At least 36 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 172 wounded and 80 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public—neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs).
The most important fact about this list, is that these are only cases where the information about their psychiatric drug use was made public.
The below list includes individuals documented to have been under the influence of psychiatric drugs and not only includes mass shootings, but the use of knives, swords and bombs. 27 international drug regulatory agency warnings cite side effects including mania, violence, psychosis and even homicidal ideation.
More here
[Related: Mass Shootings: The New Manifestation of an Ancient Phenomenon and their link to Psychiatric Drugs]

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Schools That Already Have Armed Teachers Show the Way for Schools That Don’t
School districts that already have armed teachers stand out as an example for what schools with “gun-free” designations can do to ensure student safety.
For example, Fox 5 reports that Texas has 1,000 school districts, and approximately 170 of those districts allow teachers and school staff to be armed on campus for self-defense. These armed districts do not make news with reports of accidental shootings, students getting their teachers’ guns, or armed faculty committing crimes on campus. Rather, they enjoy not making news, as the deterrent of having certain teachers armed appears to make attackers think twice before striking.
The Callisburg Independent School District, which is “about 85 miles North of Dallas,” has had armed teachers for about four years, and school superintendent Steve Clugston simply views it as part of what must be done to protect students. He said, “We’ll do whatever is necessary to protect our kids and staff. We don’t want to be at the mercy of somebody that’s intent on doing harm.”
He added, “We’re trying to put our teachers in a position to be better equipped to protect their kids. And I have complete faith in our team, that they’re willing to stand up and protect our people.”
For example, Fox 5 reports that Texas has 1,000 school districts, and approximately 170 of those districts allow teachers and school staff to be armed on campus for self-defense. These armed districts do not make news with reports of accidental shootings, students getting their teachers’ guns, or armed faculty committing crimes on campus. Rather, they enjoy not making news, as the deterrent of having certain teachers armed appears to make attackers think twice before striking.
The Callisburg Independent School District, which is “about 85 miles North of Dallas,” has had armed teachers for about four years, and school superintendent Steve Clugston simply views it as part of what must be done to protect students. He said, “We’ll do whatever is necessary to protect our kids and staff. We don’t want to be at the mercy of somebody that’s intent on doing harm.”
He added, “We’re trying to put our teachers in a position to be better equipped to protect their kids. And I have complete faith in our team, that they’re willing to stand up and protect our people.”
Chris Steele’s Inside Man at State Dept. Was Exec at Firm Working for Clinton Global Initiative
Jonathan M. Winer, the Obama State Department official who acknowledged regularly interfacing with the author of the controversial, largely discredited 35-page anti-Trump dossier, served as senior vice president of a firm that did extensive pro-bono [no fee] work for the Clinton Global Initiative.
After his name surfaced in news media reports related to probes by House Republicans into the dossier, Winer authored a Washington Post oped in which he conceded that while he was working at the State Department he exchanged documents and information with dossier author and former British spy Christopher Steele.
Winer further acknowledged that while at the State Department, he shared anti-Trump material with Steele passed to him by longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, whom Winer described as an “old friend.” Winer wrote that the material from Blumenthal – which Winer in turn gave to Steele – originated with Cody Shearer, who is a controversial figure long tied to various Clinton scandals.
More here
After his name surfaced in news media reports related to probes by House Republicans into the dossier, Winer authored a Washington Post oped in which he conceded that while he was working at the State Department he exchanged documents and information with dossier author and former British spy Christopher Steele.
Winer further acknowledged that while at the State Department, he shared anti-Trump material with Steele passed to him by longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, whom Winer described as an “old friend.” Winer wrote that the material from Blumenthal – which Winer in turn gave to Steele – originated with Cody Shearer, who is a controversial figure long tied to various Clinton scandals.
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DOJ Says Atty. Gen. Used Alias to Conduct Official Business to Protect Security, Privacy
Illustrating how government hides information from the American public, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name to conduct official Department of Justice (DOJ) business in agency emails obtained by Judicial Watch.
As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer Lynch, Barack Obama’s second attorney general, skirted public-records laws by using the alias 'Elizabeth Carlisle' in emails she sent from her official DOJ account. In the records provided to Judicial Watch, the DOJ explains it as necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.”
This begs the question of how many other government officials use fake names and whether those aliases are searched when agencies process Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
Besides Lynch, we have only discovered the use of such aliases among government operatives to conduct official business at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Obama’s EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, famously used the alias 'Richard Windsor' in a government email account to conduct official business and communicate with staff. Jackson even took required EPA computer training under the fake identity with the handle She eventually resigned over the scandal, which brought to light the agency’s violations of federal open-records laws.
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As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer Lynch, Barack Obama’s second attorney general, skirted public-records laws by using the alias 'Elizabeth Carlisle' in emails she sent from her official DOJ account. In the records provided to Judicial Watch, the DOJ explains it as necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.”
This begs the question of how many other government officials use fake names and whether those aliases are searched when agencies process Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
Besides Lynch, we have only discovered the use of such aliases among government operatives to conduct official business at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Obama’s EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, famously used the alias 'Richard Windsor' in a government email account to conduct official business and communicate with staff. Jackson even took required EPA computer training under the fake identity with the handle She eventually resigned over the scandal, which brought to light the agency’s violations of federal open-records laws.
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Mark Levin: Trump Advancing Conservatism, Fighting Corruption
NATIONAL HARBOR, MD – Nationally syndicated radio superstar Mark Levin joined SiriusXM hosts Matt Boyle and Amanda House at CPAC on Breitbart News Saturday, praising President Donald Trump’s actions for advancing conservatism, and making explosive statements about the Left, Obama and his administration, the media, guns, and Democrats’ plans to impeach the president.
Levin was speaking to thousands of conservatives who gathered just outside of the nation’s capital at the annual pilgrimage for the conservative movement. Boyle and House were broadcasting live from CPAC, as the “Great One” sat down with them to reflect on President Trump’s speech to the conference on Friday, and examining the first year of the Trump administration.
“This president is so different,” Levin began. “He threw out the written speech and he said, ‘Let me talk to you.’”
“He connects with you individually,” the former Reagan administration senior aide continued, making the observation of the president that, “he talks like a regular person,” as opposed to a polished politician with a team of handlers.
Levin was speaking to thousands of conservatives who gathered just outside of the nation’s capital at the annual pilgrimage for the conservative movement. Boyle and House were broadcasting live from CPAC, as the “Great One” sat down with them to reflect on President Trump’s speech to the conference on Friday, and examining the first year of the Trump administration.
“This president is so different,” Levin began. “He threw out the written speech and he said, ‘Let me talk to you.’”
“He connects with you individually,” the former Reagan administration senior aide continued, making the observation of the president that, “he talks like a regular person,” as opposed to a polished politician with a team of handlers.
Trump Admin to Reverse Obama Deal to Loosen Sanctions on Iranian Terrorists
U.S. officials are finalizing a new effort to crackdown on Iran's top terror organization as part of an effort to reverse sweeping sanctions originally granted by the Obama administration as part of a little known deal to enrich entities tied to the powerful Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, according to sources familiar with the effort.
In late fall of 2016, the Obama administration loosened prohibitions on doing business with companies tied to the IRGC—which is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans—by publishing new language on what constituted IRGC "control" of these entities.
This back-door concession to Iran sparked outrage from lawmakers and pro-Israel groups and later fueled a Trump administration push to declare the IRGC a terror organization.
In late fall of 2016, the Obama administration loosened prohibitions on doing business with companies tied to the IRGC—which is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans—by publishing new language on what constituted IRGC "control" of these entities.
This back-door concession to Iran sparked outrage from lawmakers and pro-Israel groups and later fueled a Trump administration push to declare the IRGC a terror organization.
Atheist group wants Bible verse mural scrubbed from Ohio city hall
An anti-religion activist group is threatening to sue the city of Findlay, Ohio for a mural in the municipal building that shows an eagle and a bible verse.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a cease-and-desist letter to Flag City USA on Feb. 1, claiming the mural is unconstitutional because it “conveys government support for religion” through the phrase “Under His wings shall you find refuge,” and the corresponding Scripture reference, “Psalms 91.”
