A few of us were sitting around discussing Mayor Barrie Tilghman's tactics lately and quite frankly I was a bit disturbed. You see, Barrie Tilghman has been subjected to several new faces visiting Council Meetings recently and she has clearly been seen going into the audience and taking down names.
Now why is Barrie Tilghman doing this? She's doing it to make those people who are attending feel as if SHE'S GOT THEM and she knows who they are. It's a typical form of intimidation because as MOST of you who are reading this Blog rely on me standing up to this Administration, she thinks by doing this it will scare people away from her and you know what, she's probably right.
There have been a ton of people Barrie Tilghman has gone after whenever someone disagrees with you, allow me to name just a few. Carolyn Hall, Von Siggers, Rachel Polk, Jennifer Albero, Joe Albero, Dot Goetz, The Dirty Dozen, Frank Himelright, Jim Ireton, Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, Linda Kent, Police Chief Dykes, Robin Cocky, the list goes on and one and I'm sure in comments here some of you will add to that quick list.
While Bob Caldwell is reaching out to gain more supporters and I applaud his effort, too many people are simply scared of the retaliation of Barrie Tilghman and they truly need to come out of their shell.
Considering the amount of hits I get each and every day, it's obvious just how many people are fed up. It doesn't matter where I go, (and I go a lot of places) the majority of the people out there thank me for what I do. Barrie Tilghman and others like Chief See and Chief Webster may think I do not have the popularity that I do but they're severely wrong.
Oh sure, there are some Anti Albero Bloggers out there that like to bash me daily, that's cool, that's their right. However, there's only a hand full of people that comment there and disagree with me. Think about that for a moment too. I put up an average of probably 10 to 15 articles a day, many of which go after wrong doings in the Salisbury area. That's bound to make some enemies. However, there are literally thousands upon thousands of people who enjoy coming to this Site to see what's new and perhaps who's next, if you know what I mean?
Barrie wants to intimidate you any way she can, even if it means going into a crowd and asking who you are and writing down your name. The next time she does, tell her it's NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Shove it right in her face and make HER feel intimidated. Then I'd encourage you to work with Bob Caldwell and for crying out loud, get out of that shell and start participating. You are an entire City and she is one woman.