This has always been one of my biggest problems with Mayor Jim Ireton. He has already packed his bags before and left town.
Here's the deal. No different from Barrie Tilghman, spend $14,000,000.00 on a stupid Fire Palace, a warehouse for trucks. FOURTEEN MILLION DOLLARS, yeah, right! Then there was that $84,000,000.00 WWTP crap that completely failed and now they have to spend another $60,000,000.00 to fix it. There's been a LOT of talk about Barrie and her Frank Burns of a husband packing their things and moving to Florida.
IF the one commenter is right and Ireton is trying to bring in a rainbow community to Salisbury on the backs of the taxpayers, perhaps his attempts won't go unrecognized any longer but I think it's far deeper than that.
Jim Ireton is whoring Salisbury for no good reason. We have plenty of reasons to keep impact fees where they are. HOWEVER, if your trying to surplus expensive property to unload to ALL of your developer friends, (think about it, who else has the money to develop these properties) and then whore out the impact fees at a 64% discount it will take a few years to get the "Ireton Projects" completed and then guess what, they're OFF the tax roll forever!
Waterfront property that will never be on the tax roll, yet it's the most valuable property the City has. Jimmy Ireton is simply a pimp. He'll go on and on about how many jobs he's bringing to Salisbury but again when all is said and done and he's moved to Key West, he couldn't care less what he's left you with.
It's all about buying votes with your very own tax dollars. Cut him off at the knees Ladies & Gentlemen. Ireton has NOT flat out denied he's doing what I'm openly stating his intent is. He's been careful with his words but he has NOT stated there will be no section 8, affordable, subsidized housing units, OR whatever else or new word they've come up with to express what I'm stating it is.
I for one look at these local developers who have already BAILED out of Salisbury and now live elsewhere on the Shore. They knew what was coming because they were a part of it from the beginning. I plan on sticking around until I die. I don't TWIST any of my words, I tell it straight, love me or hate me. It is what it is but at least you know what's coming.
Jim Ireton comes from being a nobody. A school teacher who speaks well. He wants to be loved, he loves attention but when he's not feeling the love and or the attention he throws a fit. This community can't be serious about considering Ireton for re election, let's get real. This community is fed up with the lies and or twisted words. The end result is the same, something you really didn't want.
You people need to start lining up at my front door to get your tee shirts. Continue to show the Mayor and the rest of Salisbury that the BS is over. We, (you and I) are going to bring this community back together again and make things right. Before things get too far out of control, get your shirt, make your statement and let's at least get Ireton out of the way.
We had a bunch of hookers walking the street on 13 not too long ago, if you'll recall. At least their customers walked away with a smile on their face. If you think this whore of a Mayor is going to have his customers walking away with a smile on your face satisfied you've got another thing coming, unless your a developer. Remember, they're the ones getting cheap waterfront property and a 64% discount. Then they go home to other counties and never have to deal with what the future will bring you and I.
Jim Ireton will be the only one walking away satisfied with a smile on his face laughing at each and every one of us because he's using our money to screw us. These BS artists get their biggest thrill trying to get away with crap like he's pulling. Send Jimmy packing to Key West so we can move forward with business. I'll not be his whore. I will put up the biggest fight of his life.
500 new "Ireton Project" units in Downtown Salisbury! I believe we need to come together as a community and let those select few special interests know we're starting a non violent mini revolution AGAINST these kind of "Ireton Projects". You have someone ready to move in and truly represent ALL of US. Oh, they might kick and scream and call foul. The Press may even give them all the attention but one thing you and I have is a massive following right here on Salisbury News. WE can and will make a difference at the polls and that scared the crap out of Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook. Their petition drive CLEARLY proves they could only achieve around 400 local names after pushing it everywhere they could, including social media. Unfortunately for the majority of those people who signed the petition they had NO IDEA subsidized housing units were involved.
That being said Mr. Ireton, you wanted a fight, I'm bringing it to you. You've never dealt with an honorable businessman before who has no idea how to be a politician like yourself but has dealt with the likes of people like you for many years. I'll bet at least one year of my life I'm going to win this race hands down against you simply because I'm the same guy the majority of voters are. The only difference is, YOUR people do NOT scare me. I have thicker skin and I don't run away when people try to scare me. My past history PROVES I'll stand up for myself and others for what is right.
Come get your tee shirts Ladies & Gentlemen. It's time we start fighting back and save Salisbury. No more subsidized housing units on the backs of the taxpayers. The Obama Train will make its last stop right here in Salisbury, Maryland. I'll even let Jimmy toot/blow the horn.