The mural was painted in 2011 by a group of local artists to symbolize the protection of the community, and dovetailed with the theme of that year’s National Day of Prayer. The same year, FFRF challenged the proclamation, but the atheist and agnostic group’s case was struck down by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals due to lack of standing.
Wisconsin-based FFRF said a "concerned citizen" alerted them about the mural. City officials say they've never received an objection to the mural and FFRF's own complaint inaccurately identifies the location of the piece.
“Maybe the Atheist Club in Madison, Wisconsin has nothing better to worry about but our mural in Findlay,” Mihalik told Fox News.
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The Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a cease-and-desist letter to Flag City USA on Feb. 1, claiming the mural is unconstitutional because it “conveys government support for religion” through the phrase “Under His wings shall you find refuge,” and the corresponding Scripture reference, “Psalms 91.”
The mural was painted in 2011 by a group of local artists to symbolize the protection of the community, and dovetailed with the theme of that year’s National Day of Prayer. The same year, FFRF challenged the proclamation, but the atheist and agnostic group’s case was struck down by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals due to lack of standing.
Wisconsin-based FFRF said a "concerned citizen" alerted them about the mural. City officials say they've never received an objection to the mural and FFRF's own complaint inaccurately identifies the location of the piece.
“Maybe the Atheist Club in Madison, Wisconsin has nothing better to worry about but our mural in Findlay,” Mihalik told Fox News.
More here
Jonathan Winer, Chris Steele's Inside Man at State Dept, Was Exec at Firm Working for Clinton Global Initiative
NEW YORK — Jonathan M. Winer, the Obama State Department official who acknowledged regularly interfacing with the author of the controversial, largely discredited 35-page anti-Trump dossier, served as senior vice president of a firm that did extensive pro bono work for the Clinton Global Initiative.
After his name surfaced in news media reports related to probes by House Republicans into the dossier, Winer authored a Washington Post oped in which he conceded that while he was working at the State Department he exchanged documents and information with dossier author and former British spy Christopher Steele.
Winer further acknowledged that while at the State Department, he shared anti-Trump material with Steele passed to him by longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, whom Winer described as an “old friend.” Winer wrote that the material from Blumenthal – which Winer in turn gave to Steele – originated with Cody Shearer, who is a controversial figure long tied to various Clinton scandals.
After his name surfaced in news media reports related to probes by House Republicans into the dossier, Winer authored a Washington Post oped in which he conceded that while he was working at the State Department he exchanged documents and information with dossier author and former British spy Christopher Steele.
Winer further acknowledged that while at the State Department, he shared anti-Trump material with Steele passed to him by longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, whom Winer described as an “old friend.” Winer wrote that the material from Blumenthal – which Winer in turn gave to Steele – originated with Cody Shearer, who is a controversial figure long tied to various Clinton scandals.
DPI, Universities Announce On-Farm Poultry Growers’ Field Day
Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. is partnering with the University of Delaware Cooperative Extension and University of Maryland Extension to host an on-farm Poultry Growers’ Field Day on Wednesday, March 28, 2018.
The field day will offer practical workshops, beneficial to both beginning and experienced commercial chicken growers, on the following topics:
Tunnel ventilation
Farm safety
Generator and housing maintenance
Animal welfare
Controller tips
Radiant tube heating
Water quality and water line sanitation
Good neighbor practices and vegetative environmental buffers
And more topics still to be announced
Vendors will also be present, and lunch will be provided. Most workshops and vendors will be located inside a newly constructed poultry house on fresh bedding. Growers are reminded to practice good biosecurity when traveling to and from the field day.
The workshop will take place at Rob Hawkins Farm, a new organic chicken farm near Harrington, Delaware. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m., with sessions to start at 10 a.m. There will be concurrent sessions held each hour on the hour, and the event will end at 3 p.m. Nutrient management credits will be available.
The last jointly held poultry field day held on Delmarva, in 2014, had more than 300 Maryland and Delaware growers in attendance.
To register online for the Poultry Growers’ Field Day, visit If you are not able to register online, call Lisa Collins at (302) 856-2585 to register by phone.
The field day will offer practical workshops, beneficial to both beginning and experienced commercial chicken growers, on the following topics:
Tunnel ventilation
Farm safety
Generator and housing maintenance
Animal welfare
Controller tips
Radiant tube heating
Water quality and water line sanitation
Good neighbor practices and vegetative environmental buffers
And more topics still to be announced
Vendors will also be present, and lunch will be provided. Most workshops and vendors will be located inside a newly constructed poultry house on fresh bedding. Growers are reminded to practice good biosecurity when traveling to and from the field day.
The workshop will take place at Rob Hawkins Farm, a new organic chicken farm near Harrington, Delaware. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m., with sessions to start at 10 a.m. There will be concurrent sessions held each hour on the hour, and the event will end at 3 p.m. Nutrient management credits will be available.
The last jointly held poultry field day held on Delmarva, in 2014, had more than 300 Maryland and Delaware growers in attendance.
To register online for the Poultry Growers’ Field Day, visit If you are not able to register online, call Lisa Collins at (302) 856-2585 to register by phone.
Sheriff Scott Israel battling calls to resign as blame shifts in wake of Florida high school shooting
The vocal sheriff who has criticized everyone from local politicians to the NRA to one of his own officers in the wake of the Florida high school shooting is facing the pressure himself Monday, as calls mount for him to resign amid reports about his department’s alleged incompetence in stopping the gunman.
The heat against Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is coming from all angles, including from a survivor of the attack who told Fox News that he “failed to act on so many different levels” and from dozens of state lawmakers who are urging Florida Gov. Rick Scott to suspend him.
“Listen, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, O.J. Simpson would still be in the record books,” was Israel's bizarre defense Sunday after being asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper if the shooting might not have happened if his department handled things differently.
The comment came following disputed reports that three of Israel’s officers refused to enter Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School as Nikolas Cruz was killing 17 people in the Valentine’s Day rampage.
The heat against Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is coming from all angles, including from a survivor of the attack who told Fox News that he “failed to act on so many different levels” and from dozens of state lawmakers who are urging Florida Gov. Rick Scott to suspend him.
“Listen, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, O.J. Simpson would still be in the record books,” was Israel's bizarre defense Sunday after being asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper if the shooting might not have happened if his department handled things differently.
The comment came following disputed reports that three of Israel’s officers refused to enter Marjory Douglas Stoneman High School as Nikolas Cruz was killing 17 people in the Valentine’s Day rampage.
Girl paralyzed after potentially deadly tick bite
WHEELING, W. Va. (WTRF) — A young girl in West Virginia recently woke up unable to move her legs or get out of bed because of a potentially deadly tick bite, doctors said.
The girl’s mother rushed her to a nearby emergency room where doctors were able to quickly diagnose the issue.
“Her mom actually worked as a veterinary tech and told us that she had seen similar things in animals,” said EMSTAR emergency medical resident Stephanie Thomas.
Still, the situation was concerning because the mom checked her daughter over and couldn’t find the tick. It turned out to be hiding under her long hair.
“One of the things that we try to do, is examine our patients very thoroughly and the girl has a nice, pretty long, ponytail,” Thomas said. “We actually take the ponytail out and we’re looking through her hair and we find a nice big tick at the base of her ponytail.”
The girl’s mother rushed her to a nearby emergency room where doctors were able to quickly diagnose the issue.
“Her mom actually worked as a veterinary tech and told us that she had seen similar things in animals,” said EMSTAR emergency medical resident Stephanie Thomas.
Still, the situation was concerning because the mom checked her daughter over and couldn’t find the tick. It turned out to be hiding under her long hair.
“One of the things that we try to do, is examine our patients very thoroughly and the girl has a nice, pretty long, ponytail,” Thomas said. “We actually take the ponytail out and we’re looking through her hair and we find a nice big tick at the base of her ponytail.”
