While many Sheriff's Deputies will take an average pay cut of around $80.00 per paycheck, GUESS WHO'S GETTING RAISES! If you guessed prisoners, you'd be 100% correct.
That's right. While Mayor Ireton and Chiefy Webster were in Annapolis fighting for prisoners rights yesterday, it was announced that ALL prisoners in the state of Maryland would get a 10% PAY INCREASE.
People are losing their jobs left and right, taking pay cuts, barely making ends meet, this dipsh!t Governor and all the wet pants liberals have secured a 10% pay increase for the people who caused the most trouble and were probably the biggest expense to the taxpayers all around.
So why haven't you seen this information in the MSM. Because Blogs are taking over and the MSM wants to feed you the soft, pampered and fluffy news, just the way the liberals like it. Then when they do feed you so called investigative news, (like the Debbie Campbell/video tape story) they simply twist the info and lie in order to make it look like they're actually working.
In the mean time, contact your Mayors, County Executives, Delegates, Senators and Congressmen and let them know just how much you appreciate their service to the Law Abiding Taxpayers who pay the taxes for these pay increases.
So stop the presses Daily Times. Make some phone calls and you'll find I'm exactly right and see if you have the time to present this story, since people do pay money for your daily newspaper. Consider this one a freebie from Salisbury News. Then again, it is 7:00, (or close to it) and we may have to wait another two or three days before you publish something. That's OK, we're used to it.
So how many County Employees, Police Officers, Firefighters are OK with this???????