ATTN: Governor O'MalleyArea Plant Closings – (Free Enterprise)
Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, & Dorchester Counties
1. Sealy Upholstery Co. Unknown – (Best Estimate
2. Field Container Corp. Unknown – (Best Estimate
3. Dresser Industries 500 – 600 -(Facility moved to
Austin, Texas
At height of business it em-
ployed over 1000 employees.
4. Shawnee Homes Unknown – (Best guestimate
5. Salisbury Engineering Moved entire operation to
State of Delaware
6. Heinemann Electric Unknown, Northwood
Industrial Park.
7. Moore Business Forms 148 – Shutdown 07-27-94,
Snowhill, Maryland
8. Campbell Soup – Salisbury, MD 604 Employees in Salisbury
9. Campbell Soup – Swanson Division
Pocomoke, MD 245 Employees
10. Campbell Soup – Mrs. Paul’s Kitchen
Crisfield, MD 200 Employees
11. Montgomery Wards 110 Employees
Salisbury, MD
12. Gant Shirt Factory 250 Employees
13. Jodi Shirt Co. 100 Employees
14. Delmar Sportswear 90 Employees
15. Ford Laboratory 70 Employees
Salisbury, MD
16. Grumman Corp, Salisbury, MD 401 – Employed 523 at
Height of production.
17. Peninsula Press, Salisbury, MD 45 - Employees
18. Preston Trucking Co., Preston, MD Unknown, filed for
Bankruptcy Protection
19. Chesapeake Bay Plywood Corp. 500 Employees – Plywood
Pocomoke City, MD. Plant shutdown
20. Ruddy Duck 100 Employees
Cambridge, Maryand
21. Airpax Industries 500 – (Best guestimate)
Cambridge, Maryland At height of production it
employed almost 1500
workers. Moved lighting
division to Matamoras,
22. Service Merchandise 75 Employees
Mt. Hermon Road
Salisbury, MD
23. Purity Bacon Unknown, South Division
Salisbury, MD.
24. E.S. Adkins & Co. Unknown, North
Salisbury Blvd, Salisbury
25. Masten Home Center Unknown, Rt. 13, South
Salisbury Blvd.
26. IMS ( 40-50 Employees – WBOC
reporting - (Old Campbell’s
Soup Bldg at Lake Street)
27. Powellville Garment Factory Closure announced 02/01
100 – (Best guestimate)-
Located in Powellville, MD.
28. Food Depot
Old Salisbury Mall, Salisbury, MD Unknown – Old Salisbury
Mall building.
29. Crown, Cork & Seal Unknown, Announced plant
Fruitland, MD closure 01-14-02
30. Central Tractor
Rt.13, Fruitland, MD Unknown, Announced
closure 01-14-02
31. Ames Unknown, Announced
Rt. 50 & Tilghman Road Closure 11-14-01
Salisbury, Maryland
32. Nanticoke Homes, Greewood, DE Unknown, Announced
closure 07-02
33. Stoney Point Decoy Factory 35-40 Employees at peak,
Crisfield, MD. Daily Times reporting J.
Cording – Announced
closure 04-19-03.
34. Tyson Foods, Berlin, MD. Facility 600 Employees -
Announced closure
35. Black & Decker, Easton, MD 1400 Employees -
Announced closure
04-29-03. Moving plant to
Brazil & Mexico
(Daily Times reporter
John Vandiver 04-29-03)
36. Pine Country Corp., Pocomoke, MD 35 Employees (Daily Times
reported 10-26-03)
Operations ceased 09/03.
37. Chesapeake Hardwood Mill Operations ceased spring
Peggy Neck Road, Princess
Anne, MD.
2002, 40 Employees
Alan Parker, Plant Manager
38. Salisbury Steel Products Inc. 909 Boundary St., Salisbury
MD. Operations ceased
08-03. 35 Employees
Per C.J. Townsend
39. US Air Salisbury Airport, filed
for Bankruptcy protection;
Reorganization in process;
Abandoned flights to BWI.
40. True Value Hardware Announced closure of
Isabella Street location,
Salisbury, MD. 03-04.
No. Employees Unknown
41. Office Max Salisbury, MD. Announced
closure February 2004
42. Helovet Pharma Northwood Industrial Park
No. Employees Unknown
Announced closure Salisbury
location March 2005
43. Giant Food, N. Salisbury Blvd. 75 Displaced workers,
Salisbury, MD. Announced closure 10-22-06
44. Super Deep Discount Drugs Located across from Giant’s
South Salisbury Blvd. location,
Announced shutdown 10-22-06
Displaced employees unknown
45. JV Wells, Inc., Sharptown, MD. Employed over 100
Largest Maryland Timber
46. Nanticoke Seafood It was owned by Booth
Fisheries, Rich Sea Pak
And most recently by Cape
May Canners who moved it to
New Jersey
47. Islandic Seafood, Cambridge Md. Dorchester’s largest
remaining employer.
The Daily Times reported
300 layoffs March 30, 2007,
and an additional 122 that are
to be laid off by end of 2007.
48. Brunswick – Bayliner/Maxum One of Wicomico’s largest
remaining employers
announced closure on 07/2/07
The Daily Times reported 180
Layoffs July 4, 2007.
Spurred by tax incentives from
North Carolina contributed to
Decision to move plant.
49. Americhem Inc. Marvel Road facility,
Northwood Industrial Park
Announced closure on
10-23-07. The Daily Times
reported 30 layoffs possibly
45 displacements