Devin Nunes: 'The One Thing That's Clear in This Whole Russia Fiasco Is That the Media Is Dead'
Sunday on “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) discussed the Democratic House Intelligence Committee FISA memo and declared the death of the media following its coverage of “this whole Russia fiasco.”
“The one thing that’s clear in this whole Russia fiasco is that the media’s dead,” Nunes stated.
He explained, “The media in this country, the fair and balanced media is for the most part — I mean 90 percent of them are hard left. They rely on clicks to make a living. So, when they attack people like me, it actually means that I’m over the target, and I’m getting to them because they have to attack me in order, number one, to please their masters, their billionaire masters, and number two, they also have to do it because they’re in on this.”
“The one thing that’s clear in this whole Russia fiasco is that the media’s dead,” Nunes stated.
He explained, “The media in this country, the fair and balanced media is for the most part — I mean 90 percent of them are hard left. They rely on clicks to make a living. So, when they attack people like me, it actually means that I’m over the target, and I’m getting to them because they have to attack me in order, number one, to please their masters, their billionaire masters, and number two, they also have to do it because they’re in on this.”
Incompetence Wasn't the Problem in Broward County
No one who follows the blogging collective known as the "Conservative Treehouse" will dispute my claim that its most prominent blogger, "Sundance" by name, is America's best reporter. I got to know Sundance doing research for my book on the Trayvon Martin shooting, If I Had a Son. So instrumental was the research of Sundance and his colleagues that I made the "Treepers" the protagonists of the book.
Sundance's research into the political dynamics of Martin's Miami-Dade school system led him to expand his research into neighboring Broward County years before the Parkland shooting. We communicated the day after that shooting. We had a shared sense of what had gone wrong. I detailed some of this last week in an article on what one public interest magazine called the "Broward County solution." In Broward County, they call it more modestly the "PROMISE Program."
In November 2013, Sundance first reported that Broward County was "willing to jump on the diversionary bandwagon." As an attached Associated Press article noted, "One of the nation's largest school districts has reached an agreement with law enforcement agencies and the NAACP to reduce the number of students being charged with crimes for minor offenses." The goal, as the article explained, was to create an alternative to the zero-tolerance policies then in place by giving principals, not law enforcement, the authority to determine the nature of the offense.
In a collaborative agreement among school officials and law enforcement, the presence of the NAACP might seem anomalous, but not in the Obama era, where considerations of race routinely shaped educational policy. "One of the first things I saw was a huge differential in minority students, black male students in particular, in terms of suspensions and arrests," Broward's recently hired school superintendent, Robert Runcie, told the American Prospect. A black American, Runcie assumed that the differential was due largely to some unspoken institutional bias against minorities. As he saw it, these suspensions played a major role in the so-called "achievement gap" between white and minority students.
The first two "whereas" clauses in the collaborative agreement deal with opportunities for students in general, but the third speaks to the motivating issue behind the agreement: "Whereas, across the country, students of color, students with disabilities, and LGBTQ students are disproportionately impacted by school-based arrests for the same behavior as their peers."
Sundance's research into the political dynamics of Martin's Miami-Dade school system led him to expand his research into neighboring Broward County years before the Parkland shooting. We communicated the day after that shooting. We had a shared sense of what had gone wrong. I detailed some of this last week in an article on what one public interest magazine called the "Broward County solution." In Broward County, they call it more modestly the "PROMISE Program."
In November 2013, Sundance first reported that Broward County was "willing to jump on the diversionary bandwagon." As an attached Associated Press article noted, "One of the nation's largest school districts has reached an agreement with law enforcement agencies and the NAACP to reduce the number of students being charged with crimes for minor offenses." The goal, as the article explained, was to create an alternative to the zero-tolerance policies then in place by giving principals, not law enforcement, the authority to determine the nature of the offense.
In a collaborative agreement among school officials and law enforcement, the presence of the NAACP might seem anomalous, but not in the Obama era, where considerations of race routinely shaped educational policy. "One of the first things I saw was a huge differential in minority students, black male students in particular, in terms of suspensions and arrests," Broward's recently hired school superintendent, Robert Runcie, told the American Prospect. A black American, Runcie assumed that the differential was due largely to some unspoken institutional bias against minorities. As he saw it, these suspensions played a major role in the so-called "achievement gap" between white and minority students.
The first two "whereas" clauses in the collaborative agreement deal with opportunities for students in general, but the third speaks to the motivating issue behind the agreement: "Whereas, across the country, students of color, students with disabilities, and LGBTQ students are disproportionately impacted by school-based arrests for the same behavior as their peers."
The U.S. Census Bureau is hiring:
To apply click the link below to be taken directly to the vacancy announcement.
Regional Technician vacancy announcement
We encourage candidates to not be discouraged to apply to this position based off the title, because sometimes qualifications and skills listed in the job description are similar to other type of positions that you have had. For example, working as a liaison, analyzing and reporting data, data collection procedures, recruiting applicants, identifying and researching technical issues, supporting and monitoring program objectives, overall office support, etc.
This position may require substantial travel.
Please ensure to read the announcement thoroughly and customize your resume to reflect the qualifications and skills the vacancy announcement states is required. Applying for a federal government position isn't the same as applying for traditional jobs where you only need a 1 page resume, a little more is required.
Feel free to forward this email to any friends, family, or anyone else you may know because we want the community to be aware that the 2020 Census is approaching and we will continue to recruit for both office and field positions.
Regional Technician vacancy announcement
We encourage candidates to not be discouraged to apply to this position based off the title, because sometimes qualifications and skills listed in the job description are similar to other type of positions that you have had. For example, working as a liaison, analyzing and reporting data, data collection procedures, recruiting applicants, identifying and researching technical issues, supporting and monitoring program objectives, overall office support, etc.
This position may require substantial travel.
Please ensure to read the announcement thoroughly and customize your resume to reflect the qualifications and skills the vacancy announcement states is required. Applying for a federal government position isn't the same as applying for traditional jobs where you only need a 1 page resume, a little more is required.
Feel free to forward this email to any friends, family, or anyone else you may know because we want the community to be aware that the 2020 Census is approaching and we will continue to recruit for both office and field positions.
How America got ready for war in the 1940s
These pictures show the final preparations ahead of the deployment of U.S. soldiers during World War II, taken by one photographer sent across the country to make sure the image of a strong and powerful army was broadcast to American homes.
Alfred T. Palmer was the official head photographer for the Office of War Information, set up by President Roosevelt in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor in December, 1941.
He had the responsibility of ensuring that the images of the war effort that ended up in the newspapers would inject courage and national pride in the public.
Alfred T. Palmer was the official head photographer for the Office of War Information, set up by President Roosevelt in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor in December, 1941.
He had the responsibility of ensuring that the images of the war effort that ended up in the newspapers would inject courage and national pride in the public.
Report: Kamala Harris 'Positions Herself for White House Run'
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is preparing to run for president in 2020, according to a report Monday in The Hill.
The first-term U.S. Senator has taken hard-left positions on almost every issue in an attempt to appeal to the Democratic base and to stand out among a crowd of potential contenders.
The Hill notes:
The former California attorney general, who is just at the beginning of her second year in the Senate, is taking positions that could endear herself with the Democratic base while allowing her to stand out from a group of Democrats who might seek the progressive mantle.
Harris voted against a Senate immigration bill backed by centrists from both parties earlier this month, waiting until the last minute to break with other liberals such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who both backed the measure.
Harris has also sought to highlight her positions on gun control while carving out an identity as a hard-core critic of the National Rifle Association.
The first-term U.S. Senator has taken hard-left positions on almost every issue in an attempt to appeal to the Democratic base and to stand out among a crowd of potential contenders.
The Hill notes:
The former California attorney general, who is just at the beginning of her second year in the Senate, is taking positions that could endear herself with the Democratic base while allowing her to stand out from a group of Democrats who might seek the progressive mantle.
Harris voted against a Senate immigration bill backed by centrists from both parties earlier this month, waiting until the last minute to break with other liberals such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who both backed the measure.
Harris has also sought to highlight her positions on gun control while carving out an identity as a hard-core critic of the National Rifle Association.
