Dear Joe, I am writing you today on behalf of the "Koerner Family,"
We met them a couple weeks ago, at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Salisbury, Maryland. They were from Eldersburg, Maryland, but were displaced approximately 9 months ago from their home, due to a toxic form of mold, that's source may have been a seafood restaurant's dumpster. Apparently, when it rained, water runoff from the restaurant's property/dumpster would travel on the family's property and settle just behind their home.
The Koerner Family members were all affected with health problems, with the Dad's not as serious as the wife and children. They had to walk away from the home they were buying, leaving EVERY SINGLE THING THEY OWNED BEHIND. EVERY personal item and belonging were toxic and could not be taken, from furnishings, clothes, toys, etc..
Doors have begun to open, and a builder is constructing them a new home that is being built in Hanover, PA, with an expected settlement date of 5/25th.
This family has been living wherever they can, as they wait for the 25th. Hearts have responded to their need over this past 9 months, to help make it possible for them to survive. The Dad travels back and forth to his job as an electrician in Crofton, from wherever they find themselves living temporarily, so that they can continue to keep up with the mortgage, until they get into the new home.
Their home church, and another, have been helping as much as they can during this time. The Hotel is clean and not causing any additional respiratory stress, so I believe they would like to remain there if possible until they can move to the new place. Their immediate needs until May 25th, are dinners while staying at the Hotel, laundry costs (they only have 2 sets of clothes each that had been donated to them), and help with the hotel costs. Three Salisbury restaurants in the area have each offered a meal to the family that I'm aware of, over the past 2 weeks. Two men from PRMC donated a pizza party last week. They have only a small fridge at the Hotel, and no microwave. The Hotel is giving them free breakfast each morning, leaving lunch and dinner expenses only.
They came to the Eastern Shore because it was less inexpensive for hotels than across the Bay Bridge, hoping to stretch whatever funds that come their way to use for temporary shelter. They tried to stay in an OC hotel first, but the pantry in the condo they moved into had mold, and within 3 hours they were all affected health-wise, and were directed to the hotel chain's location in Salisbury instead.
Channel 2 news in Baltimore carried their family's story last year:
Mold Forces Eldersburg Family Out Into Streets Source:
Once they can move into the new house, they will be starting from scratch. They have no furniture, blinds, curtains, or any items to set up housekeeping. I've written to a couple large furniture companies in the area to see if they can donate anything "new" to them for the move to PA. They could also use new clothes, so they wouldn't be exposed to other people's home allergens, danders, perfumes, and laundry product residues.
The children have been able to be "home schooled" during this time, and the oldest son will be graduating early from high school, at the age of 16. He hopes to attend a Community College once they've relocated, and wants to be an engineer.
This is one beautiful family, filled with great peace and joy, in the face of this amazing hurdle in their lives. They are walking by FAITH, trusting God every day like little sparrows, for their very existence.
From reading your blog, I believe you have a heart for people, and felt led to share this human interest story with you, since the family temporarily resides within the Salisbury community's boundaries. The family doesn't know that I have contacted you. Julie is at the Hotel with the four children.
Once of the children fell almost two weeks ago, breaking her heel and elbow and has to use a wheelchair and crutches. They have so much on their plate right now, and I thought if the community heard about their plight, that doors might open to help with dinners at local restaurants, or funds to help them remain in the Hotel, from 5/4th through 5/25th.
I can be reached at 410-422-1266, at my daughter's home.
Thank you so much for your consideration of this story. Hoping you can shine a little light somehow on their situation, with those who read your blog, to help lighten this family's heavy burden.
Joyfully, Donna Nefferdorf