In today's Daily Times, one Reporter clearly spent a lot of time getting detailed facts on the Foxwell Family, Jennifer and Tom, the Parents of Sarah Foxwell.
Here's what I feel about this matter. While they were spending so much of their time digging for a National Enquirer Story on the Family, I highly doubt any of MY readers had a problem knowing if all of the children were living with their Aunt, clearly there was some serious issues with the biological Mother and Father.
However, the Daily Times knows NOTHING about the real issues and guess what, I'm still not telling anyone. I do not owe it to my readers because the real story is an 11 year old child was brutally murdered. Could the murder have been avoided, I highly doubt it.
Anyone who has ever met Thomas Leggs can tell you, (as they have told me time and time again) no one would have ever suspected this guy was capable of such a heinous crime.
I'm sorry Folks but using this Family and today's story to sell their most expensive Sunday Paper is complete crap. Trust me on this one, IF the Daily Times knew the entire story, (rather than just court records) it would be one thing. However, they know nothing, (believe me when I tell you that) and although I could publish incredible detailed information, FOR WHAT!
Oh, I know some will come back and say, your just jealous the Daily Times out scooped me. NO, if you felt that way you'd be greatly mistaken and while the Foxwell Family reads this Post, they know that ALL of the information shared with Joe Albero stays with Joe Albero and does NOT get published.
Because they, (the Daily Times) has now become so predictable, next Sunday they'll expose the information of just how Sarah was murdered. Again, information I personally refuse to expose in any way, shape or form. Do we owe it to the community, absolutely not.
All I can tell you is this. ANY time anyone has come forward to raise money for the Family, I have been first in line to shut it down. If you want to participate in a fundraiser towards a secured trust fund for the children's education in the future, so be it. However, If ANY money is accessible to ANYONE other than the children, that's a complete waste. Both Mother and Father are not worthy of a single penny and that's all that needs to be said.
It saddens me that the Daily Times would stoop that low to produce such an article today. It clearly tells me they are desperate. The child is gone, quit trying to make money off such a tragic event. Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps I'm too close to this story. However, it is how I personally feel and let me close with this statement.
Because I know as much as I do, one thing is for sure, I will NEVER be the same. I would never wish on my worst enemy such information. I pray each and every day for ALL of the Officers and ALL of those who know what I know. I consider myself a pretty strong man who has stood up to quite a lot in my lifetime. This information destroyed a part of me I can't even explain or put into words. Time can heal many wounds but this one will last forever.
Again, I thank each and every one of those who volunteered, no matter how big or small. There is a whole lot more to what the Daily Times put out there today but just trust me, it's not worth discussing. These children have enough on their plate and I personally tip my hat to the Aunt who is caring for these children. Will it ever change their biological parents, from what I've seen the answer is absolutely not. That's the crying shame of it all. I hope they read this article and I hope it smacks them right in the face.
Move on Folks. Your money is NOT going to fix the problems they have. Start supporting the CAC, (Child Advocacy Center) and put good money after good money. Call your Delegates, Senators, Congressmen and tell them you want stronger laws against such heinous crimes and sex offenders and tell them if it doesn't happen immediately they will NOT get your vote. You want to do something positive for Sarah Foxwell, make that call or write that letter.
If ONE of you has children and YOU have not done so, think about what kind of parent you are. Then think about the fact that this would take very little time out of your life, yet make a huge difference for children, especially your own. Money is not needed to hire lobbyists. Shame on any Parent who doesn't make that call or draft that brief letter.