If You Have A Mental Illness, This Antifa Student Group Wants You
A Texas Antifa student group hosted a six month health program to “politicize” students with “mental illnesses,” according to a Thursday report.
The Revolutionary Student Front at the University of Texas at Austin hosted a “Revolutionary Mental Health Program” “to address the mental health needs of students in a way that would primarily serve to politicize and strengthen them, to become more committed to revolution and more capable of carrying it out,” reported Far Left Watch.
The UT Austin Antifa student group based its 2017 program on “Turn Illness Into A Weapon,” a book charting the neo-Marxist Socialist Patients Collective group’s actions in Germany, which placed the blame of mental illness on capitalist oppression.
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The Revolutionary Student Front at the University of Texas at Austin hosted a “Revolutionary Mental Health Program” “to address the mental health needs of students in a way that would primarily serve to politicize and strengthen them, to become more committed to revolution and more capable of carrying it out,” reported Far Left Watch.
The UT Austin Antifa student group based its 2017 program on “Turn Illness Into A Weapon,” a book charting the neo-Marxist Socialist Patients Collective group’s actions in Germany, which placed the blame of mental illness on capitalist oppression.
More here
California Democrats endorse state legislator under investigation for sexual misconduct
The California Democratic Party refused to endorse Sen. Dianne Feinstein last weekend at its state convention but did throw its endorsement behind a state legislator under investigation for sexual harassment.
The party voted Sunday to endorse a slate of federal and state candidates that included Democratic Assembly member Cristina Garcia, who placed herself on unpaid leave while allegations of sexual misconduct are being investigated.
She was accused last month by a former legislative aide in another office of groping him in 2014 at a staff softball game, after which four former staffers said she engaged in inappropriate discussions of sexual conduct and drinking during office hours.
Another ex-employee reportedly said she fired him after he refused to play “spin the bottle.”
Ms. Garcia, who has denied the allegations, was a prominent figure in the #MeToo movement, appearing in Time magazine “Persons of the Year” issue as one of the “silence breakers” and authoring legislation to combat sexual harassment. She has said that those accused of sexual harassment should resign, but she has refused to resign.
“Every complaint about sexual harassment should be taken seriously and I will participate fully in any investigation that takes place,” Ms. Garcia said in a statement earlier this month on KCRA in Sacramento. “I have zero recollection of engaging in inappropriate behavior and such behavior is inconsistent with my values.”
The party voted Sunday to endorse a slate of federal and state candidates that included Democratic Assembly member Cristina Garcia, who placed herself on unpaid leave while allegations of sexual misconduct are being investigated.
She was accused last month by a former legislative aide in another office of groping him in 2014 at a staff softball game, after which four former staffers said she engaged in inappropriate discussions of sexual conduct and drinking during office hours.
Another ex-employee reportedly said she fired him after he refused to play “spin the bottle.”
Ms. Garcia, who has denied the allegations, was a prominent figure in the #MeToo movement, appearing in Time magazine “Persons of the Year” issue as one of the “silence breakers” and authoring legislation to combat sexual harassment. She has said that those accused of sexual harassment should resign, but she has refused to resign.
“Every complaint about sexual harassment should be taken seriously and I will participate fully in any investigation that takes place,” Ms. Garcia said in a statement earlier this month on KCRA in Sacramento. “I have zero recollection of engaging in inappropriate behavior and such behavior is inconsistent with my values.”
Olympian Gibbs Deletes Selfie with Ivanka Trump, Sarah Sanders After Onslaught of Hate
Medal-winning Olympic bobsledder Lauren Gibbs deleted a selfie she took with Ivanka Trump and White House press secretary Sarah Sanders after she received a torrent of online hate.
“It’s important to remember that we don’t have to agree on everything to get along, be civil to each other and enjoy each others company,” Gibbs wrote, posting the selfie. “#Itsforamerica it was a pleasure to meet you both!”
But some of her fans and critics were infuriated by the photo and a video showing her letting Sanders and Trump wear her silver medal.
Gibbs responded to some of the haters, trying to explain why she let people wear her medal.
“I mean I have let many people try it on!” she wrote. “It’s a frickin Olympic medal and most people will never know what it is like to earn one, wear one or even touch one! It is meant to be shared.”
More here
“It’s important to remember that we don’t have to agree on everything to get along, be civil to each other and enjoy each others company,” Gibbs wrote, posting the selfie. “#Itsforamerica it was a pleasure to meet you both!”
But some of her fans and critics were infuriated by the photo and a video showing her letting Sanders and Trump wear her silver medal.
Gibbs responded to some of the haters, trying to explain why she let people wear her medal.
“I mean I have let many people try it on!” she wrote. “It’s a frickin Olympic medal and most people will never know what it is like to earn one, wear one or even touch one! It is meant to be shared.”
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The Left's Objective in Its War on the NRA
The litany of major American companies severing their ties to the NRA continues to expand. They are succumbing to the drumbeat of false accusations and hysteria ginned up by the left and its political arm, the Democratic Party, as well as the left's cohorts in the media. The NRA has been in leftists' crosshairs for the past two decades. However, the actual purpose of this targeting is far deeper than what the left proclaims to be its objective: the passage of "commonsense" gun laws and restrictions on gun ownership as an antidote to gun violence.
Beginning in the first part of the twentieth century, the disciples of Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx, and later Alinsky (the American left) understood that in order to establish their version of a uniquely American socialist state, virtually all traditions, history, and societal underpinnings would have to be fully undermined and replaced. This process, while time-consuming, would eventuate in a new American society subservient to the central government.
The major tenets of their long-term strategy of ultimately controlling a potentially all-powerful central government in perpetuity are:
Beginning in the first part of the twentieth century, the disciples of Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx, and later Alinsky (the American left) understood that in order to establish their version of a uniquely American socialist state, virtually all traditions, history, and societal underpinnings would have to be fully undermined and replaced. This process, while time-consuming, would eventuate in a new American society subservient to the central government.
The major tenets of their long-term strategy of ultimately controlling a potentially all-powerful central government in perpetuity are:
1. The subtle but persistent annexation of the education establishment, thus creating succeeding generations of indoctrinated and ill educated voters.
2. The stealth placement of true believers throughout the entertainment complex, transforming it into an instrument of socialist and anti-American propaganda.
3. As a byproduct of transforming the education and entertainment establishments, the reshaping of the so-called mainstream media into another subsidiary of the left's propaganda leviathan.
4. The takeover of one of the two major political parties.
5. Undermining the religious foundation of the country and its cultural institutions by proclaiming a new panoply of rights as granted by the government. Any opposition is to be ridiculed, intimidated, and if necessary threatened.
6. The measured elimination, utilizing coercion and harassment, of all political opposition, particularly grassroots organizations representing a vast number of citizens that potentially stand in the way of the ultimate objective.
2. The stealth placement of true believers throughout the entertainment complex, transforming it into an instrument of socialist and anti-American propaganda.
3. As a byproduct of transforming the education and entertainment establishments, the reshaping of the so-called mainstream media into another subsidiary of the left's propaganda leviathan.
4. The takeover of one of the two major political parties.
5. Undermining the religious foundation of the country and its cultural institutions by proclaiming a new panoply of rights as granted by the government. Any opposition is to be ridiculed, intimidated, and if necessary threatened.
6. The measured elimination, utilizing coercion and harassment, of all political opposition, particularly grassroots organizations representing a vast number of citizens that potentially stand in the way of the ultimate objective.
Meet The California Special Agents Who Are "Coming For Your Guns"
An oft-echoed line from the left is "No One Wants To Take Your Guns!" But as Kurt Schlichter notes, this is another classic lie.
In fact, that’s exactly what liberals want to do. How do we know? They tell us when they think we are not looking – and, with more frequency, when we are. It’s fun when they say they don’t want to take your guns, then say you have to give up your ARs. If your opponent is getting wistful about Australia’s gun confiscation, he wants to take your guns.
