Board member Brian Kilgore that his son is spearheading a campaign at North Salisbury Elementary called Thank America’s Soldiers, and that contributions to that effort are welcome from anyone who wants to give. Items will be collected through March 1 and will then be mailed to soldiers in Afghanistan. Call North Salisbury at 410-677-5807 for information.