If you had the luxury of being there or watching on PAC 14 I'm confident each and every person in the game was on the edge of their seats wondering, will she flip flop? I knew my answer to that question early on but I have to tell you, she had me going for quite a while. In the end Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman made the call and said she now supports moving forward with a commitment letter on behalf of Bennett Middle School.
Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman thought she was being smart when she challenged my recent Post about the new property being in a flood plain zone. Well, perhaps I worded it improperly. The TECHNICAL term is call Hydric Soil. That's what 90% of that property is, allow me to explain more nut clearly from Mrs. Prettyman's question she had no idea of the following information. "A hydric soil is a soil that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part."
Now I don't care WHAT you want to call it, 90%, (or so) of that property has that soil and with floating footers there could be very serious settlement issues. Heck, the new Fire Station in Salisbury buried footers way into the earth and guess what Folks, they STILL had major settlement and continue to experience cracks in the concrete.
The Images above clearly show/prove that what I was saying is completely true. Now, that being said, while this was being challenged today I directly discussed it with Rick Pollitt and he said, "well, you know Joe, that wasn't wasn't my first choice." He then said, "I wanted that school to go behind the WalMart".
I should add, I'm putting this information up for selfish reasons as I want my readers to understand I did not try to mislead anyone. The experts and even Council Members can challenge me on a technicality but the TRUTH in the end is, this soil is some of the worst soil you could place a school on.
There could be a LOT of arguments as to why this shouldn't go forward but there's little doubt there was political influence. Many will claim a deal was made behind closed doors. Mrs. Prettyman stated the new financial information changed her mind but in all reality, nothing changed financially.
Mr. Pollitt and one BOE Board Member told me, "Wicomico County is the laughing stock of the entire state of Maryland". Well, Wicomico County is on the Eastern Shore. We do not enjoy the interest in development other counties experience. Always trying to be number one or the center of attention isn't even possible for Wicomico County, let's be real.
What we should be doing is LEARNING from those other counties and NOT make the same mistakes. We should be USING other plans/designs from other counties who have already designed new schools to save us millions of dollars.
The other day we exposed the serious problems with 40% of our schools failing state standard tests. THAT makes Wicomico County the laughing stock of the entire state, wake up people. Should Wicomico County be rewarded for the failures in those educators not capable of TEACHING our students.
I'm not trying to create sour grapes here. Similar to last night's City Council Meeting, what's done is done. However, wouldn't it have been WISE to add in an addendum for tomorrow's meeting into that letter stating IF Public Works doesn't agree to 100% of the original package the County Council could back out of their commitment? Am I the only one out there who thinks ahead. I mean, fair is fair, right?
In time each and every one of you will see the problems the County will experience attempting to build that kind of structure on that kind of land. The documents above do not lie. When we have so many financial road blocks ahead of us, so much uncertainty, I have lost ALL faith in Wicomico County and the direction our leaders are heading us into.
In the end I can say in the very least for Salisbury News we will continue to have a lot to publish daily. So I hate to say this but this decision is actually great for business. Over the last 5 days we have experienced record days, one day after the other beating out the previous days numbers.
I guess in the end I need to rethink things. I'll have to somehow convince myself that in today's world when you have 40% of the schools failing it's best to spend up to $80,000,000.00 to reward them in the firm belief they will do better. At least that's how Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman is thinking along with three other Council Members. I truly thought someone with wisdom and experience would know better but as I said earlier, I need to rethink the way things are run in this country/county any more and many of you do too, because obviously we're wrong in the way we were raised.