Let’s get serious. They all want to take your guns. Why? Two reasons. First, it takes power from the citizenry. Liberals love that. Second, gun rights are important to normal Americans because the fact we maintain arms means we are not mere subjects. We are citizens, with the power to defend our freedom. Liberals hate that we have that dignity; taking our guns would humiliate us, and show us who is boss. They want to disarms us not because of the gun crime – name a liberal who wants to really do something about Chicago as opposed to hassling law-abiding normals – but because they hate us and want to see us submit.
Even the Fredocons are getting into the act, which is no surprise since Never Trumpism is always the first step downward to active liberalism. Pseudocon Bret Stephens demanded that America repeal the Second Amendment in the New York Times in October 2017. Fellow puffcon Ross Douthat simpered something similar, and the Captain Stubing of Conservatism, Bill Kristol, tweeted his concurrence.
And, As The Washington Post reports today, there is a group of California cops whose sole job is just that - confiscating your guns.
In fact, that’s exactly what liberals want to do. How do we know? They tell us when they think we are not looking – and, with more frequency, when we are. It’s fun when they say they don’t want to take your guns, then say you have to give up your ARs. If your opponent is getting wistful about Australia’s gun confiscation, he wants to take your guns.
Let’s get serious. They all want to take your guns. Why? Two reasons. First, it takes power from the citizenry. Liberals love that. Second, gun rights are important to normal Americans because the fact we maintain arms means we are not mere subjects. We are citizens, with the power to defend our freedom. Liberals hate that we have that dignity; taking our guns would humiliate us, and show us who is boss. They want to disarms us not because of the gun crime – name a liberal who wants to really do something about Chicago as opposed to hassling law-abiding normals – but because they hate us and want to see us submit.
Even the Fredocons are getting into the act, which is no surprise since Never Trumpism is always the first step downward to active liberalism. Pseudocon Bret Stephens demanded that America repeal the Second Amendment in the New York Times in October 2017. Fellow puffcon Ross Douthat simpered something similar, and the Captain Stubing of Conservatism, Bill Kristol, tweeted his concurrence.
And, As The Washington Post reports today, there is a group of California cops whose sole job is just that - confiscating your guns.
Kids Use Tech So Much They Can’t Hold A Pencil Anymore
After previous studies claimed that children who overuse mobile devices struggle learning to speak, a group of doctors is now saying young children in the digital generation can’t even hold a pen or pencil anymore.
“Children are not coming into school with the hand strength and dexterity they had 10 years ago,” pediatric occupational therapist Sally Payne told The Guardian. “Children coming into school are being given a pencil but are increasingly not be able to hold it because they don’t have the fundamental movement skills.”
One mother admitted to reporters that she had only given her son hi-tech gadgets to play with; leaving him unprepared for grade school. “When he got to school, they contacted me with their concerns: he was gripping his pencil like cavemen held sticks,” she said.
“Children are not coming into school with the hand strength and dexterity they had 10 years ago,” pediatric occupational therapist Sally Payne told The Guardian. “Children coming into school are being given a pencil but are increasingly not be able to hold it because they don’t have the fundamental movement skills.”
One mother admitted to reporters that she had only given her son hi-tech gadgets to play with; leaving him unprepared for grade school. “When he got to school, they contacted me with their concerns: he was gripping his pencil like cavemen held sticks,” she said.
Lawsuit: 100,000 Non-citizens Registered to Vote in PA
More than 100,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Pennsylvania alone, according to testimony submitted Monday in a lawsuit demanding the state come clean about the extent of its problems.
The Public Interest Legal Foundation, which has identified similar non-citizen voting problems in studies of Virginia and New Jersey, said Pennsylvania officials have admitted non-citizens have been registering and voting in the state “for decades.”
But state officials have stonewalled PILF requests for access to the data that could expose the problem, the group says in a lawsuit filed in federal court in Harrisburg.
“For months, Pennsylvania bureaucrats have concealed facts about non-citizens registering and voting — that ends today,” PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams said.
He said Pennsylvania had already admitted to a “glitch” dating back to the 1990s that had allowed non-citizens applying to renew driver’s licenses to be offered the chance to register to vote. Mr. Adams said he now wants to find out how bad the problem is overall.
More here
The Public Interest Legal Foundation, which has identified similar non-citizen voting problems in studies of Virginia and New Jersey, said Pennsylvania officials have admitted non-citizens have been registering and voting in the state “for decades.”
But state officials have stonewalled PILF requests for access to the data that could expose the problem, the group says in a lawsuit filed in federal court in Harrisburg.
“For months, Pennsylvania bureaucrats have concealed facts about non-citizens registering and voting — that ends today,” PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams said.
He said Pennsylvania had already admitted to a “glitch” dating back to the 1990s that had allowed non-citizens applying to renew driver’s licenses to be offered the chance to register to vote. Mr. Adams said he now wants to find out how bad the problem is overall.
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Navy Hospital Ship Deploys to Southeast Asia to Provide Medical Aid
The Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Mercy has deployed to southeast Asia as part of the 13th Pacific Partnership mission to provide medical services to local populations.
The U.S. Navy vessel left her home port in San Diego on Friday and will visit Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam through June "to provide medical, dental, veterinary, public health services, engineering, and disaster response to host countries who have invited the ship to visit and provide services to the local population," according to the Department of Defense.
Mercy will also visit Japan while heading back to San Diego.
Navy Rear Adm. Don Gabrielson, commander of Task Force 73, stressed the importance of the Pacific Partnership mission..
The U.S. Navy vessel left her home port in San Diego on Friday and will visit Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam through June "to provide medical, dental, veterinary, public health services, engineering, and disaster response to host countries who have invited the ship to visit and provide services to the local population," according to the Department of Defense.
Mercy will also visit Japan while heading back to San Diego.
Navy Rear Adm. Don Gabrielson, commander of Task Force 73, stressed the importance of the Pacific Partnership mission..
Delta Endangers Tax Break After Cutting Ties to NRA
The decision by Delta Air Lines, Inc. to cut co-branding ties with the National Rifle Association has endangered the company's efforts to steer legislation through the Georgia General Assembly that exempts jet fuel from the state's sales tax.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution first reported that the tax-credit was in jeopardy after Delta, which is headquartered in Atlanta, announced on Saturday that it would end its co-marketing partnership with the NRA. Delta's decision came after facing outside pressure from gun-control advocates who blame the Second Amendment group for the tragic school shooting that took place in Parkland, Florida earlier this month. Similar decisions were announced by an array of companies like Enterprise Holdings, the parent company of Enterprise Rent-a-Car, and MetLife, Inc., one of the country's largest insurance providers.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution first reported that the tax-credit was in jeopardy after Delta, which is headquartered in Atlanta, announced on Saturday that it would end its co-marketing partnership with the NRA. Delta's decision came after facing outside pressure from gun-control advocates who blame the Second Amendment group for the tragic school shooting that took place in Parkland, Florida earlier this month. Similar decisions were announced by an array of companies like Enterprise Holdings, the parent company of Enterprise Rent-a-Car, and MetLife, Inc., one of the country's largest insurance providers.
Terry McAuliffe: ‘Who Better to Take on Trump Than Me?’
Democrat Terry McAuliffe said he would be the party's best choice to "take on" President Donald Trump in 2020.
"Who better to take on Trump than me?" McAuliffe said when asked by the Washington Free Beacon about a potential 2020 run for president, strongly indicating he will indeed throw his hat in the ring.
The former Virginia governor, Democratic National Committee chairman, and longtime party fundraiser's name is regularly included amongst the crowded field of Democrats thinking of running for president.
McAuliffe has been said to be "seriously considering" a presidential run but recently dodged a question from CNN's Jake Tapper on who would give Democrats the best chance to take back the White House, though he did indicate a belief that former governors with executive experience such as McAuliffe are better suited for a run.
"Who better to take on Trump than me?" McAuliffe said when asked by the Washington Free Beacon about a potential 2020 run for president, strongly indicating he will indeed throw his hat in the ring.
The former Virginia governor, Democratic National Committee chairman, and longtime party fundraiser's name is regularly included amongst the crowded field of Democrats thinking of running for president.
McAuliffe has been said to be "seriously considering" a presidential run but recently dodged a question from CNN's Jake Tapper on who would give Democrats the best chance to take back the White House, though he did indicate a belief that former governors with executive experience such as McAuliffe are better suited for a run.
Billionaire Democrat Petitions Supreme Court to Keep Surfers Off His Beach
A Silicon Valley billionaire and Democratic mega-donor is petitioning the Supreme Court to take up his four-year battle to keep surfers off of his private beach.
Vinod Khosla struck it rich as the co-founder of Sun Microsystems in the 1980s. Since making his fortune, he has made headlines for donating more than $1 million to Democratic politicians and organizations, as well as for his legal crusade to keep his private Martins Beach beachfront inaccessible to the public.
Under state law, the California Coastal Commission must approve any new coastline development or any changes to the amount of access the public has to a beach. When Khosla purchased 53 acres of land in 2008, he blocked off beaches that had previously been open to the public, without seeking a permit from the commission.
Khosla argues that it is an infringement of his property rights to force him to allow surfers and other beach-goers onto his private property.
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Vinod Khosla struck it rich as the co-founder of Sun Microsystems in the 1980s. Since making his fortune, he has made headlines for donating more than $1 million to Democratic politicians and organizations, as well as for his legal crusade to keep his private Martins Beach beachfront inaccessible to the public.
Under state law, the California Coastal Commission must approve any new coastline development or any changes to the amount of access the public has to a beach. When Khosla purchased 53 acres of land in 2008, he blocked off beaches that had previously been open to the public, without seeking a permit from the commission.
Khosla argues that it is an infringement of his property rights to force him to allow surfers and other beach-goers onto his private property.
More here
20 states sue Trump administration to end Obamacare after mandate repeal
Twenty states are suing the Trump administration over the individual mandate in Obamacare that obligates people have health insurance or pay a fine, seeking an end to the entire law.
In the lawsuit filed Monday, states said Congress's decision to repeal the tax penalty as part of the Republican tax bill signed into law by President Trump, invalidates the mandate and all of Obamacare. The penalty still applies this year, but will go to zero beginning in 2019.
The complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Texas.
This is the second lawsuit against the mandate. The Supreme Court upheld this portion of the law in 2012, determining it was allowed because it was a tax, and fit under the power of Congress to levy taxes.
The Obama administration had argued the individual mandate was allowed under Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce, a position the Supreme Court rejected. The ruling essentially concluded the federal government isn't allowed to force people who aren't engaged in commercial activities to buy a product or service they don't want.
In the lawsuit filed Monday, states said Congress's decision to repeal the tax penalty as part of the Republican tax bill signed into law by President Trump, invalidates the mandate and all of Obamacare. The penalty still applies this year, but will go to zero beginning in 2019.
The complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Texas.
This is the second lawsuit against the mandate. The Supreme Court upheld this portion of the law in 2012, determining it was allowed because it was a tax, and fit under the power of Congress to levy taxes.
The Obama administration had argued the individual mandate was allowed under Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce, a position the Supreme Court rejected. The ruling essentially concluded the federal government isn't allowed to force people who aren't engaged in commercial activities to buy a product or service they don't want.
After getting kicked out of White House, Omarosa is evicted from 'Big Brother' house
Omarosa Manigault Newman, after being fired and physically escorted out of the White House in December, has been booted from yet another a house.
Housemates on CBS' "Celebrity Big Brother" television show unanimously voted late Sunday to evict her from the residence where the reality show is based, despite her last-minute plea to stay.
Housemates on CBS' "Celebrity Big Brother" television show unanimously voted late Sunday to evict her from the residence where the reality show is based, despite her last-minute plea to stay.
Man used hunting knife in brutal slaying at Massachusetts library, authorities say
A man armed with a hunting knife stabbed a woman to death Saturday inside a public library in Massachusetts, authorities said.
When police arrived, they found that an elderly man also had been stabbed, Boston's Fox 25 reported.
"There were three to four police cars here, there was an ambulance and there was a woman taken out," Russ Ganz, a Winchester resident, told the station.
The suspect -- identified as Jeffrey Yao, 23 -- allegedly approached the 22-year-old woman from behind as she was seated at a table in the reading room of Winchester Public Library, Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan said.
The blade was said to be 10 inches long and the suspect reportedly stabbed the woman multiple times.
When police arrived, they found that an elderly man also had been stabbed, Boston's Fox 25 reported.
"There were three to four police cars here, there was an ambulance and there was a woman taken out," Russ Ganz, a Winchester resident, told the station.
The suspect -- identified as Jeffrey Yao, 23 -- allegedly approached the 22-year-old woman from behind as she was seated at a table in the reading room of Winchester Public Library, Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan said.
The blade was said to be 10 inches long and the suspect reportedly stabbed the woman multiple times.
Job fair this Saturday
Acme is having a Job Fair
12pm to 5pm
Open Positions:
Overnight Stocker
Parcel Pickup
Apply online prior to Saturday
Tucker Carlson Blasts Sheriff Israel
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson said on his show Monday that he believes there is something seriously wrong with Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel.
“Israel relentlessly brags about himself,” Carlson stated.
“Israel relentlessly brags about himself,” Carlson stated.
Florida Sheriff's Office could be sued over deputy's inaction: experts
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Sheriff’s Office in Broward County, Florida, could be sued over the failure of one of its deputies to enter a high school while a gunman was killing 17 people earlier this month, legal experts said.
Law enforcement officers are generally immune to legal claims over inaction, as courts have held they need to be able to make decisions without fear of liability.
However, the Sheriff’s Office and Deputy Sheriff Scot Peterson could fall under a “special relationship” exception because Peterson was specifically assigned to protect Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, said Timothy Lytton, a law professor at Georgia State University who has written a book on gun litigation.
“The children and teachers justifiably relied on him and his unique level of knowledge to protect them,” Lytton said.
Law enforcement officers are generally immune to legal claims over inaction, as courts have held they need to be able to make decisions without fear of liability.
However, the Sheriff’s Office and Deputy Sheriff Scot Peterson could fall under a “special relationship” exception because Peterson was specifically assigned to protect Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, said Timothy Lytton, a law professor at Georgia State University who has written a book on gun litigation.
“The children and teachers justifiably relied on him and his unique level of knowledge to protect them,” Lytton said.
UNC Profs Threaten To Destroy Confederate Monument Unless It’s Taken Down
Professors at the University of North Carolina are threatening to destroy a Confederate monument if it is not taken down before Thursday, according to a Sunday report.
Seventeen senior UNC Chapel Hill faculty members demand the university take down a “Silent Sam” statue before Thursday, or else they will tear it down themselves, reported The Daily Tar Heel.
“We do not fear arrest, indeed we welcome the opportunity to demonstrate the commitment that the Carolina faculty has to the wellbeing of its students and the principles that make this university great,” the professors wrote in a letter to the school’s chancellor.
The faculty members told The Daily Tar Heel they want to stay anonymous, but reportedly hail from UNC’s arts and sciences, law, medicine, and public health schools.
Seventeen senior UNC Chapel Hill faculty members demand the university take down a “Silent Sam” statue before Thursday, or else they will tear it down themselves, reported The Daily Tar Heel.
“We do not fear arrest, indeed we welcome the opportunity to demonstrate the commitment that the Carolina faculty has to the wellbeing of its students and the principles that make this university great,” the professors wrote in a letter to the school’s chancellor.
The faculty members told The Daily Tar Heel they want to stay anonymous, but reportedly hail from UNC’s arts and sciences, law, medicine, and public health schools.
David Hogg Vows Not to Return to School Until Lawmakers Pass Gun Control
Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg says he will not return to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School until more gun control is passed.
Hogg made the comments Sunday during a gun control rally held at Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston, New Jersey.
The New York Daily News reports that Hogg said, “I’m not going back to school on Wednesday until one bill is passed.” He did not specify which law he wants most, only that he is not going back until at least one law garners the support of lawmakers.
[Are there truancy laws in Florida? --Editor]
Hogg made the comments Sunday during a gun control rally held at Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston, New Jersey.
The New York Daily News reports that Hogg said, “I’m not going back to school on Wednesday until one bill is passed.” He did not specify which law he wants most, only that he is not going back until at least one law garners the support of lawmakers.
[Are there truancy laws in Florida? --Editor]
Downtown Salisbury Maryland Pickpocket
Publishers Notes: Just wait till the Folk Festival comes around. This is just a practice run. Better stock up on frozen pizza there Chief Duncan.
Dimwit Florida Sheriff Was 'Once a Proud Member of Team Obama'
When some major police incident occurs, it is most often my practice to withhold comment until I can be sure that most of the facts surrounding it have been revealed. A horrific event like a school shooting like that which occurred in Parkland, Fla., arouses the impulse to weigh in with opinions based on incomplete or even false information. It is best to resist this impulse.
Others, of course, with endless hours of air time to fill, and with agendas to push along, are unable to resist it. There may be more egregious examples of this, but I don’t see how anyone can compete with the CNN’s recent “town hall,” at which Sen. Marco Rubio and Dana Loesch were mocked and browbeaten by what amounted to little more than an angry mob.
Which is not to say the people in attendance didn’t have reason to be angry. The crowd was made up of students, parents, and teachers from Stoneman Douglas High School, where days earlier 31 students and staff members had been shot, 17 of them fatally. From a high school student’s limited perspective and experience, he knows only that something horrific has occurred in his world, something that by all rights should not have. With his nerves still raw and exposed, he sees before him on the stage a conservative senator and a spokesperson for the National Rifle Association, each of whom he perceives, in that limited perspective and experience, to have contributed to the trauma he has experienced.
Others, of course, with endless hours of air time to fill, and with agendas to push along, are unable to resist it. There may be more egregious examples of this, but I don’t see how anyone can compete with the CNN’s recent “town hall,” at which Sen. Marco Rubio and Dana Loesch were mocked and browbeaten by what amounted to little more than an angry mob.
Which is not to say the people in attendance didn’t have reason to be angry. The crowd was made up of students, parents, and teachers from Stoneman Douglas High School, where days earlier 31 students and staff members had been shot, 17 of them fatally. From a high school student’s limited perspective and experience, he knows only that something horrific has occurred in his world, something that by all rights should not have. With his nerves still raw and exposed, he sees before him on the stage a conservative senator and a spokesperson for the National Rifle Association, each of whom he perceives, in that limited perspective and experience, to have contributed to the trauma he has experienced.
Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions
The Broward County school district’s adoption of a school discipline policy that was praised by the Obama administration for seeking to reduce the reported number of school suspensions, expulsions, and arrests may have played a role in the fact that Nikolas Cruz remained under the radar until his shooting rampage in Parkland, Florida, on February 14.
“The facts pattern that has emerged strongly suggests it played a role,” Manhattan Institute senior fellow Max Eden tells Breitbart News. “It’s not actually accurate to say that what Broward County did was the result of the Obama policy. It might be more accurate to say that what Broward County did was in some way the inspiration for Obama’s policy.”
The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.
“Broward County was the first to have the goal of lowering suspensions, lowering expulsions, lowering arrests,” explains Eden. “And, so, they decided to reduce police involvement by not bringing in cops to arrest kids for a whole range of serious offenses, and then, as you would expect, the arrests go down when you stop arresting. That was taken to be a sign of success, based on that metric alone.”
“The facts pattern that has emerged strongly suggests it played a role,” Manhattan Institute senior fellow Max Eden tells Breitbart News. “It’s not actually accurate to say that what Broward County did was the result of the Obama policy. It might be more accurate to say that what Broward County did was in some way the inspiration for Obama’s policy.”
The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice – under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder –issued school guidelines in 2014 that claimed students of color are “disproportionately impacted” by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a “school-to-prison pipeline” that discriminates against minority and low-income students.
“Broward County was the first to have the goal of lowering suspensions, lowering expulsions, lowering arrests,” explains Eden. “And, so, they decided to reduce police involvement by not bringing in cops to arrest kids for a whole range of serious offenses, and then, as you would expect, the arrests go down when you stop arresting. That was taken to be a sign of success, based on that metric alone.”
Progressive Policies Put Schools at Risk
Amidst the media-orchestrated hysteria emanating from those who believe gun control will solve America’s mass shooting problem, one of the principal questions being asked is whether children have the right to attend school without fearing for their lives. Tragically, for a nation that has abided progressive ideology for far too long, it’s the wrong question. The more accurate question: How much danger is one willing to put one’s child in to satisfy progressive orthodoxy?
As the Miami Herald reveals, the Florida killer had widely recognized behavioral problems. “Teachers and other students said he kicked doors, cursed at teachers, fought with and threatened classmates and brought a backpack with bullets to school,” the paper reported. “He collected a string of discipline for profanity, disobedience, insubordination, and disruption.”
How did the system handle him? In 2014, administrators transferred him to a school for children with emotional disabilities. Two years later, they changed course and put him back in Marjory Stoneman Douglas. A year later, he was banished again for disciplinary reasons, and ended up being “toggled between three other alternative placements,” as the Herald puts it.
Notice the missing element here — he was never expelled. “Under federal law, [he] had a right to a ‘free and appropriate’ education at a public school near him,” the paper explains. “His classmates had a right to an education free of fear. Their rights often collided.”
Does this mean expulsion no longer exists?
As the Miami Herald reveals, the Florida killer had widely recognized behavioral problems. “Teachers and other students said he kicked doors, cursed at teachers, fought with and threatened classmates and brought a backpack with bullets to school,” the paper reported. “He collected a string of discipline for profanity, disobedience, insubordination, and disruption.”
How did the system handle him? In 2014, administrators transferred him to a school for children with emotional disabilities. Two years later, they changed course and put him back in Marjory Stoneman Douglas. A year later, he was banished again for disciplinary reasons, and ended up being “toggled between three other alternative placements,” as the Herald puts it.
Notice the missing element here — he was never expelled. “Under federal law, [he] had a right to a ‘free and appropriate’ education at a public school near him,” the paper explains. “His classmates had a right to an education free of fear. Their rights often collided.”
Does this mean expulsion no longer exists?
NRA: Companies Severing Ties With Us Are Punishing Law-Abiding Patriots
Car rental companies, banks, airlines, hotels, even a home security company are among the growing list to sever their discount programs with the National Rifle Association following the mass shooting at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. on February 14.
The NRA responded to the corporate backlash over the weekend, calling it "an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community."
The NRA noted that its "law-abiding members" had nothing to do with the failure of the school's security, the failure of the nation's mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Background Check System or the "cruel failures" of both federal and local law enforcement.
NRA spokeswoman Dan Loesch recapped some of those failures in a tweet on Sunday:
The NRA responded to the corporate backlash over the weekend, calling it "an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community."
The NRA noted that its "law-abiding members" had nothing to do with the failure of the school's security, the failure of the nation's mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Background Check System or the "cruel failures" of both federal and local law enforcement.
NRA spokeswoman Dan Loesch recapped some of those failures in a tweet on Sunday:
Traffic Stop Leads to Multiple Drug Charges-Laurel
Dean B. Lloyd
Laurel - The Delaware State Police arrest a suspect after a traffic stops leads to the discovery of drugs.
The incident occurred on Monday, February 26, 2018 at approximately 10:53 a.m. when a Trooper observed a Dodge Dart traveling above the posted speed limit on westbound Sharptown Road in the area of Old Hickory Road. A traffic stop was initiated and contact was made with the driver as well as a passenger identified as 33-year-old Dean B. Lloydof Georgetown. It was discovered that Dean had an active capias out of the Sussex County Family Court for failure to pay on a fine. Dean was placed under arrest and a subsequent search of his person yielded drug paraphernalia and over $400.00 in suspected drug proceeds. A search of the passengers seat in which Dean occupied yielded approximately 2.15 grams of marijuana, six plastic bags of cocaine (3.92 grams), and .495 grams of heroin.
Dean was transported to Troop 5 where he was charged with Possession of Marijuana, two counts of Possession with Intent to Deliver, and two counts of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Dean was arraigned out of the Justice of the Peace Court 2 and committed to the Sussex Correctional Institution on $10,502.00 secured bond.
GoBee Bike throws in the towel in France
Bike-sharing startup GoBee Bike is giving up and shutting down in all French cities where it operates. GoBee Bike operates just like Chinese giants Ofo and Mobike. You open the app, you find a bike on the map and you unlock it by scanning a QR code. Once you’re done, you lock it again and leave it there — there’s no dock.
And yet, the startup is blaming vandalism and says that the service would stop immediately. It’s worth noting that users will get a refund on their remaining balances and €15 deposit. This is a nice gesture.
According to the announcement, GoBee Bike managed to attract 150,000 users in Europe who used the service hundreds of thousands of times. But the company’s bikes slowly became unusable. 3,200 bikes became dysfunctional, 1,000 bikes were illegally parked in someone’s home. Overall, GoBee Bike had to send someone in 6,500 cases.
The startup couldn’t keep up and it became clear that the business model wasn’t scalable if you needed to fix the bikes all the time. As a user, it also felt like you couldn’t unlock most of the bikes because the lock battery was dead most of the time.
And yet, the startup is blaming vandalism and says that the service would stop immediately. It’s worth noting that users will get a refund on their remaining balances and €15 deposit. This is a nice gesture.
According to the announcement, GoBee Bike managed to attract 150,000 users in Europe who used the service hundreds of thousands of times. But the company’s bikes slowly became unusable. 3,200 bikes became dysfunctional, 1,000 bikes were illegally parked in someone’s home. Overall, GoBee Bike had to send someone in 6,500 cases.
The startup couldn’t keep up and it became clear that the business model wasn’t scalable if you needed to fix the bikes all the time. As a user, it also felt like you couldn’t unlock most of the bikes because the lock battery was dead most of the time.
Hundreds of repeat offenders off the streets due to crime initiative, leaders say
BALTIMORE — Governor Larry Hogan said that hundreds of Baltimore City's most violent offenders have been arrested thanks to a recent law enforcement initiative.
Operation Seven Sentries was conducted over the past month and focused on finding violent repeat offenders who have evaded prison.
"Make no mistake about it -- we will find you, we will arrest you and we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law," Hogan said.
Hogan said successful results from the Joint Law Enforcement Violent Crime Initiative are just the beginning.
The Seven Sentries Operation included nearly 500 federal, state and local law enforcement officers and focused on reducing crime by getting criminals with open warrants off the streets of Baltimore City.
The operation, conducted from Jan. 16 to Feb. 15., zeroed in on wanted individuals who were known gang members, sex offenders who failed to register, felons with violent criminal records and individuals who have warrants related to the sale or possession of drugs.
Operation Seven Sentries was conducted over the past month and focused on finding violent repeat offenders who have evaded prison.
"Make no mistake about it -- we will find you, we will arrest you and we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law," Hogan said.
Hogan said successful results from the Joint Law Enforcement Violent Crime Initiative are just the beginning.
The Seven Sentries Operation included nearly 500 federal, state and local law enforcement officers and focused on reducing crime by getting criminals with open warrants off the streets of Baltimore City.
The operation, conducted from Jan. 16 to Feb. 15., zeroed in on wanted individuals who were known gang members, sex offenders who failed to register, felons with violent criminal records and individuals who have warrants related to the sale or possession of drugs.
The Youth Massacre Outside Florida
The five cities with the highest number of murders in 2017 combined to match the Parkland shooting in just three days.
The tragic loss of 16 students and one coach from one high school in a single incident is bound to dominate the news for days. But who knew that the five cities with the highest number of murders in 2017 combined to match that terrible total in just three days?
Chicago led the way with 650 murders last year, and while Baltimore was second with 343, its per capita total of 55.8 per 100,000 residents was the highest in the nation among its 50 most populous cities. As Baltimore partisans were quick to point out, though, St. Louis, whose steady population decline has put it outside that top 50, had an even higher murder rate of 65 per 100,000. It matters little — the vast majority of the cities on the list have been run by Democrats for decades. So where’s the outrage?
Bear in mind that many of these cities have stringent gun laws. But while the Left’s answer is to blame guns, there’s truly much more to the story. One key element is the issue of gangs: “Some young men take precautions appropriate to Beirut, circling their home block three or four times in search of any person or car that is out of place, before they will park,” writes Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson. “Others must be smuggled out of the city to avoid revenge killings.” A lucrative drug trade and a lack of respect for human life are clearly fertilizing these killing fields.
Yet too often among these “war zones within the borders of America,” young men grow up without a dad. Whether that’s because the father has left the mother voluntarily (or was never really “with” her in the first place), has since been imprisoned, or was a victim of violence himself doesn’t necessarily matter — the issue is the lack of positive male influence in the these children’s lives.
The tragic loss of 16 students and one coach from one high school in a single incident is bound to dominate the news for days. But who knew that the five cities with the highest number of murders in 2017 combined to match that terrible total in just three days?
Chicago led the way with 650 murders last year, and while Baltimore was second with 343, its per capita total of 55.8 per 100,000 residents was the highest in the nation among its 50 most populous cities. As Baltimore partisans were quick to point out, though, St. Louis, whose steady population decline has put it outside that top 50, had an even higher murder rate of 65 per 100,000. It matters little — the vast majority of the cities on the list have been run by Democrats for decades. So where’s the outrage?
Bear in mind that many of these cities have stringent gun laws. But while the Left’s answer is to blame guns, there’s truly much more to the story. One key element is the issue of gangs: “Some young men take precautions appropriate to Beirut, circling their home block three or four times in search of any person or car that is out of place, before they will park,” writes Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson. “Others must be smuggled out of the city to avoid revenge killings.” A lucrative drug trade and a lack of respect for human life are clearly fertilizing these killing fields.
Yet too often among these “war zones within the borders of America,” young men grow up without a dad. Whether that’s because the father has left the mother voluntarily (or was never really “with” her in the first place), has since been imprisoned, or was a victim of violence himself doesn’t necessarily matter — the issue is the lack of positive male influence in the these children’s lives.
Not all students back gun control, young conservatives say
At Justin Vaughn’s Maryland high school, support for curbing guns runs deep, “and I’m on the ‘wrong’ side,” the 17-year-old says.
So it came as a relief for Vaughn to mingle with like-minded conservative students from across the country at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference.
“This is like the only place I’ve seen where kids are on my side,” Vaughn said. At his high school, he said, his pro-Second Amendment views are received as, “I’m supporting killers, when I’m really supporting people who want to protect the Constitution.”
The students who survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida have captivated the nation — on television, in town halls and in marches and rallies from campuses to state capitals. While they have turned their grief and anger into a powerful political force in support of gun control, and luring their peers in other states to do the same, the young adults speaking up for gun rights at CPAC say they feel increasingly marginalized.
“Not liking guns is a millennial thing, it’s the cool thing to be against guns,” said Vaughn.
Jacob Thomas, 20, a student at Germanna Community College in Fredericksburg, Va., said he’s experienced the same situation.
“You can’t express that opinion, especially on college campuses,” he said.
So it came as a relief for Vaughn to mingle with like-minded conservative students from across the country at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference.
“This is like the only place I’ve seen where kids are on my side,” Vaughn said. At his high school, he said, his pro-Second Amendment views are received as, “I’m supporting killers, when I’m really supporting people who want to protect the Constitution.”
The students who survived the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida have captivated the nation — on television, in town halls and in marches and rallies from campuses to state capitals. While they have turned their grief and anger into a powerful political force in support of gun control, and luring their peers in other states to do the same, the young adults speaking up for gun rights at CPAC say they feel increasingly marginalized.
“Not liking guns is a millennial thing, it’s the cool thing to be against guns,” said Vaughn.
Jacob Thomas, 20, a student at Germanna Community College in Fredericksburg, Va., said he’s experienced the same situation.
“You can’t express that opinion, especially on college campuses,” he said.
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